HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-03-08, Page 4Tkil 'HU 0, =EXPOSFT R MAR H. I•3 EENEY, MEENEY, MINEY MO—Corry Van Bake', Debbie Van Loon and Susan,Louwagie can't be blamed for looking, a little perplexed at the St. Patrick's School penny sale on Friday afternoon. After all, it was hard to choose just what,prizes they wanted to wing (Expositor photo) We• nt:�ro P � -. McNichol, honored Correspondent MRS. RO.BT. HULLEY 527-1856 On Saturday evening the members of the McKillop council and their spouses gathered at the home of Ken and Marion McClure . to • • honour Mr. Ralph McNichol and his wife ontheretire- ment of ',Ralph front council after serving for 18' years, Euchre was enjoyed during the evening, A presentation of a Bulbya watch which was suitably engraved was 'presented to Brodhage. Fire darn e. The Dae Si ncett, sympathy is e �i1±lir. and. Mts.Edward - F ktadi the mgistEorl o fof it tended o wa i family of the Mate 5:40 -WWII p t some time �.rt the fa the.belayed reeepxftr w°rtb.>lheir daughker, house fire an Thursday nd teat h�usbandifather,grandfatherSusan,whoisattending«morning. The smoltt~ was randfatlter HeCorrespondent Lavern 4folfe ,on Sunday Everett s baptism were first; noticed 'by Jot; in the unaversityatSanDiego,;MRS,LAVERN WOLFF. were. Mr. and, Mrs. ;Ronald st surviving here she' ysstudying,grand parents. Jahn. � and, wall behind the Frelac ;al •asthe to �p ? niberof ht$'famil ofthree345.2757 ,Connelly,Jennifer and, PearlliendersonofSe,:fo_rtht,-. and went up:airs..lt was, others, Gel�rgG� Daxid ani 11amee Econonics They alsso rho second meeting of 'Suzanne' of Bru r. ;Hill# Strat- Mrs. Frames Storey of impassible to enter the stair item a done sister, Ella):: vrsited with thier piece, lvfr g •W►1. n ( Sharonl<redy and bays: at Brodhagen 4.1;i, Club �ti<'a5,^ ford 'accompanied ;I#y Mrs, Dubhn, Great :grandparents: way for s>n!tke Dou hada, Mrs Stanley; Kaufman, Me is; held on :Feb, 25th at the Michael; ,Connolly of Wat- Mr. Mrs, Gorge Camp- already gone to. town. The up, survived: by ins wife, the San Carlos. Brodhagen Community burg, Mrs. Stanley .Bald and bell of Scaf«.'i* Mr, and. stairs was extensively formerFreda']IVickieandonu Mrs. Edgar Elligsen: • Centre. Members answered Barren, R,R,5, Stratford, , Mrs• Robert Frencx.� ^rod- burned, they `bed .rootns sen, Frank of R,R.2,. Petet� yi$itet • with her daughter,, the roll call by Telling i►hat hagen: Great great grand their best color was, Colors The Ronald' Connoll;Y' father Mr- ivy Uenders,on furniture and most of their burg. Four daughters.. Mrs:.: Joannea i her husband John they should avoid and what 'family and Mrs, Kazimera and. greatgrand8!t eves lost+. The dow (Margaret) McIntosh Bender and little Karen at. Roy g .great R,R.I, Listowelt Mrs, Chas, Portland, OregonT have their basic wardrobe color is, Szyika, Woodstock returned rttother, Mrs:: Lena stairs received smoke ; and Orangeville retu nest to their homes after Selecttort' a:nd care of hats recently from a motor trip to. ennewtes: both. 'of Seaforth, Fater damage,. The furniture (Ohne): Carr of Orang rtla .. �t'as discussed .and .a pack- Port Charlotte, Florida. They Many uncle$,. aunt and'cou�• had to. be moved away:: Doug; and Mrs aRtchard (Shirley) enaay;ng the trip together s with their families, aloe taint .or shine. hat was enjoyed Disney World -and stns gathered. at the same and Joy grateful for the fast Carter, made. The Ice Capades was the oran8e orchards. Little bonne- a large number of Mrs. James (Della) Johnston. The .many friends and discussed again and the date Suzanne had the. misfortune them attended the baptism .cent help of neighbour' of Listowel. He is survived by neighbours of Mrs