HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-02-01, Page 13eu•..rrA BATTLING iT OUT BY THE NET Players fight for the puck around the Bothwell Baron's net in Saturday afternoon's game at the Seaforth arena. The Centenaires team defeated Bothwell by a 6-2 scare,, and Centenaire LADIES' BONSPIEL WHINERS-- This Goderich rink placed first in 'the Successful 16 rink .spiel. at the Seaforth Curling Club last week. Convenor Millie' Lobb, left, presented. the Seaforth Golf` & Country Club trophy to from left, Faye Ribey, ; Isobelle Eedy, Barbara Hawkins and Connie 'Connely, (Expositpr photo) anastra curlers The VanastraCurling Club; is now in full swing after a slow start. It is great 'to see so many people enjpying th esport • this . year • and in' particular the,many junior'. members and new ctirlcrS, Many of our members have been busy:; <t urling in, local; bontipiels and , competitions and .1 ;hall atenipt to bring you up to date on these. Qn January 27,•'••a- mens' • Open Bonspiel_was_ -held 1to'ur owli-."-an-the-•teamsef`'Georgc-and- club. The winners of the 9:00 Doris Canteton and Alex and o'clock draw tv'ere:.First and • Eileen Townsend won eonsol winner ofAbe .George Cutler °ation in their flight. TrophyBob Ste, Marie and ' On January 27. a mixed. team from Seaforth, Bob's 'bonspiel was, held -at Vanas- tcamwas also the winner of tra Club. We are grateful to the. Wiser av'award:- econd" , S4 the following 'for their s ion- '. b 1. was,. Roger - Moore , and his sorshi > for this• event: Mc .l. • team from Goderich. Third ' 'Gavin 'Farm`E uiment. Yin• was' Jack Killou'h :and team-. r' P b cent $tilt,s anr<i Servtcv,•Boy .• 'also from Goderich. Consols •• es ::'Farm .-Supply,, "Hough tion prize went to the team Equipment. Hyde• Bros: skipped, by George Caatelon ' Equipment. Matt Haney of of Vanastra. Winners of the Logan harm Equipnicnt..Fra• 11:00 draw were: First prize ser Repair. Service, H. Lobb . ' and winncrs'of'the Rathwell & Sons and Radford Garage. and, Associate award was. s Winners of the:first draw . the 'teant skipped by • Ron were the following '(rants: Sellars: Second -Jiro, Conning first: Ron & !rosemary Sel- ham and his team' from cars, 13111 and Carol Munro. Seaforth, : Third -Bill Kurat ; 'Second: Alex & Eileen 'Town- and' team `from Goderich. send. Stu & Joyce Smith. Cons()lation-Don Brodie° of Third: Jerry. Amiaz, .foyer Vanastra. The Vanastra Curl Mcllwain, Joe & Lea Kocne ing Club thanks the Breen & of Bayfield. 'C ruiselation� Parent,, Wiseway and Rath- . Tont st, Betty,Moore. Len S *Al dnti At.L.11 tai.rc rn:• .h .. Gayle Brownridge; Lois Ev- ans, : Doris Cantclon and Eileen Townsend travelled to 'Ripley and, won second prize in their ladies bonspiel. On January. 13, two Vanastra teams. travelled to Bowling Green Ohio to curl in, a two mixed bonspiel. The team of Jtihn. Brownridgc, Gayle., Browni idgc:. Barry ;Davis and. Sheila : Davis • were the overall winners of the event Eileen Bowman of Goderich 'Winners sof the second draw . were: First; Ivan & 'Marg Linee, Isobel' Thedoni &, Robin Bates. Second George & Ruth Townsend, Jack & Mary Helen McLaugh • Third; Bill Gibson, Vicki Ste.. Maire, John Cole'nian artd Ann Gibson. Consellation; Arnold & Jcan Taylor, Don &' Eileen McGregor. A men's team consisting of Barry- Danis; -John -Brown ridge, Ward Hodgins' and, Alex Townsend competed on Sat. & Sunday in Seaforth in the colts Competition.. They ,trust be congratulated on