HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-02-01, Page 5Mitchell may get free .calls to Sebringville Mitchell telepnone sl<I.b. scribers are going to kava s chance to Vote on a plan to• eliminate long distance char- ges on ealls between the exchanges of Mitchell and, Sebringville and Mitchell and Kirkton. This announcement -. was made recently by Lloyd Mardlin. manager of the Blanshard `Municipal Tele- phone System, which owns the Sebringville and Kirkton, esehanges, and Peter C:roome,: local manager for Bell Canada, operators: of the Mitchell exchange; if 60 per cent of the Mitchell. telephone •" sub- scribers approve the change, then it would go into effect in :December, i,y$Q., The sub- , scribers must approve the change because their month- ly rates would increase, The Ontario Telephone Service Commission. the .regulatory agency for independent companies in Ontario and the Canadian Radio. Television: .and Telecommunications :Comntission, Bell's regu- latory body, must, a1S'}'agree fo the change. The Mitchell: subscribers wilt likely be given a chance tit vote on the question, in March, A separate ballot; +in4 _explanatory letter will be mailed. out to the sob' scribers. A largevoter response is p necessary for the removal of ttie toll charge. A vote on the same question was, held • in 1975 when 70,2 .per cent of Mitchell; telephone' sub- scribers approved the. change, However, only 45. Per cent of. the subscribers. replied to the vote, Subscribers who don't returntheir ballots by mail will be contacted by tele- , phone this time in order to. • len a._ eiU1 �� K I ----SEAYf.CE-AW'kt�D�WtNNER . mP'b ' of R:.R:1, Dublin, a .past -president of the • Seaforth Agriculture Society, was presented with:a a Art Bolton tt h� e vie B It 'merit meritorious service award b Y society's annual meeting and banquet held at the Seaforth arena on Jan: 23. .: (Expositor Photo) r�fitabIe 'pork is eating "Profitable Pork Pro- duction for 1979" will be the theme; of a swine' symposium to be held at the Howick Community Centre, on. High- way #$7• between Gortie and; Fordwich, on February 15th. Advance registration before February, 12th is a must in order to be assured of a pork dinner at noon. Registration may be ar- ranged • at a, cost of $6.00 per person via the Huron County' Pork Producer Directors or the Agricultural ' Office. Clinton. The program commences with registrationtaf,9:30'a m: Timely presentations will' include: "Premixes, Supple- ments or Complete. Feeds`. Today", Ralston Purina re- presentative; ' `Financing a Swine Operation for the Young Farmer and: the Established Pork Producer", Brian Little, . ' Royal' Bank, 5 Kitchener; "Farrow -to Finish Operation - Would l .`do ' •it' '.Again?", Ian McAllister, Zurich; "Refeletions .-- Would i Re- peat our Course of Action - Under Today's Prices and Conditions?'', . Charlie Thomas, Brussels, 'Guest speaker atthe noon pork. dinner .will be Jack Riddell; M.P.P.,Huron-Middlesex.. Remarks will feature "Con sumers and Producers in a Complex, Changing:. Economy ' A panel discussion about e "Current Fads and Myths in. Pork Production", chaired by Ron Fleming; -Huron County Agricultural Engineer,will round out the afternoon pro- gram. Panelmembers will include Cliff Dickie, Hyde Park Farm Supply; Don Henry, Bluevale; 'Ken Keates, Bright; . Neil Hemingway,'. Brussels; • and Richard. Sntelski, Swine•. Specialist, O.M.A:F., Strat- ford. Panel will .examine, trial - and error on the farm! '`Will .it: work?; 'Negative and Positive results Along the Road to Seeking the :' Recipe for Successful Pork. Production The Joys of innovation,: Individual questions and. discussion'- will be en- couraged. Pork production get a more complete vpltttt survey. . . Residents int• the ex_changeok Mitchell. Scbringyilles end Kirkton started' :requesting dropping tolls between, the centres in 1971. Correspondent' DON McRAE Recent Dublin, Mitchell T,V, Horne bingo channel 12 wvttt- hers are Heather Bennewies, Dublin; Tim Elliott, Dublin;; Mrs. Gertude Fawacett.` Mitchell: Mary Schoonderwoerd, Mitchell; Mildred Townsend, Mitchell Alice Chekle. Mitchelt;Cal Perth A Patten.MitcheiA erna Hu be.. Mitchell, Isabel' Chesney, Seaforth and. Wilfred: Initis. Mitchell. , Dublin Lions are con- tinuing 'to on-tinuing'to collect used eye glas . ,s. ;Ind these may. . be. dr ped off at the' Post Office in ublln. W ekend visitors. with, Mr; and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney were Mrs. Katie metndv of lasses R.R.Z. Dublin; Mr. and Mrs, Mike Maloney. Lorne. Molly of Sttatford and Mrs. Marion Kelly, Angela and: Karen of R.lt.t„ Sebringville. 