HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-03-08, Page 9APPL-E, A DAY --- T1114:young lady makes a •
purchase at the .recent Hullett Central School
nutrition sale,
(Expositor Photo)
Mr.. Don Darrell of Clinton
was guest minister. On
Sunday morning at
Londesboro United Church,
;Greeting was Bob Hunking.
Ushers were Don Reid, Chris
Roberts, Kevin, Tamblyn and
Kevin. Fothergill, Following
the call. to worship, a Gospel'
hymn sing was held with
-organist Louise' McGregor
the choir anthem was "Balm'
ingilead" with. Ruth Shad-
mori wart 1.4P tables of
eoehlre 'in. play on Tuesday
evening, February 27th in
:the Walton Community Hail,
:prize winners were; High,
Lally - Mrs, Dave Watson,;
Low Lady • Mrs, Alvfn
McDonald; High Man
ford Ritchie; Low Man -
Torrance Dundas. Marked
tap - 1vlr,. Stanley H.itlen,
Birthday nearest to date
Mrs. Alvin McDonald,
f ostesses were Mrs, Nel-
son Marks, Mrs. Herb
Travis. s,. Mrs. Ken McDonald
alta, Mrs Stewart
There will be another
euchre .in two weeks, every-
one is welcome.
dick, Choir leader the
Children's time was "Mr, be
you Jesus? Jean Kennedy
was Junior Congregation
The message was 'the.
value of prayer,
The flowers onthe
memori al stand were placed
in loving memory of. Lenore
Whyte, who died 1 year ago
`March 4th.
Messengerswith their
leader Brenda Radford met
e1 s St. Lucia
Life on the tropical ,island
of St'. Lucia: will be a little
easier :next.,month after the
assembly of a solar energy
refrigerator, designed ' and
built : at • the University of ...:
Guelph. 'Engineering profes-
sor Frank Theakston develop-
• cd the plans for the low-cost
Unit—"after . being commis
4 :stoned by the Guelph' Rotary
Club to survey the needs of
the people of St. Lucia,
• The island villages have no
refrigeration at present. says
Prof. Theakston, because of
the high cosi of "diesel
generated electricity; The
first solar energy refrigerator
will: be.assembled in an
island co-op for testing, but
each. village may ultimately,:
have its own µhit. Funds for
the project were supplied; by,
the Guelph Rotary.Club and
the Canadian International
Development 'Agency.
The, walk-in . refrigerator
unit measures 8 x 8 x 12 feet
and Includes both a freezer
;section at -23 celsius, and a
cold storage area at 1°celius.
Solar- panels collect heat from
the sun topower the unit's
absorption system. Cooling
is accomplished by boiling
Freon 12 gas •'off into, the
evaporator coils...A constant.
temperatures is .maintained
v overnight by the ' refrigera
tor's own holding ability.
The ,,absorption system is
reliable in tropical areas Iikc
St, Lucia becadse the sun
shines every day, says Prof,
• Theakston It would not be
practical for less sunny cli- •
mates unless the refrigerator
were equipped with a convex"!
tion al compression -type
stand-by unit. While Can-
ada ` isn't likely to offer .a
market!; for Prof. Theakston`s.
solar energy refrigerator, the
design has attracted the
attention of, government and
social agencies that operate
in tropical areas,
On January 8th .Marie'
Flynn came to entertain tht
residents of Huronview with
some old-tyme music,
Mrs. Prouty and Mrs.
Finkbeiner come regularly on
Thursday of each month for
Bible Study. Regular church
service is held on. Sunday at
9:30 ant, Rev. Btoadfoot of
the Anglican Church comes
once a month for Cotntnnnirin
white Roman Catholic Com-
munion is held every' Friday
morning with .Father', Hardy
sidents with a variety of
numbers and some readings:
Marie Flynn, with friends
Warren Whitmore, Lorne
Lawson and Hugh }lodges,
played a medley of toe
tapping music on Monday,
'January 22nd.
Miss Amy Love of Toronto'
spent last week with Mrs. J.
Broadfoot. Mr. and Mrs..
Dave Allison of London spent
Saturday at the same home;_,
Mrs. Viola Kirkby re-
turned home on Sunday from
a holiday in Florida.
