HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-03-08, Page 6err -11 l URON EX ttc R, MA l• cH 8L 1921 ' Br pow RoY • Spence Cum ,..'_ s,l uron s derelvment Pe MO* was at' a ,meeting. of MCouncil Monday.to discuss stung:. of the devclopme,nt -department's functions; w a( +-� Hetold council that 'th y. bad been Working on the .plowing match for the last few years had and h d; left the rest of the development lacking. He ,said that trying find industry fut.'kiurou Junio.t Farmers County Was a teal .tWxgh job as indust seemed: W. wa t .to• setae along the Of. ""What we :del, Deed: are jobs and: w:e need] jobs to attract ole hark to theetninty,,"tie ,said. 11Q said'heistrying to interest industr to settle in towns, that need those •jobs« He showed t'ouneil pamphlets on the vaeons tOWnS in Huron County which he said were used when a !person wrote inwanting to Bluewater The 1- uron County Junior Fanners '.met at the Clinton. OMA} office on. Wednesday. February 21', Fill Armstrong, president, opened,, the meeting Sharon Coiclough.theti gave the secretary's report of the January meeting. Nolen. Brindley, last year' treasur. er gave the financial State- ment from 1978. There is a balance of aboutone thousand dollars, due to the money ttnade from the Junior Farmer Food Booth at the International Plowing Match, Business at the meeting' garden also: Applications are included:. put. Semi -Formal to be sent to Len MacGregor at Clinton. The 19'9 Annual Junior Farmer Meeting will be held, at Toronto's lnn on the Park Best luck to :iim Phelan, who was Vice.Pre- ., dr. - e n ,. ,,,d „,„ West Huron. SeofQcth and lion trek are to elect one girl and one boy to represent their club in this conipetrtien. ;lean Siertsenta is ehairper- son of this project, The /At:c l:ter Centre Summer Project was• also discussed, They need one person :to. purchase • seeds. plant. raise. care for and. cultivate produce to be sold from our . garden at the Bluew•ater Centre, This per- son "must also work and participate with the residents who will be helping with the to be held 'at .Exeter gee creation: Centre on „April 6, 1979. The King and Queen Competition will be held at —�—.-this -thiT E5E'hth of the 1 five clubs, Auburn, South Huron,- sident this past year and who Huronview enjoys will hopefully .be prom. nerd t the 'President's position, ,this year. . Oti February 6th -Doug: few e--nttnabers-=-►chile Miss---.. Stevens and his son provided • Melda Mcllrov sang a. solo, r an hour of music in the Lunch was served and gifts auditorium consisting of were kindly accepted by the, piano, violin, mouth -organ residents, and ukulele. February 260, Marie On Wednesday, February Flynn_ (piano), ,Larne.Lawson 9th, the Over -Ninety Club (mouth organ), Warren held their usual monthly Whitmore, Stanley Killen, meeting with music by Elsie Wilson McCartney, Helmer Henderson (piano). and Nor- Snell (violin) and Ken Dale man Speirs on the violin, Tea on the guitar entertained the and cookies were served for residents for an hour with the ' refreshments, help of our own Cecil Skin- A Valentine Dinner . of nerk.Norman Sp lets (violin) Kentucky Fried .Chicke t was and Jini. Ruddock .on tic - served to 125 residents inihe Cordi¢n. auditorium followed'' by a The Anglican Guild Ladies program put on by the• staff'.; Club of Clinton led the World Requests were Made to have .. Day of Prayer Service in the it again sometime, Chapel On February . 28th:. The February, 21st ' 'Bowling . was held in the birthday party was put on by afternoon .at the bo'* ling .the Huronview Women's alley In Clinton. • Auxiliary. Rev.. Sargeant of The birthday party was Blyth sang ,a medley of held on Januar} 17th with tunes, accompanying himself ` the Clintonians of .Clinton" on the guitar. Mrs. Lockhart entertaining. Mr, Flett play was the 'Master of ed the violin. Ceremonies. Lorne: _Lawson: On January '19th the Bay - (mouth organ) and Mrs. Van field Baptist Church Young. Egmend (accordion) played • a People entertained the re•: PURINA . RESEARCH TO FARM ST LOUIS, MISSOURI GQME,.FOR. A 'OUR April '1, :2 , .3 Visit the Beef, Dairy, Swine, Laying, Turkey, Broiler, Horse Dog &.:Cat and Rabbit ...units at the Worlds Largest Commercial Livestock . Research. Farm' *. Special Interest Sessions * Management Techniques * Veterinary Sessions and *' Good: Feliowship * Purina Farm Stage Show. Leave London Sunday, April 1, Return London 'Tuesday, April 1 °249 So itifludes Alrtare, All MeaIS, Busseet Aceom.modafion and U.S. Exchange. PURINA Contact your Patna Deafer totaf MILTON J. DIETZ Limn) forth 527-0608 now about 4 'p 4tie to►vn. Mr. Cummings also talked; about tourism. • "We try and promote tourism as. much ;as possible. " he said. He told council members that the ,county belongs #or the Southwestern Qntaria Travel B ASS iatiOn ,and that these people put out beekelts o!1 d fferettt points :of interest in places in 0ntarie, That booklet will be dish' :ibuted at the border and dill 41$9 be