HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-02-22, Page 11.,s
Skating, carefully
Mr. and Mrs, Con. Eckert and Mr,' and Mrs. Art
Devereaux have returned; from .a holiday in Florida.
A large red fox was spotted running • across the fields
near the Hills Green intersection on Sunday'afternoon.
Andy .and Susan White are leaving next week' for a
holiday cruise in the Caribbean'. Anyone wishing to offer
some advice on how. to react to the sunshine and sand can
phone . Susan at the Expositor.
--Members of the Marcussen and Nielsen families -of
Seaforth° attended the opening night.of Preben Marcus-
sen's one man show at the McIntosh Gallery, University of
Western` Ontario -campus, last Wednesday, night
The paintings and sculptures done by Preben will be on
display at the gallery until March 14 and the public are
•invited to visit the gallery. The Expositor will publish an
interview with Preben in. next week's `paper; '
Automotive Specialists sin« lets
But you onlyhave until 4:P.m-
rn .can
Saturday. Feb. b. 24th to cash in on
Mon.,. Fri. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m:
Wed. 9 a.m.-1-p.m.,
Sat. Closed at 4 p.m
(:Continued from Page 1) new$Paper or tWo with this
20 (ether people on an
letter. Neurspapers• appeared.
�... again 2 days ago• after" niaKe
Australian. airlines, flight,. than 2 months, 1hey,xee lit. to;
Edlbr's note: These letter) be uncensored. "Today's
by John Scott to his parents, newspapers which I haven't
describe the upheaval it?! #retia read, carefully yet is even
lin .the past two months. bleaker than the first 2 days.
The new government, which
Dec. 30,1978 appears to have potential on
Dear Mom &Dad: the surface, just hasn't in -
he post office has been out spired, popular support. The
strike for four days so I'm main problem is that the
using the mail pouch' to People .on the streets won't
Chicago again. I gotthe accept anything less than the
calendar, card and another absolute. endof the Pahlovi `
;letter (more recent) before dynasty in Iran and the Shah
the I' O closed down keeps haningon by his.
Bell Helicopter gave :all' fingernails..
My life here is generally
employees, a. frozen turkey
10 lbs) and I have it in my Pleasant enough and I would -
freezer, They also gave us not want to leave - unless
cranberry' jelly, grape Val); filings. were very uncom
acid: peanut butter. I spfortable for• me, Having all of
Xmas, first by walking past my recent money ssuch. as it
the IJ,S, :embass Y ; and. down is) in Chicago- is a: relief
though. The "banks haven't.
the street where. the a'irl'ines , been o en much in the last 2
are because there had been P
serious rioting.the day be- months. I'm counting on
fore..,.. living on the $1,500 or $2,000
After lunch -about 2:30- The weather has; 'been
helicopters were appearing; amazingly. mild. Today is the
in the sky=a. sign of trouble fust snow. Its falling slowly,
somewhere, There have been everything is turning white,
serious demonstrations every, But until today. the weather
day' since Dec, 24. Dec. has been clear and sunny.
&the, last daysituof- hDuringavebeen' thein days
thelow the50''highs1and
school for the week -the.
ation moves as far north as- rooms with -a southern ex'
the school•By lunch time we Posure and lotsof glass
could see traffic thinning out . surface can reach ' 7Q
on the busy intersection in degrees, `;I have only enough
front of the school•and' the--' kerosene; left for _about' 2
traffic coming from the south more weeks of hot water. An
was displaying. the signs of Iranian friend is looking out
dissent --blaring; horns, head- for. a small electric heater for
lights -40, 'slogans pinned to me, but all but food stores
the windshields, Shortly have been closed for a week
after we could hear gunfire. and a half: Tife (.commercial)
and see columns of smoke Seaforth fire department
extinguished a chimney fire.
at the •Paul Rau . home,
ablazeat the d' f thestreet
has really:'sloWed down. The
traffic and its pollution very
light: The electricity has
been -cutting off about 8:15
m1041eir ng rtlmours.
Thera. isn't ant school
today but we are supposed to
go in tomorrow. .Since life;
generally sstill at a standstill
here I .don't see how we can,
begin. a normal teaching
situation •
If Telemedia closes dowry-. ,
I'll continue here a while
family tested
A. young Huron. County
family :is being; tested; for
polio after it came in contact
with the dscease while at.
tending a wedding in
Two or three persons are
being tested, said Huron;
County medical officer of
4.ondon 1.e:
Two 'London. men' have
been charged with the break,
enter and theft on Fbruary 13;
at the Ice box, in Hensall,
About $800 worth of goods
was stplen including all the'
meat in' the freezer and, some
gasoline. ti '
Most of:the 'stolen items
'have ,been recovered.
Exeter, OPP Constable Bob;
Whiteford is in.charge .'of the
'investigation. .
Chimney, fire
at Rau ' home
from further south. By 1:30
we could see cars being set
:nen , o ; s ee Egmondville, on Friday even -
going south. '� every evening for more than y
3 weeks to reappear at 10:00: .lug'
_.--=•-jl' vvas Debbie Rau, said the lire
told"Yankeea or -Tater. _r have a -kerosene
gonome from 3 ramp. 1, . cooked, the Bell than t .cause any damage to..
groups of teenagers and;the inside of the house, Glass E mond i l i e
turkey a, week ago. It took 5 9
some People in a•passing car. hours, and was. nod. doors on the front: of ` the
shipping; ,tblfgs getting r 4
of ether .things, visit Kuwait•
for it few days and go to lhdia.
until the end:of :April 'Then .
be back in Toronto by early
May. The U of T wouldn't
'begin till early June• aja4 1'4
rather be warm in India that
cold and unemployed :#tt '
H'uron County .
for, ;polio
•health Dr. Brian: Lynch. He
did not.
release their nares
orsay What part' of the eoupty;
they are from.
