The Huron Expositor, 1979-03-08, Page 7PIJELIC. SPEAKING' WINNERS. Brussels La ion member.. Ted Elliott Wendy Kloss:. of Seaforth who won third, 4anet Mulholland of Goderich who :won second and Mary Luanne. Clare of Wigham who wan -first at""the zone ,..;.:»: publio speaking; ccmO,etition at the Brussels, Legion .on :Saturday, Standing to the right is • Howard •Gar.rolt ofthe Gpderich legion. {Photo. by •Langl:oisO • GRADE 7 AND 8"WINNERS - Howard Carol! of the Goderich Legion stands beside public speaking winners from left 'Natalie Campeau of. Wingham,. First; . Nancy Overholt of Zurich, second; and third place winner Jim Groothuis of Seaforth at the zonecompetition in Brussels on Saturday:; (Photo by.Langlois) JVNIOR GLASS; WINNERS (Froth right) Sharon Langdon of *MICR was first Mary Morrison, of St. Marys, :laced second and Keil} Y ap Y Schreoder :of Zurichp .:laced third in "the. junior • class of public speaking at the competitions: held. on Saturday in Brussels. p s Bakers BY WILMA OKE Two Seaforth boys walked off with the top honours in the elementary school' division at the public speaking contest held Wednesday night sponsored by Seaforth Branch No. 150 of. Royal Canadiark•Legion. In ,the junior division, David •MCLlwain, 11, ,a grade 6 student at Seaforth:' .Public School: placed first over eight other speakers with his talk'` on' -"Making "'a Pita Yard Rink." Runners-up' were Pat .Cronin,: 11, of Dublin with his speech, "Trucking'= -and Linda Van Dyk. 11 of RR 4., Seaforth; speaking on "Riding theSchool Bus," Top winner in the senior :classes was Jim Groothuisr. 14,, a Grade 8 students at Si; James School, Seaforth, speaking on "My Paper Route." Runners up were : Sandra Hunt, 12, of RR. 4, Waiton'' speaking on Cheese and Kathy Van Nes, 12,:R11 1 Ethel with the topic) races. (Teeth). Other students were: junior. grades - Joan Binnendyk, RR 2, Kippen, Year of the Child;. Janet Hoggarth; RR2, Kippen, Embarrass- ment and Frustrations; ' Mary Maloney, Seaforth, 21 in the Family; Danny Van Loon, RR 2, Kippen; Florida and Christina' Van Nest, RR 1, Ethel, Beiing in the Middle of the, Family. Other students in the senior gradeswho spoke were; Paul Janmaat,'RR 2, Seaforth,: Diabetes; Nancy Louwagie, RR 3, Mitchell', Safety; Kim Swart, RR 4, Seaforth, Pope John; Pale Turnbull, Egmondville, Walt Disney; Estella Wilson, RR 1, Brueefield, Year of the Child. Schools represented were Seaforth Public,. St, James School, Seaforth; Huron Centen- Mal School, Rrucefield; St. Colurnban School and St, Patrick's School, Dublin, A brother and Sister team took the public speaking honours • at;:Seaforth District High School. • - Wend y Kloss, 16, of RR 1 Brucefield, placed first in the seniorgrades. A grade 11 student,she spoke on violence. in nursery rhymes. Rick Kloss, 15, a grade 10 student spoke On commercials. The four first place whiners:; will speak at the Legion Zone Cl public speaking contest in Brussels Saturday In the junior secondary finals, Rick ,Kloss placed first. He is now eligible to speak at the Legions District .0 finals to be held in Hanover on April 8. Jim Groothuis placedthird his category g ty at Brussels. Wendy Kloss placed third, in her, class in the Brussels competition. "Birthday Greetings" to .. Mrs. Minnie'•:Hawley 'who celbrated her ninety-third; birthday an Saturday • at Manor. A party, was arranged for her with two of her longtime friends Miss Bessie Davidson and Miss Ethel McClure attending along with other .friends: A -» large ' decorated cake - .was sentto her by her sister Mrs, Susan Hutchings of California' and also;. flowers from her"nieces and nephew. Later in 'the. day Mrs. Edith Baker and Earl McSpadden visited ` and also on . Friday; . . Mr. •and, Mrs. Sam McSpad- ' den of Norwich called on their aunt, . Hawley 9 On ' Monday Miss Kate Laverty celebrated her birthday andhaving tea and. cake in the evening with her aunt was Miss Rita Duncan of Seaforth , Many congratulatory greetings were received. by both Mrs. Hawley and Miss Laverty. Pastor Yielding and ladies of Bethel Bible Church visited ,last Wednesday "and' special, music. was provided by Mr. and : Mrs. Lobb of