HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-01-18, Page 16ati.+ls� us=a ira THE •HURrON EXPOSIT() R .JANUAARY 18, 1979 4) 1 Coming 'Events 1, Coming 11 .encs, 4 'Help Wanted: SgAFORTIi. Lions Club, .,annual Valentines. Dance,' Saturday, -February 10th. 1979 at the Seaforth Legion.• Rall. Tickets $7.00 per couple from members. Proceeds for welfare activities, 1.83x3 BRQDIAGEN annual winter Carnival cross .country poker.. , rally, 'Saturday Feb. 3, .1979, Cash prizes paid 'back to 5th place, Registration. starts 12:00„ 30 door prizes. Satur- day night winter carnival dance. Sunday Feb. 4, 1979, novelty races, drag races,. 1 -fan cooled, . 2 -free' air, 3 -liquid, 4 -modified.. Troph les for 1st, and 2nd, .Regis- tration from 12;0Q to 1:00. 1-83.2 ODDFELLOWS and. Rebecah euchre Wed'.. January 24th,8 , -O clock.in• the Lodge Hall. 1.84.1 • EUCHRE will he held $t"- Thomas,' t:Thomas' Church Parish Rall.; Tuesday, January 23rd ceelock. 1.84-1: .i, SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL, MEETING DiNNER AND DANCE .Seaforth Community .Centre, Tuesday, January 23,, 1979,: Dinner 7 p.m., Meeting. 8 p.m. Dancing 9;30 p.m. with Jon. Libera from Polka Time; Tickets $6,00 each, from directors.: . Information '52.7.0508. Proceeds for Community Betterment. 1.83.2 Bingo Every Tuesday Night at the yANASTRA.CENTRE R.R.5, .Clinton P.M. ;,.. First regular card 51.00 15 Regular games of $15.00 3 Share the Wealth ' '- Jackpot $200 must. go •. Admission restricted to 16 years or over 1-82-tf , BILLY " BISHOP, Theatre Passe; Muralle's hilarious musical play about-' Western Ontario's World One indom inable flying hero_ will be presented at Blyth Memorial' Hall, • Wednesday, January 24 and Wednesday, January 31 at 8 p.m. For reservations call 523-9403. Sponsored by the Blyth Centre for the Arts: 1-84-2 WATCH for • the . Carleton Show Band on Saturday,,. June 23,1979.. Sponsored by. .! the Seaforth Lions Club. 1-84-1 ES 4011tet, A .N , AMe 5 Q 5 7,a3O O �Planning a Trip! Florida Catribbean Europe .• •,Canada etc. Let Us Help 1-83=tf CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday, 8:00 P.M. 1st regular card 51.00. Re- stricted to 16 years or over 15 regular games. of $15,00; 55 least on . split. Many other specials, Jackpot '$200,00 must go each week. 1-82-tf 2 -`lost, Strayed' FEMALE Golden Lab, aprrox. 8 months, tan and white colouring with brown collar. Kippen area 262-2505. 2.84-1 4 Help Wanted FESTIVAL SINGLES D ance. Friday, January 26th at the Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9-1 a.m. Welcome all singles mainly•over 30_ 1-84-2 AFTERNOON Euchre, Jan, 22 at 2. p.m. at the Orange Hall. 1-84-1' WANTED' Real, Estate Salesperson P • To Work Out of Our MITCHELL OFFICE • We' require an ambitious self starting highly motivated individual,:.; experienced in Real, Estate Sales to join our expanding Sales Team. Attractive commission set••up. Reply in Writing giving full details of Experience & Re ferences to P.H. HILLER REALTY LTD. 51 Albert St. Stratford, •N511 3K2 4-84-2 Parttime a` Clerlcn .sel 04 CAN' O' .N IMPERIAL B'OjO.1F COMMERCE: V $r'hon e: 527-0100« for appointment. 4- 4 kfeip ``anted SENA SECRETARY An, opening exists In. the Adrninistrntivo Centre of the. Huron: County Board of Education foe' a; ' tteni.or s•cretar i., Superior typing and shorthand skills. ndvantaBeous Salary, and benefits will ba discussel►d •IAS, detail at the interview. Applications will be taken until': _ --January. 