The Huron Expositor, 1983-12-28, Page 10ABY RPig 119111#4=POSITOR• MOSER 2i4 Ian rOcKTam! ies 'e early Christmas • ON inan Wilder km arrived tither riam lERSAC tNGFL aspersed and hasupset malty Wristraass. 1181.6643 The Strath faneiTes had their Coe istmus in the Camtuiip Centre on -Saturday. Dec, 17 , 75 aadmg. Oatt_ y, Dec 18. the Bentley -Woods Christ as was also held in the Community Centre with as attendance of mound 30. An early ebaistmas at the home of W- and Mas" Don Cotton was celebrated on Dec, 17asd 18. Those present were Mr. and Mrs_ Gannet Stair, and deserter Kim. Wallace- buoy;add Mr. and Mts. Angus Star, Keay. Davand friend of Minton. A good time a reported by those attending the often reception for Mr. aad Mrs_ Ken MacDonald oa Friday evening Dec 16 at warm welcome to Mrs_ MacDonald to the community_ BRUSSELS 887-6856 OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU IN 19M IS TO OFFER YOU THE BEST IN SALES AND SERVICE_ IT'S BEEN OUR PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU! SAFETY HAS ALWAYS BEEN OUR FIRST CONCERN, SO HAVE,A SAFE & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! HAPPY NEW YEAR From the management & staff Special of the Week MICHELIN SNOW TIRES P205 75 R15 White Walls List 150= Sale 11000 FR78x14 White Walls List 147' Sale 10500 IWhile Stock Lasts FREE INSTALLATION =sat; Thecancel the carol staff. planned for young people Church Wednesday melting. Fannies arcs bens of Craabrook W.L vete treated to a delicious Christmas dinner on Dec_ 14 by the Ethel W_L Tables were set for foot so that the two gawps would mai_ Hydro Teaser a representative from Ontario alkertoa showed a film on the uses and dangers when catension cords are misused particularly at Christmas_ Nancy Vuius conducted a short pIu am. Mrs Wafted Strickler contnim i d a marling "Do you remember when Christmas was?" Mrs. Tom Baker read the Christmas story and all joined hands to sing "SIIent Night". bring the srrr pleasant afternoon to a close. Londesboro has Christmas visit DOIASHOEDIOOK Sri -42911 The Cheerio Club held their Christmas mecting Dec. 21 with a turkey, dmter at 4 p m_ at the White Rose Restaurant. Edythe Beacon welcomed all and read "Grown Ups Letter to Santa The draw donated by Vi Burns was.won by, Vietta Hoggart_ The neat meeting will be Group 1 at the home of Stella Adams_ A reading"for as kung as 1 can remember" was made by Edythe and "Christmas Tide"• was read by Blah_ PERSONALS Candlelight Service at the church and fellowship and coffee at manse. for Christmas Eve and Dec_,2S church service were all candled due to weather conditions_ Geo Hoggart was admBued to Clinton PublicHospital an Dec 20_ Con:... to Ron and Kathy Moes on the birth of their daught er Kerissa Joanne born Dec_ 23 at the Clinton Public Hospital_ A sister for Laura Kathryn_ ,Pec Stackhouse was admitted to Clinton Public Hospital on Friday for tests_ Mrs_ Colin Paterson of Landon visited Dec_ 19with her parents Mfr_ and Mrs_ Bob Burns_ George Neil_ of Stratford visited on Friday with Laura Lyon and Edythe Beacom_ Mr_ and Mrs. Ray Radford of London. Mr_ and Mrs John Lawrie" Rob and Jennifer_ of Kitchener spent Christmas weekend with parents Mr_ and Mrs Bob Thompson, Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs_ Len Radford of Londesboroarrd Mr_ and Mrs_ Jim Lawrie, of