Harold efficent changed from Tuesday, to, have her foot slip through service in :St'« Peters Church, friends ;and relatives, ifhe nine grandchidlren and khrs E Smyth: of Brodhagen sorry to March 6th to Wednesday, a broken grate by the side of len , .. .. Itarpenter.'s will; have tit tart•aunt, Mrs, Augusta Hinz pf hear she was, taken •by March 7th, the road; which required 2 a French and Miss• by putting on a n ew toof: Mr„ Ritz Villa, $taches to re air. The Maratyn, '#cyan 0. geitchc.ner and Mrs, Elliott and thele Mitcheil, The arttbulance to Seaforth. , p funeral service was held at Friends: of Mr, John weather was pleasant during aced at' the homeEof B b two, small children Shawn Peeble iFuneral Home. of Hospital Wednesday. night $ennon will be sorry to hear their stay there, Hilda e . and Krmberlcy are staying at Atwood , Those attending and transferred to Stratford he is a patient in the Seaforth Dinner guests at the home Brodhagen. The former has the funeral from Brodhagen General. H'ospitall where she: Communty,: Hospital. of Jim,and Evelyn. Hendee- recently mored into his. nerY the home of Ralph and.,Joyce had surgery, Thursday after were Mr, Robert French and home in Kitchener. Fischer at present noon, Dinner guests with .k+lr..s, son in 'honor of Allan Ia,nAs:•Mrs. Lavern. Wolfe, ' III III:11111111111111111111111111111111.1111111.1111111 11111111111111111.11 lupi r11rIr111U11111111. �!lllil111illlllll111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIII111 I�I1111111111111111.� .� .11,....... ........ ,._. ._.. L..r11111111.1 _,1.:1 .... . � 11 ...L ...... .._...._mooWINOWWIW▪ WIWNWNMI WOO ��• ;— I, .. , `�' 'S'�:'.,,.o ..... a:;... < ^ , <. ,.. :tx:: ''"'..,,...,1� L,. r ...`}.w ..;.i"' "": ,r OZ:,;i�"YF�#.'''''."=<•?* v":uica ,.3 i!£'..... r:min..., stir^ oliii,,,,A potivii NpriT4 rit% 4N 4e4we ,.4,.,,, lis,,,,,: ak 0 40,1rsoOMONOIMOWW1 re i.t.\.7 0 41$.4,4 Le ,....04::>.4,..4t fris\::4,. irtilt, $4,,,,wrii frik..'4,4 1 rk7.4.k.f.: ...., 1 WWI Mr. McNichol and a dozen roses to Mrs. McNichol. Ralph made a suitable reply' in the way of re- miniscing about the past years of council, To endthe evening a delicious meal was served . by the host and hostess. AI\ Our Bushes _ = Prices Effective Until Closing : E Tuesday,. March 13/79WIWIWin nom I.'SNnon OW IWO C W WI MEI !� . Paramou:nt.. ... Socke e? ten week course at the = David Rimmer, 13,. ^of Goderich Streets West. was bitten by a dog, early Tuesday morning while '. completing his paper route; Police Chief John Cairns said the dog's owner will,.be charged with allowing a dog'. to run at large. He. said the. animal has bitten other• people in the `past. The dog is owned by Chris Knetsch of Market Street The -police chief said there were no accidents to report in Seaforth in the past week. r y: Sunday; the. pollee discovered ; someone had: thrown a'beer,bottle through a double pane window on the north side:of the Topnotch Feeds Ltd, office.. Mr.' Cairns said the damage was annroximateiy • Cromarty WMS studies China'. Mrs. Calder McKaig was hostess for the March Cromarty W.M.S. meeting;. Mrs. C. McKaig presided for the meeting; opening. with a poem, For the 'devotions • Mrs. McKaig. used -Matthew • 18: 1-6, 12.14 which Was read ` followed by prayer and meditation:y ight ladies' an- swered the Roll Call. "A• Fact . About China". The minutes were .read.' and approved. The treasurer's report was given, also cards and visits, The allocation is up 10?per .cent.. The bible study, Spiritual • Growth, was given by Mra: Tom Scott, Mrs; C. Douglas had the mission study, In search of my neighbor. The bible quizz was presented by Mrs: Jim Miller. S50... Police are still investi- gating the case of Wilful