HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-02-01, Page 9Correspondent • MRS.. BERT SHOBBROOK, $23 -1250 There was :an excellent attendance at the Annual. .g. Congregation Meeting .of Lon. :desborougit Church on. Mon ,day evening. Of interest to 'all who attended was the display of quilts made made in tile congregation throughout the years, The. oldest autograph quilt was Made in. 1923.by The Women's ivliss ovary society, The second one was. made by the Women's Assoc,: iation; in 1952' and the third one was made this year by the Aimwell Unit of the U,C,W. to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Manse POTLUCK Following the meal the children went to the Sancta- ary to watch films.. in charge ()Mayne Hulley. Rev. Mc- Donald opened the business meeting with a Memorial Service .in memory ,ofthose of the congregation who passed away during year way r ng: the . George Herbert Marshell, January 1, Lenore Aileen Whyte, March 4, Norman; Cecil Cartwright. June 210 Warren Glenn Hulley, June 28, ErwinMaxwell Johnston, July 8, Devin William Bell. August 24,0 Mary Gladstone Hull, :September 7, Harry Durnin, October 9, Arthur Leopold Watt, October 22, Regina Ann Jenkins, October 22, Agnes Ann Moon, Nov- ember 2. Following the opening mo- tions a.;panei of Allen Bosman, Committee of Stewards; .Mrs.. Londesboro. ouple home from John Pollard, h:rcasuter1 Nick Whyte„ 'Sunday School and. Mrs- Reg Lawson U.C. W. discussed; the year 1978; and their visions. for 1979, followed by ,questions. froth. the congregation, All reports showed an excellent, year in financial. oroeram a,nd fellow ship. 'Contributions,,, to the church for the year showeda remarkable increase with a 300% increase in givings in a comparison from 1970 to. 1975. The budget for 1979,, presented by ,Allen Bosman, by the committee of Ste- wards, through the Official. Board, . was: received and, passed. The followingwere elected to the different Boards and committees of the church; To the Session of Elders for a . five year term Greg Andrews THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 1, 1979 Earl, . aunt Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Mrs. W Whyte Sr.;, To the Session for a two: year term Robert 'flunking; and. Ruthann; Penfound, TO the. Stewards fora three year' term were Ken Armstrong,: Ross Lovett, Elgin ;Penfound and:Ken Scott. To the church, Trustees for a five year term; 'John Jewitt and to the. Manse Trustees for a four year term John Pollard. Harry Tebbutt: and Bruce :Shillinglaw were elected as auditors for 1979: Mrs. Laura. Forbes and Nor- man Alexander were elected! :as renresen.tatives to. Huron - Perth Presbytery from Lon- desborough. Named to the different Committees . were: to the Manse Committees Mrs, Jack. Lee, .Mrs. Nelson McClure and Mrs; Doug Snell. To the Mr, & Mrs. John Radford. 25, returnedhome on, Tuesday Keep. • in:. mind all are night from a weeks vacation welcome to play volley ball' at Honolula, Hawaii with the ` on Wednesday evenings at ,White Farm Equipment deal- - Hullett Central school, Age-,. ers group.. ' 13 to. 17 at 7:30 to 8:30 p.m, Mr. & Mrs, Robert Ho over 18 - 8:30 to 10:30, math of Clinton spent the Sunday dinner guests with week with Grandsons, Rob- Mrs, Ida Durnin were Mr, & bie Michael. and Brent, Mrs, Harold Kerslake Donna while their parents were on . and Lori, Mr, & Mrs. Dale holidays, Skinner, . Exeter and: Mr. Mr, & Mrs, Teilman West Emerson Hesk, R R. # 1, erhoust,:Debbie, Shelley and Londesboro. _Bradley spenda week's.. Dr, & Mrs. Lester Allenof holiday at Cancum, Mexico, Watford spent week end, with Mrs, ' Leonard Caldwell liis brother Mr. and Mrs, spent last week with her Tom Allen- mother Mrs- Colquhoun, UNITED CHURCH Clinton• - _ - _ - There- teas -a large -atten- Mr. & Mrs. ':Bob Burnsdance :at worship in Londes- visited on Friday with his 'borough on Sunday morning brother, Harry at` Kincardine when: Rev. McDonald! contin Hospital. ued his seriesof thoughts on. Norman Alexander gave a "Questions That Jesus slide presentation on Erosion ,.