HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-03-08, Page 1212 • E. titiRON ,EXPOBITOR, MARCH 81919 • • SPIKINGIHE BALL . -7 Susan McAlhster and Diane Wilson are ready tO 'spike the ball back across the net during the WOSSA lournarnent in London. The SDHS senior giris.volleyball* team won four out of their 12 • TrattheS in the tournament. , • (expositor Photo) 0.. • 0, • 0 0 Busy brooms at • ••. • - - ••• Ire BYPIWSIEtit•TWYNWM 6ontoone. 1134 told Plc Iwo years age that I'd be. seratching, around every o,eck for smite -0440g neWS tei write for the newspaper., hs -e laughted heartily. For starters, 'did not cert.dititt't know anyone wile -did, nod hadn't 004 the vaguest rnotatyieen4'.'Of how the Sante was 'flowerer, "Tempora mutantur.noS et Mutattlitr Ws'taS They say at the LegiOnl.1 am now a member of a curling club and an avid, if somewhat indifferent, curler. lr occurs to isle that somewhere in this area' there ttiky be OthetS. whit would enjoy the game. het de not play, Tis may be simply because they, are new to the district and, as yet not familiar with the available facilities; or don't have the brass to break-in becallse, perhaps, they !eta upon a. club as a kind of "closed $bor- Maybe, as 3 $0114 vearrookle,lcan help dispelt the*" WO:Ms and entice a "Pin the clUtt"'‘.- for a rank beginner. IOW IllYself. the Only advice 1 can Sive on learning to curl is Oil have a go" (as 4i4y 4y over 'mile). The the ory be- hind curling is relatively simple but I have Ino in tendon of going into any further explanation. certainly am not qualified on, that scere, and would tend to. confuse the beginner even ntore. flowerer, I do think it fair to warn prospective curlers of the weight of the curling stone; some forty pounds, which can cerne as rather a shock to anyone aa unprepared as 1 was), Also, at the start, it is easy to become overwhelmed by such terms as: 'the hack', "heg 4T4ine', 'an out -turn', 'an, inorn', 'off the broom'.s 'draw Weight', 'heavy`,. 'catch a wick', through the •fwo: large 13onspiels nt „'„...the--/Seaforth Curling Club last week kept the Ladies division. busy .organizinuthe catering and the bottspiel participants happy with the fruits of their laboUts, AVOW*, and ,stt. On. One Can O nly reStIlre ;tot to waste too • tint a trying to as- similate what it all means. it will siak time believe me. Just get en With the garnet The awesome sight Of two. maybe three. SemetimeS •coot four frantieallY SWeeping,...tearn members sliding ahead of the rock can b,e very disconcerting to a new comer. I must $ay this in itself all but stonted my early enthusiasm for the sport. 1 was quite certain I would never learn to sweep, slide or stay out of the path of my , fellow wo,eper, However, much to my aMaZerne0t, after SIPIrne advice and a little per'Severence, I seen lost my, initial nervousness. My advice if you can't keep up, keep clearl Get out of the way - fastl It will come with! 'practice. It his -been pointed; out to me. that it can take 5 years Or so to become a curler of any note. I hope so.. I rely. on this vital piece of information constantly .to; justify my mistakes.. • Most beginners receive & lot of help and encourage. ment from fellow club mem- bers. I know did and still do. Curling is a, game of etiquette as well as skill, and' theres a high, degree of good sportsmanship evident amongst most participa .nts. This can' overlap onto the - social side of the proceedings' too, Otie !off-icecustom seems to be that of a winner buying a loser a drink. Quite. a consolation for losing a different Styles, and have an, enjoyable day out at the same time. 'went on my first bgnspiel last year butmade the mistake of asking On questions beforehand and 'flying blind', t will never fergetthe feeling of utter fatigue .on the 8th end of the ,firat game when 1 discovered that we had two more end* to. play. It hadn't occored-to. that anyone ever played 10 ends. We always played 8, ends' on crib time didn't we? It might, then, be as well for a prospective bonspieler to enquire as to the length and: number of games they will be playing before rushing into it, 1 most say, however, that 1 did enjoy the day immensely (eventually) and was ex- tremely grateful to the girls wbn had !liken me along. I was quite blas(when I went. un my second bonspiel this season! I penned a few lines when I got -back from that first bonspiel, which may bring .back a few memories of "the first: throe" to others but shoot nqt be taken too, seriously by the new curter, Bonsp• lels here expected to ,buy the second I discovered the loser is round! Something to- be game 1 always thought until The Farmers Open Spiel sponsored by McGavin Farm Equipment of Walton was a great