29, 1979' „Pte ase send detailed. resume of qualifications, past experience and, notary history to; MR. R.B. DUNLOP Superintendent of Business Affairs The Huron CountyBoard of Education 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario ELLIOTT D.J. COCKRANE Chairman Director ' 4-$4- I 7 Situations Wanted TWO 15 year old boys wanting work •suck! • as chicken ` catching, . Barn cleaning. •etc. Have own transportation 527-0207. 7-83.2.. WILL Baby sit in my own home. 527-1533. 7-84-1 8''. Farm Stock: TWELVE .chunks- Mervin Beuerman. 345-2916. 8-84-1 LANDRACE breeder boars, York, Landrace •gilts. Tom Papple. 527-0940. _ ' • 8-84-2 HAMPSHIRE Boars and ' Gilts and Duroc Boars .Re= gistered, and R-O.P:.tested. Paul 'McNally. Phone 357.3724 - 8-84.2 9 Poultry For -Sale HUBBARD GOLDEN • Comets, Top, Quality Bron. n' Egg , Layers. 20 weeks old A.:11: For April :Delivery, Some At::il., Immediately. Orders . also accepted. 'for Heavy. Roaster: Cockkells,' day.old for S,Ering del. Call McKinley, Hatchery.; 262-2837. 9-83=8' 10 Used Lairs 1973 nick LeSabre, blue; four door. 455 four barrel $800.00 262-5243. 10-84-2 1970 Olds good condition. As 84.1„ is or for parts, Phone 262.5659. 10-83-2 HAVE ordred new van. Must; sett 1975 Datsun ick -up, will certify 52 f't O reduced to 52,000.00. Phone 527-1032 10.83x2 Classified Rates: WORD COUNT Charges 'are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street" numbers.' phone numbers or prices count as one word 'per set, Words joined by hyphens count as separate Words: FIRST INSERTION -�Words 52.00 w. er o d R 10. N 20 . ,.. thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -- No copy changes. 5c per word', minimum $1.50 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION 52.10 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSETIONS 51 82 per column inch. • inch ?Minimum size in this category 1'{2 inches, Accepted in multiples of half inch:) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS _AFFICE 50c per BIRTHS- 20 words, 52.00. 9c per word thereafter., insertion. MARRIAGES, • •• Engagements, Death Notices, 20 words $2.00, each addition8l Word 9C." • IN MEMOR1AMS - $2,00 plus 10c per line of verse ' COMIG th additionalEwad 9c. Three 0 sertionsVENTS - $for they p32.00reen' of 2. CARD OF THANKS 30 'Words ;$2.00, each additional' word3c. • ` a' 5lk 13f5CQUNTFOri'CASH PAYMENT ON OR" BEFORE ' FE IDAY NOON 1N':WEEK OP INSERTION., No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Tuesday Deadline lor Classified olds It 12 Noon Tuesdays Phae n5 27 O2 0 '74 Voikswagon 3900 Prides. Good mechanical•,Conditon. Will certify. Best offer. Phone 527.0260 after 6 p.m. or 527-1303 before 6s 10.824 1;L Articles For Sale Need' a Wood -:Splitter Otilv 5210.00 • , N a•, aur,. �1 SEAFORTH 527.0120' .: 11=64-1 TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES CANARIES' A complete line of pet -, supplies' PAT'SP t SHOP' 350 Main Street Exeter, " Phone 235.1951 11.82•tf . . 11 Articles For Sale PRESENTING AN extensive line of livestock products,. Liquid. Manure pumps. Special : cattle. manure pumps. Electric manure pumps. Manure spreader• tanks. Hog penning,. farrowing crates; cattle free stalls and feed': bins. J, Spa.n,ler Manufacturing,• Mitchell. 348-9104,: 11-84=1 USED SNOWMOBILES Moto -Ski Capri 340 $625.00 Moto -Ski. Capri 295 .$575:00 Moto Ski 1977 Spirit 250 5625.00 Moto -Ski 1974 Grand Sport 440 5875.00 Moto -Ski 1975 Nuvik 300 5425.00 Massey Sk i-Whis 444E $625.00. 1975 340 Arctic Cat' Special Price Snowmobile clothing in stock at Special ,Discount. Snow Mitts 25% off; Bardahl Snowmobile Oil $1 45, 516.95 a case. Eltzl_1:-Li-zi_.1_- i Gia, ,a0n are AMPamt.1 d, SEAFORTH 527=0120 -' 11-64-1 FURNITURE REFINISHING and repair. Quality "work- manship at competitive prices Jim Cook. 523-9284. 