damage. The Seaforth police also received a call early Saturday morning reporting the theft Of another' car stereo system in Harpurhey. The matter was referred to the O.P.P; for further. investigation. This: is the third'car stereo theft in the past two weeks in the'Seaforth area; Qolice Chief Cairns report- ed that;Constable: Peter Van Meekeren has.completed phis - y ' Aylmer Police College. i The .chief said no Seaforth =! motorists were charged with failing to have their 1979 a' �' licence plate sticker in place = on Thursday. The chief' said .since the' •Seaforth' licence bureau was closed i on Wednesday, the C.' final day of- licence sticker sales, the police .department C' were more lenient: in allow = ing people• to purchase their Fril stickers on Thursday morn- ing Z'OETTLER'S OF DUBLIN. Features A Store full of Quality.' Brand Name Furnittfre. "At prices• that save -yea money' Authorized E LH E CTROOME':. Dealer ' FULL 3 YEAR WARRANTY • ,3 years on parts • 3 years On labour • 3 years picture tube Out wig overhead assures you of better than average low prices. Drop in and browse around.' GEORGE- GO ETTLER FURNITURE Main -St. Dublin DR IVE (o'•• D and '�' 1I8L1 N n • HOURS Open Tues. • Wed. Th.urs. Sat. '9:30 6:0Q, Fri, 9:30 00'Closed Sun & Mon. Phone 345-2250 • Leon Smoked Picnic SHOULDER HAM 5-6 Ib. average,: Fresh. Cut for Sweet & Sour PORK SWEET BONES • lbs. ONWo SALNION _ ▪ s Delsey • 'Bathroom-- 116.'n fWhIte; pink, yellow ._.,.TI•S• SUE 0. •. • • — 3l IIIIIIIIIII1111111111IIt1111111.11111 11111111111111111111.111111111 MOW . _:ammo — PRODUCE From the Tronics Chiquita Ont. Grown No. :'. _• MUSHROOMS. -Schine c eri" RING BOLOGNA These products also available at ROTH' FOOD MARKET INOINN _ MOO �Itil(ttkt — 4416Van am _ai 'imme 701110 two ems _ — MO▪ O _ W NW Oino WNW Ont. Grown No. 1. Cooking ONIONS i b.. all Prod, USA Can. No. 1 Mini. CARROTS. ,o:ot. e;9 OW _ OWN WNW ohi, _. Ivory I; - • ---Liquid'.. WIONI N▪ IEW I MED DETERGENT I•l6 -C O •= f 1.5 litre own WWI 9 i111111UIUI11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIiIL1111.1111111111111HUIIIIi J�II11111111111IIIIN1II1111111111111111111111I111111.111111111111111 A • Chef Boy, r Dee . : 13 ot:.: PIZZA a SKILLET Puss & Boots -'= ECIAL MENU lkg. :_SP •. Blue BOnnet White or coloured r--- MARGARINE '3. Lb. • = Royale Colour Print ETOVVELS Roll Pkg. 61: Nabisco Shre' i VVH EAT 14 Oz, 's _ _ _ _ *W*4 • e1 2 09 .99 _ _ 450 9•, • w v "� IIIIIIIIUIIIIIIiIIIHhuIIr111111IiIII11111U.UhIIIIIIIIIUIulllIlr i11i1111111111Ulttll111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 -�S MGCaP Pp I.n a eronl 20 oz, WENN WWW , OMNI , - . li,'`. . 'lb 11•1111' OMNI Kleenek: Facial a>i i�.. TISSUE.,.; Zoo Deluxe 22 nz. C at +tl. - -- PIZZ 1.99 +► A or Sppreme36 oz. _ ill. S C h n e l de r' s, r ' Schn i e der s Prozen.111111. ai WIENERS E MEAT PIES 1402. 1,49 f • Schneiderrs No 1 SIDE BACON , 1.65OWE' Schneider's Rinq BOLOGNA 1.391:. $ch rider's. . SAIJSAGEROLLS1.59 18 Oz. Fig. _ r �11111111111111r111lIrIIII111111111111111111111111111111Ulllrllll� In order to serve you _Schneider's sKnechtei 411111.betteC in the future c am, Bog „fr COFFEE WEARE : EXPANDINGI' -maf, STEAKETTES T ib. >r Big • 69 Sorry for any inconvenience we -may cause. ;kit 1.59 IMO • WNW Ionno WOO_ IMO _ W NW IMO ONO o no mot _ ttSA ROTH S 00D WE 14ESEIiVE T i NIGH TO ,—. LIMIT QUANTITIES TO .—., AVERAGE FAMILY REQUIREMENTS, MARKET STORE HOURS Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat., __ Thers . and9 = X111111111111 111111111111 . ," ._ . ..� Frt. 9 9 — 11 1111111111111111111111111111�111111111r1100111111001I1111111111111r01 111111111111111r1'r' 1 r rrrrrrl111r err Irl 11111111111r11�1111111r1111r111 WIMP WOO Immo WOW WIMP