HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-02-22, Page 6ON EXPO ITO rtr FEBRlri,t X 22 1919.; t Elaine "Townstl.end t Last Week thesubject of tv commercialy. i mucha a tli made tele realize .holy part of cit . 1 fe P y, those ads have become, For example, whencoffee tastes. p my 'bitter. 1 g tble �• "where 's 'Ms..QC e: t . when'I need her?" and when 1 buyepolties. that are tough, I' fume, YWby.didn't that ry granny ann warn :me?" When the .miliaitcher slips, I remind P p myself. "There's nosense crying --over spilled milk especially when1can call oil the job squad. If gelatindessert, ready to serve; can grow ken trees, • why can't money? 1 reason. - a When my drain clogs, I'm tempted to call Josephine the plumber. Every* time 1 hear the -words "Hi, guy"-". I immediately picture two men separated only by the door of a medicine chest, and the remark "One shot and I'm good for the whole day" seems like a natural thing to say. A re -run of a Morris classic :brings a tear to my eye and makes me wonder whether his successor will be able to cut it. A sad -eyed beagle reminds, me 1 need 'new shoes, Time and time again J stare at blurred • photos and wonder what Mr. Goof Proof and Ms. Goof Proof of radio fame would say about them. '• When 1 hear a certain. tune on the radio„ 1 suddenly yearn, for a cup of coffee; and if someone says,, "W.e do it all for yin'!" I'tti. suddenly overcome by a .•craving for burgers: and fries. Other times I find' myself humming tunes that aren't hit songs brit are catchy jingles instead. • What about you? I f 1 quipped ."You you're the one'" or "Let the Colonel do the cookin" or "Yen •, want it; you got would you know what I was talking about? People, who watch as much' television • and listen to as much radio' as. we S Canadians do. are bound to "be influenced bythe ads.hom ard' our senses every that b e two minutes. Tech racters and prodnets become part of our everyday lives; slogans and jingles creep: into our everyday ennversation. . . When .1"�ttt :;hopping' -1 elate.t. consciously think about cotnrnercials. rm too busy trying to remember' wh.atneed. corn - paring price tags and ad.ding figures in my .:head tor ofda total shock. when :I reach the u cash register. Sutmaybe. subconscious!), my choices are influenced; by commercials, Ads :must have some effect an the. buying ;public or a nd o : they would be .Dred ba for m re practical selling methods. 1 can^;tolerate most commercials and even get,a ehu'ckle out of a few Clever ones. while they are new. • Others .cause me to "scurry from the room, bury my head in a hook, turn the volume down, or close my eyes and .plug my ears. They bore me; they infuriate me. Ads aimed at kids bother me. becatise They ' filltheir heads with all the wonderful • things theshould have and then turn them loose on unsuspecting parents. The kids become the promotors most effective tool, l'm not a militant women's libber., but those ads with the. demure lady close by her man's side watching him adoringly a.nd. Saying not a word tempt me to join. The ones that irritate me the most are those created on the theory that everyone out there in tv land is a dummy. 1f the sellers want us to buy their products;ean't they give us credit for having at least a few `brains? • Commercials some insult us, others 'merely .irritate us;..•some bore us, while others amuse us. But where would We be without them? And where would they be without es? Clinton to d,esi n cover. 