HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-03-01, Page 17DODGE THE BALL --The Grade 2 students at Huron Centennial School spent', part of Thursday's fungame of y day in g m q dodge the ball. Studentsbundled; up warmly and: proved you; don't have to spend all your time inside just because there's a little snow on the .ground: HENSA;LL 1 441 CLUB The Hensall 2 4-H Club held their Meeting at the home of Mrs t'xcil Pepper on Tuesday,: evening. Everyone . recited the 4-H Pledge. and the Minutes of the previous meeting, were read, by Lisa Hammather. Since this meet - Mg, was on jewellery, various pieces of .Jewellery were shown ipctuding helpful facts, about collections, care and IS: THERE A TRICK TO THIS"— Michelle Hewar, Tim. Gale and Leonard Heppner learn that the trick to getting anywhere on these homemade skis is to raise their. feet in •unision. These three students were taking part in a race atH+uron Centennial School's fun day last, week, (Expositor photo) Elston cor���c�ns about voters' ` I i , Morris township'reeve Bill Elston would - rather correct voting lists in his township than campaign for a two year old girl's , vote. Reeve Elston complained to. .Huron -Perth assesstltent commissioner Floyd Jenkins after Jenkins told country council Friday that 'the voters' lists prepared for the 1978 municipal elections were well done considering what his staff had to do to prepare them,. • • Jenkins told council that his staff worked very hard, preparing the voters' lists and despite a shortage of time brought about by the change in the election date made very few errors,. Jenkins conceded that therewereerrorsonthe lists but told council that the percentage of error his staff had making all the necessary changes on the. lists was exceptionally low. He toldcouncil that the updating of the voters' list required enumeration,: notating all changes in thelists, key; punching those changes and getting all the work done in a little over two weeks. He said the job was "mammoth" pointing out that the work was all done by staff thatonly work on the voter's lists five days a year. Jenkins said the changes in the voters lists involved new people moving into municipalities, people moving from place to place within the municipalities, people purchasing property and voters coming, of age Since the last election tivo years ago. He told' councilthe enumeration was done infive days -and the results of the field work meant 60,000 changes to, the voters' list that involved over 100,000' key punch changes:He saidall the key punch changes ' were done in 16 days, He added that for every it00key punch changes the percentage. oferror was:, 003 percept which. he.said was "very, very low." Reeve Elston was not convinced the tax department did Such a good job on the lists. He said the voters' list id his township included people that, were not Canadian citiaens, listed people two dr three times and even had the name of a two year old girl on it "If this is a good year I'd hate to see' a poor one," said Elston. -Jenkins explained to Council that it was. • not uncommon for people with no voting rights to show up on the voters'•,. lists.' He said enumerators go doer to door gatheringm information,: needed to . prepare the voters' lists, and take people attheir word. He said the enumerat ors do .not challenge people to make sure all information is correct but simply tiotate.;wbat they are told and' pass it on to the assessment office. staff. He said any incorrectinformation given the enumeratorswould be -key punched and no questions asked. He pointed out there is 'no way there is time to • check on every person in the counties adding that any mistakes hopefully will be cleared up after the election. . He said there are several reasons, mistakes occur. Some people simply aren't: aware of their rights, some misunderstand questions: the enumerator . ask and some„ kareerrorsmade by assessment office staff:: But he stressed that it was more. important to get a person on the voters' list under incorrect information than to leave them off. He told council:' his experience has been thatit is far better to have a .' person on the list°ihree t im'es than not at all. "There is a greater hue and cry when. people are missed than when'they'te on and there's a mistake" said Jenkins. Theassesstnent officer told council his staff was using records' from the last voters' list to improve on the next one adding that hopefully