HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-03-08, Page 11• BY NORA McCABE Prom the Globe and Mail. Seene One: Beier nez Louie and Lloyed'Eisler skate down the ice, side by side, angling 'toward the corner of the a d t I k ,rens, They on �. at each other as they thread their way through the other pairs practicing on the ice, Left, right. left, tight, left, right. Their legs_ pushpoWer ' fully as, they .accelerate.. Gracefully, they, reverse, skating into the corner back- wards, Lorri in the lead, • reachingback to- clasp her. partner's hand with that instinct that good pairs de- ' ''"velop. ' As they come out of the corner they crank up still more speed in anticipation of the exacting throw double axel, The newly crowned Canar, dian jynior pairs champions, stat itke trtnst Rodntnok e ]fist and AlextndercZaitsev,.the phenomenal Russian: husband -and -wife combin- ation that has won the world.' nix airs championship si times. The Russians execute the most dangerous lifts. and thtQws with a precisionthat makes the moves sem as safe as getting out of bed. Their speed and power are so. dazzling, that no one, it seems, can dethrone them - certainly not ;two l5 -year, olds from; rural Ontario. Kerry Leitch watches from. the stands as. Lorri and Lloyd. de one- :throw double Axel, then another' and another. He agrees that they skate with the speed and power of .the Russians. They do because 'Leitch, titett . east• at ' the Preston . ):=.retire Skating Club, figured -out how .the Rtissians. 'alter pairS ehamps. 'Sherri ',Baiter ;tt.orti's older sister) and w warl Robin Cowart. the el junior championship, as did'. his next Canadian junior champs, Josie France and Paul Mills, in 1977. In '197$:, Beier and Cowan won the - Canadian senior title; Lord. Won the ,Canadian novice singles; crown and, with their strokes to; achieve that awesome acceleration and speed; It's easy, really'. They open their legs wider, push- ing out; fromthe hip socket. All Leitch's pupils skate that way. That'sp art of the secret , of his. nc:ess. And Leitch' is successful, In 1976,.his C'anh'dinn i' ninr We're just catching up wtth "Figure skating in Canada is just •beginning to catch up to the Russians,,' says Leitch -warming to his favorite topic. "our .methods are so. an- tiquated. uated`. As far'as I'mq. concerned, we're just n d, starting to getto where the Russians were 10 years ago." Theain difference? The m e Russians: have a system They have eliminated' any guesswork, dissecting, the'. sport to cover everything from best ' body type to storking technique and skating h .Dots' modified to absorp knee.' shock from triple jumps. Like the Russians, Leitch, a heavyset 37, runnig •to' paunchiness is a tough task- master. A former baseball. player who played'for New York Yankee and St. Louis Cardinal farm teams, he ' believes in working his pupils until they collapse, then working them some, • more.leeyells, he threatens, he cajoles. He can be brutally a honest: He demands' s total commitment and obedience. if you dont like his Every, , 1rsday Evening U rh� Arena Sec#ot ... , . • 7:30 - 11:30 • COLBOURNE T PHO R ; OG APHIC'� 271 Bayfield Rd., Clinton Offers r5 _ ()lour Portrait SPECIAL. • . 1-8 x 10 2-5 x 7"s 8 -wallet -size for ori( y 24 .95 complete y COD 482-3578 for your appointment OTHER SERVICES- Custom Film Developing Custom Colour Contact. Sheets Custom Colour Enlargements To 16x20 A few wedding, bookings are still available; C011, Us For All Your Photographic Needs Appearing. Thurs kFri.f 'Sat PARADISE GAMBLER, Next ,'Gek. Mut*. Fri Sate ALVIN SHOES system, go somewhere else, If hefeels a skater has no realP romise, he'll recom- he sport. another "I have a great deal of respect for the kids and a great deal of feeling for thein.. .but training comes before friendship," Mrs. Eisler agrees: "We. appreciate the discipline, ,:, PP P Children need discipline Our., kids are brought up to speak when they're spoken Lloyd. Was xunne11t ; y � Canadian junior pairs and sixth in the world junior