HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-02-01, Page 181R - THE HURON EX S,ITOR, :E0111 lAiRY' 1, 1979, 1. Coming Everts DUB LINF,ESTSatyrday. July: 14th Pork Barbeque 5 p.m. 8 p.m. Dance to Desjardtnes Orchestra 9' p.m.. -. 1 a trr, Sponsored by Dublin and, District Lions. 1-86-1 CLINTON Legion .Bingo every Thursday, S:00 P.M, 1st regular lard $1.00. Re- stricted to 14 years or over 15 regular games +q t' $15,00 S5 .. least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200.00 must go each Week,..1-.86-tf' ES. 10V”,, U4foltt$ 0.14 410 5 S«'.!,w Planning a Trip! Florida Carribbean Europe Canada ' etc. ' Let UsHelp. r 1-86 tf Bingo. Every Tuesday Night at the. VANASTRA CENTRE R R:S. Clinton 8P.M. • First regular card $1.00 15 Regular games of S15.00, 3 Share the Wealth Jackpot $209 must go Admission restricted to 16: •• years or over 1-864 The. Huron County Health invites you to attend the Child Health Clink. HEALTH UNIT OFFICE SEAFORTH HOSPITAL on THURSDAY," FEBRUARY 8, 1979 . from 9:30 -11:30 a.m. for.. 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening ,.3. Immunization 4. Fluoride 1.864 2 Lost, Strayed ON 'BOXING DAY at arena. man's blue star saphire ring,' Reward. 527-1937. 2-86-1 ., RED TOOL. box on Sunday afternoon between Hully Gully and Hensall. Reward. Phone collect 262-6809. 2-86-1 4 Help Wanted 4 Help Wanted! MACHINIST We, regUire a, machinist for our Plant #4 in Mitchel, Ontario. Rate of Pay, Start -86.33 per hour.. High -$6.93 per hour Plus; 14 cents Cost of Living Attowanpa Plus; Company, Paid Fringe Benefits following probationary period. Apply to Personnel Department 103Q Erie Street Stratford, Ontario. Telephone 519-271-3360 EXtension 63. o!" , Mitchell, Ontario' Telephone 519-348-8471 4-86-1 WANTED_ Person or couple to assist, in the operation of Parkhill,,: ' ' Conservation Area - Campground and Day -use Area Em tonient from coAmoril'dtaotiOonctsosbuepr pie'dag negotiable, For further information, please contact; A •le -B .. fiel usab a e d ,y Conservation . AuthoritYy:. BOX 459 ...�, EXETER, ONTARIO 4-86-2`'.: Sales Position Executive income • Weekly income guaranteed, plus commission and monthly ' bonus, The Position:. Direct Field Sales to the public - Motor Club Benefits, Requirements: intangible , Sales Experience, Self-starter, ambitious with a car. Can you qualify? Contact: ED BAUER129 Patrick Street. WINGHAM, ONTARIO Phone: 357-3805 4-86-2 GREY AND WHITE PPersian cat with collar and bell, a: *,- Reward phone 527-0575. 2 86x1 r4 Classified s d Rates NT Char es re based ORD nuCOmber of words Sets of g a u s . nutnera!$ as for serial numbers' st'r ++et numbers phone numbers Or prices count as ;fiord Per set Words lorned by hyphens coutSt as separate words- FIRST ords F RST INSERTION .-. 20 Words s2 00: 9c per word thereafter • SUBSEQUENT. INSERTIONS.:- 'No'C0 y'Changes. ,c tier word, tumid -tum Si 50 SEMI -DISPLAY' -. FIRST INSERTIONL.82 10 per colu.