'John Nagle has'returned from the sunnw •south? Florida where he •vtstte t with his daughter and son-indav Mr. and Mrs. Mark Slitipson. Miss Kathleen Stapleton,,. • BY -ALAN W. SCOTT chartered' banks. • Mill St., North Dublin, has returned home from vacation. in Florida. Mrs, Edwin Stapleton of Dublin visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Ron Agar and family of Essex. Mr. and Mrs. Mike McRae and family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Hallman in London. eginner Lenders have guidelines and of the Farm Credit. Corpoc AG: REP. Both speakers agreed that thumbrules which enable ation and Assoc, Agr. Rep. Financing was the topic of discussion at last week's Farm •Management Club meeting in Mitchell, Ones of ., the speakers, John Murphy - Manager of Regional Agri- cultural Services for the Roy - 'al Bank, had a definite. opinion 'on the special credit needsthe s beginning farm - g ng er.• an income -expense pro- jection wasn't sufficient. A cash flow was necessary to, 'show the money conning in and the money going .out in the period from commencing until' the unit operations a was fully in: production This pro- jection. would indicate the personal funds oroperating n credit .that ,was. needed to bridge the gap between cash outflaw.'and cainfow. , WHY BUDGETS FAIL Farm. Credit reps. Ken Chase and Stu Bryans agreed witk Murphy that be ► n ners frequently over estimate fin- ancial returns. Some people: budget for a,. certain number of livestock and still haven't that number, in the pro- duction line a year or two after the • target date,,Other people just 'don't raise as many little pigsror produce as much milk as they projected In their plans; Others make substantial machinery pur-`: chases`ihat weren't ineluded in their original budgets and. then: wonder why repayment is difficult', •The lenders agreed that an : unplanned purchase'mightbecome nec- essary but stressed' the 'im- portance im-portance of talking with lend- ers before going ahead. Buy- ing a new machine out of. operating credit would be disastrous. in the long run: because the purchase took money needed to buy fee¢• and crop input's. THE 3C'S.OF CREDIT Murphy talked about the 3 C's of credit -. character, capacity to repay and collas Brat. He' stressed that .the character of the . applicant. and the ability,. to repay were more important than collat- eral. 1t' was vi tal •for a beginning farmer to level with his bank 'manager. A young • borrowershould • aim -to •,keep- as-rnuelr of his: - own money as possible when startingup a business. By. • following this procedures. he'd have surplus funds to. provide asecand Chance if production • didn't measure up to 'his budget expecta- tions. Too often beginners forgot about the •"start up" period when cash would go out and nothing Wouldcome' back in. A beginner might . have to ingest $200. per sow in feed and supplies before he start ed to get any return. At the same time, there was a drain for family 'living expenses and- early loan payments. It was vital to have a.good cash reserve to rover this start up period.: Otherwise the; indiv- idual might not get a second'' *chart ce if things went wrong because •of his inexperience. • Ken Chase of Farm credit Corporation had a• somewhat different approaeh. He point- ed out thathis' organization frequently had to ask .the beginner to put 'part of his cash reserve' into the pur- chase of assets and 'then go. to. the. bank for sufficient operating credit.. This policy was necessary to give the individual equity in the bus- iness and also because of the shortage of F.C.C. funds, He also felt that Supplying oper- ating credit Was a role that should be, assumed by the inforrtiation'leaflets 'will be available to all participants. -Couples are encouraged to attend.. • them to determine whether or not a budget is in line. They can also estimate the amkunt.,of" debt repayment that. can, 'be, handled by assessing ' the: �nianagentent.. ability of the applic'ant and the volume of the business. The thoroughness and accur- .acy and ,completeness of a credit application homed lately give the lender an impression of heev. .well 