there: will be very few problems'. like the ones Reeve Elston referred to. He said the computer that prints out the voters' lists was being programnted with more information tha n ever before -so that duplications will be eliminated': He said people that own several ,pieces . of property in one ' municipality appear on the voters' list for every property 'owned. Under the new system they Will Only appear once, under the property they reside on He added that birth dates, which are flow included in. tions should Quidprevent computer instructions, fathers from appearing twice ott voters' lists when sons withthe same name don't appear at all, TeI.527.,0410 • .ARNOLD J. STINNISSEN LIFE-- and Mortgage Insurance Plans tneotneTax bcductable Registered Itetir'entcnt Savings- lylatts and Annuities. • income Averaging Annuities Ask for our new Flexible l'rcmiuni - REPRESENTING- Sun Life Assurance GODE1RICIi S .BAST Conl,pany of Canada SEAFORTH for 19 years. constcince Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley visited on Monday eyeing. With Mr. Ern Ellwood of Clinton and with Mr. and Mrs, Prank Ellwood Of Montreal who were visiting with his father. Miss ,Margie Whyte and Jeff Whyte of Guelph spent the weekend With Mrs, W.L. Whyte, 13111 and Mr. Harold Whyte. READY, SET, GO •- JohnLeppingtomis all set to goin the toboggan relay, one of several outdoor events held at Huron Centennial School last Thursday. Students skied, raced and played' a variety: of games in the snow during the, Fun Day. (Expositor Photo) Constance Correspondent MRS. MARY MERNER 482-7143 held a The Foresters tobogganing party on Sunday afternoon February, 25th. at,.. Dodd's Hill, returning to the hall, where about 80 people enjoyed a pancake supper, .,. -' The Youth ':"Committee' have been making plans, for a family dance to be held on. Saturday March 3Ist at the hall with' Marie Flynn's Orchestra. and to which , everyone including families is welcome. Ladies are asked to !bring sandwiches. Court Constatine members and ladies from the Com- munity, put a quilt in on Tuesday at the' hall and they have been busy quilting again this year,, it was such a success last year, being raf• fled off at the fall dance with .. proceeds to the cancer fund: Mrs, George McLlwaio was a Saturday Supper guest wtih Mr. and Mrs, Carl Ivlerner;""`Sandy, " Julie; Michael and Shelley, when they celebrated Julie's 8th birthday, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Theimp- son and Lisa spent the week - Mid in Oakville with his brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs, Andy Thompson. Mr.' and Mrs, Cam Pat- terson of London, Lori Gibb and Chris Ford spent Sunday with Mr, and, Mrs, Frank Riley, Mrs. John Thompson spent Monday and Tuesday sit, Montreal at an Avort. COtvention. Mr, and Mrs. bane 1-tcpe and Julie of Hatnilton spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ifiugh Dintaline, bttn, Peter and David. PURINA RESEARCH' FARM how to wear ,jewellery. UNITED CHURCH The service in Hensall United Church was conduc- ted by Rev. C. Garnet Husser. on Sunday. The sermon sub- jectwas " Crossing,The Rivet'" Mrs. Marianne -=MtCaf e presided at the piano, Com- munion willbe . 's" minion service 'will . di, S" nest Sunday. CARMEL, PRESBYTERSA Rev. Kenneth Knight c ducted. service in Cannel Presbyterian Chureh on. Sun- day, The sermon:. being enti- tled "Qualities of a New Nature" Mrs, Taylor presi- ded at the piano, the World. day of Prayer service will be held int armel Presbyterian Church on k ry Mareh 2nd at, 2:3Q p.m.. Rev, T. Garnet Hisser will be the guest speaker. The flowers in the church were placed in loving memory of the. late Murray Bell by ..his family, PERSONALS Mr. &. Mrs. Robert Lavery, Ronald and Roxanne left on Monday. for Banff,. Alberta Where. they will take up ,residence,,-Boblhas-.accepted , employmetttas manager of body shop tn• Banff,n Mr, Burt Coleman of Lon- don spent the week -end' at the home of his mother Mrs. Gladys Coleman and brother. Ivan. Hensall:: doctor's mother dies - The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Dr. J. C. Goddard in the death of his mother Mrs. J. Goddard. who passed away in Kelowna 13.C, , on POW' ` February 23rd in her. 94th year. Besid- e,' Dr; Goddard a. daughter Mrs.