HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-03-08, Page 18x 14. •tVV. E HURON, EXPO:I r0R, MARCS 8►, 1.979 a right and ! n� • an ^ "^ -41kf.mxrx,,r• ,,r"fes a you.. money 1 Coming'Ev'ents ST. PATRICK'S Poe:e Seaforth Legion • Hall.'. Saturday, March 10. 19'9. :Dancing 9-1. Bluewater!P1ayT boys, Adntission $6.00 :per couple. Sponsored 'by Seaforth: and District Knights of Columbus, I«91x,1 FESTIVAL LES Open .Danc. Fri . Marck 1bth. Victorian: 1n ., Stratford. Dancing' .9-t:" elcome talk' singles mainly over 30. Celebrate $t, Patrick's Day, invite your married friends. 1-91-2 THE "'HAPPY CITIZENS" invite all Senior Citizens to a pot luck supper off lklunday, •March 12th at 6 p.m. in Legion Hall. Please bring food, dishes and silverware. Guest speaker and musical entertainment by Marie Flynn and guests. 1.91x1 WATCH for the Carleton.. Show Band on Saturday June 23, 1979 Sponsored by. :.-aforth.Lions Club, 1-91-1 An Evening, of Mus1c with DOMINION LIFE CHOIR 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, May .1 Northelde United Church, Seaforth Sponsored by Northside' Senior Choir Admission $2.50. THE ROYAL BANK in Brus- .sets is holding a farm meet- ing for all interested parties. at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday March •8: at the Brussels, Morris and Grey Arena in Brussels. 'Ralph` MacArtney, the beef specialist from 1 +l;ocvin Eyent.s. Ityrola County. Health.- Vnit. mites 44011 to , attend 'Child' Health Clinic Held at the Health L:nit Office, Medical Banding, Brussels on Tuesday, March 13,1979 Fron9:30.11:30 a.m. for: . 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Fluoride An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527.0240. 8n%t nix PRIM 519•52fiQQSq' ICE CAPADL1157! Kitchener Auditorium, SUNDAY, MARCH 11TH 6:30 p.m. Show Bus and Reserved Seat S11,50 per person SENIOR CITIZENS: Make your reservations now for a four day holiday at Scott's Oquaga Lake House. -Tour departs June 8 and returns June 11. Complete details and brochures. available Good Times Travel Agency, Seaforth: Phone 527.0050 OMAF' willbe attending,. ' ' Help Ter anted ;t toSether' with the Agri- cultural representative for the Royal Bank. The topics of discussion will cover. the beef industry as well as some forecasts and predictions in theother farm commodities. 1-91-1. `CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday, 8:00 P.M. 1st regular card 51,00. Re- stricted to lb years or over 15 regular games of 515.00: 55. 8 least on split. Many, other specia 2. specials. Jackpot 5.,00.00 niustgo.eat:h' week. 1=86-tf Bingo Every Tuesday Night at the VANASTRA CENTRE R.R.S. Clinton • 8 P.M. • First regular card $1.00 :- 15 Regular games of S15.0C 3 Share, the Wealth Jackpot 5200 must go Admission, restricted' to 16 years or over i-86-tf Seaforth :Manor regeires • egistered Nurse for Full or Part -Time evenings Please inquire to: SCOTTTHORNTON 1!,i•LO$E: 527-0030 4-90-2' R.N. Part -.time r RIVERSIDE'1NURSING 4 Help Wanted .-475elp Wanted 1 1. Articles For Sale 111 Articles For.Sale_ Proper!' olt Applic,>Yttons for the position of part-time Animal'Ortro 1O Officer ..., for .the TOwnshlp of Tuckersmith will be received by the rsigned until Friday, Mach, 1 6, 1979 Please apply in own handwriting stating qualifications,, and wages expected. Any additional information regarding this position may be obtained at the Township .office. • J.R. McLACHLAN, CLERK -TREASURER TOWNSHIP OP TUCKERSMITH: 4.90-2, Applications for the position of part-time Animal: Control Officer for the. Township of McKillopwill be received by the undersigneduntil 12 o'clock.noon' ` Monday, March 260,, 1979 Please apply in own handwriting stating, qualifica- tions. Salary to be negotiated with council. MARION McCLURE,CLERK-TREASURER TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP 4-91-2 CONSTRUCTION' FOREPERSON We are it design build contractor specializing In. Butler Pre -Engineered steel building. Our area ,of operation, includes Huron and Perth counties. We need a ,person who can.bulld smaller design.buiid.prolects. This person; should reside' in the area and have advanced