•. Asked-",.O,rl. Sunday he spoke and Land Drainage at the on '1Nhv` Do You Find drainage contractors confer- : Fault, ; -basing histhoughts ence in London, on January on the story Jesus told of the COUNTRY RUSTIC Series11199 s8." retail 1 carton covers approx.' 6 sq.ft: per 'carton' BALL-MACAULAY gym. • .,11140111.1DING CENTRE S oath 527-09.0 Cllnt�in 4$2-3405 Nensdll 262-2418 man condemning his :brother for having'a mote in his eye, when he had a whole log in his own 'eye. 'He. discussed' some of the reason we indulge in this terrible sin of •criticising and finding fault% with individuals, groups and. community, and how we can cure such an ugly habit. Greeters for the service were Edythe Beacom and: Jim Jamieson, members of Walton Lo. :Correspondent W-. -•• -guests- with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, James F. ,.Payne MBS; ALLAN McCALL, Nelson Reid. Sunday visitors" spent the weekend at the 888.6677 at the same home were Mr.' home of Mr.: and Mrs.. Correction - in lastweek's and ..:Mrs, . Joe • Ryan of ' Leonard Chisholm, issue: it stated that any giri 12-Seaforth. Dungannon, years old by the 1st 'of Visitors' .on the'weekend September was eligible' to with Mr: and Mrs, Dave Jack Nelemans of Walton take the 4-H' project ."The Watson, were Mr- and Mrs.', and affiliated with 'H Final Touch" but it is 12 Don _ Maier . and Paul of Dairy _ Systems, .'Ltd. o years old • by ` .arch 1. Any Thamesford' and ,Mr. and Walton, • Ontario has re girl wishing fo take: this - Robert' Pritchard Kim; 'turne'd . from a week-lon project to get in touch with and Mark of London, • Milker Systems Seminar a either Margaret Bennett. or Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Albert Lea, Minnesota wh Ann. Ryan. Mitchell visited Mrs. Bessie' he received' training in; th Mr. an dMrs. Jan van Vliet' Mitchell at Huronview on, •installation and servicing '''and Mr. and Mrs:, Clarence Sunday on the occasion of :pipeline mning'systems an McCutcheon, have . arrived:. her 91st birthday, , reiated aciiilfiie: Congregational 'Lite anti Work Committee 'Mrs, Ken Scutt, Mrs, Arnold! Riley and Carl Merner. To the Bible Society Committee Emerson Hesk, Mrs. John Riley, Mrs. Norman Alexander, and Mrs Laura Lyon, The Anniversary Committee, Harty Lear, Lorne flunking and Dennis Penfound, Following ., the.. Business Gordon Shobbre ekexpressed an behalf of, the whole congregation, a vote of appre elation for his, •leadership, help and guidance not only to the congregation but to the whole corn;munity and an expression of regret that he would not be remaining with us another year. The meeting closed with everyone singing "Blest Be The Tie That Binds and Rev, McDor"i'al l closed with prayer. Hawali the Session. The ushers were Traci: Mitchell, Karen;Durnin Joan and Judy Mason, The choir sang the anthem "I will sing"' and Mr. McDonald's childrens sermon was "'Slugs" and he told; how we can show we are Christian. through our actions day by day: During the announce. ments,everyone was remind- ed of another ;Family. Activity; Night coming up on Sunday, February 4th -when the, whole congregation will be . going swimming at Vanastra and then coming back to: ;the church for a time of contin- tied, _:fellowship and .lunch:. Mr, McDonald also expres- sed through the Calendar his appreciation for the fine turn out and participation of. the congregation at • the Annual Congregational 'meeting. s are quiltin 1 At the U.C.W.. Executive meeting January 24th; Press* dent Edyth Beacom wel. corned alt and read. ;'A New " Day, New Year, A New Life and Another year is Dawn," Scripture: -Philippines 44-9• read by Nona FIPP.. Ed h give meditation. ,; . a.yt d t. Good Advice and prayer. Correspondence