their'. excellent -Curling. They went right to the finals and unfortunately lost that game by 1 point. Better luck next Upcoming' events at our club include a mixed jitney and; pot -luck supper on Feb- ruary 3. ebruary3. Everyone is welcome so give George Townsend a call' and tell him you will be there. , • On February ;10, there is farmers bonspiel. OnMar ••I ..t our ladies to 2 d s loaf. their -annual ladies open .r bons lpica. If anyone is interes ted in entering a team in this bonspiel call Lois Evan -482- 7840, Entries for the men's events may be given to Ivan • Litt 482 7215 player Cam Doig.has riow scored 52 'goals during the season, a record for any Centenaire player. (Expositor Photo). ' ladies op The Ladies Open Bonspiel,. held last week at. Seaforth Curling Club, was a great. success with full ice on both early and . late draws-. The overall winter who received the Seaferht Gold and Coun- try Club Trophy was a team from Goderich .skipped by. I iyc Ribey with Isabelle Eedy, Barb • Hawkins •and Connie Connelly. Other win-. ners were:2nd,' Nancy Smith Belmore; 3rd.'Jessica Shane, • St. Marys. , Late Draw: ' 1st • Carol Wahl, Listowel; 2nd. Kay• Sharp, Vanastra; 3rd. Grace Campbell, Seaforth. TwoScaforth teams partiei•. pated in the spiel, these were: Grace 'Campbell, skip with Carol Innes; Irma Pryce sand; Ruth, : Townsend; Pat. Deighton, skip with Sheila. • Murray.ii, Loretta' Dolmage and Diane. McKay. Joan Beueimann, a member of Barb, Jarmuth s:'Mitchell rink had the; misfortune to injure- her.• wrist in the.second..end of the • first game. and her place was taken at shortnotice by Marg Flemming. Our : sympathies to Joan and best wishes for a speedy recovery. - Door Prizes -were won. by Marg Dillow, Jane Treleaven and Milena Lobb. The Ladies committee would like to say a big "thank you" to the following merchants for their kind sponsorship , of this; event: Aiken Bros, Anstett Jewellers Ltd.. Ball & Mutch Ltd., ` Bank of Montreal, Clinton. Beattie' Furnitdre, Box Furniture. 'Campbell Mens Wear, Ann Cunning- ham, Fleming Feed, Hether- ington Shoes, Hildcbrands, Paint & Paper, Keatings --P t7`armacy, Frank Kling Ltd., Larones Stationary & Gifts, Old Mill, Province of Ontario Savings Bank:-Seaforth. Ste- wart Bros., Toronto -Domin- ion Bank•Seaforth: '. Top- No tch-Seaforth, Turkey Bev- erages, Walkers and wiscway; It was -a busy weekend again for Bonspiels with all teams but a gasp away from. success. As reported in Mon- day s onday`s London Free': Press. the" Gerry Walter, rink with Bob Wilson. Don Tremeer and Bob Jarmuth' gave the teams in the Ontario Curling'Associ. ations"s Challenge Round a good run for r their. money winning tive,of seven games," losing, in the final to Ron Manning's Toronto Terrace rink; There is no doubt that a lot of curlers at Kitchener sat uto p take notice' of .the,. Ce' - Prove to' yourself which is best Three popular brands of high yielding seed corn to choose from ...Pioneer ar' Funks .Asg rowv Good varieties still available TON J C;IETZLtd, Purina Chows — Sanitation Products Shed Corn Pravimi Feeds Ventilotion"'(Wholesale & Fte'eii Pes'tieit'as Spraying Equipment. Seaforth!, `Ont,' 'Phone 51:9'-S27-0608 SHIPPER to UN.iTED CO-OPERATIVES OP ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT.. TORONTO Ship your livestock with MIKE DOYLE Tu'esClav "is Shipping DAN . From Dublin CALL DUBLIN 34S'464. • ZURICH 236•40$8 fl a success Walter rink and they put