Blyth_ lora Shobbrook spent Christmas Day with Gordon. Darlene. Darrell and Diana Shob- brook_ Christmas Day visitors with Mr_ and Mrs Bbl Sottioux were Brace Aubin and Melanie of Hampstead Montreal, Valerie Hewko of Mississauga_ Daphine Auhin from France spent the past week with Jennifer. Chrsshmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs Jack THE BEST ening about this wee&end"s storm The Snowdon family home in Seatorth was is the winter wonderland that was created_ covered in snow of course_ Most people spent Monday and Tuesday digging out from the worst Christmas storm an record PNassink photo) Londesboro UCW hears from bure�u Correspondent MRS. DORA SHOBBROOK 523-4250 Greeting on Sunday morning at the United Church were Jim Jamieson_ Jack Lee and ushers wete Brenda Nesbitt; Crystal Ken- nedy: David Whyte and Scott Overboe_ The Exptorers entered the church with their leaders Bev Riley and Linda Dillon and the CGIT gists. CGIT and Explorer leaders were installed including Jane Swan. Bev Raley and Linda Dillon_ Absent was Jean Kennedy. There were 14 Explorers. sin CGIT present with the initiation of three new CGIT and seven first year Explorers , UCW. CHRISTMAS A pot tuck supper was held Dec_ 12. 6:3() pan_ and enjoyed by a number of members and their guests After supper Mary PeeL program convener. hada contest "Havinga Turkey for Christmas"_ Guest speakers were Audrey Royal and Pegg. Rivers from Goderich co-ordinators 4. Snell were Mr. and Mrs_ Bev Jewiit, jean and_ .Trent. Cr _ tldt Chldren' Service Cbristm arg, Lindsey of Maden, 371r.ani Bureau for ehgdren -16 and under- Joare Mrs Allen , Lisa and Kelly. The W_ I_ card party will be held Jan. hat 8 tam. Ladies. bring lumen_ Mr_ and Mrs Tom Atlee- Mr_ and Mrs Keith Allen. Don. Mark. Drew and Paula spent Christmas with Mr_ ,and Mrs Don ((Please turn tb page AI I) Whyte presented airs year's White Gift heti Sunday School Margaret Good_ TheLLCM. knitted 33 pairs of mitts. two pairs of socks and other articles Colin Swan presented collection from ecumenical corn - mutiny Christmas seta -ice Sunday night_ half of which went to the Christmas bureau_ Margaret Whyte presented the speakers with a ticket tb Blyth festival. Audrey Thompson presented Jane and Colin Swan with a gift of a lovely quilt from the church. Edythe Beacom thanked Gail Leas . and Betty Millar for their work as leaders past two years_ An Explorer expedition was held Dec_ 15. The.Explorcr emblem was done by Metairie Knox_ Joanne Welts, Pam Hoggert_ Lisa Kennedy_ and Denise Gross_ Tracy Kennedy did the Explorer picture_ • Mc_ Lyons and Mr. Hoggart brought a hay . wagon drawn by horses,for the members to goCarel singing. Merry Christmas Theresa Knox The Hutlett recreation committee wt71 once again be sivusuring yollevbal at Helen central school for ages 13-18 yrs at 7 to 8 p_nd and ages 18-21 yrs_ at 8 to 9 p.m. starting Jan_ 4. The committee is also selling hats and crests with the winning design from Hallett Twp. Day_ The CGIT Christmas Vesper service was held Stmcla1 644- t� ,11,'shers.were Explorer gids Shannon n Dur. ei (Denise Gross Ther- esa and Melanie Knox:COT members Lori Bromley. Lisa Bosman, Deanna Lyon. Theresa Oserboe. Crystal White. Brenda Finch and Kerry Babcock said three anthems with Lisa Duizer at piano. PERSONALS Sorry to revert the death