included, thank you from Vi Burns, Jack Snell',. Bert'Shobbrook, Cub pcc The 1st Londesborough Cub Pack, met on Tuesday even ing for the'irregular'meeting. The Blue Pack -under .Strove Robert. Radford and Michael; from Foster child from,Alma, C'olleu'e :for 525 :for bursary. from Huron County Farnillb and childr ii, � e sservtcp for 13 pair mitts. Following the treasurer's; report by Margaret Good, it was decided. not to have bales, but; used clothing' is to be taken to local, outlets: The social committee was given, powers to buy kitclen. needs, paring knives, electric knife, large steamer and a 30 cup percolator. Catering pri. k meets. Vincent wen: in charge. est the opening and i:losing, the Cubs saw the film '"Mowglis Brothers"" .a",film based on, the 'story from the Jungle' Book by ,Rudyard Kipling,. and on w_ hicfi. the Cub, program is based'.. It was a story about- a human baby called Mowglis who :is adopt ed by wolves, "from -whom he learns about -love. justice and the jungle rode 'of loyalty. The 'Cubs enjoyed games under the direction of leader Mark k rtche Theywere -.Mitchell. also recommended .hat there 'would be no Cubs on :Tuesday, January 30 but would 'meet for a skating party • after school on Friday,. February 2nd at which time any(of the Cubs who would like to, be tested for their skaters badge could do so. ' W-1 ' CARD. PARTY There were 8 tables in play on. Friday night. Winners were' Ladies high: - Mary Clark; Lone hands - Donna Shaddick; Low Hand - Ad- N • Teens to.bogan f The Young Teens 'of- the - Church enjoyed another day g of "fun and -fellowship when t' ' they went toboganning 'on ere the Ernie Brown hill on e . Saturday afternoon. Follow - of ing the toboganning they d returned -to the Manse for a ' Pot - Luck Supper and fun. together. Rev. McDonald was dinner guest of Mr. & , Mrs, Tom Whyte and family on Thurs- da evenin home following a vacation in ." HSWaiL: � • , „ The Walton 'ladies are Se n I ors -must re -apply ;• busy again with the quilting...' • • in the New Year. Last` week . for income supplement they completed one the 'first , p two days at the home of Mrs.. , Receipients of Guaranteed tested assistance program Viola Kirkby, :this Monday Income Supplement in for old age pensioners who one was put in at Mrs: Edna •,` Ontario are being advised to have . little or no income Hackwell'shome: re -apply for the supplement outside of Old Age Security.. Drs. Jean and Gerd immediately in: order . to W.A. Wright, Regional Westermann of Burlington : continue receiving payments Director, Income . Security, 'spent the weekend with Mr. ' for another year, Health and •says that .'•annual ' re= and Mrs. Earl Mills:: Welfare officials'in Toronto - application for the G.LS: is:, Nir, and Mrs: Jas. Scott Sr say essential as;the income levels of Blyth were Saturday Guaranteed Income of many pensioners change Supplement: is an income fairly regularly,. "Since _.in= • come dictates the amount of supplement, it is; essential that '• 'we have up -'to -date figures ' as quickly as possible,'' he stressed. The regional director pointed out that Ontario re- gional office has mailed some 350,000 re=applications to existing recipients. "Those who fail to re -apply by March 31 deadline may find . pay- ments have been dis- continued," he is-continued," he said. Pensioners requiring, assistance with filling out the re-application should contact the nearest Canada Pension, Plan Office, or the Regional office in Toronto. Re -applications : should be completed as soon as re- ceived andreturned to Income Security, Health and Welfare Canada, P.O. Box 6000„ ' Station' Q, Toronto, Ontario.. ' die flunking; Men high - Len" Caldwell; Lo�r eh,ands -.Bert Daer, Low" hand Reg Lawson, In charge were Beryl Reid: and Joan Middi- -gaal, There will be another in 2 weeks- 'Februar"v' 9, ces are, raised from 5.3.50.to; 54.00 allocation set at $800, Aintw'ell Unit is respond' ble for Dowers in et ure:h. Berean..unit clean brass. Meetings will be held 1st Monday B p.m. each second Month. Social eomni%tte.e rev ported February 1st Lions Club, April 3rd Cults and Scout Banquet', 2 'tithe Wed- dings, d -dings, Lunch was served by Edyth Beacom. Officers for 1979 are Past' President Helen Lawson; President - Edyth Beacom. 