HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-02-08, Page 1511111111111 BY. _. o ...HAMILN Active discussion highlighted the monthly :l Duron Federation of .Agriculture meeting Thursday. Over 40 members. attended, making it one of the best attended meetings in ages, ;The subject of sevecanee'Qf corner lots on farms came under heated debate AA, nl!embets questioned, a; resolution Submitted; :by Stanley township to have severed lotszoned, rural residential which makes owners aware of nuisance, noise and smell of farm operations. It was point .ed, out that in. some 'townships retiring farmers who want to build on the corner of their farm don't need a severance to obtain a building permit.; Many members argued that the land should be left zoned agricultural. OFA • past president, Gordon • Hill, Varna, and Mason: Bailey* Bl th, were y >Y bothvocal opponents of the resolution. Mr, Hill felt the resolutlenwas asking members how they stood on severances and wondered if farmers: needed. to- be that drastic here in :Huron County. Mr, ;Bailey peinted•out that the restrictions proposed' would; penalize formers, sited the example of ,the *Met i,. Who owned a 400 acre: ?firth •oral was denied a severance to build a retirement home. The farmer ended up going down the road and paying 514.000 for a lot to build his house on. "People who have- money will find a way to live in the country" said Mr. Bailey: The resolution was referred to. the F of A's land use committee for ironing out. before submission to Ontario Federation of Agriculture. - Bev'Brown, Blueyale, told' members that there is talk; that the import duty ontwine may go up to the Spring, Complaint*; ha.ve 'been. received that' twine 'is being dumped from Tasmania. and Mex took of subsidization is proved, In those countries then the ease wilt be 'nought before the Anti D,4niping Tribunal Ms. Brown painted out. thati Agriculture Canada does not know about the situation. but the Ontarie Federation is aware of the problem. }furon, members passed a resolutions to ask the Ontaio F of A to:' become actively interested in, the, case in Ottawa. and to make :sure that no :import duty is put on twine. A requestfor support for an erosion study by four area. youths, -were received and members recommended' support . with the understanding that: the students explore .possible solutions rather than problerns, The students are applying for a Young Canada Worksprogram to .develop: an edu0tio0a11 slide bow and ,Cassette that :will; :be offered to groupsfor viewing. The presentatiet will be self-explanitory. Maurice Bean andNorman• Alexander, both mernbefs.of the Erosion Committee, felt: that groups did, not know what they are looking for when', undertaking,: a study of this nattzre. "I am into, the filth showing of my slide show (on; erositie)'" . said Mr. Alexander,, "And People want slides• .of results" The members recom.meede„d that the, studentscontact the erosion; committee for further information. Brenda Mclntpsli, 'head Q. Public Relations reported on the public speaking ,lessons members are in the middle of taking. Ten have'• enrolled, Members of .the last federation Speaking clasa•. have given two; speaking en 4agements and have mote taming up. Th,, fedeIatit floes apea . t4 aezviee clubs, and ;members ol~ the ,cour$.e are invited- t4 spe4, :Metobt:rs� were offered lessons on. writing �press1 releases. and reports. ° The course is three S;at! rdayS •longi and anyone interested may contact '►tend* McIntosh. Brucefield. • Members divided; into regional: groups and .discussed membership drives and comniufjCatjons with current members and recruiting. update memberships data, foreign p dealing with ownershi ,and local concerns were among the major topics of discussion The discussion was, started wit'i Tony McQuai'. head of program • and, education committee, throwing ideas out to the members for discussion in. groups: Louise Marriott, federation, tctf e'r a lid co-otdipaton 'fee the Rural, Devele patent Outreach; p Program gave a brief hi$ory of the Federation• ” Getting old rrteo bets, pat 10. meetings ,and enlisting td: lip lBew►►►embers is a pro..itfetrrt many said" Many rnerubers :felt they, needed mote information. before going out to sell: rnetnberships., but ether* :disagreed.. lyLason Bailey .found that being sincere .sold a. lot more than statistics. Jim McIntosh suggested that members watch for new farmers moving. into the area. Suggestions varied from annual dances, as ;a reward far a year of effort for members,, to showing 