9 , BY MELISSA SEGEREN .. CLINTON 11 MET Clinton 11 met 'Monday, Feb, 12th at leader Carolyn van. Dorp's house. Miss vanDorp and Mrs, Whitmore the assistant leader, 'intro- duced the club. The election e f ittticers :took place. The results . are President -Mary Ann. van:Dorp. Vice-Pres.r Cathy vanDorp: Treasurer* Karin Whitmore; Phone. Girls -Sheila and Carolyn w anDorp. Membcrs:talked about the historw.: of accessbries, and golours that suit us. Next wweck the girls will bring .a'.. completely tooled sewing, box. A.elub. name and design. for the cover will: be chosen, Lo ndes bo:r�-H"eis elect... nevi officers members present, 1 pre 4-h • T he first meeting of the . er and 2 Leaders: Londesboro 111 was held; at Marjorie Duizer's, home on. Monday February 12th. Officers elected were President -Kathy :Radford, Vice President -Jackie . Johnston; Secretary Laurel Duizer. . Press Reporter. 'Helen Kolkman, For the meeting there were . 10 and. Marione Duizer.. ►crrchan Notes 111- M.ABELT 'RNI11,11"L Res; Jaynes ,lt, Rroadfoot Alf St. fhitnta' Anglican +tlznre;h took the service liridar afternoon. The ser-. s•ti;e opened a it;b the winging of -The Old Rugged Cross,•" Other ttytnns, included a. •,!w;gro spirits i "Kurt 114 Yale Tome -to me' is the meaning from :Latin. "'Antaf- ing Grace". What a Friend 11'c11awe iii Jesus." For Meditation: Psalms Read, •.this beautiful rtsaln,' a+f Pn id Seaforth WI ev \QflTS c Prayer in which Res'. iordfoot prayed thatticing God for the Church worship. attd for Jesus Christ. I14 also dfered .a prrayier for the 'Home' here. residents, and, those who eared for us. He read the lesson from St. John (hap, 10 Vs. 1 The story is very clear about the Good - Shepherd. RGv, Broadfoot leadthischapter St. -John 10 and enlarged it:n+ the subject by telling us about the Shepherds in P.3lestitle..The sheep were taken out by the shepherd in .the morning. lie earned. a Wetted pole or staff! with which h co 1d rescue t e u r :cue any sheep ii Bich had fallen WO a eresiee iii the rock, The "ww their e sheep knit . tl_c shepherd by his voice. 'Bead Si. Ja lot Chanter 10 Vs. 1 in get ,the message of Christ when be salt,._ 1 anl.the Good .Shep- herd."The sheep in Palest- ine were taken into the Sheepfold by the shepherd, for the night, safe, front any •. ‘wild beasts. The meeting. closed, with tri Plan forlfaI1 f >. 5cafortli Women's lnsti; tote learned about the Van Egmond house at its Febru,. ary meeting at the Mame of 'Mrs. Lorne Dale. A corn.mit- tee was appointed' to' be responsible for; a project for. the Fall Fair+ ';Mrs. Doreen ,E mo v'lle g r.�• Fillies try hats The third and .sixth meet ingS of the >rgmondville Fashionable Fillies Was held at Mrs, Ken Swan of Egmondville. Roll call was why you like • your favorite. hat. , The leaders demonstrated how to find scarves and: holy to make the i' bias scarf. Members discussed types. and styles of gloves. The club also talked about,,,the care, selection:and-size of.gloves. Sample of gloves and scarbes were examined.: scarves Accounting IncEorne'l Tax • A good accountant ' need not be expensive • We'll come to you • Friendly :service • 6 Icing years of experience' "If you don't like doing books, we will enter them" We come out for Taz Department Audlte • • D.C. Onsu1tflts FARM • BUSINESS • AVERAGE SIZED CORPORATIONS PLEASE CALL CEDRIC WEDEMIRE 455.2199 ANY TIME 4—H Membes are Judy Datema, 1 SEAFORTH Diana Shobbrook, Kathy Radford, Helen Kolkman, • Jackie and Janette Johnston. ` I, Elizabeth; Lawson, Laurel. Duizer, Nancy Fothergill, Mary Lou : Anderson. The I pre -4 -her was Lisa Duizer. Leaders were Judy Datema �11,/L� ;;''UU I f •' in Area Churches . . First PRESBYTERIAN' • Church 59 Goderich St., W„ Seaforth Mltnister: Rev. T.A.A. Duke Oraanistt Mrs, D. Carter SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25 ' • . 