HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-03-01, Page 54 4. . , 4144' '1,14 L -•,*6111, PUBLIC SPEAKING WINNEAS.-The 6t. l'atriCk's school, in the zone finals are (baPk row)", Kathy Van Grade 8 and 'Nancy Sehoonerwoerd, Grade 6 a $ohoor-voerd. Grade 5. • • School wilt Pe representing their Nes, Grade 7; Michelle O'Rourke, • students who, nd (front row) Pet Murray, Grade 4 and. Len (ExPositor ph -Oto) D . .b .., ..: . , „ , h . , ,,,. ; . , „.. CorreSpoadeo,, MR. DON Mac 345,2442 The- latest report from Phyllis:Hinz and Lamont, MacKay in Africa -comes, frninAgrida inMoreceo. The town iS very new, it was rebuilt bY . the United legions after an earthquake destroyedit in 1960. The ,giris spent an interesting eight hours in the Sahara desert along with gri AnStralian Couple 44 under the supervision •of a guisle. They found, the oasis euitg 4 coon* at, to the barren land then to "Tafraeute". in a fertile Valley surrounded by hills. Behind every hill is either a small village or little Nomad girls tending goats Or Sheep. Women do all the work the men lie in the sun. sipping mint tea (must be a wonderful country unquote!) The houses are built of red clay, and there are goats up in trees eating leaves (no tin cans), The almond trees are in bloom, they attended• the Almond Festival.. native 4%neing etc. , They Still use the pi4 erank Phone. It toOk One hour to make a conneetiOn to Mitchell. Ir costs Z diahams 66c to Mail a Post Card. Titir loels, Meat must be eatert *1e same day it is killed In the market the beefsides still have air bubbles as they hang in the hot sun. BigPgoerkst .sisteafokr: hthideydecna,n IT,.hoe gids plan to have "The when they 'get back to aCtinvadenabodoma,wc.Tstohatehdhd:;usassitiarttntsocinmaglleAcetcu;t o'elock in ,the morning. The girls were geests of a wealthy Moroccan Merchant and were served a six ceurse meal (with mineral water) by rvants The highlight of the evening was when he deemed them worthy 'of meeting his wif .(She was e young and beau •mI, they could see why he ket p .s her •hidden) By now they will be on their way back to rt THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 1 WS "Torrentolinos. Spain- to meet the folks from home on the 'Ratter Travel teur. PgRsoNas Visitors with Mrs, Tessie Costello were Mrs. Jean Pro,* Q ,ondon, Father John. Costello of Tillsonburg and Mr. and Mrs. Danny Costello, Michelin and Maureen, 'Kitchener. It was the occasion of Father john'S and. Danny's birthday. Corporal Cheryl IVIcGrath of Canadian forces, Base PettawaWanpent few daYS borne with her parents Mr. ancl Mrs.f at McGrath Milt Dublin, 4.0 •Accessory $ewers 4.11 • Club of Puibin heard minates,by Anne Marie and learned how to tlea scarf to wear for an accessary every •daY clothes.. • Later flowers were made and hula served, Wins On the 0110114 And Mitchell and PiStriet TV Some Ringo en Channel 1Z Were Verna Colquhentm. Mitchell; Darlene Noble Mitchell; Mrs. Fred DiPPlet Mitchell; MIS. Ed. Rene. Mitchell; J. Thompson* Mitchell; Lorne Hotglutuser, Mitchell; Mra, Rive. Miteheil Tickets are available for a big Jackpot -On Wedneiclii Night. • Correspondent MRS! RAN MALONE 345-2632. •Mr. & Mrs: Herman Kla- ver were entertained by nei- ghbours Sunday in honour of their twenty.fifth wedding - • anniversary which actually falls on the 27th of this month. Games were played by the 40 people Present, .and mock wedding was staged. --- The groom- was -played -by - Leon Maloney. who was suit- ably attired. and the beauti- ful bride wasClem Kraus- • licopf, likewise attired for the occasion. The preacher was Ken Ryan replacing the original Priest Father Seger. en in Holland. "Father" Ryan was in a black ensem- ble complete with black. bible. The ring was espec- ially ordered. It consisted of an original design. of pure ' pipe encrested with • many • "diamonds" soldered on like bolts. • ' - After the happy couple were properly married an address was read and the real celebrants were presen- ted with a beautiful coffee table and lunch was served. READING COMPETITION WiNNERS—The St; Patrick.".s. Separate School 'students who placed. highest -tri- their class in. the readings • competition rheld at their school recently were .