competition, Canadian junior champions .Barbara tinder- hill and. Paul Martini woo the world junior title. ')'his year, -Leitch skaters captured first and Second. place in both Canadian. Dov^ ice and junior pairs and next month Lorri and Lloyd, could very well Win yet Another world' 'junior title 'for the ,Leitch. stable, -in Augsburg;, ermany. "realistically. we !feel we definitely should be' in the m..dals," Leitch said. Scent .''two: The cant* bridge ,arena is humming,. with 30, skaters n; motion,. �,�m4? stroking, spinning. -'uial , D4 Leitch strides in, deposits an armful of records by the to" : Lorri: and Lloyd are intel- ligent (both arerneat;tl1e top. of their Grade' 10 classes), personable, wholesome'and, super -organized. They _also have that old young -old com- bination• common inelite athletes little mote : than children but used to the limelight: They do interviews regularly, pose for pictures so often. they known exactly what moves, make.. the best photos' and have;received' keys to the tovvn of Mitchell from the : mayor: They already have fans — one, Mrs, Clara ' Brown of Seaforth, k nits them matching sweaters every year. Lorri is the mouthpiece for the team, "Lloyd says he lets Lorri do the talking so she'll be the one to Catch it if she says something Mr. Leitch doesn't like, Mrs, Eisler Lio s y sten, them lumbers Soun ,d; Y e S like d w a dit* fetisergeant. el. Sellowits o n:at ill[ rte summorts the kids, "Da pia realize 'that :the top three girls in the V.S. junior •1 all nationals s l deck tri ' t 1- p,e lumps and the chaMpion did seven. triples, in her program. in- cluding a triple ant 4n4 ,a triple Lutz'„ HiisPup ils look sur abl f t.. y -impressed. Ater ,all, it was. only a year ago int Ottawa that Toronto'S Vero Taylor was.tbe tir$t'slater to land a triple: Axel .in competition': 'Lorri skates to centre ice. She starts to circle slowly, concentrating!. She steps for- ward onto her left tot. khan. takes off in a dout•letxel, She falls, She . oes. tliroti gh thie g estcreise again : "and falls. And again. Maybe 2Q times .Jllu''0�'�+�.•fdr+' THE ; ; Orr" ,,a1 ;;. L ICI' 'C— MON a fai: she tries anti rts..., Off in no i ; her &orner, t . a Lloyd is also. practising, ,dczuble.axels, He doesn't fall, ,but often lands tWo-f`oo:ted. , ' 1.01 01 watches silently,ly He knows today's pairs' skaters; roust be strung singles` skat- ers. good individual jumpers and spinners. After :a while, be turns. and Says the •xel is hardestfor often: the lump skaters to master because it is the only jump in which the skater takes off from the forwards foot. Without mak- ingexcuses, he explains, that. while neither Lorri pr Lloyd has mastered -the double axel ast'Single 'u they cando as. jump, it ndfolded pair tw. :ft bli;Comes and as goeas. Perhapshro, Russia: Canadian coac says, Lorri giggles. Lloyd nods and eats some more ice cream. Leitch. grins in de- light. ''Lorri lets Lloyd think he's in charge until he gets too smart. Then she takes control," he says. Thet conversa io n turns toe the upcoming junior championship. ,M'erch, 28 to P 31. Both teens says they are not nervous. It is ' their second time and they know what to expect. They .have been working all year toward. They a returnvisit insist they dont feel under Y particular pressure to win,' just because former club mates did,= "It depend on who the, Russians send," says Lorri. "And the East Germans, the. Czechs:, the Americans,''' adds Lloyd. ''The Americans are very'confident-.on and off the ice,".' says:., Lorri. "Yeah', they don't make mistakes;" says Lloyd. "You . should feel pre- ssured, Leitch growls: ".It should bother you, because'• last year you got beat by kids. who' shouldn't carry your boots: The -'U D.S. kids beat. Canadians: ' bctause Canadians don't think., they should win. You train on the approach that you've done more than other kids.. You'll have done your long program at'least300 times from start'., to finish, without leaving out one thing, by the time you get Gcrea..ny.A d You , v e done all that extra land