(Betty) F. Falconer of Athabasca; Alta survives, al- so eight grandchildren' -and five great-grandchildren. Dr..,; J.C. Goddard attended the funeral in Kelowna •en Mon- day. COMA FOR A TOUR TO ST LOUIS, MISSOURI April 1, 2 3 Visit the Beef, Dairy, Swine, Laying, Turkey,. Broiler, Horse Dog & Cat and'. Rabbit units at the Worlds Largest__. Commercial Livestock Research Farm * Special Interest Sessions. * Management' Techniques * Veterinary Sessions And Good Fellowship * Purina Farm -Stage' Show Leave London Sunday, .April 1, Return London. Tuesday, April 3 *248so includes` Airfare, All Meals, Busses, Accommodation and U.S. Exchange. PURINA Contact your Purina ' t'?itller Today 1.H ROl {EX; AMBER LODGE RECEIVES INVITATIONS Mrs. blizabetti tttley' Ytce Grand presided for the Meet- ing of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday evening in' the absence of the Noble Grand Mrs. Hazel Corbett and was assisted by Mrs. Olga Chipchase P.N.G. Mrs. Riley rept)rted:fo.r the visiting committee~ .and , the C -P.; ' committee stating there will be a Euchre on. March 9. An invitation was received to attend a Dessert Euchre and. Baste sale at Pride of Huron. Lodge Exeter on March 27th at 1:30 p.m., also an invitation to Ruth. Rebek- ah Lodge. Stratford on April 3rd. The Past Grandof the lodge received an invitation to a supper at Pride of Huron Lodbe Exeter on March 8th at 7 p.m. Cars leaving local hall at 6:30 p.m, Lodge closed in regular form. Obituary PASSES SUDDENLY Murray Neil Bell of R. R. #1, Hensall, passed away, suddenly in Exeter on Thurs- day :February 22nd in 114 38th year. Beloved hes and of the former Donna Hey- wood and dear father, of Ronalynn and :Brent. Survi- ved by three brothers Jim of Exeter; Roy (Spike) Hensall; and Bill, Hensall; son-in-law of Beatrice and Laverne Hey- wood, 'Exeter. .Predeceased by his parents Roy and Ruby Bell. Private • funeral and committal service was at the Bonthron Funeral Home Hen sail, Sunday February 25th at 4.00 p.m. with Rev. Kenneth. Knight officiating; Interment in Exeter Cemetery. Lewery' .-Mr, & Mrs, Robert Lavery: ttgsaline and ;Ronald: are leavtfig tits week to take up residence in Banff Alberta, Bob has.'been manager of the lbodt shop at :Hensall Motors Ltd: tor the past ten yeaits,' and Donna has been. Hose Mother at the. Queensway Nursipgy ,Home- for the past several° years. Complimen- ing them; on their departure were ntti i erotts social l;at- herinls. On Su nday. Pebr, n- ary 1.11th. the families, of Bola and Donna surprised themat their home with a fa. dinner and presented 'them .with luggage'. Roxanne and Ronald were presented with Identification bracelets. Tues -day evening a dinner was held t the Queensway Nur- sing ome in Donna's hon- our wen the staff presented: her with a piece of luggage. The same evening the Hen - sal] Fireman had a din,nSr in Bob's honour arid presented himwith a musical antique' fire truck; On ' Valentine evening a Party was largely attended at the Fine :Rid8e • • Chalet when IMO wore' Peol- .ented with a purse 4.1004..q. That evening Erie and Alvla,, ,Campbell presented 'lam withh a -Gold Bulova Accutroni Qttartz_,engraved watch. an Friday the Stag" at' Huron Motors Ltd. presented! Bob .with a barometer. The . neighbours of t' Lavery's presented themi .. with a crystal bowl 91 1, depute• CROIIQNOLE PATTY' The choir. of :Ca rtnei Presbyterian Church Vont* ed a crokinole party on, Friday evening. Its spite of the weather there were seven, tables playing. The Ladies' high .prize was won, by Miss. Beatrice 'hompsof, Ladies:.'' Consolation prizes Gloria Mousseau; Gent's high: prize Bruce Thompson; Gent's Consolation; Clarence Vol land; . Lucky Cup; Jape Pollock; Nearest birthday: Paul Hoggarth. A delicious lunch. was served at the close. WELL, so- .Inc H FOR THIS. ECLIPSE This is the way most Seaforthites had to ` `view Monday Morning'seclipse on` television. A heavy cloud .:.ver over Southern Ontario prevented anyone iii this, part of the country frorr' seeing' the last total eclipse which could be .. seen over North. America in:, this :taentury. (Expositor Photo) vertisi n save popping time. r Special Maple -: : Leaf sweet' cured COT1AGE ROLLS. Choice LOCA _.. Beef �a Pork lb. Beef &'':Pork S 1 Store packed • IENERS BEEF P.orlt & 'Bee:: P 1 Sliced' Silted Jo Filler lb No. Filler N LOAF [ lb. STORE HOURS rues,y Wed. Thurs., and Sat. .m. 8'- 6 r�IIp I=ri.day8 a:m. - store 262.2017 ABBA FOIR HOURS BEEF SLAUGHTER MONDAY': PORK 'SLAUGHTER TUESDAY `fidesHours for tTh picking upfreezer Jnr oustot t orders — Tu. a Frit 8 6 p.m, SAL Abbafosr- 262 .2a�... MILYd� J. DI�7Z LSM Seaforfh 527•0608