'erre; applicant has thought out his proposal, Every application must be treatedon: an individual bas- is. ,A man producing; l4 pigs per sow per year would have no hope of coping .with a repayment: schedulethat could be handled by another individtsal'poducing 20 pigs pec sow per:year "`Borrowers who had below average pro- duction statistics anti tluise who. didn't know their stat- istics would find it incre•as, .. ingly difftctM to sell tenders on their proposals. Producers with below average product- ion statistic s would,also have increasing: difficulty in 'com- peting with. their high pro- ducing counterparts, AG WEEK PREVIEW '•'Ag Week- 1979 issehed- uled for the .Stratford Coli- scum- from Tuesday, '.Feb,. 13th Until Friday, February: 16th. Bruce Murray of SI Marys will speak at. the Cattlemen's roast beef din- iier on' Tuesday., A dairy program on the same day will feature Ontario' Milk 'Market ing Board Chairman, `Ken' McKinnon.: • Wednesdays Federation Day, will feature 'a panel on; farm income tax, farm credit and farm. record. kccping. The guests for this program include Stratford accountant. v' Howard Fantme, Ken Chase D.S.• Pullen Agricultural 1 Re presentative for Huron County USE EXPOSITOR WANT - -ADS Phone527-0240 Butcher Your BEEF or.PORK at DUBLIN We: -kill -hong. -cut' trim` wrap -freeze WE.ALSO -make y'durr l`an -sausage -cure meats CUSTOMI LiING DAYS BEEF "4 -,WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS' PORK 'MONDAY AFTERNOONS • TEL 345430 . -0 APPOINTMENT • i;i,'iir wr. iWr'M�ri'i,i:riii4'iiii�YV «r -,,.w.. ,�. «.-. Barry Sinclair, Thursday features an Egg and Fowl Producers' 'meeting and : a ladies' ''session on. Jewelery Making and Decor ating. a Centrepiece. The. Pork Producers also meet on Thursday. A: panel of farm- ers and armersand contractors will his. cuss the features, of .new Stock Reduction Sale For the Month of February, • tl 10% 201a 30'%: 40% to ' FREE'Ifa with,'! plus 160.‘0 INA ES only 79 TC to Reg. $135.00 to $175.00 ds 'little as '•: Hanging 1/ Planters 12 u'rchase' price 10k to 141 rings, chains, pendo sts, earrings Salt & Peppers, Reg, $5,00 pr'.. only +2.60pr, Wooden Steak Board Platters 3 SO eat. 4/ $ IV0. *everything for less* price 1 Soup Turreen: Reg. 34.95 ($25.00 . only . soti ' No discount on special orders ••• No:r'efunds on Said items No free gift wra'pjing e tt'sale items• Se f�rth 47 Main • Jevllers • barns which they have built. during -the last year, , ickets available from the directors of the Cattle men's Association and the Soil, and Crop Improvement Association. lociati n,' Afternoon o pro- grams begin at 1:15 with the exception of the dairy session which starts at 12;45 p.rn. THE'HUM EXPOSITOR* 'FEBRUARY 10711) j The fust meting, of the ,Egmondville Club was held' Monday. January 9 at -the keine of Mrs, fud)4Swan. the leader. Two new Members, Kathy Turnbull and Cassie James were greeted:. and. the meeting was opened with: the 4-H pledge. Elected :officers were: President Diane Smith;. Vice president - :Gale Turn- bttll• c,*erfeary treasurer - DarleneMoore, areas report- er Susanne Eggert and M Telephone _girl :tori Strong, 'The Roll call was, to think Of aclub name and cover for the next Meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Turnbull, the assistant leader. The clubs meet girth- IRMO that each of the ten, members should •bring• . . to cover sn teitpenses. • Members Pamphlets were Oven out and the objectives ' of the club were ,discussed. Mrs. Turnbull tallied about Achievement Day. and Ree- ogt Book egtiq o tlul what the soffit' must dok •Mi$ wan read theithlr •ory f?>< ACar members t►gt►t orli / '� s..a, 4. rho, accessorteg. iflop no.4 On Monday. Jan 29 the McKillop #4 4-H club had • their first meeting at the home of their leader r M. Jonneke Murray. Mrs. Ktaver is the assistant header. The members are ,as .follows;: • ,'resident -Mary' JP Ryan Vice President -Louise Nolan, $eer"etatrp+ Marth& Claessens, Treasurer -Margaret Press H, icicnell, e Reporter-Suanne: Murray along with Louise Ryan and; Linda Klaver. The meeting concluded with a mix and match $are" ' HERE'S,HOW EXAMPLE Doe, William P. R.R.6 Walton, Ont. Dec. 1 -0 -9 - ti. Mr,. :Doe's, subscription expires the first• .;RI December 1979 The digit; to the right indicates. the year of expiry. Ieasewutchthed4teofl•Xour fi�bel and renew before subscriRfiion expires.. 527-0240 Seaforth