Seaforth right ort, :the curling Map!. • Another'team ;whose hopes died in the finals•was that of John' Patterson,'' Sx.. -unit .Dave Cornish, vice;.Doug ,,Rowcliffe.'setond and ,lohn. Patterson, Jr,. Lead, They iron all three of their games on S'aturday's early drat. at F.keter's -` Legion Bonspicl. They returned to the action on Sunday to play Guelph in a best two out of three game final. Thisturned into a t:litt-hanger-when they miss- ed :being:the area;representa- tiVes to the Provincial finals;. in Ottawa • by „just 1 point, • losing the third game 5.4, Jim & Ann 'Cunningham with . 13111 •& Milena Lobb was one .* the teams who travelled to Bclmore lust; Saturday for the Mixed. SPiel: Bob'& Mary Potfieiingham with Bruce & .Marjorie' Cole - made ups " another. Both teams came away from close games; recording 2 wins and 1 loss scores. Irma Pryce &• David Ste. Marie . ith Gerry. & Nancy Smith made up another foursome and placed Sth in the late draw, The Colts Playdowns kept the rink -busy all weekend long with Teeswater 'emerg- ing as finalists over Vanastra, There are 18 teams enter- ed in the Ladies Tankard Playdowns scheduled for Monday and,Tuosday at. the Club. Twoteams from. each. of Division 13B area clubs are entered in this double knockout event. These are: Hanover. Listowel, Wing- ham, Seaforth; Vanastra, Kincardine, Ripley. Chesley and Goderich, Curling times. will be 9:30 a.m., 12 noon and 2:30', p.m. ' for ' those interested in watching. Lad les Curling will be cancelled for next Tuesday afternoon due to this playdown and will be rescheduled .for next. Wednesday, . A fun •days is plannedfor. the 13th Remember!, -It takes but a moment " to place an Expositor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. R. K. PECK APPLIANCES • in the heart t�f [lost mow ti Varna" VACUUM CLEANERS - sales andt rviee ol'iito:st .make. * CB RADIOS AND. ACCESSORIES' .SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES * MOFFAT APPLIANCES * ,SMOKE SENSORS, ,INSECT LIGHTS AND FLY KILLING e'UNITS *_ HAND CRAFTED GIFTS Varna, Ont. 48 2-7 10,3 THE HURON EXPOi1TO.$,. .I.1 'UAl1Y.'. Sri I wd expected At Walton . poker rally Once again the Walton Area Sports Club will be holding a Snowmobile Poker Rally,. witk proceeds to go towards sponsoring minor ball progrant;t, this'summer,. The rally is set rot Sunday, February, 4, And if there, are or, extra,itnproyements that haveto rte made In the fia_rk, money will gotowards that as well. Last year, over 300 riders participated and Doug Kirkby, chairman of the Walton Area Sports Club Said they hope for a re -run of .that this Year. Approximately S1,000 was raised las year and Mr. Kirkby Said they would be overjoyed with as ouck this yRat. A trail of approximately 35: Hailes win lt!e set up close to Walton and will go through Morris, Grey and McKillop.?I'ownshipa. There will be. $150 offeredin cash prises. as well as a trophyy for the leading rider and quite a number of door prizes All the expense that goes sato putting. the rally on is volunteer labor, Mr. 'Kirkby - said, Bowlers win LEGION January 19t11/7% High Single, Jack Muir, Violets, 70 280, Doreen Eisler, 254,. Roses, 68'. Marg'Ungarian, .250, High Triple, Al Nicholson DI °smtes 65 55 694, Marg Ungarian, 641, pansies S0; Ruth Beuttenmiller,,.' 110+ Tulips 49 Boyce Doig, 104. STAND JNGS ' Strikers 82 Dumpers 63 Entertainers' 159 R - Senders. 