success -midweek with •'' a full complement a 8 rinks on each of the two draws. Following the completion of 3-8 end games per draw Neil McGavin was On hand, to present prizes to those - amassing the highest number of points. First place in the Early Drawwent to the team skipped by Rev. Ken. Innes, With Orville flOwer, . vicel Jim Bowerman, second and Doug Hemingway, lead. Secoild place went to • Ken IVIS\ore's team skipped by Daie Tremeer with Eric McIntosh second and Mert KeYs and Ken, Smith who took over as second on the • final game, Third: , Gord Pryce. Neil Dolmage, Paul, Storey and Rieney, Van Loott. The cons -Oration prize went to Gerry Hetherington, Bob Wilson. Brian Newnhare and Gerry Lobb. ' The winning team of the Second Draw were also dee- clared Overall winners for the day. This was the ,Ross Lovett team skipped by Bob Wilson with Bill Lobb, vice and Bill Fleming, second. Prizes for second spot • • went to. Roy Pennington, Mery McKay. Keith Elston and Bill'Sellars. Third: Ger- ald Smith skip with Jim Mulwhinney, Mac and Paul Dixon. The ccrosol- ' ation went to Ray Beuertnall. ,Ray Hilebrecht. Maynard Hoegy and Ralph SiernenS. On Saturday the Toronto - Dominion Flank. held their (''19th' Annual BonSpiel host- )''iltstk 1 ' sixty-four cutlers and eles •n additional dinner -guesti, Yearns were all made . up of Bank employees with rinks from Winghatn, Mitch- ell and St. Marys in attend- ance as well as from ferther afield. Dick Kirk skipped the winning team with Ross . "Frazer, Peter Wright and Frank McDermott. A• good day was enjoyed by all curlers and no doubt they'll all be back next year for the '20th Anniversary. : • A Ladies team skipped by Ann Cunningham, Lorene Dennorne, vice; Donna Wood second. and Joyce flilderley, lead travelled to 'Wingtrarn on Feb, 28th, They recorded a one win, one less game score and enjoyed the sump- . • tous surroundings tathe Wingharn Club facilities, IHL standings. Teams vvill be off 'aspiel- ing' during the next week to Players T G Ass. Pts. Bonspiels at Mitchell, St. Team w LD.Kennedy K 4, 9 13 Marys, Llatowel, Milverton Kings 3 U Buist 9 3 12 ,Governor-Ceneral Tankard Flyers 2 2 oo !. The first round of the Blues 4: 2; 3,McLeod W 6 3 9 t DL.I.3Brroontmee H 1 7 8K 5 5 10 all and Ottawa. Good curling to WingS play -downs be' held in Stars 1 2 2 p.tiulley H 4 2 6 Goderich on Sunday nett. Hawks 0 3 0 S.Wocks B 4 2 6 There is one and possibly • . ", • T.Stevenson H 3 3 6 two teams entered from the 1.11.L.PLAYOFrS SCORING: K.Hendeson K 3 3 6 Seaforth Club. LEADERS . B.Akker B 3 3. 6 The last major Bonspiel on • upcoming this Saturday • the Seaforth Calendar is I 10th. This ' is the popular P' Mixed Open sponsored by Fleming Feed.Mills of Clint- on. Get your aprons out again ladies! 'Mr. andMrs. A.Y. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Tom C,onsitt of Varna and Alice Gibb attended the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association convention held at the }Intel Toronto on Friday and Saturday. The cotwention delegates elected Jean Baker.. Pearce,' publisher of the Alliston Herald. as president of the associatiOn the first time a woman has headed up the organization. Highlights of the convention included seminars on libel and slander legislation; the election of the board of directora and a • breakfast at top of the C.K. Tower. Best newspaper awards in their classes were won by the Exter Times Advocate, the Goderich 'Signal Star. the Winghani Advance Times and the Clinton News Record, Thelma Coleman and James Anderson, the Perth County archivist. autographed copies '"of The Canada Companya book outlining thehistory of the opening of the Huron Tract, in Stratford im Monda'y. The book, which waS started in 1973, is now available at the Huron Expositor for SI 7'.50, a•copy." At the end of ,Aprit the price goes up to S20. • 'Walter Murray Of Sotnlyea visited many,of his friends in town last week, The family of Nits, Elliott F. Walters celebratred with Mrs'. Walters of Huronview her 90th birthday on Sunday, Her birthday is March 1th. 1979. • XS650-SF *SPECIAL' Your first ride Will COrtvirice you: this XS650Specialis like nothing you've ever ridden. It has the famous Yamaha vertical twin for reliable Performance and a .sleek, customized appearance. Came fall 'in love toda at.. ELDER ENTERPRISES SALES & SERVICE L 262.6142 14111NISALL • 0114Y4 When you know how they tP built • ' taken into consideration by a newcomer to the district is that curling is a good way to make new friends as well as getting a certain amount of excercise at the same, time, both of 'which we all need. • Since most clubs have ladies, mats or mixed teams, it is just as easy for a single person to join as a