training. That's meant to give yon confidence. . "We've tried to plan for all emergencies, tried to tigtire out 'everything that could gQwrong so you'll have done, it and: lou‘N - how to handle it under pressure.. That's . why we even talk about how to answer questions from the nneilia so. years ago. Both are plodders, struggling' to master new moves. Interesting, both catch en at the same time. And once they have learned a nt st e it as :'f it u,they execute i were as natural as breathing. "They are the easiest pair I've ever taught," Leitch says. "If they.bave...a.glaring weakness, it's that they try to be*too perfect; They're very competitive. Lorri's, strength is:thatshe is organized; she' s thought. everything ,out. that if someone asks wriu twn: Lloyd is consistent. Day in . hours,• before`you skate if you --and day -out, . he skates the don't feel you have tozin tot--sa e. The boy needs that . Canada's honor; y'ou won't ' He has to, be so good he s panic. You don't train for a luck -out performance, You don't win an hope." Scene Four: 'Lorri. and Lloyd are late for pratice. They dash . into the arena.. The other skaters are fooling around, improvising ex- . hibition programs tor their: annual carnival. Lorri' and Lloyd will miss it to go to, junior worlds.. They are. working on lifts, still a weak : 'area. Until Lloyd grew, they were too close in size and weight forhim to hoist her over his head safely. Leitch; aware of the risk, -didn't rush them: Lifts arestill trick Lorri y fell, before Christmas and was knocked! out. Lloyd has equally painful 'memories. If COMMERCIAI, HOTEL SE AFORTH BUSINESS AS. • during .our renovations FINE F 11 F'i\I': I.`"TH:I�'1 11\MENT eaforth Legion' Lorri lands wrong., he cati gets a knee in the groin. Again Leitch watches, "Two years ago when they won Canadian novice, people said they`d never make ' it because Lloyd was too Small. Hell. I'mnot a damn fool. l checked his gen es: His dad is 6 feet and chin 225 pounds., I threatened to' hang Lloyd. les been proven that if you hang a person by:. the ankles :eery day, he'll grown a couple of inches in a : year. Actually; Leitch says the fact that Lloyd grew late was an advantage, Because it was impossible to rush them,. thcy,learned each move pro- perly,. Blessed from the start with instinctive unison and• consistency; they have pro- gressed smoothly since they were'pairer More than six an. s Oat, two sito,,INca SUM. um. 1109 sat:Lsuit MATINEE 1:3I P.M. almost inconspicuous. 'He's the , fratne. The girls is the picture.,' Lorri and Lloyd skate down the ice side by side, , Their legs push powerfully asthey accelerate. Lloyd moves alongside, lifts Lorca to, chest level,. She does a split as she rises, then twists three times in . the .'air,: lands and they skate on: The move, created by Rodnina and Zaitsev, : is called a split triple twist. As ' they approach the corner, they reverse,'. skating back , wards, Lorri reaches back for Lloyd's hand. Rounding the corner, they once again open' their stride,p gickin _ up speed the same way the. Russian champions do before they do their finalthrow double axe(. Leitch nods in approval. Things areright on schedule., tion Every Saturday. at Blyth Memorial Hall 12 ry4;. - 10 each .1 share the wealth SlS) jackpot 60 calls every Sat at -8 p.m. STARTS FRIDAY MARCH -4th - 15th VERYONES IN -LOVE; WALT. pra,cuogl evon Hiorttio, the LITTLE ORPHAN [ AUTO1 r` Vit. Seaforth, Legion Music 'by: Silver Dollar Pan'cing 9-'1'.is* f _ niis/ONES vrRi ilEka 6TOI ILiNSONago merr_ Staras r'iiiriar Lunch Provided' [i1RCK tAP't toxin's COLUMN fO" • '111.00ritlA ' QfQUItX0 +rtttt,, T.SPECIAL SAT. IMARCIt` t Qtl':' I�AEK THEATRE ..,_,.. ►»,tit „ . ass: a best resort he will Ana the blade of Lorri`s skate 't a correct her imperfect takeoff: Leitch: calls Lorri and Lloyd: aver and tells themtut start running throughtheir free skating program, section by ' each section. He scrutinizes xe s e .ch tiny' detail, observing wryly that; the new stunt, a cart. wheel Lift, is not as polished