HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-02-15, Page 8.Y- THE HURON :EXPOSITO ER UAR ' 15,, 157 • The '"Accesstlry Addicts"' atnd,"Nit:-'bats. « plan to Meet iatheu School. tt .lilac s. ho p library this Thursday .tit 3:30, p•.rn. for their fourth. meeting. Shoes and. purses will be studied as; accessories:' Last Tuesday, Seaforth 1 and 2 met for their third meeting "All Tied Up". Mrs. K. Campbell demon - t s ratedhe three basic yv_v t a,S to fold scarves - triangle, straight edge and two point. Mrs. G.L. Manner and Mrs. 1fieth Snell . helped her dernnnstrated several ay s to tie scarves including the Windsor knot. the Square lJ:not,.the Ascot and the Soft Puff. s 1001 Snell cut her fabric a on grain. for. the :bias. st=ank .and Patricia Rininiec displayed let ,well.equi;pped • sewing. box. A number of .material samples ;yvere •mounted, and labelled to add to our hook Consumer ministry wci:rns, • Carefui Anyone c nsidrrring:invest ing i n schemes inyolying:the sale of distributorships hould. read his "'ministry's. new information sheet oil .pyre- laid sales. Frank Drea today advised. The minister r of consum- er n- er and; commercial relatit ns alt said � that although these Kippen 4-H The first meeting of the lCippen 111 was held at `the home of Leader Mes.. Ann. Gibson on Tuesday , February ti, Elected officers are: Presi., dent -Estella Wilson; Vice President -Lisa. Johns; Secre- tary:tloating; 'Press Reporter Julie Townsend and ,Phone Girls -Catherine Mustard and Collett DeJong, The leaders handed out •'3LLesspries and Simply Sew-. ing books Achiieyement day is 'Thursday., Aprd Cihson told the seniors what •', they had :to do for this, project. The leaders read the "His... tory of •Accessories and 1 y.r� along with .a ,laulndiy chart. "I-leadsttrt on. slats and "Band in Glave', wiere the topics of the second 4-1-1 'Meeting hold in the school library when nterabers Thow .lea ne.d to dctertJtinc size-tnhoth• hats and gloves: and how tok select and care for 'each. Leaders showed. 1 ", a hurt to Make ,tcktkilc rain or Shine hat. a jeans clap with v is►yr. a roque :and a mid sales scheme haw beenttk gzd m Dntario since •1`hs 11vr anitttic sales, Acf. ryas repealed n December ,SOnIc tnaa sun be in operation '. And' it's s irta- • anti 4nlp{ts.ihle for tai t=aut: 'to reeoser•their mimes." Mr.Drea informa- tion Said �thethetnf ma - tion sheet enable": ink cwt.'s girls elect niembers- talke bout the colotirs" iiE tialii''.t"ardrolli;i. He'nsall Correspondent MRS. B..MACGREGOR 2b2-2025 Unit:4 of Hensall Cnited • Church' met in the Fellowship :. Hall on Thursday with six- teen members present. Mrs, McAllister opened the meet- ing with "A Thought for.the Dav'. . Mrs. T. Shdrritt: had the Devotion. Mrs, •Elizabeth Riley gave the study and .read an account of the progress: of the hospital at Hazelton g C Itns rrittc in raring for the sick of the arca :by providing the best . of rnedicalcare.' Mrs" Rena :Caldwell and • Mrs, Earl Rowe .presented .o skit on "The l=first .Women's Missionary Society Meeting" Forty-fourvisits svt•;re made to sick and 'shat -ins. The •mernhers;4vere reminded of it he, Day of Prayer Match 2nd in Carmel Presv terian Church. also the CCW General meeting March 5th with a 'pot luck supper, Rev. : 1lusser closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch • was 'served by Mrs. Britton and her committee," UNITED CHURCH PLAN Rev. T. Garnet •:Hnsser conducted service in 'Hensel} , United Church on Sunday. His sermon was "It Can. happen here.:' Mrs. Mari. aunt: McCaffrey Jed the choir, in singing Hotly . holy. Holy" front the Folic Mass, .. • Dr. Ralph Top presided at the organ. The Bible Study Group will meet • in the Church Hall. Thursday eve- ning February 22nd at ' p.m. for a seven week period. Rev, Kenneth Knighicon• ducted serViee in Carmel, Presbyterian Church on Suf- day. Sermon , a as "`C ivpy its this day, our daily bread. •Mrs.;Robert Taylor' presided at the piano. The World Day of Prayer Service will beheld. in Carmel Presbyterian Church on March 2nd with Rev. T. Garnet Hussar guest speaker, The Carmel choir are sponsoring a "Crokinotc• party" on 'Friday ,February 23rd at 8 pati. in the school room of the 'Church. Every- one is invited DRYWALL KNOWtt reit HIGtl QCALlTY Peter Bakes, Drywall COMPLI YE DRYWALL SERVICE 527-1 395 ter 5271606 ist disftnkfUts.1 between 'thy" l` +, L'znwa and ll ;etltna.tt. sales Pr�;iila:�: s=lit s y:1n.me', are prilhanted. lyy th tt.'ylarctl t:,•or itsitteS:loss stip ton zvi. unless pros sueial isgisialtion, i4 iii 161.0. For , free arei, the intitrittatton stictt. t'Kintact C 1 e itsunle:r .tnitlrm,,ltie tl Cep. arc.: Mlraistt . taf vltn5tiilts r ,and t'elliinere 4tl Rel;atinits, Y'ongt' Street... Toronto" Ontario : E A 211,: (Al(s} 1)61.1.111 hrintmfi+t. hose Van Loon .and- lint :Shell .derttnbstr.ated stra ig*ning.a wove nffb r�i e for easy bias scarf. s,le-tt accessoryPatr. turns also yas shown. ()Dicers were elected ,nS 11is fcillcyy4tai, ,.an f`cesidett Tracey s �, "illi. - ,: l�lay.l.cnd 'And Vice -Presidents; Shelley Driscoll and. Sharon 'Wilson„ Secretaries. Lisa 'fieutterimit- :let and Michelle A ie lle Hua d Press Reporters. Lisa Reut- teenntiller ;anti Kim Snell. Seaforth 1 has chosen. '"Aetessory Addicts" as a. club 'name and ,, Nat.-Nacs" is Seaforth 2's club name, "Accessories. The Final Touch" was introdut "rt tri the 4-H, members of St cddnrth i and 2.in the public sheool library when leaders Mrs. 0. Elliott; Mrs. Campbell. Mrs.. Rimmer and Mrs. Snell outlines, club rectuirements. and conter't , ,t::nsbers, participated in try in to dis- a 'i tiilqulalt their figure type n.d appropriate rtl slate. accessorieste. Different colour samples • were used to help decide on a basie wardrobe colour' tied as guides for colour combination of acces- sories, THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET "The Store That Saves You More" * ABR%C litU FEBRV p`P NO s XIX We have jest received `a truckload of ASSORTED FABRICS •our large purchase of those fabrics allows us to pass Out •'standing savings to .you, the consumer... rOUR CHo10E METRE • Now• A veilabite r PATTERNS Super Sale!' =an escorted, fabrics Thesepatterns were dooiloped to make sewing easier and faster - but you are still able to make •a professional looking gar. relent, whether you have sown far years, or are lust a' beglnn•r. A new shipment of Now in oer Sewing Department.,. MOLNLYCKE THREAD Pelyslstlr, 3 sizes to choose from - Ina rainbow of colours, ORG PiE CES Ore -measured and pro -priced: Hurryt `they won't, hist" is fl91 THE BASE FACTO' Y TLET 41u: woo ''Ulla Stare that Haves Yes Mont' MINS -wvs .► mos.-016tri .Kir wIRR — VARD 0000s,- :IWINOMRCNiWd.-.POUNDoo0.s+d f GMXnItIs r NEW 0T014 HoUitS: , Suniev 12 0666440* 4 Sn,,,D, o, • onos,,o It was fifty years, ago last Friday -when Mr. arid; Mrs. Pale Muni. were married and. on. Saturday their .fa"ily., fruh ,•t. :i lids a ganti net l � rs, ..,... .crowded their home to mark' the itln- The Wedding took place in. f.Attdorl 41t Feb. .% 19Z9• The bride was ithe fairner Mice Munro, laugh#Gr of Mr. and iNrs.. 'Doe I� Munro of 13r4cefield While the grooms parents were Mr, and Mrs. James Nitten of Seaforth. The couple began their. married life .occupying .the• present Wilson residence e beside the Lions Park. A year later • they purchased the adjoining McMann tarts# on. :tyo. 8 highway to the east Of the 'hark and that: has becrl h r *heir home eversince, Prior # ilii norriag* Vic. Nixon had carried WI 4 successful dairy ol?erationf'or a number of years :fror►lt the Nixon family propel on, south Main Street. HoweVetk when the couple squired the - McMann property thus gaYe, up the milk Mute finding it to be too match in addition to full time farming. They did . d and their da r retain try he continued to ship milk. While the activity associated with their, farm has ben their prinie "conte rn M;i"s. 1Ntxutt also has taken an active part in the organizations of First Presbyterian church and in the Mottle and! School A.ssoietion, before it was. of isp V4d. The couple have a tat>Itily' offour daughters; and eve,' lonsand they 41I' were ho; e• for the Anniversafy event on Saturday. They' ;are ,Site, Mrs.. W. Waytowlch: ' of Windsor. Glenn of •Hetisalli. Al'ce Ann, Mrs. Chasfa1ko t r of London, Gene, '1VF.rs. James Daynhant, of London, Lynn, Mrs:, Carl, Crossett, 12.11;2', Denfield and James of e . here ar 1 and - L0 , ndn. T .._o �2 B1' children, •, • •, • •• ;, • • • •• •••••••••••t•.•..••••,:.•;•••h,V.AI••V*••*:.,.••ALA* *,'•l'. 1',.�tli1'•}!�E,;..�a!1.�.*,.••.a*••.•s•••.•.:t+a•. o}Rs:..oR • : • • • •., • ..*.. i . •• ••..r. •••.°°.4'°.-!••.•:•.• c 01.a•a S, • .. • ***. •.•;•aat_.••••••y*♦••4,IL, •••••!,,•••*•,•*• A. l,• i,**i.: •*•},•h of• R.0• °--APPLIANCES —Th PLIANCE & REFRIGERATION SERVICE Authorized factory warranty Service and repairs to GE, FRIGIDAIRE & 1NGLiS PPL A C A ES N • Service and repatrs'tg 9 ll .. • makes• HORNE'S • Major Appliance • REPAIR SERVICE • 527-06-56 Seaforth r CAR CARE BRUXER Repair Service TUNE UFS • REPAIRS • . • •• D. : Home. 345=2114'• • Frank and. Ma• ureen ;