-do....4nth. . SUBSEQUENT INSETIONS 81 82 per.tYoturrin inti; incrt (Mirimtirn site ro tuts cete0ory 14. inches Aecepteditt huiti0Ies of hall itch 7 • BOX NUMBERS TO THIS• OFFICE; -- $0c per. • insertion BIRTHS ; 20 words. $2 00, 9'c per wordttiereetter MARRIAGES Engadernents. Death Notices, 26 words 82.00, each additional word 9c. IN MEMORIAM5 -- $2,00 piut 16c per Irne of verse. :COMING EVENTS 20' words 82.00. each additional word 9c. Three tosertions for the price • oft. CARD' 'OP THANKS -- 30 ;Words $2,00, . eaeh 4dditional word 3c. = SOC 'DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY•NOON INWEEK OF INSERTION. No can eel Iatiori of rttulfipte fritertton 4dvertisernentsalte tiUipi.Tuesday 13imitinti'fdf clasaltl'ed MS is 1214.0bn''fuladiYS Phone -527-0240 or R.N.A. .N.A.. Full or part-time Riverside Nursing Home '`�. MITCHELL ,348-8903 . 4.86-1. {le p Q1it0 7L (V u iQG ✓, Gaye G ache ftkoi requires a Cleaner at CENTRAL HURON a =r• SECONDARY SCHOOL; CLINTON Return applications stating age, experience,. address and telephone number f6 MR. R. McVEAN PLANT' SUPERINTENDENT HURON TY BOARD OF'EDUCAT 'EDUCATION 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario NOM 110 Specific of workcific ties and hours will be 'given 'to applicants Called in for an interview. Deadline for applications is ' ' EBRUARTt 004 100' 1t.J.1E2rlott, D'..E Cochrinie, Choke/ma Director '.1 4 Htelp. Wa'nte� Township of ckersmith re9ulrel a. Part-time Person te sell dog tags for 1979. Apply inperson at the town- ship office„ Vanastra Park. J.R. McLACHLAN CLERK -TREASURER` 4-85.2; 5 Bus. Opportunity WESTERN CANADA, SCHOOL OF AUCTIONEERING LTD Canada's first, and the. only Completely Canadian course 11` Articles For' Sale •_..._ . ,.: l 1 Articles For Sale 14 Property For Sale 14 1.. Pioneer SEED CORN 520 and. Banner alfalfa and Timothy nw.tures'. BiLL COLEMAII4 Klippen, 262.5011 141-86A • MOTO SKI' 399 snowmobile in excellent condition, low mileage'. Priced at S700. 482.7467. 11-86-2 . SNQWM0BILE trailer, doublewith racks. Call Chanes Campbell after six, 527-0243, 11-86x1 FARM fresh eggs, will -deliver in Seaforth. Call 11.,85-2 FALSE teeth, long under- wear? Expositor classifteds, have sold almost everything. Place your ad today by ` calling 527-0240, 50 cents off. when you pay cash. • 11-86xtf' CHILDCRAFT World book, set of 23, 527-1594 after five; it-86ti1• Need a offered anywhere. 'Licensed Wood Splitter under the Trade Schools Only $210,00 Licensing' Act, R.5,A.., 1970, C346: For particulars of the next course write*. Box 687, 'Lacombe, Alberta:` Or Rhone 782-6215; 5-85.-99 . Situatione-W anted' WILL DO housekeeping.. Phone 527-1317. 78-86-4 , WILL BABYSIT in my home: Marie Kelly., 527-1355. 7-86x1 LL L: L= L� - L:..-I:•.r :7:i.ZSLs I,1 . . r 4M,- . l01 SEAFORTH 527-0120. 1.1-86.1 GOT something to sell?' 9000 I read the EXPOSITOR peop e classified adsevery week.' DRY MAPLE firewood, Ken Place ' your low priced Carnochan, 482-3354. Expositor , classified at :, w , IT -86x1- 527 -0240. 1-86x1527-0240: 11-86xtr' 36" Cast' iron Beaver wood' lathe, _complete with Vi hp. motor, bench, chisles, 5271055, 11.85-2' DRY split. Maple Wood, priced right. Contact Robert Fotheri ngh am. 482-9196. 11 -85-2 PrupertY or Sale 14 err ro ' 'I ,. For S to COPIES Copies of your important papers -or documents' while you wait. Letter size, 254, each. . THE. HURON EXPOSITOR 11.86xtf WILLBABYSIT, through the . HONEY' for. sale 2 bud 4 week, week=ends or evenings. Pound pails. Apply Wilmer., Phone 527-1185., 7.86x2. Kelly, 101 James Street Seaforth, 527-1023, 11-79x8• 8': 'Farm Stock NEW ZEALAND white rab- bit breeding 'stock, 527-0778, 8-86-2 DUROC-• Landrace boars for sale. John Janmaat, 527- 9655. • 8-86x2 ,. 