'films available free from: the ;libraries to spark :interest. in merrt.bers at the ;township level; Workshops and: kitchen meetings T EHU ON ECPOSITOR OR AI were emphasized and members ;from north Hilton agreed that the kitchen Meetings get interest going, P- :their secondary planning; ,committees- in Tflrnberry township" On the subject of foreign. ownership members were told that four provinces. already limit the amount of acreage that can be owned' by anyone .outside of the province. They are Manitoba. Saskatchewan, Alberta and Fringe Edward' island. ' Members felt that . more information was needed' On; the subject to determine' if it was in fact a problem herein Ontario. Bev Brown: issued a plea for help- in updating cWeelation records. Circulation managers want the membership;broken up. into postal areas. The. secretary treasurer from '° Bili Armstrong, heads Junior Farmers. Lintel's ateapp,RGated,by eooTrottet Male Rd EIm,.a One N3a 2C7 at evi! lurks i� hearts of men Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? When regulations or guidelines are set up, it should be tib:: vious to those enforcing such guidelines what the rules of the game are. Lawyers, of course. make much hay out of interpreting these•rules, especially when new legislation is passed, Judges spend time and tax money setting precedents :for fu- ture -lawyers and judges to peruse. But when a set of guidelines is passed which are too fuzzy or too far outside the intent of the law to enforce; trouble. arises, , This is exactly what has happened with ethe' federalgo.-. vernm.ent's recent set of guidelines ffor'the National Farm Products, Marketing.Courici f .tr4; •"F'irst, a bit of explanation,.:; Legislation in many provinces allows farmers to organize their own marketing. boards, This has been done for'•more than 30 products in Ontario. These boards must answer to the provincial farm .products marketing councils. If they overstep the legislation, they are told about it and. must take steps to correct any abuses. This provincial watchdog consists of farmers,a consumer representative and, members co-opted by the province. Now, we getto the national picture. If farmers deemit necessary, they can organize on a national, basis. This has been done with the co-operation of nine of the 10 provinces for chicken; eggs,and turkeys.. Again. . national farm products marketing council sees that these national marketing boards do not overstep the let- ter and the spirit of ahe law. It is legal for farmers to or- ganize national marketing boards and the national council keeps a close eye on those'•ageneies which arefederal in scope, . Recently, the federal cabinet "decidedthat present legisla- tion governing :marketing boards' was not enough.. A set of Those guidelines havecaused some rural toupees to hit' the roof: F'r instance; the guidelines suggest that national council. FOURTH ANNUAL SEE ONTARIO'S LARGEST IN- , DOOR. • : EXHIBITIONS/ OF JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT ri)•01. Free Admission NEW FOR '79 TITAN COMBINES 16 ROW PLANTER NEW PLOWS will be responsible for the wholesale and: retail prices :of ehicken,. eggs and turkeys. ' • Whoever prepared those guidelines should read the legis - lotion. The national farm products council can do nothing. about the retail and wholesale price of those products. They do not have the power under the act. ° "I can't believe the guidelines were meant to be taken.li•.. teraily," said Jinn. Boynton of Chesley; vice -Chairman of the nationDri�yal council. "We — the Council — do not .have the.auth- . Council power over prices are clearly restricted to prices paid to farmers. The council has :nothing to do with prices ,after the products leave the farm gate, The guidelines also say the council is tobe responsible for wholesale and retail distribution prices and: must have an eye on profits in the food chain for the products under its, jurisdiction. Phooey! The federal government in. all-itfrpower and manpower had too much trouble monitoring ,food .prices during the price control binge and did a 'lousy job:iow in the name of. all that's common sense can the cabinet expect a group of people on the farm council to do such things? . The guidelines also: get into the thorny problem' of quotas and quota prices and the farm marketing council is being .asked to prevent quota -policy differences between provin ces which would tend to distort national production pat- terns'. Boynton maintains quota policiesand-administration clearly are provincial' matters, ' "`• To