through various construction lobs to'e foreman or:superinten- dent level. They, should have leadership ability. and:'ci desire to accept increased rotiponsibilities'as our com panygrouts if you are this person and are,interested In' this opportunity contact: MF BUILDERS St' I, D�E SG. EN R . S R.R. 2 Staffs, Ontario. Ph. 345-2611. CUSTODIAN required at Vanastra Recreation Centre, Send application 'Nino later than March 19,:1479x1`.6 Vanaatra Centre G.M. B 130' R.R.5, .5 . t�vr Ontario. R. , Cllr , 0 _ 4-91-1 9 1. DIRECTOR OF NURSING required for area Nursing Home. ': Candidate should have working knowledge of geriatrics and supervisory experience. Full time and relief positions are also avail- able for registered nurses. Interested candidates should HUMS submit a complete resume to 8 Farm,Stock' i INTERNATIONAL 12ft. DRY WOOD for sale; Phone Vihra .shank cultivator with 3 ,n7.6.467.. Q. bat mulching harrow', • 51,075.00.262-6418. i1-90.2. `bales, of Hay. 'Phone 5Z7 1197. 1190x2 s GOAD' quality corn insulage rt by the ton, Phone .27 1300. 11-90.2 7 Situations Wanted': •FREE 115.00. UNTIL ' w - MARCH 31st. If you'll ou'l1 hirer an :unemployed person. under 24. We'll pay S60. per week towards his wages. Phone: Canada Man- power .. 524-8342. and • ask about the JET PROGRAM: It's money in your pocket, ' 7-90-3: :TWO EXPERIENCED men available to do farm chores • daily or weekly. 345-2869. 7-91-2 Mitchell, 3484903: ' - 4.91-1.. F'.ery week more and nxre, people discover what mighty jobs - are acctim plishedhv loA• cost Huron Exp15itor Want Ads. Dial 521.024f Cl- assified :Rotes WORD COUNT Charges .. are basedon the number of words. Sets of numerals as tor serial nuittbers, street' numbers, phone numbers,'or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRS1' INSERTION * is words' $L.50 1.0e' per word SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS.• thereafter - o coychanges. N g s, se ' per word, minimum $2.00. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION -'52.17 per column inch, SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 51.89 per column inch. ..1Minim_usize in this category 1 V? inches Accepted in multiples of half inch:), BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE 506 per • insertion. BIRTHS -• 15 words, 52.50 10c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, DeathNotices, 15 words 52.50,' each additional word 10c. IN MEMORIAMS 52.50 plus 10c per line of verse COMING EVENTS --x-15 words $2.50, each additional Word 10e. Three inSertians for the price of 2. CARD or THANKS--- 30 words 52.50 eachadditional word 3e. 50C DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON 1N WEEK OF 1NSE1t1 ON No cant:ellatlon of Multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Tuesday Deadline for claadilBed ads It 12 Noon 'Tuesdays • Phone -527.0.240 the administrator. Seaforth Manor Nursing Home, Box 280, Seaforth, Ontario. 4-91-1 5 .Bus. Opportunity NICE PEOPLE are our most. important Asset. We are :looking, for .people who are self-motivated,enjoy; working with people and have the 'potential to run a business. Be an Interior Decorater. We will train you and help you to become a success in the. Decorating Field. For a personal Interview send, a resume to: BRADFORD -SMITH DECORATING CONSULTANTS Box 861; Greaten, ' Ont. - NOM IVO 5-91x1; WESTERN CANADA SCHOOL OF A'ICTIONEERING LTD. Canada's first, and the only Completely Canadian course Offered. anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, C366. For particulars .of the next course write: Box 687,. Lacombe. Alberta or Phone 782.6215. ' S=85•:x' 7 Situations Wanted ARE THE chores keeping you hbitte7 Let us deth nn for you. . Reasonable rates.. Phone S27-0908 or 5274153; .914 'TWENTY-FIVE pigs 45=50'. pounds. 482-7234. 8.91x1 OPEN and bred gilts for sale.. Cor Dorssers, 527-0656. 8-91x1 FIVE C oss-Bred :Du oc• r r Landrace Boars, Ready fol Service. John Janmaat, R.R.2 Seaforth, 527-0655., • 8-91x2. CHUNKS or sale. Phone 3452756. 1,000 bales of alfalfa timothy. hay, 482.9103. . 11-91-1 TO GIVE away, part german shpherd part husky, to farm home, good with .kids. 527.0813. , 11.91.1 500 bales of straw and an 856 international . diesel tractor with cab and . duals. 