1st Vee President, Alice Davidson;. 2nd Vice - Pres., Gail Lear; SecretW -` Nona. Pipe, Treasurer - Margaret. Good; Ass'. Treasurer - Joan ' Whyte: Nominations , .Addie Honking, Betty Moon Pro- gram - Helen Lawson Com munications Co-Lortlinator - Dora • ,:Sbobbrook; Steward - ft• . ship :.and Finance Margaret 'Oiood, Alice Davidson;Leader ship, Development,- Addie Honking, Gail Lear; C':hure in Society - Dbra Shobbrook Laura. Lyon. Mary Longman,, - Mary Peel, ,Elsie Shaddick,• World Outreach - Marion. . 'flunking; Pianist - Gail Lear, Ass. Pianist - Geneive .Allen: Representative to Manse Laura Lyon, Representatives to Stewards - Helen. Lee, tn: church services Funeral corn- mittee - Mary Longman, Norma , Glousher, Addie thinking, Kay, au dercocc , Vi Burn's Buying Committee Dora Shobbrook, Elsie Shad - click, cards - Dora Shobbrook° Social committee - Mary y Peel, Betty Hulley, Margaret , Wright and Sandra Wester- Pout, Berean Unit Leader - Helen Lawson;, Aimwell unit Leader « Florence Cartwright • SAVAGE • NORTH * STAR • SELBY > U O • 0 0 co w is w w CCI —JJ cip CC U • •DACK SALE A. Targe : selections brought for this sale Came Early for Best Selection n' Main 'Street: Seaforth 527-1110 DAOUST • OOMPHIE • KAUFMAN FOAMTREAD • T U C • C.) 1 r -r • 0 C • -4 m z w to keep more f: your money If you're expecting income in. a lump sum (say, from a Registered Pension Plan or a Deferred Profit Sharing Plan or as a Retiring Allowance) you can expect to be taxed in a lump as'well' Sobering thought isn't it!' Besides,. Wouldn't a life income be more useful to you than a; :lump sum? You can kill two birds with .one. stone — convert 'the lump' sum into a life, income and save a bundle,in taxes now, by using Sun Life's transfer of funds arrangement. The lump sum the taxman didn't get will be put to work for you, and you'll be taxed • Only as the income is paid. Give me a call. Let me show youhow small that tax imp becomes. ARNOLD J. ,STINNISSEN 117 Gtiitierich Street, East:' Phone 521-0410 Seaforth' . efi your' life In 'shape, of:c;ANADA An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have. you tried one? Dial 527-0240. Lower Interest Rates NOW'AVAIE.ABLE ON 1st and 2nd Mortgages anyw here iil Ontario on RESIDF.N'f1AL — INDUSTRIAL — COMMERCIAL ;end FARM PROPFR`IIFS lntvrinii financing: on new ton struction Or' hind de%elirj5ntett SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD. LOCAL MURRAY STARK: 1-800-261-0600, REPRESENTATIVE' pCALI'-_.' g: ,Mo Iliad Onkel 141 King Street West, Kitcheher,'5191 00.460 • Ilraneh Offires: 705 Goderkh St„ Port Eight 15191832.4044 "WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH" BUY NOW BEFORE PRICES INCREASE FRONTS OF BEEF „ $1.31 OF BEEF Ib $1. 75 Approx. Weight 125 lbs. Approx. Weight 125 Bbs. JJ*11 LAMB Ib s2.15 Approx. Weight 50 abs. PACKAGE A 20 lbs PORK LOIN CHOPS ,20Ibs RIB ROAST 201bs SIRLOIN STEAK 20 lbs MfNUTE STEAK 20 lbs_ PORK SHOULDER, ROAST PACKAGE B ----... 10 lbs SHOULDER CHOPS 10; lbs BACON 10 lbs MINUTE STEAKS 10 lbs SIRLOIN STEAK 20 lbs BLADE ROAST. 20' lbs.' RIB ROAST 20 lbs . PORK SHOULDER 'ROAST 100 lbs. $ 50 lbs. 199 $100 We offer free pick-up icor month of February for beef custom killing. „r,rrr,► � CHARGEX AMI1 MASTERCHRRGt' WILL SE ACCEPTED ON Alt. MEA# moms 575.00 OR LMGER Advantage for customer 'h%tib,hty of 4$ days before billing firm Cbargex or Matrercharge and •a lowing, tuttamer to boy when pate it right ,I cl budget Over 6 longer Oenod of Wee �Er�ER:�Er °S Dad, ',Aro MEAT MARKET 237-1677 0 CI 0,