26 PIGS, 10 weeks old. Apply to Joseph Dorsey, phone 345-2824.. 8-86-1 9 Poultry For Sale HUBBARD Golden Comets„ top quality Brown egg layers: 20 weeks old available for April delivery "Orders accep- ted; for heavy roasters, cock-, kells. - Day old for spring. delivery. Call McKinley Y. Hatchery,: Zurich,. 262-2837. •. .9,85x6 Used Cars For Sae 74; Volkswagon 3900 miles, Good mechanical conditon. Will certify. Best offer. Phone 527-0260 after 6 p.m: or 527-1303 before 6.10-86-tf 1977 Toyota Corona, tan station: wagon, 41,000 miles. estate car, undercoated, safety checked. Must be seen to be appreciated:. Mrs. Alva McKellar 527- 0462. • 10-86-4 , 1975 Datsun pickup long, box no reasonable offer .refused'. •527.1032. • 10-85x2 1972 Ford 4 sheet drive, 59;000 original miles4 ex- cellent running condition. 4 speed, 360" motor. Asking 5.1,500.00, 482-3773. 10-85-3 1974 Ford Maverick, A. `. d 0o r:a�idi i r r o:i, 4 0 1 ;x, 0. 1 mil s. I nnn:1%, 148.90+'"' 10.86-tf 11 Articles For Sale F75 Ferguson tractor, in- duo,trial Henry loader and snow bucket 3 point hitch and.. blade, 482.7066 ,,ot 482.9286. 11.85.2 TWO natural gas or propane .00 and , 5' space heaters,. $ 6a $50.00 George Kreutzwiserr, evenings s' 527- ;482. 11-85-2 Y EED OATS! Garry and Elgin BARLEY Herta,' Keystone, Trent, Pequis, Bruce Spring Wheat Glenlea Mixtures made to order from • these varieties Early order discount until March est Red Clover Double cut, Timothy - AR U BOLTON 527-0455 RUSSELL BOLTON 527-1428- 11-$5-2 January Clearanceion ARIENS .• "Walk behind" :... SNOWBLOWERS• 4112=3 -,=."11131:111 '.14= WM 4,R 4MRR"4(.I SEAFORTH 527-0120 11-86-1 2 horse traitor, 2 'excellent. saddle• horses, 8 wooden box stalls; Oliver 55 tractor, 25 ,Leghorn hens, 3 western saddles,- 1 English saddle assorted. tack ' and a rota - tiller. Phone: 527=1531. 'l'1-85-2 RED potatoes, apples, fresh cider at Art Bell's. Fruit Farm. Phone 524-8037, 11-86-tf, 74moto ski futura 440, good condition. John Wt 11em Y 527-0352. 11.85x2. FEBRUARY ,SALE - organ and piano prices are drastic- ally cut to reduce inventory. Quality merchandise; trades and time payments possible. Pulsifer Music Seaforth; S27 - O053. ' ' 11-86-4 r Livestock Products Presenting an extensive line of liquid' manure pumps -hog penning -special cattlemanure puap, ‘,-,-farrowing crates -electric manure pumps --cattle free stalls -manure spreader tanks -feed binds 111''; immPs' economical, stzroeg tear end loader J' 5PANJER Mitchells 348-9104 5 STRING banjo old Vega tub, and; resonator, excellent .tone and good action.. Call. 527-0093. 11-86-2 USED SNOWMOBILES Ski Doo 335 S325,00 MotorSki Capri 340 $625.00. Moto -Ski 1977 Spirit 250 8625.00, Moto7,Skl" 1975 Nuvik 300 $425.00 Massey Ski Whis 444E $625:00 1975 340 Arctic Cat - Special. Price Snowmobile clothing in stock. at Special Discount. Snow Mitts 25% off; Bardahl Snowmobile Oil Si; 45', $16,95 a:caser SELL L= Lc t. - TTL;779/ 4 w a • W A4 u SEAFORTH 527.0120 11-86-1 STRIP tickets foradmission or refreshments, single and duplicate. The Huron ' Expositor. Seaforth 11-86xtf WOODEN windows, various sizes; 30 gallon water heater; baby's car seat, portable record player stand; 527- 1086. ' 11-86-2 GESTETNER. INK available at The. Huron Expositor. 