make matters worse, June Menzies, former .vice- chairman .of the Anti -Inflation. Board, has now become chairman of the national farni-products marketing council. A consumeradvocate; she 'could ride roughshod .over, the farmers on the'couricil' who have struggled long and hard to give .farmers the necessary clout in marketing their pro - I think the national farm products council is going to have a rough time in the next few months. Whatthey need now is for the cabinet to withdraw .those asinine guidelines and give the council something it canywork with, • FARM INDUSTRY SHOW February 12 and 13, 1979 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. At Our EXETER EQUIPMENT CENTRE Highway 4 North Exhibits And Representatives From: • The Big "O' Drain. Tile Co. Ltd. • Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food • • Stewart Seeds • Cook's • Chipman Chemicals Ltd, • Centralia College of Agricultural Technology ContinuousShowing.Of The Film - ""Frontiers'79" EXETER' U'SE. WALKERTON BLYTH (519)235.1115 (519)881-2231 (519j523-4244 Anglers offered new maps Six hundred; and eighty- one lakes were surveyed during, 1977 as part of the Ministry of Natural :Re- sources) continuing 'program. of producing fishing maps for popular Ontario lakes: To date. 560 fishing maps have been prepared for the public and arc available through district offices of the min- istry. The Huron County Junior Farmers held'. their Annual, meeting at the Clinton High- school Auditorium. After singing the Junior Farmer Song. the members introduced themselves and the club they represented. Auburn, flowick, South Huron, West Huron and Seaforth; Rick Archambault, the 1478-79 President called the meeting to order and the election; of off1cers.took place, They are so follows;. President Sill Armstrong, Wingham; Vice -President - Paul 1?avkeje, Centralia; Secretary Sharon Colclough, Clinton; Treasurer - Larry Plaetzer, Auburn; Press Reporter - Joyce Dougherty, Dungannon;. Provincial Directors, - Jim Phelan. Blyth., Rich' Archambault, Blyth. The Governing Constitution was discussed ,and thealterations recognized. The Zone Winter Games, Broomball Tournaments and the Farm Show Pri f tcess, Competition were also spot bent, each township phis OAStr person, who knows'wet members is ;wetted to 'moi THE NEW BERG RE HYDRO -MAN MANURE PUMPB _.. L*CES YM YRE' oa WANT IT 11 WILL SE NN WIEN +EEN 11 NEED This specialty designed pump leads the inanurs from the h.rn, ttreuph.n underground pipe, to the storage *me, As. the manure eaten the stomp; wee from batow, the outside whale forms a. "crust, which retain via impsiaprrt nitrogen end potessium. !MOO; Ott; 049; and sap r.ducsor the .oder ON. ny ProWeglc Malt the °MT!". lex 000,4- Keith ale*mon „YtaRo. ne"wk'.•Plumbing--Farm Equipment _A AWN r: PUMP R. R 4, Walton, Ont. Phone 345-2734 NOEFROST REFRIGERATORS Now's the timeto. buy during: GE's Annual Warehouse Clear- ance SALE. Check these: two, great buys in Foamed in place NO FROST refrigerators featuring "large capacity, door shelves, canti- lever Shelves in the refrigerator section, meat storage drawer; two crispers, butter conditioner, : . Cheese compartment and even two, lift -out egg trays. Available in Almond 1,7 cu/ft sizes. Excellent VALUES: at 2Okg.. Purina arehou .s. :l earan c e PURINA CHOW 1.00. off also Purina 'Phone .Tf 1.50 off per bale IETZ LTD. 527-0608 . R.R. 4 Seaf Orth Ont., 30" RANGES Need a. NEW Range? Then check these for outstanding value. Deluxe model J34RMW features Automatic oven timer/' clock/minute minder and infinite heat controls, two: 8" and 6" plug out ele- ments,. mini -broil baking system, porcelain broil pan and rack and con- venient storage drawer. These and many more features make this an: • outstanding buy at • Mr. Farmer Innionsttnnommonnottommoromnommotanntnnommottommluttnnimint Come in and see our 1/2 PRICE TABLE Milking.Machine supplies and brooder bulb shades oninirsaintitnisiartamtatmlintinomatinitinal We now have LYS* FF Liquid lice control and numerous other store lines; Seaforib Pbtscrubber DISHWASiHERS Warehouse Clearance Time is SAVE time Let us'show you this 7 cycle.C'onverttble model sscss1 featuring potscrubber normal, short wash, rinse and hold and plate: warmer. Three level wash.' action, soft food disposer and ,convenient pies- • sure release unicouple make this a TOP VALUE at 5127=1910 527.132* Stie Orth General entracting • Washed & Crushed Aggregates • 11tatetial Handling • l'ltiniblit " ilaatin �� Electrical'' C.G.E. Electrical Appliances ...