• • (back, row) Catena Uniae, Grade 7; Debby Vandenberk, Grade 8; Mike O'Rourke, Grade 6 and (front row) Lori K. RoWlancl,' Grade 4 and Carolyn Cook, Grade 3. • 4 44 i 14 . Throughout 'the. evening • Mr. & Mrs. Ken Murray have returned from • two weeks holiday in Columbia, Smith America. Mr. Jack Lane and boys attended the hockey game Saturday night in Toronto. New Yeti Rangers played the Teronto Maple Leafs, with Don and Dave. Maloney seeing plenty of action. They also enjoyed a tour of the hOckey hall of fame. The hockey game---itselfbrought several other specta. tors from our area. Ali enjoy- ing the opportunity of seeing the Makmey s in action, Mr, & Mrs. John O'Leary have returned from two . weeks in Florida. •Mr. Frank Woods visited • his daughter Mrs, Jack Mal- one one day this week. Mrs. Mary O'Connor is home from the hospital, We • are happy to report and feeling not too badly. Don't forget, ladies, the CWL meting coming • up next week. ; the toastmaster cum prea- , •e • cher was able to keep the ' occasion light hearted and s entertaining and at the conclusion of the evening : volunteered himself for any ' • A,• future •occasion such as this • • VERSE COMPETITION. WINNERS—The St. • Patrick's School students who placed first in their grade in the recent oral verse competition were Trace Vandenberk, Grade 4; Lori Lyn t c-t,ruri• in (traria e it4- -'h 4 ,,.., co /tile I -4: s eimmi---. ,...„... in. Area Churches First. PRESBYTERIAN Church. 59 toderich kt., W. Seaford, Minister: Rev. T. A.A. Duke • Organist: Mrs. D. Carter SUNDAY .MARCU 4, 1979 ' ' 11.116 Worship Service and Church Settool Lenten Sermon Series "'Church Sins" ' Pre -Easter Bible Study Wed. at 10:00 a.m. ALL ARE iNviTgr.). . ' . ST. THOMAS AhgIicctri Church Seeferth 1 lReN. James R. Broadfoot B.A., M. Die. ' SUNDAY MARCH 4T11 1st Sunday in Lent 4,1130 A.M. -1101y Communion Sermon: Man Shall Not Live by.Bread Alone . TIIMISDAY MARCH 8TH 7:30 P.M. midweek Holy Commanlan NORTHSIDE united Church 54 Goderish St. Ntcsh ,eaferth MARCH 4t 1919 • first Sunday of Lone 10 A.M.44 ' 11 A.M. - Sunday Schools 11 A.M. -Church Service Rev. 3.G. Vanstylos, Minister • Orgattist-Choir Director 1 Jr. Choir Leader 141strgarel 'Whitmore Audrey MeLiwain , Area congregations are itivitCd to take a(iyantage of the church direetoryto announce their church services eaeb• Nk, cet t hurch directory announeeetentS arc aVailnble for a noimum of 26 vonscoitive weeki in - obit,. Of ti,k0k volition inelies.t'it 52 per unit. Changes in cope num be trade each week but must be received before noon on Tuesday. • 4 Sean Copk, Grade 2 and Corry Van Bake!, Grade 1 and. (back row) Jennifer Horan, Grade 5; Patricia Olsthoorn, Grade 7; .Patricia Frericks, Grade 8; Philip Vandenwalle, Grade 8 and John Megens, Grade 6. one,' cemplete with costume. • The honoured couple •• thanked everyone • for com- • ing and for the beautiful gift and the evening came to its n owconclusion �reingoodhands with us -1 • • ,Hte Bob Cornebell shows Shit ti and Barry oho of tbornany smartly styled' spring . . • Compbeirs also have o tine SOIOCtioh of rtemnee foriiat rentals. Come in and pitkup a catalogue and pot together Your version of the Freeman fbryatiat)ettriki, • • FREEMAN tfr eP, 4$k oM emie" rekNedittritt.e.tiNterrfliAlfit • t 4 IN MEMORY ,OF tii0SE YOU HOLD DEAR )(LIMN' A. 190 EtEtt - toil2 NOW 15 THE BEST TIME TO CHOOSE A QUALITY CEMETERY MEMORIAL • White anSedp ieCrticiPenraisnugfeistsinbsetost:k • With all sizos, shapesand colours sMany-are ods,ineel 01 below inccLut:tre l, nt prices • Pluscash discount • Over 240 memorials in stack • • Will be ready for initollotion as , soon OS possible in Spring' ' • Each can be cuStorn designed to-. ' --.. - ' meet yotir reeds. • ' Now Is also the time to order Cemetery lotteringTond Marker. . -$ May we have Oepprtgilege alserying you With. y9ur memorial nee& • T. Pitlfpli 41011i 1:1111. .,..terki. sod aletoe 114rpailthiproialottifivak DON DEIMOMNill . . ObitagmowirrAkurimitiank . OFFICE 524-2747 OR. RES. 524-6621 • _ _ _ , . . . . ere's a Ict nd a lot yot.i can • VViththe Red Cross. ANNUAL Door to Door Canvass MARCH Sth TO 10th frietids for life The canadiari Pled Ordg8 society o-ordinated by Maple Leat Chapter Lo.o,e. •