pox in some of the 'states close to the border. He said tha... t once they get pao? le here they .like to try and •keep them here so they produce small brtaelLures. w ith information on. where to camp, where to stay, ind antique- sore'. t lle is also, working on an events calendar. An industrial development seminar was to be held later this, month with the general ublie,olticians, and industry invited. Mr. " .umm ngs said' the seminary would include films" and shed tats on development. Moral Township's share of the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority's, General /Levy is $3,490 27 and talk about 'thelevy brought about a few eotrintefts on. the Authority itself: . Councillor :Bob ,,Grasby told the 'other :out#e.,.1 memo rs that rig, projects were' funded without government approval. crttical of gill Elston who said he was!� �t . li l the Authority as a• whole said he . vt!as. critical to the point of them holding up the secondary,;,,plan Turnbe trY'be ca se of 11.1 line ,mapping. Councillor Grasby said if somebody didn't take over dams like the onetheAuthority took, over in Bltiew el.the wt uAd be washedou t ^ Councillor :llo-ss Proctor asked: if the purpose of the dams wasn't for flood' control; what it was for. He wantedto know -if they 'were justart aesthetic thing. "It must be desirable er Toronto wouldn't Fresh 5 lb. avg. Utility Grade Roasting Chickens Top Valu 1 Ib. pkg. Skinless Wieners and/or Top Valu 6 oz. pkg. Sliced Cooked Ham 1'$ ,lever 128 f1. ox. cont. Liquid Bleach Duncan Hines Moist 'n Easy Assorted Flavo.urs,. Cake Mixes 13' - 14 oz. pkg..' .89 ,gO.ainng with it„"Councillor Grasby said., 1*ouncillor Grasby alSe Said the Authority was going to educate people on crosier), control. Reeve Elston saidhe was critical that MUCH has the authority tol:4o .ill line .mapping and 'demand that Barris have it ami their secondaty oleo; Regarding Morrie sefiondaryP lan; :the council received word back. from Gary Davison county planner that the plan will be ;scheduled ; for early 1980. 'He 1 su geste d that Morris could assistt in the plan. byKirinB a student to do research unlet a. government grantro ram . p g 'Councillor Ross Procter' then rode a motion that the reeve and the deputy reeve find out the approximate cost to Morr'isaf -n a stu en to do the workthe i d and . 'h � h hiring advisability of going ahead with it, in other business council filed a resolution from the town; of Hinchinbrooke that. Wintario profits should be put toward health and education costs. .16 -At r P id Aro l�♦ . PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING WE RESERVE TH R! HT 0TOLIM10,1979 IT OUANTITIE5. �- -TO. AVERAGE FAMILY :REQUIREMENYS; , SUPPLIED AND SERVICED B' Top Valu 16 or pkq Bologna Mac & Cheese Chicken Loaf and or Davern 1 Ib pkq Sliced Side Bacon Taillefer 5-6 lbs. Smoked Picnic Shoulders Jf It Canada Extra Fancy British Columbia Spartan Apples 3 lb. bag , U.S. No. 1, Florida: Sweet Juice Oranges 5 Ib. bag Canada No. 1 .PE.[,, Table Potatoes 20 lb. bag. k Golden Yellow iChiquit Banarraa IL 4 TOMATd 1WlIlA1'o` arrip'bell`s -170111-ater-SOUp 1oft,et, tin for or Canadian Queen Frozen 4 oz. Pure Beef Burgers Councillor Ross Procter said. " a'd like to see the costs down but Pm ,nit itt favor of indirect a men..ts beea 'usethink Pip should no what theiredncation smi1ealth costsare costing then/Council de.d to reply with this ,as their answer. ,other business, council' jeceived• a request uest' for a. grant • from the Blyth add, District Community ;Centre Board who needed it because of their capital, :ez� penditures, They had spent tneiney on,* new sound: system for the arena' and to enclose the seat d area. " the arena, Because -Outwit had r e vtDully been told that they wouldn't need to give; the arena anymore grants; they decided to table; the re .ue t untiltheY could get their t two representatives on. .the arena board oat to talk to them. '• Council decided to give a donation of Sftl(l, to the Bel rave, Blyth and Brussels Schopli Fair: Mon. to Wed. 9-6 STORE HOURS, OPEN Thursefri. till 9 • t,• 9-5 p.nl Tide Powdered Detergent 6 L box 259 Heinz Keg of Ketchup 32 H. oz. btl. Top Valu 3-4 Ib. Fully Cooked Dinner Hams .1II 98 b ,1 3 8 LENTEN 'FISH`' SPECIA;I:4) Heat' & Serve Cod Fish .Fingers Frozen B.C. By The Piece. Cohoe Salmon ,b.348 Frozen Perch Fillets 1.48 Heat & Serve `fish Cakes lb.* Frozen Turbot Fillets Atlantic Frozen Mackerel lb. lb. I■ . los Liptons pkg. of 4 Assorted Varieties Cup-A=Soup 2/S1: Parkay 2 Ib., pitg. Coloured Quarters Margarine'; 1.25 • Bab erene pkg. of 150 Wash Cloths 2.69 .511 ml btl. With Fluoride "New" Listertnint 1.69 Taillefer Breakfast Sausage, Fleecy 176 fl. oz. cont. Pre -Priced $ 2.39 Fabric Softener Alien's 48 fl. oz. tin Reconstituted Apple Juice Swan's Down 6 roll pkg. Yellow, Pink or White Bathroom Tissue Valley Farm' Frozen, Regular Cut •Frenich Pries 2 lb. pkg. McCain, f=rozen Mixed Vegetables, Peas & -Carrots or Green Peals 2 lb, pkg.