The Huron Expositor, 1979-02-08, Page 20Toss winter aside
with a Cadet Snowblower.
27 Birtbis
'SWAM Paul and Mary
L (nee Corte) are prOndto
announce the birth, of a.
clang t 'Fatty Ma> fi
Vis" at St 1orph'S
,Hoapttal,; London on January,
30th" 1979, A new sister for"
Peggy, Katie, Kelly, and.
Jennie; Eighth grandchild
for M. and •Mrs. Lewis
Coyne, Seaforth.. 27-87-1
HODGINS - To Mr. and
Mrs. Kim Hodgins, RR 5,
Clinton on January 31, in
Seaforth Community Hos-
pital, a daughter. 27.87x1
HICKEYf..1im and Teresa
announce the safe arrival of
, their daughter Amanda.
Marie on Feb. 2, 1979 at
,Alexandra Marine General
Hospital, Goderich. A wee
sister for Erin, Proud grand-
parents are Mr; and Mrs. Joe
Hickey, Auburn and Mr. and
Mrs, Joe Devereaux. Sea -
forth. - 27-87x1
VAN BAKEL; To Mr. and
Mrs, John. Van Bakel, Sea -
forth, on. ,February 4 in
Seaforth Community Hos-
pital, a daughter. 27-87x1.
28 Death*-
- .
At. Strathroy . iinspitat on
Saturday, February 3. 11:979.
Gertruid a Maria (Spronit) of
ft -R.2, Strathroy,;in her fz4th
year. Beloved wife of Peter J.
Thuss. Far mother of Henry
of Kerwood, * Mrs. Diane
Vandervelden of S,eaforth, a
Ted of Hensalt. Peter Of
Arkona" :Bill of Strathroy.
Mrs. Cott (Cathy) Appetdoorrt•
.of Mount ,Erydges Jetty of
Strathroy. John of Thedford.
Martin of Arkona, Mrs,Riot,
(Mary) Ysebert of Appin. Job
of Watford, Bernadette gt
home, R,R,2, Strathroy ;a rid
Jaselth.(deceased). Sifter al'' M N4AY MORNING ---This was the scene in Seaforth on Monday
Gracia: Versteegh, •morning when Winds, and blowing snow made visibility almost nil and
Whilhelmina. John and Bert when many a motorist_ stayed put for the day.
Spook .of Holland.- ;Pre•
deceased by .one brother
Everett Spronk and four
sisters, Diane and Marie •.r '
Moerkerk and"' Dora and
Anna Spronk. ,Also survived;
by 30 grandchildren, Resting
at the Denning Eros, Funeral
Home, Strathroy until;•'
Tuesday. February t when.
the funeral mass washeld at
the Strathroy AU Saint's
Roman, Catholic Church at
11;00 a.m. Interment. in
Strathroy Roman Catholic
Cemetery. 28-$7-1
LEO: Roses are Red, Violets.
are blue, Without you' Leo.
What would we do,
From all your Sweethearts
KLAUS; Roses are yellow;
Violets are . white,
We'll soon be finished the
Don't give up the fight.
Love Rhea
CAL, ,' ..And three days
after forever is done, I'll love
you! Barb.
ANDY WHITE: You built our
• Shelves,' Our old paper files
too, That's why we wish.
Happy 'Valentines to you.
The girls at The Expositor
You're comfortable now. but
what happens when you
Consider a Registered
. Retirement Savings Plan.
117 Goderich Street, East.
Phone 527-0410, Seaforth
Get your life in, shape
The Huron County' 'Board.
of ` ,Ed:ueatton decided
Tuesday a S4.'00 %Viceto the
ministry of edu;cation was too
expensive. The board
decided not to renew its
membership in the Ontario
School Trustee's Council
(OSTC)• the official pipeline
to the minister of education
for school boards in the
Membership in OSTC has.
Jack's Jott
(Cantirited from Page t4):
to around 40 cents .by the -
year's end. . BY .the end of
19"', however. producer,
prices began 'tci, :rise, and so
did the retail level. From an,
average of 51.26 cents in
1976, the. consumer , price
'rnaed upwards into ,1978,.