Lynch said he hasn't
quarantined the family be-
cause .'the risk is. very
minimal". '
He said the family came
into contact with the polip
about four;weeks ago,
'which is well outside the
incubation period." None of
the family has shown any
Red Caps 103
Diamonds 90
Canadians 72
Carlesberg 60
OV's 4R
Crystals 46
Ladies high single, Debbie
:ianmaat: 23$; , high triple,
Linda Gridtak 627; high
average, Rose ':Bisback 192,
Low'' average Judy;Baird..'
Men's high single, Larry
Broome 385; Brian Dale high
triple .795; Randy Gridzak •
'high average 215; Earl Elliott
low average.
The situation here has. taken utile p postal sg ikehere oes • fireplace are credited with
a fairly steep turn for the on and you want to• et in containing the fire'in the
Y 8
worse so 1'll have to stay
closer to home. Some of the
signs of the time.
1. The army . has stopped
suppressing news of .riots New Years • came, in, the.
and hardships ;in various middle of our work week h theg p dville.
h fire
Instead they are almostexag dd 1 `
whentheMonday. r • our •o • nExpositor assi e
gerating the seriousness of teachingo the first da, of The firemen used dry ice will a o 'dividends. Have
the` situation economically n y o extinguish tile'" chimne • p y you Y
N Dia 527-0240.
re .
that Week -Saturday. o teas you tried one?
and politically. They seem to fire •
ons given We had the rest of
be : saying, "you desserve the week off and also the first
what is: happening because of twoa s of this. week. Dur -
what you're doing, to our:d Y
ing this, time there was some
Shah" bad tangles between troops
2. Gas is being sold n.
a g only and . demonstrations . espec-
ially in 'Mashed, Kerman-
shah and Quaziun.
During these . ,days one
Telemedia student was killed
small quantities. The traffic'
in ' the street$is now rte
latively'light, •
3. Coal oil is running out. I
have enough to keep . my and several others lost
water heated for about 3 members of their families,:
weeks. '`I stopped burning: it: oldiers .are scared nd'-
fore heat yesterday. The often seem . not in r gaood'
4. The radio says bread and control of their guns. Some of
electricity` will be neat in . the automatic guns, which
short supply. • they • always carry in a hor-
5.. Bell helicopter has cancel
led a large • helicopter, 'meman- ..izonM1 position at waist level
seemoften to by themselves
ufacturing contract that was killing peaceful pedestrians.
coming, up. l don't know. how Several days I could hear a
this will affectTelemedia. • lot of firing from my= house.'
' 6. The word today is the Shah and the night chanting after
is going to speak to both 9 o'clockcurfew, continued
houses of parliamentand for almost a week and'. half.
then leave. A regency would For the last two days we
take his place. have had classes for half days
Basically everything is; at a only and the students go
standstill here. home at 11:30 or 12:25. No
9 JAN- 1979 • reason hasbeen given and no
Dear Mom and Dad: one has come up with very,
I'll try to send you a local _ .
teillitte:st et .0 Yik 4,:
Tl ur;� Fri. -Sate.
-toIre •
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LAST' NIGHT.• • • teb 12nd:
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The ,story of a girl who refused
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is atrllktl4�L:G
Mak 9 ttiU flighig
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f 30 The 3ttVate, tit,asrichY 114./511
rrotlrem su►Ntt tel demos without fatlet
! keep You inforrped'.,
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17 JAN.;1979
:� Mom & Dad:
I've been off wnrC :alt
week. Halfway through the
day on Saturday the students
Left early (as they had during
the 3 days of, teaching the
previoi};t, week) and then
later we were told to take the
rest of the week off and call
back Friday, evening to see }f
there is any classes next
to get an electric heater.
through a school employee
just before the school closes
"SO whenever we have elect-
ricity 1 have heat .in my'
bedroom. The electric` cuts;
out often. Kerosene is. not.
available yet.
The Shah left yesterday
about 1:30 -just after lunch...
By 2:00 the streets were,
filling up with, people. livery-
one was grinning happily,..
The roads were ,filed with.
cars honking horns and car-
rying pictures of Khomeini,.
windshield wipers bent away
from windshields, and warn-
ing red carnations, and
Streamers. No one knows.
what is going to: happen now..
But it was a. happy day of
letting off steam,
The school may close down,
this weekend or it may
bumble on. If . it does, I'll.
continue working here untie
the end of April, then come
back to Toronto. 1 should be
able to work at U of T for
June, July and August.
ant ertaur007 BrunswicktlW llrl oo
Live Orchestra
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fresh Halifax lobster are at their:best. Have you tried
,our escargot in create,,, parsley and garlic butter
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feature a :fixed price menu — 3 courses and coffee:
58.75 (Children 54.50).
friday .and Saturday night .dance' to the Ken Vartey
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Up to 331,4"0 More tax credit.
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