HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-03-01, Page 6may be n.arle'to remove the mileage fees tor' trustees. They receive 1lt cents per trifle nog. The tru$tees Were invited: to attend the finals in public speaking: for the eltiidrett Under the beard's ji>:risdiction. to be held its Dublin March b at S p:ttf. Sponsored by , English catholic Teachers. iAs,roeiation of Ontario. hoard chairman 1! illaltt Kinahan, will represent the board on -the Education Week committee planning program for Education Week April 22-8. - The board agreed to assist the Dublin Athletic, Association to obtain a .grant' of $4,114 to hire aproject rights and alternatives' of people' over 6.5 drives them into a position where they are forced to seek other rights, because our whole Society is. based on the: concept of rights and alternatives, Let's consider first the economic situation of our So•called senior citizens, Even those- people who have all their lives been very thrifty and have provided. for their futures will have done so at a time whenthe dollar' was far more valuable than it is today. flaying made con- siderable sacrifices through- out their working lives, they have found in many ;cases. that their pensions are almost meaningless,' Obviously, something must be done about their financial. circumstances, their physical well-being and: their, security. But over and above those .: concerns, thereare others to:: - which we must address our- selves. Merely by reason of having lived a goodly number of years, these people have acquired tre mendous knowledge,. wisdom and understanding, from whicNh we can all bene- fit. They can contribute to the guidance and stability Which our whale society so desperately needs.•'But;they cannot do this if they are segregated, ."put out to pasture'-' or forced to be almost 'totally preoccupied withtheir own basic needs. •: ;DER CITIZENS We have incredibly corn, plea problems. today. Enor- mous pressures are brought to bear on individuals and on• governments. Just as we need the talents and abilities • of our ,young `people,' many - of whom are -frustrated be- cause of high unemployment and lack of opportunity, so do, ' we need ,the talents and abilities of our•oidet'citizens. Just as we must be careful that we do not turn off otir' young people, so we must be careful that we do not turn off our older citizens, . To illustrate this danger, 1 . would remind you ' that in 1978;: there was a Senior Citizens Week, for which the theme was ."Reich Out''. At that time many older people protested that the theme ' `Shue.. Out" was • snore ap- propriate.. This whole' question of retirement must be reg assessed. We need the skills and experience of the people who are forced ; outof the labour force because of mandatory retirement policies, Early retirement pt'ovisions also have con- siderable effect. Manager ae4 t wo ^aSS3stants through a Young ,Canada. Worts program to run •a it) 'week sports, program this summer in Dublin apo gave permission to use St, Patrick's, school when the Dublin t otntnt hitt 1,'entre was iRi use. It was said, S2QQ', will he set ,aside from the grant to pay for custodial. MINIMS if needed. The; Minister: of Education.- Pr. ducation„Or. Bette Stephenson.' informed the board in a •r zertttr that it was the intent of the nlitustry to introduce compulso'yrspecial education. lergislation in the spring'. Her. memo contained the. verbatim words that would put in the legislation atnd she asked, the b oard"s response for suggested eh?inges. Trustee Michael Ci pnutlY-. said the board " haShlcn`tu above' other boards in providing s eelak education t nin and for stgdett s ttt..ltttro Perth.. Wiliiatrt Eckert. Director Of Educatdiion, said S; _. ;iyTAt+lpi�"�?EW Mr. Jiro Shortreedi was visited on Fri, by hiscousinns, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Strath and Mrs. Agnes Cummings and Mrs. Mary Johnston ,of Eimvale. Qn Saturday Mrs. Iden Shortreed and Mrs. . ':s. ,ilei Shortreed visited Mr.. ;lint. Shortreedl during tete weekend. the administrative staff slued be responding ;to the proposed legislation: With sttl;;gestions. Mr. Eckert presented, a detailed report on the highlights of the Illt,h annual: convention and exposition of the American .sociation of School; Administrators held in New Orleans Superdome.. Louisiana,. on, February: 1447 Among the subjects. discussed was, one on pre sehool;. education program which appeared to indicate that this helped parents help their children during the pres cllool ,years resulting in education and economic gains that cannot be obtained: any ;other time. , Mi': United said the theme of tetee'onvention was' Leadership . for Learning. and was attended by over 20,O0(}' froim the t7.S, Canada and the, world, le said the program was well- balanced. with: outstanding lectures, researeh reports,. debates, Shaw and telt sessions and. clinics all centred alo4nd the main theme. A letter from the Clinton' Parents Teaeher .Association was referred', to the '.Finance. Committee for consideration re adding portable to St. Joseph's School in order to provide needed space., The meeting. •was adjourtled at 11 _ 3iscoul it' 00,011 Mier **ear- • S. 1 B'f"uss�e W NT . ADS IAF O ITOi 1 IARC I141044.401cE Than Huron -Perth -Coity, :Roman. Catholie Separate Schaaf Etiat'd agreed Monday to hold, a• meeting .under the bright } gists. of, the television= afters, At a. meeting. in yblie „John McCarroll„ Stratford. o a local cable television station, was given, peninisSIM as a member of the prens, to televise a board. -Session, Gaetan. Blanchette of Ecole Ste Marie. Zurich. and Joe McPonal4 of St. Joseph's School, Ktnkorar presented art outline :ofthe history', VOUrae a n fait itt'i t Glrade;s• 7 and 3: in the Cathelie separate .schools in fittrOrt' and 'Perth Counties. They ' answered Many questioaa ;by trustees. The, policy and by4 w p Ommittee has begin asked to review the policy on the 'use of sehools relative to" ;custodian fees, Trustees Ronald "#array and John Q'.Leary said the custodian was "The forgotten man" when. it came to paying hint for cleaning up for groups: fusing the school.. The cttMini•tte . will review Jack's Jottings Retirement •BY JACK RIDDELL, M.P.P. ' There has been consider, able discussion. recently about the so-called "pew' North American phenomenon" of the elderly and their role is society. To a,. great extent, this subject has become one of widespread; interest because of the age - to -youth balance of our populations. In: the early 1900s people 65'years of age and over made up a mere 5% of the ,Canadian population.. ay 197.8 this figure hadrisen to 9%. It will reach 12% by the year 2000. Two decades later it is expected to exceed 20%. By the year 2031 there will be only three working adults for every person over 65. What is not a new phenomenon - : North American or .otherwise is the concept tharolder people have an important ' con- tribution to make to society. Throughout history we find convincing .proof that mental powers increase with age. Artistic andintellectual powers• are intensified in later years. , Michelangelo was still producing nlast:erpieces at .89, Goethe e':°Tupleted-the second•part of F. .t when he was eighty tutu l l:andel was still com- F ..:t.ig ;beat tiful- music and pt; : low wasstili writing mei: rral poetry when they were past. seventy. Voltaire wrote (andide at sixty-five. In our own lifetime many Older people have achieved suee:ess ' and fulfilment in what used to be considered the twilight years, Winston Churchill led Britain and the Free' World through •the Second -Great War when he was past "'retirement age". He pro- bably regarded. the 65 -year old deadline. ;a5` a,. German conspiracy since it had been originated by Chancell3r Bis- marck in the.first place. At 85 Coco Chanel was head of a fashion' design firm. Pablo Picasso produced drawings, ,.and engravings at 90. There are countless examples in the field of. .classical music - Stockowski. Vtin Karajan, Sir Adrian Boult: Toscanini'. :Horowitz, all well past retire- ment age, Leonard Bernstein is a comparative infant at 65. The subject' of mandatory retirement hats been much in the news of course. and • in this connection there has been considerable. polar- ization' of opinion:• IltIDIVID UALRIGHT We in the Liberal Party are particularly concerned about.. the possible infringement of individual rights which • is involved. Any a:tterhnt: which • . :Take. ake a .look .a . � -. Last year, More Than 90 per Cent of: Conestoga College graduates who, were available.