of Arthur E A_ cowman S* WERPkAIE Pennman' f1dlactern Baroque - en' R. 18814 ROGERSS SILYERPLATE C. RIBRLoow STAaVLESS ANSTETT 8 Albert Street CUSITOM • JEWELLERS 26 Moes Street Scarth SEA/0ar11 284 Attain, St_ MITA 203 Durharn Street East WAIRIITON 135 Queen SL E. ST. n1AlYS Save up to 36% 20 -Piece Set Sale in silverplate and stainless Clark of Miniset Prik Guderich in Goderieh Hospital Dec_ 16 at age 81. He is the former resident ofconcession 12. Hallett_ Sympathy iseapreised to wife Nettie, sun Jack and is v Mr_ and Mrs Bob Thompson spent the weekend m 'Kitchener with Mc_ and Mrs John Lawrie. Rob and Jennifer. On Saturday they were guests at the wedding of his niece Brenda Thompson to Robert Gibb at Trinity TLC. Reception at Brier Haugh Community Centre. Mrs Glen Carter spent: a week recently with her aunt Margaret Taman of Brampton_ Colleen Carter of Exeter is spending her Christmas vacation at her patents' home. Clara Riley held Christmas on Sunday for her Emily. Present were Arnold. Bev, Andre. Vicky Lou, Carman. Clint. Leanne Riley, Diane, Gary and BHT Elliott_ Elmer and Elie Hogi1L_ Mr_ and Mrs Lorne Hunking held Christmas on Sunday for her mother Charlotte Bell of Blyth. Mr_ and Mrs Art Hunking. Todd, Tara_ Alicia, Dashwood, Mr_ and Mrs Murray Ranking. Bradley, Becky. Nicole of Godericb. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dwizer, Laurel. Lisa. Stephen and Shannon of Londesboro_ Happy Gang Seniors will meet Dec_ 28 at 1:31) p.m_ in the hall. The villagers were treated on Thursday evening by Explorers and their leaders carol singing. FESTIVE FOODS 20 -Piece Service ter 4 includes 4 Saler/Forks, 4 [Dinner Fo,.la a Dinner Knives, 4 Cessert/Soup Spoons. 4 Teaspoons A COYMuaarY• SILVERPLATE SALE 713495 The exquisite beauty at Contmumty is unequalled Regular suggestect remit 5220:00 a Mita ROGERS•SSILVERP`LATE SALE S114,g5 The Rogers name brings you a history of art ,u, ipramiang craftsmanship, Here s value beyond once nequiar suggested retail Sr6a 00 C. HEIRLOOM' STAINLESS SALE 718495 Heavyweight, luxury quality stainless created expressly for consumers warn disc nnnnating tastes Regular suggested retail St6000 Q COwanwarY STAINLFo _SALE 778.85 Canada's best selling brand at stainless. Truly Ane and superior designs. Regular suggested retail St MOO E ONUDA' DELUXE ST**MESS—.___ SALE 754$5 Papular price and popular design styles make tans brand at stainless a fast sellas. Regular suggested retail' 582. SO Wklrtyt Safe ends January 31, 1984 FOR 7111E HOLIDAYS Valley Faros French Fries Minute Maid 35S nal Orange Juice Patanc a 1f oa_ Assorted Pineapple Duncan Hines Assorted Snack Cakes 40* g Cool Whip 1 titre Topping Eagle Brand 300 g Condensed Milk 2/1.00 •99 . 89 . 99 1.59 1.89 -�uaifian :VIII nes. dinner despite stormy weather M NI SeCALL ft may have been add and blustery outside cm Wednesday evening, Dec. 21 for the Christens niceties of the Walton Woman's Institute but was warm inside of the basement of the hali when 15 members sat dorm to adeficiouEtarkey sapper prior to the short niceties. Helen Craig presided for the business and thanked those arranged the evening and the Christmas concert then read a few thoughts of Christmas. A ham dinner will be held at noon Wednesday_ Jan. 18_ The January ineetia will cousistofCourt Whist with each member bringing