11=84 -4 - RED potatoes. apples, :fresh• cider at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone' 524.8037. 11.82-tf COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while you. wait:: Letter size, 254 each. THE HURON�EXPOSITOR. 11-82xtf HONEY for; 'sale 2 and 4 pound pails., Apply Wilmer Kelly, 101. James Street, Seaforth, 527-1023. 11.79x8 CHILDS car seat CSA approve d also electric fire- place. Both excellent con-" clition. 482.7575, 11:83:3 GOT something to sell? 9000 people read the EXPOSITOR'. ' classified ads every week, Place your loW priced ' Expositor classified at 527-0240. 11.82xtf X11' Artie- 11 Articles For Sale c.leu Fetr S+olp RENT a quality new piano barley, Mac Stewart 539.00 monthly. Pulsifer Music 527.0053 ; 11.824 REGISTERED and certified• seed Herta barley as well as other varieties of oats. and ,' 11::R.1, Dublin, Phone: 527,0$9/. 11.84x2 OESTETNER INK available at The Huron ExpoSiter • 527.0240, Seaforth 11-824 January Clearance on;.- ARIENS "Walk behind" SNOW!,,, 0, r'.RSa V ELL ' SEAFOIT11527 O*2O 1.t-84.1 1976 Fonie Moto Ski in good condition. Phone45.2496. 11-84=2 ONE HARVEST gold; Kelvinator' Leonard'electric,. range, „ 1 year •old. good condition, 527;0859 or 527-0833. • 11-84-1 JOHN Deere 10 H.P. Tractor. Snowblower and grass mower atta chments. Wheel weights and chains included 52.7.1649 after 5 p.m. .11.84-1 CAR 11EP.. •lXkestew.:PL»nle' 52"-1018 after 6;0Q p.m. 11-844 '73 Skiroulesnowmobile. new track. 345-200.6. 11-84-1 Approx. 1,000. bales "str$w. Stephen: Eckert 345-2608. 11-83x2' 1974 Ski 'Whiz 304 snow- mobile, 2 cylinder, excellent condition, $500, firm. Call Gordon McKenzie 527.0291:. 11-84=2. STRIP tickets for admission. or refreshments, single and" duplicate, The Huron Expositor, Seaforth 11.82xtf :USED Chesterfield and chair 5100.000 good condition 345-2306'. 11-84-1 FALSE': teeth, long under- wear? Expositor , classifieds have sold almost ,everything. Place your ad today by calling 527-0240. 50 cents off when you pay cash, • 'l 1-82xtf OIL paintings' Reg, ' 27.95, . while they last $22.95, Rubber plants Reg. $59.95; while they last $35;95 MacLean's Flowers, 527-0800. 11.84-1. Property For Sale - USED, SNOWMOBILE PARTS -All kinds of used. cylinders, blocks etc Old parts or model numbers required. WE BUY (WRECKED SNOW MACHINES See us for all your new or used snowmobile •parts and service. " NOW SNOWMOBILE WRECKERS' ARGYLE MARINE & SMALL ENGINES ;85 Britannia Rd. Goderieh, 524-9201 11-84-2. Property For. Sale .. .. , Fore Property For Sale 14 Property For Sale 11 Ar'f.>�lee. Sale . 14 P p � r F 2 :Pairs ofgirls;. white figure skates sizes 7 -and 8 nearly new.Phone 527-17b9 between. 9 a.m. '• 6 p.m. • 11-$3-2 12' Wanted -To Buy WANT to buy "a fridge, Ford or a:: phonograph? Try an EXPOSITOR wanted; • to buy classified• ad, 527-Q240.. 12-82xtf la. Wanted USED Chesterfield, no longer than "80 inches, suitable, for recovering, 345-2130' '13-84-1 WANTED;. old brick buildings for demolition & salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, .1185 • Murphy Road, Sarnia. ' 13-824 GOOD used furniture. -1182- 7922. 13-82-tf 14 Property For Sale. ' HOUSE for sale or tent, 2 bedrooms, in St. 'Columban• 345-2172. - - 14-82x3 • PRIVATE SALE 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large living' room.. dining room;' kitchen with eating area. Utility room, glassed in verandah, Garage paved driveway. Garden, plus extras: 527-1313, • 14-83x4 Property For: Sale PICK UP YOUR FREE COPY OF A, Pictorial. Listing Of . OVER 270 PROPERTIES, In. The Huron County Area , HOMES - FARMS BUILDING LOTS - COMMERCIAL' PROPERTIES AND RECREATIONAL LAND at a variety store, grocery store, bank, etc., or at any of the following Real Estate offices: ALL POINTS Realty. Services .lnc- 58 -.East St.;, Goderich• BILL CLIFFORD 26 Square, Goderich Real Estate Broker .. 