KNOWN. _;w�
Peter Bakes'
527-1 98
CHURCH NEWS St dtrYr ,1 ►kch 4 during the
Newly -elected Elders, Hay •reguIlltr Worship service at
Huether and Bruce Clark and! Puff"S United Church,
recently elected Stewards, Waiter,'
Alvin McDonald,, Duncan Representative to. Pres -
McKay,• er1?! Traviss and; bvtery is Allan Searle with
Ian Wilbee were inductedMargaret Craig the alternate,
into their responsibilities on Church and Sunday School"
Aunty uAccessories to, visit
Seafo rth , shoe store
The Aunty•, Accessories: purses. Later on RF►embers;
4-H Club met in Winthrop were shown the method in
United Church, March 1st which to sew a hem called
when extra help was given to the slipstich;•and how to sew
members in eomplepng ana flat -felled seam.
accessory for achievement A trip to the Hetherington.
day to be held on April 10th, shoe store hasbeen planned;
The topic of the meeting was for Wednesday, the four
the selection and the care of teenth of March.
in. Sunday schoelroot=
during church.
• The . service was held, on,
Friday, March 2nd, Helen
Lawson welcomed . all, the
Prepared , service, on
"Spirtual Growth" was fol-
lowed with Helen Lawson
taking the leaden part.
Scriptures were read by Ad-
die flunking, June Fothergill
and Helen Alexander. The
prayer was given by Hattie
Wood, a solo was sung by
Barbara Bosman with Gail
Lear at piano. The voices by
Elizabeth Lawson, Betty Hpl-
ley, Dora . Shobbrook,
Heather and Nancy Fother
1' gill. m'.
The offering;was. received
by Margaret, Goody Speaker
was "Alice . Davidson with
theme "prayer" Lo I am with
you;alwaysask and it shall be
given you meeting closed
with the hymn, "Make me a
captive Lord, Gail Lear
thanked Alice` for the talk and
presented her with a gift and
thanked all who took part.
The. Explorer girls with
their leaders, Margaret.
Wright and: Jane Hoggart,.
laald' their tobaggon party,
• February 24th at Burns
Cemetery " hill. Afterwards
they returned to the church
for hot dogs and hot
chocolate prepared by Lena.
Nesbit. and Irene Bromley:
On March 1st, Explorers
met with 19 members pre-
sent. Cheryl Hulley and;
Brenda Nesbitt explained the
Explorer Emblem.
Carolyn Dougherty gave
the Explorer picture, Mrs.
Wright conducted the World
Day :of Prayer service which:
wase called "Growing
Together". The ceremony of
Stars was held with all the
girls receiving, their.; second
star for the 'Explorer year
Games were played, meeting:
closed withThis is my Father's
World and prayer.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Colin Pater
son of London 'visited on
Sunday with her parents,
Mr., and .Mrs. Bob Burns.
Mrs. Burns returned home
With them and was admitted'
to. St, Joseph's Hospital' on
Monday for surgery .op.
Tuesday. We wish her a
speedy recovery,
Congratulations to Mrs.
Joyce Kennedy onthe births
of her new grandson born on
February. 26th to 'Mr. and
Mrs.` Don Bartliff in Clinton
Public. Hospital.
Mr, and Mrs. Bob Thomp-
son visited on Tuesday with'.
her parents,. Mr.. and Mrs.
Wm. fiamilton, Moorefield,
'Weekend visitors with Mr:
and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook on;,
Saturday her brother, Roy;,
Vodden of Bayfield,"who:'.•
spent the winter months at
Camptown,: Merida and. on
Sunday his sister,. Mr. and
Mrs. Pere Gibbings, Clinton,
The Womens. Institute
Family :Health Meeting will
be held on March 14th at 8
p,m. Roll Call your favorite
home remedy, The speaker
will be Mrs. Bruce Shilling.
low of St. John's ambulance:
The W.I..Card party will
be on Friday, March 9th at
8;30, p.m.
• ' .. µ,..y. .fr.rwN V mm. i4v
fl r f r: :�!r" ... {yf r 9y,:f f,' !r/• f r f r r rr r r r r y a..
/i/%lr filr/" � r/, �.r. f`, !fi ,i�r;;Srr/%fr%�/;r. �?,Ff% ���.'f•.'y!::. �in?jlry .�., {. :.. ff.<. r..: .!{'.-.
/:',y:l/,.+Su r,..ro{%�h ..lf. ��/r''.r�r./f?5.:/, r•..n �nr .: f f./J.! •. / ...
w., u■
•s 'fir- .
Big`4ft`.,iY$ft. 'ft;
Ad'cI value too your home "
,art rnt t :C
cedar closet! .
With just a hammer and Saw you:
can have a fragrant; truth:-
repellent cedar closet tomorrow,.