Clinton. It is a joy to hear their fine renditions in song and thirty-two residents at- tended the service. We we - clouted Mrs. Rapson back as( we always .look forward to hearing her sing. Rev; Yielding had a timely mess- age for all and following the service refreshments were 'enjoyed. On Tuesday afternoon re- sidents e sidents . viewed two films. ".Gooscap Country"ands, "The, tinspoilcd Land". Mr, Rick Fortune operated the projector for Clive' this:. week with a number of residents remembering .Rick when he was a member of our staff a few years ago., Shuffleboard' winners. on. Tuesday were Mr. Chas Ross t and Erle Dow while last Mabel Clark of Bayfield Thursday it was Emil visited her father Mr, Erle Dow: Mrs. Jas. Shertre.ed visited :with James. Shortreed. Hermansen and Erle Dow: r. . Bingo .was held last Friday 'i'tfternoon and winners were Margeurite • Shill, Wilma Brill, . Doris, Wills, Verna McClure, Isobel Lamble, Chas, .; Ross, .If arold Walah' and Emil Hermansen. High Scores :for bowling last Thursday went_to Mr. Bert. Hendy and Harold Walsh. Visiting with Mr, Wilber Keyes wereMrs.. Keyes and; Mrs. Grace Chapman: Mrs. Seaforth' Manor Residents were saddened to learn of the passing of Mr. Thomas Churchill who died suddenly on. Tuesday morning. Tommy. was' a long- time .resident of the Manor and kind' thoughts are with his sisters at this time. ►�1 One size PANTY HOSE Palmolive 24 oz. ■ Bic Lighters ■ 99 Rubber Gloves • •. Ironing Board COVES & PAD Pink oil Blue Small=Med, Coffee Mugs Art Only aM14,2ac.h'' Royal Albert Paragon Scott' Paper Tovwels. white or 00 yellow 2's ■' Playing Cards a 77 Everyday Gift Wrap Ensemble. an Face Clothes 2/.89 Dish Clothes 3/.99 Cups & Saucers Bone China: .99 only ,ca Keating Seaforth .q Ltd ' 527- 0b- 4 ,..ataaLat tataa...mai.:::, x,•.e,' ... ,.j, a$""t�' THE HURON EXPOSITOR' r11ARCH Is Ki lbarchgr H or 'BY MAIM Wednesday we had our weekly Chureh service when Rev. Robt, Roberts,. Egmondville United C100 game and took the .service. The meeting opened with the singing of 'What a• Friend we Have in Jesus,,' With. Rev. Roberts .at the piano. Readingfrom the Aid Test- ament Ecclesiastes, the 'book of wisdom' also St, Luke, Chap. 10 which tells of Martha and Mary, The speaker spoke on these si$- teers, Martha had the' house" and Mary had the "home," Martha prepared for visitors while Mary had the ministry of listening, to the still small vole ,of God. There are two, parts iin life and Mary took. the best part. He told of the "Ministry of Prayers and used as an example a "Nun's Prayer" which is in evidence in his. Officewhich was found in a convent three hundred years ago. "Lord, 1 am, getting. older and: some day, 1"li be old, Make me helpful: but not bossy, A few friends When 1 am old, Seal my lips from pains for growing humility.. Keep me sweet. 1 may be mistaken sometime4. May 1 see talents in other people for those in ' authority. Put new meaninPs in .nl+r lives SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED .. OVER 50 YEARS: Clinton-Seaforth. Arca Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street Clinton 482-9441 The meeting closed,. with, Prayer. followed ,by a snack lunch and, socia time, 1 recently found ;a masii.. ,on the contained of a scented candle whieb appealed: to me. 1 pass ill on to mY readers, "Caring, and Shar- ing are the secrets of living." Qur latest resident is Henry Trailers, Orangeville, Mary Pryde Exeter visited Kilbarchan recently. Thurs. is ;Bowling bay and Ruth Mouer took Sally Sillery, Lucy Bushie, Mattie Alto to. the local Bowling Alleys, Clarence Jackson had high score. Tuesday, I joined severaii of the residents in a game of euchre in the dining room pray Jacit Tiernay and 1 won 1ho first game but elver McKay and Clarence Jackson ,even- ed up in the .second, '011ie, McDonald: carne 'fora ;game of bridge but there weren't enough players for a game, Sorry! T ;think a game is planned for next week. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Turner have moved:, :front Zurich to Sayfeld. Visitors,. With Oliver Mc- Kay, Charles McdKay, Sea - forth. Mel Glanville, en sail. Lorne Webster, Varna,. drummer of the Bannock- burn Pipe Band. He took a large mouth organ from, a: boa and played some lively tunes for i5liver. I"m sure'he couldn't -keep, his feet still; fromtapping, Established 1876 McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURAN,CE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE: 10 MAIN ST,, SEAFORT# , ONT., Mrs, Margaret Sharp. Sec, Tteas., Ph, 527-0400 FULL COVERAGE Farm and, Urban Properties. Fire, Windstorm, Liability, Theft Various Floater Coverages Homeowner's, -Tenant's Package, Composite Dwelling DIRECTORS AND ADJUSTERS }ten Carnochan, R,R, 4,.Seatorth Lavern Godkin, R.R.il1, Walton ----Ross Leonhardt R.R.$1, Bornholm -- John McEwing, R.R.k1, Blyth Stanley Mcliwain; R.R.42, Goderich Donald McKercher, R.R.#1, Dublin John A, Taylor, R.R,lt1, Brueetield Trewartha, Box 661, Clinton _Stuart Wilson, R.R,Nr. Brunetield 482-3354 • 527-1877 Sas-223 523-9390 . '524.7051 527-1837 482-7527' 482-7593 527-0687 AGENTS James Keys;, R.R.41; Sealprth 527-0467 Wm. Leiper.' R.R,01, Londesboro 523.4257 CALL AN AGENT OR THE=w;OFFICE for every lead that results in a sale of .a Myers water softener/ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT TOM DUiZER AT .523.-4359, LONDESBORO ONT.. 6 -.....-- WM UNE ..II IN 'a .10 St .111.**** 011i: 1. r' � \\"�\\'ti` VALUABLE COUPON S\ \ S S :NAME .... ..... ..... .•.. ...+s....:•. .... ... .,- 'r, y . r I RECOMMENDED B a::t• , . Phis• coupon, Is valid for -a limited" tine. only Low - - ■.r —1 am m -:� aim era ems — .. :il4 AftwOrif guamnteed TOM Z Plumbing ft Heating Londesboror Ont.. 523-4369 in Area Churches First PRESBYTERIAN Church . 59 Goderl h Si, W:. Seaforth . Minister: Rev. T.A•.A, Duke Organist: Mrs. D. Carter, MARCH 1ii, 119/9 • 11:15 Worship' Service and Church School Sacrament of Holy Communion Wednesday. 10:00 a.m. Bible Study. ALL ARE WELCOME ;.. ST. THOMAS (Anglican Church ..., ea orth R. Broadtoot B,A., M. Div. Rev. James Rc SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 1979 LENT 2 ; Theologies! Education Sunday.. 11.311 a.m. • MorMng Prayer' GUEST SPEAKER: The "Yen Archdeacon Dr. John Morden •• Principle of Huron College • THURSDAY, MARCH 15 7:30 Mid week service of Holy;Cominurllon NORTHSIDE'united Church 54Goderlch St. West, Seaforth MARCH)1,1979'' Second Sunday In Lent 10 A.M. & 11 A.M.. Sunday Sehodls 11 A.M. Church Service Rev. J.G. Vanslyke, Minister Organisi•Choir Director Jr. Clink Leader Margaret Whitmore�.— • Audrey MeLI ail Area congregations are:invited to take advantage of the church directoryto announce their church services COO week. Church directory announccntcnts are available for a minintttm df 26 consecutive weeks in units et ttvo,coiurati 'irichesat $2 per unit. Changes in copy May be Made each week but must be received' 'before *tett tin' Tuesday. Yielding had a timely mess- age for all and following the service refreshments were 'enjoyed. On Tuesday afternoon re- sidents e sidents . viewed two films. ".Gooscap Country"ands, "The, tinspoilcd Land". Mr, Rick Fortune operated the projector for Clive' this:. week with a number of residents remembering .Rick when he was a member of our staff a few years ago., Shuffleboard' winners. on. Tuesday were Mr. Chas Ross t and Erle Dow while last Mabel Clark of Bayfield Thursday it was Emil visited her father Mr, Erle Dow: Mrs. Jas. Shertre.ed visited :with James. Shortreed. Hermansen and Erle Dow: r. . Bingo .was held last Friday 'i'tfternoon and winners were Margeurite • Shill, Wilma Brill, . Doris, Wills, Verna McClure, Isobel Lamble, Chas, .; Ross, .If arold Walah' and Emil Hermansen. High Scores :for bowling last Thursday went_to Mr. Bert. Hendy and Harold Walsh. Visiting with Mr, Wilber Keyes wereMrs.. Keyes and; Mrs. Grace Chapman: Mrs. Seaforth' Manor Residents were saddened to learn of the passing of Mr. Thomas Churchill who died suddenly on. Tuesday morning. Tommy. was' a long- time .resident of the Manor and kind' thoughts are with his sisters at this time. ►�1 One size PANTY HOSE Palmolive 24 oz. ■ Bic Lighters ■ 99 Rubber Gloves • •. Ironing Board COVES & PAD Pink oil Blue Small=Med, Coffee Mugs Art Only aM14,2ac.h'' Royal Albert Paragon Scott' Paper