11:15 Worship. Service and Church School ' Nursery Provided • 'Pre -Easter Bible Study Wed. at 10:00 a.m. ••All are invited. ST. Rev. First Communion FEB, T • OMAS Anglican Church - Seaforth James R 13 oadroot B.A.. M.Dty. SUNDAY; 'FEBRUARY 25 Quin Qi1a Gesi`ma Sunday 11:30 a.m. Holy (bmmunton • ' Sermon: "Thou Hast Chosen'' • • , of Rev,• James Broadfdot as newly, ordained priest 28, ASH WEDNESDAY ' 10 a.m, Holy Communion NORTHSIDE United Church 54 Goderich St. West Seaforth SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25,,1979 10 a.m. and 11 *.m. Sunday Schools ^ 11 a.m. Church Service a Installation of Stewards and 'Elders Rev. J.G.'Vanslyke, Minister Organist -Choir Director Jr, Choir Leader ., Margaret Whitmore AudreyMcLlwain Area congregations are invited td take advantage of the Church directorytoannounce their church services each week. Church,' directory annnuneemcntsare available for a minimum of 26 Consecutive weeks in units Of twvo column inches at. 52 per unit, Changes in eOpy may be made each week but trust be received 'e noon onTuesday, � ..:.J..•,...., j.IGA. SALAD DRESSING 32 fl.az.jar: 1 j ' PEPSI -COLA or Kist jGINGERALE 26 fl.oz.bottles 3/87 plus dep. 1 IGA Parchment • I MARGARINE 16 oz.pack' Watch for Seaforth ;IGA, Handbill in the 'iron this week with over 55special features Canada Grade A I Medium EGGS McLean 5 Coleman, Mrs. Doris Hugill Doreen Coleman thanked: and Mrs. Anotia Crozier. Mrs. Dale for the use of her • Paul Carroll spoke about home, the history of the Van Egmont" House. Mr. Carroll also showed slides of i t- LQBA euchre provements made to date and told whatfound- Results : .the fnd o f the L. O,,B,A, ation's plans- are for the euchre held at the Orange fgture renovations, Hall on February 19 were: -Mrs. Gladys Doig had Ladies High -Mrs, Evejyn. charge of the program, The 'Willis, Ladies, Lone=Mac motto' for this meeting;. was :: Smith, Ladies Low -Mrs. Joe. "'Resolve good health and Smith: Men's High Joe " good sense are very irnpor, . M e Le Ilan, tart in every day Bring," ' Men's Lone- Alec Dennis, The nominating committee Men's Low -Andy Crozier. is to bring in slate of officers Mrs, Olive Travlss`Was the at the March meeting. Mrs. winner of the mystery draw. I• doz. I. ,FRENCH FRIES I lLily�I 2 lb.baq frozen i Prices in effect until Saturday, Feb.24/79' Me Lord"sray:er to unison. A social hour followed when M the�'.iFf pawed oonn snack and somoure ofafter- the tti'sidenlingered:and ted. wvithts i3ev, Baroadtchat-k , asking is .ottttn tiith Seaforthabouththrcgngn11eIiotis. ancestors. There are several littadfoocs.wc.9 liv e in this area. He is 4•.ery,, anxious to s � cert � at a t about r ' � w l sws r ►�e y St. Thomas. Af lican Church. ' 'Mv'OlivereKa t? .... S, -wflo is approaching,his, 99th year scented to rementher of Ms grandparents. It is a good sign when a native name returns to the ancestral area. Seaforth seems to :remain in the hearts of native sons and daughters, Quite often 1 hear them expressing mem ones of this, good old town,1 spent -ten years of my- life away 'front �h- stili bloc, tont# memnereries.but of uhf; dear old town and its people. Pearl and 1 have many heart-warming chats of earl; ler times. She celebrated her birthday Feb.. 10th a beaut- iful• arrangement of rich red cantations bright ns' our flower display a$ a result, . . The amaryllis has signed. off ;blooming but healthy leaves did appear, We are hoping to preserve :.it for another year, Birthday greetings to Mrs, lolttt Cou 120*tts. who celebrated Feb. VISITORS; Mrs; ROW" CantPbeli of •I�ttiud rile 'vtsi ked her a unk Mrs. E. Clarke and other residents. Mrs. Rueben Aiken„ Mitchell and: Mrs.. E. Durst kgmnndville with Mr, Reu- ben Aikens, Mr, and Mrs. Harold McNeill Strato . 