Just nail G&K Cedar Closet'
panels to present walls, No
matching no finishing. Bring in
your closet measurements, we'll
supply panels and eatyinstruc-
will bi th be at 10 am. this.
coming Sunday, 'following a
pancake breakfast from 0-
9:30 a.rn. heated by the
official board.
Church Service will. re*
sunie at the usual time 11
a,m, the following Sunday.
Mrs, Karl Schuessler,
Brodhagen was guest
,speaker at the World Day of
Prayer service at Duff's
United Church on; March 2,
The theme for the service
Was , "$pir.ittia1 Growth"
which was prepared by
students in the Pan African
Leadership: , Course for
women at Mindolo
'Ecumenical: Foundation,
lCitive, Zambia.
Mrs. Don McDonald took.
the leading'part opening with
the Spiritual Growth followed
by prayer. Hymn, "Krim -Ba
Ptah" was sung, with irks'.;,
Lavern Godkin as pianist ..
Scripture: 11 Peter 1:2-8 was
read by Mrs. Merton, Hack -
well, Leaderread. the Growth
in Knowledge followed with.
a responsive reading, Scrip-
ture; Ephesians 2: 4-10 was.
We ,
read by Mrs. Campbell.
followed by the leader
reading"Growth in Faith",
ll n, "My faith y fat h looks u p to
Thee" was sung.followed by
New fe
prayer^, Mrs. Jobb Hutch
readswaptut`e tom
Ephesians.1 11 2 , .Cirs th
in Hope Was read by leader.
Mrs. Neill .MeGavin wised!
Luke 4: 18-19 as a basis for a
conservation period. Prayer
was read in unison. The
hymn, "God' the Fatherw
Father God" from the ser
vire sheet was Sung.
Growth in Love responsive
reading based ori i 1
Corinthians 13 was read;: by.
the leader #end
?Mrs• Murray :Dennis u#niu-
diced the guest speaker,
Mrs. Scbuessler took as her
topic. "We axe fiat grown up
Yee*. keeping with the theme
"Spiritual Growth" We can
grew in knowledge love and
filith, we can grow to the very
'end, The speaker was
thanked by ' Mrs. Ken
NI[Ponal:d, Hyroo, "Come
r. let us sing of: a. wonderful
sow 'Ow
wbi�eit, > to help w
work of the Women's. Intel
Church Council of Caned*;,
Followed by. the Lord..
Prayer. Rev.. Baker ;closed'
the service with prayer, A
short business period fel-
lowed preceding lunch.
A social half hoar was,
enjoyed. when. the ladies
of the McKillop unit served:
muffins and rnffee.
dire damages old
Leadbury $C 001
A fire Saturday afternoon damagedthe
former Leadbury school, now a private
residence , on Con. 12 of McKillop:
Irvine Bowes, the Blyth fire .chief, said ten
Men from his departmentresponded to the
call, Th Seaforth fire department's tanker
thick was also called in to fight the blaze,.
Mr. `Bowes said the school'sowner,
, Stan
Collier of Scarborough, forgot to turn the
electric heateroff in the bedroom of the
house before returning to Scarborough on
The heater eventually set the bed on fire:
and a ,neighbour passing the school saw
smoke and turned in the alarm Saturday
afternoon at 12:30 p.m.
Chief Bowes said fire damage 'in tbe,
school was confined tattle floor and walls of
the bedroom.
The rest of the buidling sustained :some:
water da age.
dame e
[} saidd' heestimated'Bowes
the building at approximately. $2,000,, Mr:.
Collier was in therocessof remodelling the
school. p
hild Tax Credit
You maybe able to claim up to $200 for
each child in your family --depending on,
your family income:
If your family income is less than $18 000
per year (that's the net income of both
husband and wife) you, wit qualify for the
full $200 for each eligible child. If your
family incdme is more than $18 000 you
may still qualify for a total or partial
payment, depending on the number of •
children. :
The application form for the new federal
Child Tax Credit is enclosed with your
January . family allowances: cheque. Read
the instructions carefully then fill in the form
and send it along with your completed 1978
Income Tax Return and your statement of
Family Allowances.
If you need help, your nearestHealth and
Welfare or'Revenue Canada Taxation office is
there to assist you; Some private firms can also;
assist, but charges for tax discounting services..
can be as high as. 15°I0. Try not to use them
I 1
Health and Welfare `Sante et Bien -etre sectio
Canada Canada
Monique Ugh), lMl'ifister