` for work, found jobs. In April, 1979, more then 700 qualified: graduates will be available from 39 Diploma Program's at Conestoga College.' Employers are on campus now, interviewing prospective graduates for permanents em.;. ployment. Take a look at Conestoga ••College: Our grids Por.' more details, contact • Our G Will be available this s ria $ aNreen Planning and Placement Office by calling our colt -free number 1.800-265-8104 Ext, 297 COneStogaC011eoe of Arts il► pol 10.afi. Kratt, Processed Singles 1 oz. Cheese Slices 8 oz. pkg. .79 Green Giant Assorted Varieties Vegetables 12 ti oz tin for 79 IGA 250 9 pkg. Shirrilf8 R. oz. lar - AssortedAssorted Flavours �f L Candy �51` ToppingsLf' 1 Clarks 24 ft oz. ten Kratt•2in. tar Beef. trlsh, Meaibatt or Pure Liquid Turkey 'Chtckenl or Churned Stews. �� •:• ,Honey 1:89 Aylmer 19 tC oz. tin Choice Assorted Colnurskg ' Cream Style Corn Bathroom 1 09. or Green Peas 2/.79 Tissue ■ Aylmer 1S il. tn. lin TChotce ' Tomatoes l . Pampers pk@ ot'12; Overnight , Disposable 1 5 Diapers: . 1 I, bel.: Laundry, • Detergent Sun Pack 48 0, oz tin Reconstituted QQ Apple Juice Qw Libby's'48 et. oz. itn . Fancy • • Tomato: Juice Top Valu 6 oz pkg Sliced Cooked Ham And or Top Valu 16 or pkg Mac & Cheese Chicken Loaf or Bologna Pamper Assarted-Ftavours-� Cat Food 6oz. tin 4 for $1. Moen. to Weed. 9.6 SWORE,110 ' -OPEN Thurs.-Fri. tilt 9 Sat. 9-5 Pan. Allen s Assorted Flavours Fruit Drinks 48 fl oz tin 2 1 Pep Beet, Chicken or Liver Dog Food 25.5 oz. tin 31 Scott 2 roll pkg. Assorted Colours Paper Towels Det Monte 4 x 5 0, oz. tins. Assorted - Fruit Flavoured .99 Puddings . ..99 1,gc,ottles pkg.. of 200' Assorted-ColeOre 'Facial Tissue chrlstles 250 g pkg. Triticale Crackers. .88 Monarch, Pouch Pack As5otted-Varieties--- Cake & Icing Mixes 7'Ir - .9.8..Q , pkg. 3 for ' 1Post 400 g pkg. Honey Comb: i Ceieal • • 1 . w Mr: Bubble 28 oz. bit. • Bath Powder 1'.89 "New"' Clairol 450 int bit. Assorted • Condition - Shampoo Kant 1611. oz. tin Frozen From Concentrate Orange Juice .79 Hlghliner 14 oz. pkg.. , Frozen Haddock Fish Sticks 1.79. McCain 2 l4. pkg. • Frozen Regular or Crinkle CO Superfries• • Schneiders 24 fl. oz. (Sliced) 32 fl. oz. (Whole or Half) Pic -a -Dill Dill Pickles 128 ea. Matte Lear 3.41b. Dinner .. Pork Shoulders lb. 208s.. '.,te 1 Ib pkg. All Beef or tea 'Regular Mat ; Skinless 1 a'f �D, r : Wieners . pkg. Or" ' Hent of Maple' or Regular 1Q Side Bacon i . 'N MaPLe Lear Mak1 ib. pkg. 4 Varieties ' Sliced Bologria Maple Lear 1'.38 6 oz. pkg. Mac # Chests Chicken' or Luncheon Mostar Top Valu 1 Ib pkg Skinless Wieners and or Breakfast Sausage 18 'Shopsy's 24 oz. Cup Potato. ' • Or Cole Slit*. ,(Wlth 12 oz. Bonus Clip), Top Yalu 1 ib, pkg, SI%ed ' Side Bacon 1511 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO AVERAGE FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, MARCH.3, 1979: • SUPPLIED AND LOEB SERVICED BY ____ 5-6lbs Videtif Smoked Picnic Shoulders 128 in lb Dari.: s Cookie Jar Lunchtime or Party Pak Cookies 32 oz pkq 169 .79 Gusto 13 oz. pkg. Frozen 4 x Alt Dressed or Magnifica pizza 1.88 McCain. Frozen Assorted Varieties Cakes 19 oz cake 129 Fraservale Frozen Turbot Fish & Chips 20 oz pkg 109 Blue Sbnnet 2 x s oz. tubs Soft Twin Pack, Margarine ' �: .89 Crleca 3..16 pkg..' .; Alt Vegetable Shortening Weston Pkg.'o1 12 Dinner Rolls .57 Canada No.1 J.B. 641E oz. bWL Not House Country Style English Sweet Cucumbers ea. *9s Apple Cider y 1.19 Caned. Fancy Grade CA, 5 lb. bag Canada No. 1,3 Ib. bag -Macintosh - - Ontarlo Apples1e 48 -" Cooking Onions X44 . Cut Fromi Canada Grade "A" Beef Chuck Blade Steaks j68 II. Ib. Heinz Tomato or Vegetable SOUP 10 fl. oz. tin ria: ar, i ..,. U.S. No. •1 Florida Sweet Temple .Oranges ISS'- No, t Florida Large Celery 11