couple. Sociability also extends to the curling bonspieis. These usually run for one or two days, and are a great way to get to meet curlers from other clubs, watch a few .TuouGuTsow ATTENDINGiongsr 10, PO fICMS.RIP, .erack dawn be,. tree* are The air is crisp shines bright 1 tun* and W/V,Slt I'd Slept all oight. My .body AntreS with ,sInth and moans, 1, blame it o*,tim trillthg stonesr St. Marys 'bellea, are dresSetl and ready, The country club Makes one' quite heady, MtoMach's sick,. my,hamjs unsteady, Disaster' creeps through all my bones, I blame it on the rolling stone! By mice and men great plans are, laid, Our teams lacks fire - no score we've made. I'm quarter part in this charade, End six, our score now one alone We'll blame that on a rolling stone! My rnind'A, .•POYtt thta'Oghttsuspoml, t ',make it 010,144 Atte *hpuktgrs.., Atilt. tutr;:arm.* ,wori!titiehd, MY joints 40194 with ere and groans; 1 Wattle 11 0*1 .tho. ogling $ton..p.st A drink,.1 peed That.. drink! The horror now begins , shrink, "Bonspiels are fun", I start' to think. The ice is slick, the rocks are honed. A few more sips - rm stoned! (apologies to Kris KdstoferS410 So, if any of the foregoing has caught your interest and you'd like to find out more aboutthe, world of curling , accept this as your -invitation to "some on down" to the club sometime. Any in- formation you might need is readily available. Look us over and maybe next season we'll be wishing you "Good Curling!". Are you thinking of a New Home this year? ACT, NOWAND SAVE A BUNDLE See us today and let us show you the best • - • :Hanle money can buyt ROYAL HOMES LTD. 111111111114 Sox 370 WINGHAM Call: 357-2444 r - Write for Free Brochure NAME ADDRESS TOWN PHONE I HAVE LOT YES( ) NO( ) . , . Gots _ . UP TO ' $11, if)00 •00 DISCOUNT Foe LIMITEDNJNIE 4-iUDAD NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM ..=•1111M111=11111111111..M.M. 4 9' * ui Here's your opportunity to' on ti17 c at. tremendous savings. This car was driven' by a senior executive of General Motors and,hos lest than 6,000 km. (3,000 rriiles)k 1979 BUICK ELECTRA PARK AVENUE PONTIAC .4 door . . -Accent stripes , • •Power windows Dual 6.wa y power seat • Power door locks Tinted glass - Power trunk Side mouldings Floor mats Door edge guards. - Thick padded vinyl top Pulse Wipers Autornatic air conditioner Duat remote control mirrort Lighted visor vanity mirror -Outside thermometer Additional cost firernist paint Cruise control , -403 engine • .Tilt and telescopic steering • wheel .Chrome road wheels Vide, whitewalls • • .Headlamp on warning bumper -Cornering lamps '-Heavy duty battery .Four note horn • • -Speect 'alert and trip. odometer -Bumper guards -front and rear AM.FM Stereo radio with taPe waver and power antennae •Lic. No,. NTE311 • List paw! (N(W) '14,301.21, • 2,8012.5 oNLY$1 1,5()0 ao. • - • ' ..4! 2- or 4', wheel drive available . • . • . • Available' with full, tint*. fault -Wheel -drive and :automatic . trait! IN, smksion, - or regular . fourfwkieet *driiii and a i ' 3- or 4 -speed .mantial . transmission r'.0 • • ' • Available in.,..,lne . 6 .and VIPs, : - ..,,' -• '.*.'.".,. • Computer-matChed' ,1 braking systerr', Front disc and roar drunt,bralc, Osstandard *kiieavy-duty . front I 10— -‘t'daird on 4 -wheel drive* ,stabil,z* r bar steizt- ,.. . • , , - modeli.. . 6tint.JimMY ,... -,,i,,nno,' . •• . ... .. 4,.,,,04(0901,44, ' ' ' 3. JIMM1fS IN STOCK • 2 WHEEL DRIVE* . 79 GMC JIMMY HIGH SIERRA Custom cloth trim, two-tone beige paint, rear Live- '9,611.90 't seat, power tailgate, 350 V8, automatic, power DISCOUNT- 1,149.90 steering, power brakes; rally wheels, radio, deluxe bumpers, white walls, serial No. 508609 • (This price inctudas air tax and 1979 licomm. Salim fax additional) Thiols your opportunity to Olen* beautiful prestige iisztitznobile at a reduced taftift EE, Pcintliwiliiiittilillie HAMAtitillitekrialeimilimaz. Ottetitibt 52441,1 , • .19.GMC JIMMY HIGH SIERRA White and blatk two tone paint, custom cloth interior,' rear seat, floor mats, large chrome mirrors, 350 V8, automatic, power steering, - power brakes, deluxe bumpers, ground grip tires.' Serial No. 532737 „, 19 GMC JIMMY HIGH White and grey, custom cloth trim, rear Seat, power tailgate, floor mats, large chrome mirrors, 350 V8 automatic, power Steering, power brakes, rally wheels, deluxe bumpers, radio, oversize ground grip tires, Serial No. • $9,;„7,45 531844 • Aisitio Orlon Incitittio fr.Ight, Asp ca le sales tax end Mania atilitclio $8 462 ONLY • 4 WHEEL • DRIVE • , • List -.10430-63 :-,COUS17'.41.3115.05 --Imemeseimiumme ONLY $9#465 • LIST. '11,2111455 eiscoU t 45035 El Pontiac -hick -Cedilla GMC TRUCKS Hamilton S. mmilmorimimmitaimak Ooditrich 524-113911