The Huron Expositor, 1979-01-25, Page 9Tiny butimportant
it sits off the beaten traek on ,a road
allowance.. Hardly noticeable to ;the casual
observer because of its small size, the
Walton Library still manages to provide a
service to community residents..
Although locations have changed many
times over the years, it has been going
strong since at least 1902.
Presently the library sits, in a building
which was moved to kits Present location by
Russel. Marks. Mrs, Annie Reid Who is.
researching Walton's history for 'the
Women's Institute TweedsmuirHis. o - .
Book provided ilm,collowing information on
the history, of the library. •
According to an, old treasurer's book found
in the library. there was a library in Walton in;
1902: The treasurer then was Alex W.
Denver. At that time, the library received a
county grant of SIS and ;$5 from the
townshi s: The librarian. received $1Sper
; year. A rental fee of $12 was charged for
building where the library was . located at
that time,
For a few- years, the library was even
located in private homes. Some of these
belonged to Andrew Johnston, Dunc
Johnston and Mrs, Charles Drager,
In 1933 the library was in the upstairs part
of Pete McTaggart`s barber shop which
is currently in use as:a shed at a different
location, At that time, Mrs, McTaggart was
the librarian For awhile, the library was
located in a room at the U.F.O. store now
being used liy Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Southwell as apartments.
The library was moved in 1939 into the old.
bank building • which.1 at 'the • ;time was
occupied by. barber Ken Fcrg, Judy Env
merich is currently usingthe. building,. Wes
Hackwell bought that library in 1943 and
continued to look after it until: 1946 or 1947.
• l.,t 'was in 1946 that ..the library board
decided, to .have a permanent place for the
library and obtained the present building,
located on land that was once surveyed as a
street for the village; The present buildings.
was financed: by a canvass of the community
for donations, grants 'from the government
and the -townships.. It was repaired with a
new front and inside walls with the work
being done by William Bennett and Harvie
Johnston. y
The officers of theand �. . ..
bo . at that time Wete
Chairman -Harvey • Johnston; Secretary
Mrs. Herb Kirkby; Treasurer -, Douglas
Lawless. Other members of the board were
Percy Taylor, Mrs. Harvey -Craig, rss Ethel
Dennis, Mrs. Edna Hackwell, Percy Holman
and Rev.-R.G, Hazelwood.
Each year, -the Library Board would have
concerts or visiting plays and; dances to help
with finances. Starting in 1935, books wer
obtained through the Travelling Library and.
then in 1967, the Walton library became part
of;the Htirbn County Library System.
Some of those who have served as
librarians in the Walton Library include Mrs.
George Dundas who was the; librarian from
1948 to 1960, Mrs. Torrance' Dundas, Mrs.
James Shortreed, and. Mrs. Don Achilles.
The current librarian. is• Sheila MacPherson
Who has been there for about a year and a
nut most of her reading group are
pre-schoolers,, She 'said the odd teenager,
comes in for a reference book.
"1 think the libraries in the schools have
affected the other libraries quite a bit," she
said, but added that;when all the reference
books. were gone out of the school libraries,`
"there's still lots of room for us as far as .,
reference is. concerned.
Otherwise, -Walton library doesn't ee
many teenagers. she said;
SMALL, BUT WELL-USED—'it may.not look like much, but. the. Walton
library provides ,a community service to residents around the area.
-(Brussels Post Photo)
Aimwell unit met Monday
evening at the home of Audrey
Thompson with, new
President Florence
Cartwright in charge. A
• poem on Journey was fol-
lowed by .Hymn ``Standing
on the Portal".. Roll Call was
answered, by 9 members,
Penny' Overhoe a new
member, -7- viisitors.
Correspondence included an
in vitation to W.I. February
meeting on 14th. Thank you
from Clinton' Hospital for
favors and from •family
services for mittens at
Get well cards were sent to
Si Burns and Norma,
Glousher both' •,hospital
patients, A money making
Object was discussed,
; February meeting will be
February 19 in forth of a Pot
Luck Supper at 6:30 p,m. • in
charge of supper' Florence
Cartwright and Betty Hulley,
Program Audrey Thompson
and June Fothergill.
Presbyterial. to be January
30th at .Exeter, Brenda
Nesbitt and Cheryl' Bromley
did a,11.en .datncc .act •
Members are to appoint
someone to the Life and
Work committee of the
Church. New treasurer is
_Kathy McDougall. Guest
speaker was gev,,,McDontlld,
• Helen Leeave
readings to each person Mitt
read it aloud on answers
school children give their
teachers. •
Grace was sung and lunch
was served by June Fother-
gm' and .Audrey Thompson.