527-0240, Seaforth 11-86xtf 12 `Wanted. To guy WAN'T to buy .a 'fridge. a Ford or, a.phonograph? Try, an EXPOSITOR wanted to buy classified ad. 527-0240. 12-86-tf 13 Wanted WANTED - a good home for ,'a 2' year old male, black • 'Lab, and Huskey. Good with children Apply Ross MacDonald, 5221=0038. 13-86x1 WOOL material for rug, hook- ing, nylon stockings and crimpilene pieces for 'the activity room, in the Kilbar- chan Nursing Home. Phone 527.0860. 13-85-1 WANTED; old brick buildings for demolition' & salvage purposes. Corltact Ross Lumley, .1185 Murphy" Road, Sarnia. 13-86-tf GOOD used furniture. 482- 7922, 13-8G-tf - 14 Property For Sale PRIVATE SALE 3' bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen with eating area, Utility room, glassed in verandah. Garage paved driveway. Garden, plus eiatr'aa. 827.1313. 14.83x4 11-86.1,, An Expositb'r Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial S274/240. REAL ESTATE:'LTD. CLINTON, ONT Senfor'th 527.0430 1i,, Workman 482 -3455 Henry Mero 527 -1764 Ron Dolron 565 - 2797 Dirk van der Werf 482 3165 • FEATURING T ""WEEK - This:3' bedroom ranch style is finished in colonial brick, has economical gas heat and full basement. A. quality John Price custom: built home; very generously appointed throughout.. Call now for anappointment to see this one. • JUST REDUCED - S32,000.00 will bu this'2 store' brick: home on. East William St. A • .YY family home right handy to the Arena. 31/4 ACRES :- In Hullett with a beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 storey red brick house. This one won't last long at 548,500.00: DAIRY FARM 225 Acres in McKillop with 4, bedroom home -drilled well - 210 drained. and workable acres - a complete dairy operation with quota, machinery and stock. Complete information at listing office. . . EGMONDViLLE-$21,000.00 for a three bedroom, 2 storey brick home on a beautiful, lot. Complete with fireplace and separate dining room. • CENTRE STREET. A mature well treed lot sets off this spacious three bedroom brick bungalow,. A full basement, a wrap-around kitchen,; separate dining room and the 5 year Hudac Warranare all included! in the low, low rice of 842900.00 tY p MARKET STREET. - A neat, three bedroom bungalow that may befinished tosuit your taste. Partial brick,'attached ' arta e; full basement and the 5 ear:Hudac: Warrantyare' g g � ,: Y some of the features included in ;the completed price of 844,500.00:. ISABELLE STREET BEAUTY --Describes this 1800 Sq.Ft. angelstone bungalow. This home is beautifully appoint= = with large country kitchen, family room with fireplace and two baths - all on one floo ' 'ced right at 557,500.00 • RETIREMENT HOME - is t c • y two bedroom brick bungalow on Isabelle Street, with fireplace,` large well, treed lot a • garage for $39,500.00 • EGMONDVILLE - Have a look at this five bedroom home on an extra large lot, extensively renovated with double attached heated garage Make us a reasonable offer. '• BUSHLAND - 1'% Miles north of Clinton and quite secluded, we have 20 acres of maple'. and: hickory bush, just waiting to be enjoyed. Priced at 825,000;00 INCOME PROPERTY - On. Main Street, we have 2 store fronts and.1 apartment, A very "good: location for a retail business. -. A STARTER HOME - $22,000.00 will buy this three bedroom bungalow on South.' Main Street. Close to uptown