527-1167. V1r,C Hinson. 11-91-1. 3,000 bales of hay, 500 bales of straw 200 steel ,posts, Ross, Pepper, Lot 30, Con, :1. Logan. 345-2665. 1.1-91.-2 •VICTOR Tallymaster adding machine, good condition. 527-1428. 11-90x2 Pioneer' SEED CORN- . 0 520 and Banner alfalfa and Time mixtures.' COLEMAN Kippen, 262,5031' 14-86-6;. COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while; you wait. Letter size, '25. each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11;-86atf ONE harvest gold electric range. One .yearold excellent condition. Call 527-0859 or 527-0833. 11-91-2 FIVE piece -chesterfield. suite, like new 527-0091:. ... 11-91-1 GOOD bed with spring and mattress one short winter coat 6 good pots 55,00 each..) Phone Percy Adams 527-0422 ' 11-90x2 PIONEER. SEEDS S dC r Available 3978. 3977 3965 3901 3994. Alfalfa: 520• and Banner at $2.90' a lb. Quantity discounts' up to 19%. if ordered and paid by MARCH 20 See e your Pioneer' Dealer, HAROLD PRYCE, 527-1637 11-91-2, FALSE teeth, long under- wear? Expositor classifieds 'have sold almost everything. 8-91.2 Place your ad today by calling 5270240.'50 cents off wren you pay cash. 10 Used'Cars 1974 Ford Torino power steering, brakes 46,000. original miles excellent con- dition. Call 527-0859 or •527.0833. 10-91-2 1973 Chevelle Malibu 2 door, V8 350 automatic, one owner, good condition. 10.90-2, 3 used colored Televisions 20" in: good condition, Crown Hardware 527-1420 • 11-91-1 QNTARIO MOTOR League, 7 Rattenbury Street, Clinton is your one-stop travel centre.: 11-91-2 ONE. STROLLER and cat seat for sale. Phone'. 527-1684, " 11-91-1 WARM Morning stove, auto- matic thermostat, and 5 high back wooden chairs, Phone 482-7126. 11-91.1 GOT something to sell? 9000 people read the EXPOSITOR classified ads every: {week, Place your; low priced Expositor :classified at 527-0240. 11-86xtf' STRAW,. 15.00. large bales. Robert Kinsman. Phone 262-5480 or 262-5483. 11491-1' SMALL brown sectional in good condition 529-1951 after 5 o'clock, 11-91x1 YOU our . can get your , Hospital Medical Insurance a't. Ontario Motor '.League, 7 Rattenbury Street: Clinton. Phone 482-9300. ' 11-91-3 GESTETNER INK available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth 11-86xtf 12 . ante. o._ Uy WANT to buy' a fridge, a Ford or a phonograph? Try an .EXPOSITOR wanted to buy classified' ad. 527-0240. 12-86-tf 13 Wanted 50 Acres with house and barn interested party ' will trade:' house in Seaforth, plus cash. Reply to Box 3377. The Huron Expositor, Seaforth.: 13-90-2 WANTED: old brick buildings for demolition & 'salvage purposes: Contact. Ross Lumley, 1185'1Murphy .. Road;: Sarnia.. 13-86-tf t �'J GOOD used furniturw. '482- 7922:• , • 13-86-tf For Sale 14 Property For Sale 14 Property Ford Sale 14 Property For Sale • HOUSE in Blyth on Mill Street, close to school. Phone 523-9247. 14-89-tf PRIVATE Sale in Clinton: 2 bedroom, 1 storey brick house ,was completely in sulated in . 1979. Living, dining room, kitchen, utility room and bath. All carpeted, one block from ,downtown. For information phone: 482-7564. 14-91-3 PRIVATE SALE 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms; large living room, dining room, kitchen with eating area. Utility room, glassed in verandah. Garage, paved driveway, . Garden,\ , plus extras. 527-1313: 14-87-5 11 Articles For Sale HONEY FOR SALE: 2 and 4 Ib, pails. Apply Wilmer F. Kelly and Son Apiaries, 101 James St., Seaforth. 527-. 1023. : si-91x8"" KEY BOARD CLEARANCE Btty at the wholesalelev'l for 1 month only FEB. 22 TO !WARM 22 Save '3500.00' : and up on pianos, 5200.00 to $1500.00 on organs. Bank interest - no trades. IC SEA ORTHR 527.0053 Closed noon and Wednesday 11894' deed Grain >h Foundation Herta Registered Herta, Trent, Peguis Certified Trent, Bruce Foundation min Registered Elgin Certiified dgi>y, Garry, Stormont Wheat Certified G1enles Certified mixed grain made from the above vatietle : in the following mixes:. 4 as*Whenf, 20% 15%, 35% • 15% 45% 1st% 35% 50%. 