"This is a sports -minded town; she said
by way of .explanation.
Al;thottgh .there is a charge of fixe cents a
aY' °oti overdue books, Mrs, MacPherson
points out: that the 'libr.:.ry is not there ,to,
make a profit.
Back in December,. there was some talk
About closing the building, which houses the
:library because of heating and lighting
Mrs. MacPherson believes' the library
se .,e ' definite .rY $ u community need, however.
"People don't want the library closed here
At all, I believe they v Auld really miss it.: it's
Oct bad we Couldn't get more young ones
interested in it," she said. Mrs. Reid also.
thought the library would be missed if it
were closed down.
-"We don't want to, lose our library. We'd
be willing to de something towardsthe
building ourselves, rather than see it close
down," she said.
She pointed out that if .the library was
located in a new building, rent would have to
be paid and she said the rent -money could be
put. 'toward fixing up the old building
Currently ''the library is open Tuesday
nights and Saturday afternoons with no
charge for joining and no charge for library
At the present time, books come into the
library .every three months. Mrs. Mac-
Pherson said the biggest users of thelibrary
are the Pre-schoolers and the adults. A total
of 1,165 books were: borrowed in,Noveinber:.t
of 1978, compared,to a total of 1,109' books in
November of 1977, an increase of 56 books in
a year. The amount of children's books
,usage has doubled.
`'. If a reader wants ;a bestseller, it can be
ordered. Anything people want can be.
requested from the Huron County Library
System including films.:
As Mrs. MacPherson points out; the
library looks small, but it has the advantages
of the bigger libraries. She saidone .library
user ordered somebestsellers she had seen
on television aiid they were back within two
Weeks of her request.
Just what do the people around the
Walton area like to read? According: to Mrs.
MacPherson, it goesfront bestsellers to the
romances such as those :written by Grace
Livingston Hill, She said they generally go in.
for doctor and nurse stories,, and the alien like
cowboy stories,•
She said the library runs out of these types
of books fast and so: she sometimes: goes in.
and, picks up: some new ones from the
Brus.e , i
.. s !s library. •
Since, some series of books such as Nancy
Drew and the Hardy Boys have been made
into television series, their popularity may
have increased. In fact there is such a•run on
Hardy Boys books that Mrs. MacPherson,
can only keep five on hand at a time since
there is .
such a demand:' for them in other
libraries,. She said her own two boys have
just started to read them.
Salton euchref
The Tuesday night euchre,
sponsored. `by' the Walton
W.I. was held in .the com
munity hospital, with,.6 tables
in play.
Prize winners • were for
high lady -,Leona McDonald;.
'Low Lady -.Edna Hackwell;
High -Man Ralph' Traviss;
Low. Man Campbell •Wey.
Lucky card draw - Clifford.
Hostesses were Pauline.
Bennett; Marjory Humphries
-and Marie McGavin.
There will be another
euchre in two weeks. Every-
one is welcome.
The regular meeting ot$he
Institute was cancelled last
Wednesday, evening due to
the weather. '
The committeesfor card
party on January 30 are Mrs.
S. Humphries; Mrs. D.
Watson; Mrs. T. Dundas and
Mrs. H. Bolger, on February
13. Hostesses are Mrs. G.
Craig; Mrs. J. •:Axtmann; .
Mr s, J. Gordon and Mrs. D.
McDonald. • •
Leaders are• still 'needed
for the Senior Project on
Needlecraft. .
• Any girl in the community
Who will be 12 years old by
September 1 wishing to taker.
the spring project on
Accessories, "The Final
Touch" are requested to get.
in' touch; ;..; .with '' either
• Margaret Bennett . or . Ann
Ryan before January 30th.
Xmas campaign
short of goal
At a recent meeting of the
Christmas Seal Campaign.
Committee of. the _ Huron
Perth Lung. Association:
members: were informed that
544,521.24 had been re-
ceived to date in the 1978-
' campaign.. This amount •
is $3;500 short of the goal of
the Association for the next
fiscal year. A. Dunsmore of
R. R.2; Stratford, presided.
Appreciation was' shown of
the work of 22. volunteers
with 622 •volunteer hours, to
their. credit in this current
campaign. Five of these
volunteer checked in almost '•
everyday to assist staff with:.
all the jobs connected with
preparing and running the
Here'whatOntario is doing•
and what' you canimprove •
do to im rovethe well -:bung.