and, a well treed lot. BULLET TWP. - 5 ACRES - ideal for the hobby farmer - 4 bedroom, 2 storey brick house, 32'x64' pole barn, 45'x80' barn, steel grainery 842,500.00_: , NORTH MAIN ST. - We have a 3 bedroom 2 storey home withall the modern conveniences. There is a good mort a e• available on, this ro ert . Priced. at 841900. g g P P Y r 00 STANLEY TWP. - 121 acres on #21 Highway, all adequately drained with 7 acres, of bush, 2 storey brick house - 2 barns and implement shed - 2 drilled wells.Priced at 5210,000.00 WINTHROP - Two lots on the Highway with 2 storey brick house, in need of repair. Priced right at 811,900.00' 100 ACRES - In Morris Twp: with 2 storey brick home, large farm implement shed, drilled well on the beautiful Maitland. River. 885,000,00' MORRIS TWP. - 80• Acres of vacant land - 35 workable - balance in cedar bush and stream 539.900.00 N4 HIGHWAY South of Clinton - 31/2Acres - drilled well, - 2 smaller barns, large 5 .1. 'bedroom_ home - 100 amp service $45;00000 GREY TWP. -100 acres on the Highway - 40 workable - balance in hardwood and -scrub.' No buildings $55,000.00 COUNTRY HOME - In McKillop - 2 storey' sided home - tastefully decorated with natural stone fireplace - drilled well,small barn, spring possession $55,00.0.00 HENSALL - York Crescent - a modern two bedroom. bungalow all brick, with carport, nice lot, partially finished rec• room, games room and workshop in basement 847500.00 JAMES ST. - Check this -two storey, 3 bedroom home with a very tasteful decor;.on a large lot and only 2': blocks from Main Corner 535,000.00 ' 4 ACRES - 21/2 miles west of Walton with large 2 storey house and small barn 824500,00 $17,000.00 - for a two storey, 3 bedroom Stucco home, 1 block from Main Street. EGMONDVILLE - A nicely finished modern home with 3 bedrooms, formal dining room, family room, games room, fireplace and bar. A real family home ona,large lot S49,500:00. Extra lot also available. HULLET'HOG FINISHING OPERATION - Barn 160'x32' setup for 600 hogs.- liquid tank and flush system. Feeders, nipple watering and medication systems. House- 3 bedrooms, renovated and insulated, 2 storey. All this on 5 acres for 5100,000.00 SMALL BUSINESS - A great opportunity for a ladyor a semi-retiredperson to • the h! get into the h. Complete'information on request. business in Seaforth, ' 50 ACRES In Hullet Twp. and just. off Highway 08 with, about 44 .workable acres 850,000.00 BUILDING LOTS'- Three building lots in Seaforth - just. 513,000.00. YES 513,000.00, FOR ALL THREE!l LITTLE DANDY ~- Two... bedroom, 1 floor recently renovated to make this a sharplittle home. It has all the extras includinggarage and large well treed lot. Price d at 825,500.00 WE HAVE MANY MORE FARM ND HOME' LISTINGS- ' • DOESN'T COST YOU ANYTHING TO,iNQUIRE. GIVE. US A CALLS!!• PICK UP "THE REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE" FOR. PICTURES°OF THESE AND MANY MORE LISTINGSI 14-86-1 BILLCLIFFORD REAL ESTATE BROKER PICK UP YOUR FREE PICTORIAL LISTING ' BOOKLET = OVER 250 PROPERTIES • Appraisals : Prop.rty Manag.m.nt • Iniatiltmtnts • Rtsld mtlal • Farms • BUMin rstl • Beare proposes 0 Main St. - Senior% Minhe of Thr Htirityp. Phan.: 527-1511 Raal Ether. Hoard` •• WHEN BUYING OR SELLING CONTACT VIC FOX 523-9525 BETTY CARDNO 527-1102' Additional' Off+ Classified next ;patio