58. Three & Three 51 Cobras 44'. • LEGION 'JANUARY 12,1979' High Single, Doti Eaton, 290; Joan Eaton, 280. High Triple, Don 630, Joan Eaton. 651, MIXED DOUBLES'' TEAM STANDINGS Doig 104: STANDINGS Strikers Entertainers Dumpers R - Senders Three & Three Cobras Eaton Joyce 77 58 57. 56 47 41 VSE. EXPOSITOR WANT- ADS'' Ph'one'527-0240' Single 'and Triple Mary }letterman, 315, 699;; Men's High Single and Triple, Art Finlayson, 269, 708. Season High, Ladies' Single, Triple and A•gerage. Mary Beuermaa, 317, 716, 214. Men's 'Single, Trlple Average, Ron Beuerman, 338, 876. 226. VNA'S ESS SHOPPE Phone 887-6062 Brussels Vaierlitte Gifts forfrpr SAVINGS' 'ON • dresses . blouses s▪ tocks' sweaters in Area Churches First PRESBYTERIAN Church 59 Goderkh St., W., Seaforth Minister: Rev, T, A.A. Duke Organist: Mrs. D. Carter SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4 1979' ;11:15 Worship Service and Chars h hoot Nursery Provided "Do you know the Lord's Prayer?" COME TO WORSHIP ST, THOMAS Anglican 'Church Rev. Jones R. Broadfoot•B.A., M. Div. " SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH ' Epiphany V '11:30 A.M. MORNING PRAYER VESTRY MEE'T'ING in parish hall immediately following morning Service, NORTHSIDE United' Church. 54 Goderich St. West, Seaforth FEBRUARY 4,,1979 10 a,m. and 11 a.m. Sunday Schools 11 a.m. Church Service • Rev. J.G. Vandyke; Minister Organist -Choir Director . Jr. Choir Leader Margaret Whltiuore Audrey Mcilwttin' Arca congregations are invited to take advantage Of' tate ditlfch ditecttsr'yto announce their church services each wtt:k 'Church directory fannounccmeats are available for a 'minitnum of 26 consecutive 'weeps in. units of two column inches at 52 per Unit. Changes in copy nisiy be made each week but must be received before noon ntt>Tuesday; •. PUBLISH YOUR VALENTINE SENTIMENTS IN. .HURON -EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED ADS , THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8til Tell youi••Valentine how much you care with on'exciting, uniquepersonal message. .4 Be. Your special message will be.: published on February 8th • !. • - . and your Valentine will be delighted that you cared' enough to say it in print! And the modest cost. . only S2.50 for 25 word Valentine. ' .. inour own words! (Additional words each.) yes 6c lithe • . Here Area Few Sample Messages ToUALliip�s Y LOUISE, charming pretty sweet and true. 'That's you. Happy Valentine's Day, Love you — Jim. ANNE, I love you more each and . *very Valentine's.Day that we are together. It's now 9. Lee TO Reneq, Rosea are Red.Love is blue What. would! Ilse mean if I . . didn't, have you? Jerry. JEAN, My nose is red, my kneee are blue, in this cold North, what. else to do? Love, V.J. To my Bert: Fifteen Miondsrful' married years,' and still. 'a ball. Without you- no ate at all, lova; • Vivian. JOH: Loving is one thing g y .ou TO tel you Is another. - FOR try as hard asl may A new way — I can't discover. SO Presse accept "I love you" The good aid fashioned Way. . ESPECIALLY.on this - HAPPY Valentine's Day, • Mail Coupon Today, or Dial 527=0240 • THEHURON EXPOSITORi SEAFORTH, ONTARIO publish p h my message below in your Valentine: feature On Thursday, 1+ebruary 8th • Name p ....• •...«.,ri40446Y....r,., Address•.r4a•,..,rr.tii,rtntr......,i.'i.tiv4. Phone r r,. Y'Y ,.4..i.r r. Vii., ...r,. My Valentine's Day message .. 4 4 ii i•ry 6466644444 • 46.4 166*106 604'6411 i'...li, i,,. r. YY•,.r.'Y 446 4. 346 4.44'44'i it Niiii,I•i"t.y4 1••44•6•64444 Y. ••