-of our -children. "
The United Nations
fr has proclaimed' 1979
L/ as International Year
of the Child in. order
/��yy�y .�.^�14+y ' to'focus attention on
1979.Intemational`iearo(lhechfld . children everywhere.
In Ontario, the Government: has
always looked at children as our
most precious resource and has
worked to provide them with the
best possible health, education and
social programs.
In 1979, we intend to strengthen
these services and programs in the
belief that the :peace and prosperity
of the future depends on the
well-being of our children today.
However; the Year of the Child to
be truly successful in Ontario, must
have everyone's support...
your support.
Only you, as a parent or friend,
can provide the love and concern
that is so essential to the healthy
development of a child.
For more information on the
Ontario Covernment's programs'
for our children, and a list of
suggestions of what you, your
organization or commurtitycarl drs
during the International Year of the
Child, write to: • ' •
International Year of the Child 1979,
"Today is for Tomorrow"
Secretariat' for Social Development
Whitney' Block, lst.Floor "•
Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A2
Margaret Birch,
Provincial Secretary
for Social Development
'William Davis, Premier
Province of.06 tatioof:
esioro. U
giving of ov..r
NiJ,A:B , 1
Berean. Unite'
Wednesday, January 17 at
the hotne :of Mrs. Alice
Davidson Past President
Mrs.tlariett Knox .for her,
h• :Birthday, Clean :lata.
Januar.4 Dora Shobbtoo .`
February ary Longman':
Roll Call was answered by
11 members paying dues
including two new members
Hattie Wood read "'Put your Helen Lawson and Margaret
hand into the hand of the Good, Hattie Wood gave.
Lord" and• led in prayer. reading "A for in the,
Devotions conducted: by, Road".
Alice Davidson,r ading "1 Nom
said to the man at. the gate Mary •Longman and :Labra
give me a light" and a. New Lyon presented the slate of
Year's' resolution by -Rev. ` ,officers 1979-80 fast Pre -
Tuttle United Church sident Hattie Wood,
Moderato. r, ' ,--.resident H
.TheLords thy Pr si eot Ah'ca Da 'd -
accompanied, by record, son; Secretary, Dora
prayer and "God's light will Shobbto k. • Tr
asurer I'auca.
never go out." Scripture was Lyon; Church nominating Ida.
"Sermon on the Mount" and Purnin. supply 'Laura Lyon,.
meditation on scripture Mary Longman.
"Take time to listen", Congregational Life and
Correspondence included ` Work, Addie Hunking.
thank you from Jack Snell, Vi Buying Dora .•Shobbrook
Burn's, Huron County nominating, Mary: Longman
childrens' aid society, an and Nona Pipe.
invitation from wornans It was moved to change
ln.sttute to ' their meeting meeting date from 2nd
February 14th at 8 p.m. in Tuesday to first Wednesday
the hall. Treasurers report: by 2 p.m. ..each month, next
Laura Lyon showed 19,78 • meeting ;February 7. Meeting;
givings' were 5404,33. closed and lunch provided by
Expenses 2 gifts, 58,35, Alice Davidson and. -Nona.
Balance 5395.98. Pipe;
' "'Happy "Birthday. sang • for PERSONALS
Marg. Anderson and Sympathy -is extended to
Margaret Good. Birthday the Greidanus families on the
cards were signed to send: to death of their mother Mrs.
Mrs, Emma Livingstone, W. Greidanus of Clinion on.
London on her 80th birthday January 19.
a; former' member here and to • Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
;Caldwell retuned haeme •r►s;
Monday, January 15thi
spending a month with theiir
daughter Wendy and Chades,
Crawford Kelowna B.C,
Mr: dad Mrs, Watson,
Reid, M. and Mrs. Bruce
Roy,, Mir. and Mrs. Haro
rued borne onsld
Price rete
Thursday, January 1 . fir m
;enjoying a 10 day holiday t 4
San Francisco; Los Angeles;.
Los. Vegas. and, El Centro all
guests .. of Pioneer Hybrid'
Corn for Salesmen and their
Miss Joan, Gar.row of
London spent Saturday with
her grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, Mr,
and Mrs. Jim ,Jameison,.
Susan and Bob spent 10 days
at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Bruce ;Roy while they were
on Holidays.
Mrs, Laura Forbes, Mr.
and Mrs, Harry Snell; and..
Grant `Spell attended the
funeral on Wednesday of
their'' aunt Mrs. Charles
Barker formerly Edith
Jenkins 'Goderich on.
Remember W.1. card party
Friday January 26th, 8:30
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