75% Foundation Seafarer Certified Seafarer, Kentwood Oats 65% 50% 40% 65% 50% W Wti 1411 Rosebank forms Lorne Phone 345.2697 R.R.2, Staffs 2 Mika West of Staffa 1147.1' 40. kliffuMl BILL CLIFFORD REAII ESTATE BROKER: PICK UP YOUR FREE! PICTORIAL LISTING' BOOKLET - OVER 250 PROPERTIES • Appraisals a Properly Management • investments • Raslden,Ilal Farms e SuSMess • Presort ProPeProperties..... Lis# ttgs `Waited $ Main St - Seaforth Phoney 027-1511 Mema.r of The Huron) Roel Elisio Boa►# WHEN BUYING. OR SELLING CONTACT MIC FOX 523-9525 BETTY CARDNO 527-1102 1,4.8 ACRES - Hog; finishing, fully automatic barns to hold 850 pigs, barn 7 yrs. old, 2 storey frame house, 3 bedrooms, den, kitchen, livingroorn, 3 pc. bath, new •:: roof .8. furnace, oil heating, #160, SEAFORTH-Best Buy -Located close to everything Is this family, 5. bedroom home featuring 2 baths, large well-appointed living room with fireplace, plus many, many. extras, .All this: for only $37,500.00- BUSINESS : OPPORTUNITY -New : Sales Outlet, small engines, snowmobiles, .lawn mowers, etc; Excellent for a mechanic. Small engine repairs, Owner selling out due to Inness, has offered this as a complete package for $44,000, (includes all stock, • equipment), #431 SEAFORTH-What do you bid? -See this foto bedroom aluminum sided, well maintainedhome' today. Features formal dining room and; living room . with fireplace. Ideal for lawyer, dentist„ accountant, This home is: priced to sett, 844.4 MONCRIEF-School` house, converted _into a 2 bedroom ,home. Electric heat, dol t'ed well, 'h acre treed Iot. See this Bell Ringer s'pectai today. 0442 BLYTH-Modern 2 Storey -4 bedroom, aluminum sided home for ultimate living,•This family home has been completely renovated - rear cedar deck- double lot, Vendor open for offers and will consider a mortgage: 0445, a-AFORTH-Cute and cozy dem, tribes this compact 3 tied. difi,,fonie with fireplace in basement., Newt ;Wiring,',..f'lly insulated and new forced' air gas, furnace. Listed to:selfat 526,500. P.S. Adjacent lot " ;can also be purchased. N426 • CLINTON-Thriving; "Established Business -on main street •Tis elhmaintafned two-storey brick, This , commercial.buildtng can be bought separately, Or buy both, (Well establlshed:tootwearratail outlet% °iaas@ call Vic Fox for more details. 040, 14-91-1 EAL'ESTATELTD.• = Office 527.1577 SEAFORTH PROPERTIES "Priced to welly 2 bedroom bungalow, nicely decorated throughout, patio doors, located . on goodsized. lot. Mid ,'20's. 941,900.00 newly renovated I% storey home with 3 bedrooms, country sized kitchen, • entertaining' living room, family `-:room, broad - loomed, throughout. S44,900.00 Buys this single storey 3 bedroom; home excellently . maintained with single car, garage.' We have building lots to suit your needs. COUNTRY PROPERTIES 542,500.00 1 acre ;ofland., with 8 year old beautifully decorated„ home, :; has franklin'fire- • place. , ,4 ' , 536,500.001 acre on paved road with VA storey 2 bedroom, recently renovated, low taxes, ex- cellent .. location. "Ready for Spring Occupancy",Luxurious Raised Ranch, 3 bedroom, nicely located in . Small Village:, FARM PROPERTIES 5 acres of. Clay loam soil, excellentlylocated on main highway, Pig and Chicken set up with new hydro and silo. 1% storey home, 10 acres farm set up for pigs, 3 bedroom beautifully decorated home. Located on high- way. Priced; to sell. . 75 acres in McKillop Twp. Barn set up foe pigs With a, 2 storey home which has been recently renovated. 100 acres in Hibbert Township with . well .maintained house. 2 storey brick with 4 bedrooms. Brace Rathwell .Res. 482.3120 Dawn Ratbwei Res. 402-3124 Maureen Wtldfoeg Res. 482.3224 Wily Bunn Res. 565.5055 14-91.1 . Expositor Action Ads .Pit. 521:4240i FOUR bedroont home one. block from Main Street.. Phone 527-1312. 14-91-1 1'. 11. • Hit: e r 1 1 . itl-:.‘1.T1' L.1JhI'rF;l) 511 ACRES . In';:.M .ilio McK 8 p, 4 acres.of workable productive . land, VA miles north of St. Columban, MO buildings. 75 ACRES Near Walton, 8 acres of bush, modern home with new 'furnace, good barn, drilled well. ' We specialize In farms as well as other proRerties. JOE O'REI LLY 5.2465 . , or 348-8821--_ 1441-1 Additional I�as sof red. on next . r