1`r,d � neighbours at "'Schade- view," Visited M. Turnbull. Mrs, Dale !Nixon called. and gave us each apiece of thtrf Golden Wedding Cake. Mr. • Mr. and, Mrs. Nixon cele- brated the occasion of their 0 50th. Wedding ,Anniversary Feb. 3, with a reception ► en. a goodly number of neighbours and friends cal- led at their home to congrat- ulate them. Bingo was played here with the following results. John Baker and Ralph Hales - Full Card. Lucy Bushie-Str, A special thanks to Phyl lis Fry who made, with, her own hands, Valentine favours for ourtrays, a miniature w l- bee parroW filled with Valentine candy. They. are real tricky,, SPECIAL Smalh, Good. Macs $ 9s Other vgrtet'er.available (at competitive prices) Ida Red, Spy, Delicious Try our fresh cider. Available at - y S. tim all e,. Bring your own; containers. CRUNICAN ;.U NCAN BROS. R 1 Y2 miles south of. Elginfiel smokeDete 594 1:1:4(111‘ aw x •4: - With one year warranty. ULC approved. Gives you extra.precious minutes to Save_lives an• d reduce property'tlamage! !Sounds,a loud alarm at the first sign of smoke from fire, Reliable duali' bization bhamber. Low -battery. indicator: Comes with a 9 -volt battery. Small pride to pay for°your peace of *mind. Hurry on down. Check it out! . . 52-0256 We cao•heip you .get'it al . together at the Iowest•possible price:, .Com.e on` In!..Get•it done. VMD -7-14f2 oPper Wire: 1 foot in pre-cut 246 -ft (75 m).coil .25.95 A,s 1 available to the tolibwing pre-cut cols at 13.6e It . iso m . . 892:30 m 38. its � 445' tl�. t9>� ft(1�3 NMO 7.12..2availablee t the followrng pre -tut cods at 161(1C0 54c ' . 540 E;101° .n 1620. .r 3565 CSA certified indoor wiring tertian* cottage. (NMb-7.1212 for specialized needs.) Stock up now. 52-9901)09911X • Number t!fee! tet tiDv 1r:mo•e Attractive Ceiling Fixture 1. Delicate leaf motif on white glass. About 11'2"sq. 2lbulbs ; (extra). 52-3311 White under -cabinet Light 2: Durable metal housing. Ac- rylic diffuser: About 18'-ex4x 1 z' ,15W tube inch 52-3325 Recessed Ceiling Fixture, 3. 10',4" sq. metal frame, 9x9 glass, 5" deep. Copper finish. 12.69; White Decorative Hall CeilingFixturei 4. Prettyraisedberrydesignon frosted glass 7'12" deep. Bulb' extra, 52-3313 ...... ...... Bulb extra Range and Dryer Safety Wiring • 5. Cable, Plug, Connector Receptacle and Cover Plate aa.. 35 9: 4 3 ,,- �359 Deep Switch BoxIncandescent Gro -Lite: Bulbs 7. Galvanized, clamps �a 11, Helps seeds grow.89 150W,:7"49; 75W. 6,49. 360W Shallow Switch Box i 8. Galvanized, clamps ..I 10 C. Incandesceot,Clamp=0n Lamp: ivoryRotaryDimmer 1i, Forplant, spot, flood lighting._ 4�ti► Angleadjustment,CSA !': 9. Dial 0-600W. 2 -way • cert. Bulb extra.. , .. , N1 CeilingReceptacle tacle p ��� Continuity Tester E 10, Fits 3're' 4" outlet 13. Batteries; extra Mastetcratt watet pipe Heating Bands A. Integral •rnotstur'e'pfoof therrnostat. Sensing head. 24" lead U•ground plug, 52,2500x .2 8,1W 14.99: °' 15:99: 18' 126W 16:99; 24 168,Y 18:99: 1399 40' 280W 31.99« b!1' 42oWi 38.99. Y 41 Mastercratt Heating Cables lox House or Ram Root B. Melts show and rife Helps combat damage to roots and eaveStfoughs. With'hardWare 60, 35-ot1r 24.95;'00'500W 26,95: raft' 6G0W3195; 95' "Bri BCt�'."1 36.95: 200' r9ti941',95; 2,W0'r200W47:95. 1 9 Mastercraft 28" 500W Baseboard Heater thermostat . Permanent type with 5 -year warranty on sheathed heating element. Total -length overheat protection, 240V. 52.2543 411"1000W 22,99 72" 1500W:. 29.99 •:i ASSOCIATE ST harge It na�rwlthYour _ _ t ORE C� _AgN_eAt ebxItAraI! TIRE CARO' 'F.VV. TILLEY Ltd. cr Seaforth CASfBONUS COUPON S