as usual because Lloyd has dislocated, his lifting elbow arm -wrestling with a girl,, As the session continues, Leitch and his charges discuss tiny alterations designed to cor- rect discrepancies in their, timing. It is like watching a dance choreographer at work. "Many coaches scared • of teaching pairs,"' Leitch says. "Pairs are the easiest of all. It's just common sense onceyou analyze what is required in the moves, :it's like building. Yoe put Due block on top of another. Lorri and Lloyd are the easiest pairs I ever had, to. teach.," Scene Three: Supper at the Knotty Pine Coffe Shop, famous in the Cambridge: area. for ' its mouthwatering home -baked cakes. Lorri, .all. of 4 feet 11't, inches and 94 pounds incu ing full dentalal braces) is eating a salad. She's watching her weight. Lloyd, who has grown nearly a foot in the past year to a solid 5 feet 81 inches, and 140 pounds, passes. up the cake for. -a-;king-sized dish of ;vanilla ice'cream. •.Also present are Leitch and Lloyd's. mother, Bev. She's doing' the :driving that day: Three days a week after, school Lorri and Lloyd.. come from Mitchell and Seaforth respectively, about 120 kilo-- metres each way. They skate for three hours, followed by 90 minutes of off -ice training.. consisting of jogging 150 laps around the arena,;running lip and down thousands of steps weight -lifting Andes many as. 250 sit-ups. Leitch says skaters need strong stomach muscles, even more than strong- legs because . whhe n. they are tired, the stomach droops, causing them, to stroke improperly That's the normal routine, Before big competitions, the two move sato Cambri4$e tet, taair itikcsrt ictA a i-��, l "Agingu . .,,. They to shoesday" h�$8*Ur , .L th►Y DANCE St. Pa?rCks &o, Cm!Y C9!. ta Marchh U t� rr Music by Country T Y . e A $5.00Recreation-LUNCH i? S onnsorre by: Commi'ttee'- ..._...si Proceeds to Arena. Maintenance. JLe1aurant Por. Brunswick & Waterloo Stratford, Ontario Live Orchestra Every Friday and Saturday Night man and nc� LunchA wideselection of A la carte 'dishesfor a quick business lunch or rnore elaborate. items to' lingerand savor. Dinner Relax and enjoy ,a memorable dinner, the fresh -Halifax lobster are at their best. Have you tried our escargotin cream, parsley arid garlic. butter v Wed. & Thurs. we sauce. Week Nights (Tues., e ) feature a fixed rice menu— 3 courses and coffee $8,75 (children 54.50' Frida y -and Satur ay night dance to the Ken Varley le Y -Trio aden oyour superb food; What better way to s endra winter evening, "The menus - including brunch - are: ever changing and; never disappointing." Diane A Lynn.amok* t.ondon Free Press Oct, 27,1978 "Only in Stratford you say? That's right, however no cause to say "pity". An autumn Sunday in the tranquil and handsome community that includes' brunch at The Church is pure pleasure." 4 L ' Winston Colicas ' y . Toronto Sunday Star Oct. 8, 1978 Please phone tor reservations • (519) 273+3424. �. LTuesunddatayyBrunch to Friday Lunch 12:00 - 2:00 . Tuesday to Saturday Dinner 6:00 on Licensed byl.L.B.O. You are invited to attend PECIAL GOSPEL SERVICES continuing nightly (except. Saturday} 8:00-9:90 p, m at, SEAFORTH DISTRICT' HiGH SCHOOL tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Speakers: MR JOHN`:SLABAUGH' — Uniontown, Ohio, MR. GARY SHARP -. Midland, Ontario' The time-honoured historic Christian Gospel is still relevant to our times. In our age of uncertainties, the Bible's message still meets :. mankind's basic need forforgiveness and peace. The Gospel is good news, Christ,. the son of God, entered this world to bring us a real and eternal salvation. He died for our'sirrs, and He rose again to make good all of His promises to those who trust Him. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; that not of yourselves: it Is the 'GIFT OF GOD" (Ephesians'2:8]. M44CN Special TF1 .LARGE. SUBS . :MUM SUS Coke or Gb gora e' with every pizza! $1.50 75t *of a)isiii•Raail•saeM•••••i►•a•iiii•iai•ro Puke,,turnovers' ' Pizza Rolls • la" Perty-Pizza MO10 BfW ►eaforth