Tovwels. white or 00 yellow 2's ■' Playing Cards a 77 Everyday Gift Wrap Ensemble. an Face Clothes 2/.89 Dish Clothes 3/.99 Cups & Saucers Bone China: .99 only ,ca Keating Seaforth .q Ltd ' 527- 0b- 4 ,..ataaLat tataa...mai.:::, x,•.e,' ... ,.j, a$""t�' THE HURON EXPOSITOR' r11ARCH Is Ki lbarchgr H or 'BY MAIM Wednesday we had our weekly Chureh service when Rev. Robt, Roberts,. Egmondville United C100 game and took the .service. The meeting opened with the singing of 'What a• Friend we Have in Jesus,,' With. Rev. Roberts .at the piano. Readingfrom the Aid Test- ament Ecclesiastes, the 'book of wisdom' also St, Luke, Chap. 10 which tells of Martha and Mary, The speaker spoke on these si$- teers, Martha had the' house" and Mary had the "home," Martha prepared for visitors while Mary had the ministry of listening, to the still small vole ,of God. There are two, parts iin life and Mary took. the best part. He told of the "Ministry of Prayers and used as an example a "Nun's Prayer" which is in evidence in his. Officewhich was found in a convent three hundred years ago. "Lord, 1 am, getting. older and: some day, 1"li be old, Make me helpful: but not bossy, A few friends When 1 am old, Seal my lips from pains for growing humility.. Keep me sweet. 1 may be mistaken sometime4. May 1 see talents in other people for those in ' authority. Put new meaninPs in .nl+r lives SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED .. OVER 50 YEARS: Clinton-Seaforth. Arca Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street Clinton 482-9441 The meeting closed,. with, Prayer. followed ,by a snack lunch and, socia time, 1 recently found ;a masii.. ,on the contained of a scented candle whieb appealed: to me. 1 pass ill on to mY readers, "Caring, and Shar- ing are the secrets of living." Qur latest resident is Henry Trailers, Orangeville, Mary Pryde Exeter visited Kilbarchan recently. Thurs. is ;Bowling bay and Ruth Mouer took Sally Sillery, Lucy Bushie, Mattie Alto to. the local Bowling Alleys, Clarence Jackson had high score. Tuesday, I joined severaii of the residents in a game of euchre in the dining room pray Jacit Tiernay and 1 won 1ho first game but elver McKay and Clarence Jackson ,even- ed up in the .second, '011ie, McDonald: carne 'fora ;game of bridge but there weren't enough players for a game, Sorry! T ;think a game is planned for next week. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Turner have moved:, :front Zurich to Sayfeld. Visitors,. With Oliver Mc- Kay, Charles McdKay, Sea - forth. Mel Glanville, en sail. Lorne Webster, Varna,. drummer of the Bannock- burn Pipe Band. He took a large mouth organ from, a: boa and played some lively tunes for i5liver. I"m sure'he couldn't -keep, his feet still; fromtapping, Established 1876 McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURAN,CE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE: 10 MAIN ST,, SEAFORT# , ONT., Mrs, Margaret Sharp. Sec, Tteas., Ph, 527-0400 FULL COVERAGE Farm and, Urban Properties. Fire, Windstorm, Liability, Theft Various Floater Coverages Homeowner's, -Tenant's Package, Composite Dwelling DIRECTORS AND ADJUSTERS }ten Carnochan, R,R, 4,.Seatorth Lavern Godkin, R.R.il1, Walton ----Ross Leonhardt R.R.$1, Bornholm -- John McEwing, R.R.k1, Blyth Stanley Mcliwain; R.R.42, Goderich Donald McKercher, R.R.#1, Dublin John A, Taylor, R.R,lt1, Brueetield Trewartha, Box 661, Clinton _Stuart Wilson, R.R,Nr. Brunetield 482-3354 • 527-1877 Sas-223 523-9390 . '524.7051 527-1837 482-7527' 482-7593 527-0687 AGENTS James Keys;, R.R.41; Sealprth 527-0467 Wm. Leiper.' R.R,01, Londesboro 523.4257 CALL AN AGENT OR THE=w;OFFICE for every lead that results in a sale of .a Myers water softener/ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT TOM DUiZER AT .523.-4359, LONDESBORO ONT.. 6 -.....-- WM UNE ..II IN 'a .10 St .111.**** 011i: 1. r' � \\"�\\'ti` VALUABLE COUPON S\ \ S S :NAME .... ..... ..... .•.. ...+s....:•. .... ... .,- 'r, y . r I RECOMMENDED B a::t• , . Phis• coupon, Is valid for -a limited" tine. only Low - - ■.r —1 am m -:� aim era ems — .. :il4 AftwOrif guamnteed TOM Z Plumbing ft Heating Londesboror Ont.. 523-4369