8Main 5t.; Seetorih:. CULLIGAN Real Estate Ltd. 77' Main $t., Seatorth JOHN L. DUDDY, Real Estate Ltd.. 19: AlbertSt., Cllhton. Shinroii ELLIOTT Bial Estate Ltd, 35 West Stc, Potlatch. GK Realty Inc., • Exeter. Grand Bend, Clinton' , Maurice GARDINER' Real Estate Ltd, 34 Stanley St, Godertch W. J; HUGHES, Realty Limited 38 East St;, Goderlch SHAKEN REALTY And Insurance Ltd. Grand Bend Carr S. WALKER Real Estate Ltd, 489 Main St, Exeter Harold WORKMAN 13' Albert St., Clinton Real Estate. Ltd. _... 154 Isabelle St., Seaforth For "Advertising Call 482-3444 Additional Onal Class ified on next page e Property For Sale Property For Sale BILL CLIFFORD REAL ESTATE BROKER WE WORK AT IT. FULL TIME • Appraisals • Property Management • Investments • Raildential • Farms • Business Resort Properties ,. B Main St. - Seaforth : ` Member of The Huron Phone 527.1511 Real Estate'Board WHEN BUYING. OR SELLING, CQNTACT VIC FOX 523-9525 BETTY CARDNO 527-1102 SEAFORTH ='BEST sur -- located close to ramming Is this family, 5 bedroom home f.Nsri .2 baths. Ergs all -appointed living room with Bromine p s ma man extras. All this for on *37;500.00.21 [.ONDESBORO' - 'COUNTRY LIVING- and iced' to allot *14',!00AO. Excellent starter or retirement bane: All' modern comMiences; pissmakes this - worth the asking price. • *443 P WAL r N - 'RESIDENTIAL - :COMMERCIAL PROPERTY -leildisgwallrsaovated,'ddllwell. Must be soon to be appreciated - *34,300.00. P.S. Contains throb apartments with good: income. 0429 r SEAFORTH, - WHAT DO YOU IND? - Sea this four badraa aluminum sided. well mnintairiod howl" today. features' formal dining room and livirsg room aitte Amebae. Ideal for lar, dentist; accountant. This hogs is priced to sell. *444,'.• SIN .... ESS OPPORTUNITY - NEWSALES' OUTLET, smell engine, snoimtobiles, lawn mowers, etc: Exasllemtfor a mechanic. Small angina npsils.OIVII rsdl' ing out the to illness. has offered this as a complete pock sp for *44,000.. find dao ail stock, osuiomesMl. 0431' BLYTH - MODERN 11/2 STOREY - 4 bedroom, elation" sided home for ultimata living. This family home has bean completely renovated - rear cedar deck - double lot. sndor open for -offers and will consider a mortpge: ' THRIVING ESTASUBIfID iUSI- NESS - on main street. This weed•meintaimed, two uleroy brick, et►mmsreial building can Mw1t ,.or boy both. (well established Whoa retell owhrt : Paw earl Vic Fort for more *Chile. 0140 SEAFORTH :MAIN ST. NORTH -- A lot of house for oily *31,50000.5 bedrooms, hill basement, aluminum sINM well landscaped corner lot, phis low takes, low heating; make this an exceptional boy. 0410 ESTATE. SAL�TM - ESTATE , LONDESSORO - 'What is your offer? Handymen s special -14 acre lot - 4 bedroom home, 0404 SEA ORTH -► CUTE AND COZY - *scribes this compact; 3, bedroom home.Mwwiring; fu insulated and new forceda it furnace. Listed tri 911 S211,500.00. - NEAR CLIP' N "to wits ROLLIttoO LAND - whit Neitlind Rlvar tloMling thrOE' -, Otll.Nipe. .*404 Cage of ovtrr,1,000 ft,.Ideal for eosrMtyere hor. KKrwtienal NOW. Tait itailible. *646' • 100 ACRE FARMER'S ram- Clinton arra. SS acrf lea treble, systanrettbalty Nained,15 acres Mrd• Odom bah. � ninety ffoliates eat 0milyUtak 20 m` seder deck. „ HOG OPERATION: -, 44 ACME fold FAR Monad to aft S4 ansae hon Vomit*. Modern !ern, nflay r ngt fitrhhirtg fi00 pip, OHO MOM-.