, Cattle numbers. had declined
–and producers .'t ere --getting
/bore, with the price peaking,
at 70 cents per pound in
June. At point. cowtum-
ers were paying record prices
as Well -up to S2. ,5 a pound
• average, Since 't1en, all beef
prices have dropped some-
+•hut bur the CCA 'predicts
more increases for farmers
and consumers :over the year
Undoubtedly farriers wel-
coned- the higher 'prices,
claiming' they were simply
recovering their losses,:",
Te spine. the existence of
the beef cycle (world, grain
prices' .behave in. the ,sante
the ;Hutton Feder'atifmn, :c11
Agrigalture has. decided #n:
continue fighting the :change
of the zoning which .allows a,
restaurant to be built at
Goderich.'S harbpurfront.
Goderi ch council approved.
rezoning contrary to itsplan-
ning board's adv ice,to allow
Goderich business man Bob
Gibbons to build the
restaurant at ' Beach and:.
Barbour streets across from
grain elevators" .owned by
;Ooderich- Elevator and Tran-
sit Co, Ltd.
Farmers are concerned
• that the future of the grain
elevators could: be
jeapordized as the restaurant
would be incompatible with
(Expositor photo) them. Farmers in the area.
join group
been a contentious' issue with had been •requesting new
the board for the past year, equipment for .technical .and
When the 54,700 member- commercial classrooms.
ship came due ie 1978 former pointing out that the 54,700
'Goderich trustee Cayley Hill could "buy a lot of type
suggested the board shy . writers".
away from joining. Hill said; Shirley Hazlitt, trustee for
• at.the time that the board Goderich township, de-,
faced a Very tight monetary • fended membership in OSTC
situation in the next few when Hill suggested the'
years claiming the money board get out Hazlitt said at
could be better spent, He ithat time that the conference
*old the board that teachers for new trustees., sponsored,
by the council was very .worth
Q si---while and she felt the board.
should remain a member of
manner. by the way) points the council:
out the need for a marketing Ha.zlitt has come full circle.
agencyto stabilize cattle' Tuesday she made the re-
numbers and prices. commendation that the board
There are many _.. other getout of OSTC. She said
factors in price changes for she felt the board voice to the
commodities, some totally minister of education
uncontrollable. The weather. through OSTC was "not very
• for example, can hurt crop loud and not very clear" and
vidds to the extent that recommended that the board
Dorothy Wallace,
Goderich trustee, reminded
the board that membership
in the council may be in the
board's 'best interest; She
said teachers, are organized
in groups and they are forced'.
to join • their respective
groups whether they like it or
not. She pointed out that
teacher organizations have
considerable clout politically
and ;if the board ever
wanted . to use council
services to strengthen a case
it would have to remember it
"wasn't pulling its weight",
Hazlitt added that there'
were a number of things she
felt' the council needed to
lookat to improve its •ef-
festiveness, She said the only
way to tell OSTC the board is
not satisfied is to withdraw
supply :is limited tad_p_riees not join this. year • meinbership.
raise naturally,
Performers wanted
For UNICEF concert'
As a 'special project for. the United
Nations' Year of the Child, the Blyth.
Centre for the Arts is sponsoring a concert
for UNICEF, Wednesday, March • 28 in
Blyth 's MemnOriaJ Hall. "
The Centre, which operates the popular
theatre each summer. in. Blyth, is :looking
for local talent to perform at the variety
• Performers who , can volunteer their
services are askedto call Betty Battye in
Blyth at 523-9658 after 5 p.m., or write the
Blyth Centre for. the Arts, Blyth
All proceeds from the concert go to
UNICEF to help with its work. with children
around the world.
boy :Brain .fk liltestgck feed.
and store grain, at the
elevator. The federation feels
that anything that adversely
affects the elevator company
will result in iner4&$d costes
to the farmers.
"We weren't carrying the
torch for Goder eh elevator"
Gordon Hill, chairman of the
land use committee told F of
A members Thursday night.
The federation executive pre-
sented a brief to. Godertch.
council last month but the
general< Meeting in; Clinton membership had an
was the ftrsttime the•geiperal Rortunity to discuss it.
sates, Service 4 Ins-NM/flan of
Irri pipelines &.
^milking ,parlours
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February Discounts.
HURRL-Only'8 Beata -let for..the— -
LoulvIlle Kentucky Farm Show
See The All American Tractor Pull Finals
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