two or three guests. Ruth Axtmann waw the gift donated by Margaret Morticed for the most guests to their Christmas dinner. EUCHRESHELD The euchre Dec 6 only had two tables in play due to the stormy weather" fames were given to high lady -Alberta Stevens, tow -Rath Thames-, high man -Gorden Murray. tow Doran Thornton- Hostesses were Viola Kirkby. Maxine Marks and Judi Weisbrod_ Dec_ 20eucbre a1 the hall had five tables in play with Margaret Craig, Annie Reid. Alberta Stevens, Marjory Humphries. Win- ners were for high lady-Teenie Achilles. second high -Margie Taylor, low lady -Mary Humphries_ High man -Gordon Murray. second high -Bert Daer, low -Mel Jackln_ Oldest tady-Sadie McDonald, youngest man - Doran Thornton. The next euchre in the New Year is set for Jan_ 3. Bad weather cancels service Correspondent MRS. LEWISSSTONEHOUSE 887-9187 The Evening Unit of the UCW met on Thursday evening Dec_ 15 at the home of Mrs_ Robert Grasby. Mrs_ Kenneth Wheeler opened the meet- ing_ The following list of officers were elected for 1984. Past leader, Mrs_ Kenneth Wheeler, Leader. Mrs- George Michie: Assistant Leader, Mrs.. Bert Johnston: Secretary. Mrs John McIntosh: Assistant Secretary. Mrs_ Murray Vincent: Treasurer. Mrs. Albert Cook: Social Convenor, Annie Cook, Mrs. Lorne Campbell; Community Friendship, Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse. Mrs_ Agnes Rieman. Group leaders, Mrs Robert Grasby, Mas_ • Dorothy Logan. Mrs Leslie Shaw. Mrs. George Procter. Mrs George Jalmston. Mrs_ Laura Johnston: pianist. Mrs George John- ston_ The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Bert Johnston. Mrs Ross Anderson conducted the wor- shipon theme "Christmas' ."OCome All Ye Faithful" was sung_ Mrs. Ross Anderson was the narrator and Mrs_ Bert Johnston, Miss Arnie Cook..Mrs, La,1ran andMs r JoChn Metntosh assisted Marling Bible scrip tore_ A Christmas tree representing the tree of Christmas Grace was decorated_ Mrs.. Kenneth Wheeter read two Christ- mas stories "Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus" and "A White Christmas_" (Please turn to page Ail) to INSULATION Cheer Two `litres Laundry Detergent 4.59 Ocean Spray Cranberry Cocktail 48 aa_ or .89 Cranapple Drink 40 ter! Where Label Peanuts 4Sa g 1.39 Ehapaan`s 2 litre ice Cream 1.79 HAPPY NEW YEAR STEPHENSON GROCETERiA BRUSSELS SELF SERVE OPEN 6 DAYS 887-9226 BRUSSELS BUSINESS DIRECTORY 527-0240 Beat the high cast of heating this whitens CalI LES TURNER fir Free Fstburn. • Potymethane Foam • Blown Celhdose • Brown Fibre Glass • Fi�ss Batts-Rockwoof Approved GOVERNMENT GRANTS Available for homes butt before I9 1 LIP TO 5500- Call now for a fret estimate_ Atso available for foam insulation fire resistant coatings. Member CG$B CLINTON Les Turner BRUSSELS 887-6925 Rick Sommers 482-3563 Brussels Variety °Pen a Week 1874224 8 tatm, may. Stock*, _L008", Ticker.Mum Corelaws WALDEN 'PHOTOGRAPHY:? *Weddings *Ports -efts *Albums *frames 11 Joint 523-9212 IILYTH 7 3c EXPERT DOG GROOMING Ai Breeds HBkril'ders . Since T356 TEN PAS CONSTRUCTION LTD. RESIDENTIAL —COMMERCIAL Rrussels -64.s Mitt St. West o ref¢ ove sett and install Pella and Hunt Windows - Patio Doors t Insulated Entrance Doors - inset Class, • PICK UP AND DELIVERY ARE AVAILABLE • EVENINGS TILL tO For appointment phone: SHELLEY JOHNSTON- 1111 12 STAFFA 345-2511