HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-11-16, Page 26....(par,: n ' 4.100. a HUFION EXPO ITOAr;,49Vll-`1111RER e, it 10 Piamorir low ' EY ALANStflinAGf g ►1 wotthi. Knnwin ahot.t 1t is the step Int' What "" de you tined to auk your it . ti; a )ready `Pi for the • iai�utess � { ttau>4.ttia��t�ht to this question as°you Rnish ' ty to,' Pay the cgirrsat hips. ' itp the. fall�plowitig `you Want to monitor the production IS .this the year to prepare'an 'accrual 'J,,. side q4, the'' business? What's the herd statement? We know the the cash statement average'for milk and fat, the pigs per sow that'` goes to Ottawa ,is' useless frotri a ' pal' Year or the hundred-weigghts, of beef management standpoint. It doesn't include- p�uceiij Mbst people agree that there's a inventory change and it isn't adjusted for 1eal tie between production and financial psyables and •receivables. Moreover; it may , managetlh ent; It's hard to have cash flow if be 'cluttered' np. wtW optional inventory yea haVen't the milk flow. 'aures on both .tire income and expense Monitoring production helps you to assess pride. `Optional inventory.' confines the real whether • or 'not there's room for improve - faun •progress?. fou might give pti egdOffirming when o put in - situation because -your accountant .simply Irks the dollar- value,`•need to cover final deductions. The , g ' do not include the all important nventoty change. inventory change is important. An:increase was.accomplished with this year's expenses [neat It also enables you to bring together edit* and financial management, and ce calculate the cost •to produce a hundred -weight, of beef, the breakeven market price. per pig to cover cash outflow, or the cost_ier dairy cow or Titre of milk' and so it shotdd be credited to this year's tie d, ' income. " `You don't have to add a lot of detail to What is tLe change in net worth from the yo ur existing records in order to get this beginning of the Year to the end of the year information, You •do need an inventory for Net . worth may be down because of the be inning and end of the accounting / decreases weal estate value or poor prices. You 'can't do too much about these problems. You have reason for concern if there is less market inventory .on hand because you've had to sell in order to service debt. It's the same concern if debt has increased to cover Josses or if debt arrears' have built up. lt's important to know about net worth changes.. It hurts to see a declining net period, heitiventory should include a dollar value for each payable and receivable. You also need 'a record of production on pigs produced or pounds of red meat produced on your farm. These items along with your existing record keeping system willlikely provide what's needed to answer the questions that were listed earlier. Interest will grow once you have taken off your fust set of measures ents. You'll be wanting ' to See ,.how" own -figures nparefrom lone Year (0 the next. You'll also be interested In how your figures compare with the'. averages for other farmssimilar to your ,own. `' We have a booklet that outlines averages for most b,�athe coimmort, enterprises, The figures from -several farms (usually 20 or more) are averaged together. Average figures are provided for net farm income, equity,' costs and returns per animal or per hundred -weight of gain and costs and returns per tillable acre. There are ,also figures on production per animal, return on investment, value of farm production and the cost to produce a dollars worth of farm production. This type of analysis does a completejob of tying together the production and 'financial management information for a farm. You have all the figures that you need in order,:to look at the health of the farm business. We're going to be emphasizing'mis type of analysis in themonths ahead. We hope to get enough farmers to produce some Perth Cou_ ynt _s1t maries. Drop by and pjck up an eiuffnple of ast year's summary. If it suits your needsyou' may wish to investigate being a p f -this project. The calculation is done centrally by computer. Your figures appear only aspart of an average. although you do get bck the individual figures for your own farm. • A number of Perth farmers participated in this ProJe4t log • year. ut At present, price is the number one problem in the red meat industry. The individual hasn't control over price, In such a situation you have to work as hard as possible on the cost side. Its a well known fact that" as a whole, agriculture has Improved efficiency by leaps and bounds overrileest 35 vara New teehnology has been the key. However, less also* well known fact that within any type of farming, there is a tremendous difference in the cost to produce a hundred -weight of pork or beef'or a litre of milk. It'sllal for the individual to' know where •Ms or her operation stands. • Was S tItichard SWelslli. has .a paying the over a; period of time average returns is_equal to average cost":, of production. Richard 15 saying that oveprtrine mint nt have lower than average costs in order`to have some profit. Is this not reason enough to boWtstake some meas • urement on the hefle�s wh&c�rn� to dinner BY ARLIN HACKMAN `D Federation ofAgrlkWture • It began just as I was sitting back from a delightful dinner with friends. An innocent itch around my ankle. Thinking nothing of it at the time, it wasn't til Td returned to the privacy of home that I discovered the truth. By that time I was scratching hard and, sure enough, there were the little red signatures of those uninvited Fall house guests -- fleas. Fleas aI'en't a subject for polite conversa- tion, 1 know. But in one respect they're no different from the mosquitoes. horse flies, deer flies, gnats' and insects we go on about all summer long: the bite. in some cases with serious consequences. So we might as well stop squirming sheepishly in our seats and talk about how to find relief. The way to controlline th.' Evltnrnn, nen THESE SPECIALS 1 HIGHWAY NO. 8 AVAILABLE ONLY IN: GODERICH JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGHAM MON., TUES. 9 TO 6 P.M. WED., THURS.. FRt. • 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. (k30 TO 6 P.M. 975 WALLACE AVE N. LISTOWEL INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND 83 EXETER which comes indoors along With the family pet in late summer, early fall, is an understanding of its life cycle. 'Adult fleas prefer your pet's blood to your own. After breeding. the female lays eggs in the animal's bedding, cracks in the floor or other nooks and crannies. Afew days later the eggs _ hatch larvae, which feed for several weeks on dried organic matter (such as the excreta of adult fleas) before retiring into cocoons. Adult fleas emerge froln,this pupal stage in one week to a year. depending on the temperature, and ,in this way are able to survive our harsh winter. The point is. flea collars and pet treatments alone won't rid your house of these pests. Despite all the misery they cause. fleas only spend 10% of their time feeding on your animals and. occasionally, you. The other 90% is spent borrowing your home to raise their familnes.. And they've tot pretty good survival skills. Not only can their tiny legs propel them out of harm's way on 13 inch leaps; they have been known to survive without food as long as six years. Then too, they typically breed fast enough to- keep ahead of all bufthe most persistent chemical campaigns. So when fleas come home for lunch with your dog or cat they'll likely want to stay the night. Fortunately, since 1 don't have a pet. my encounter ended with a hot shower for me and a washing machine for,my clothes,But for those of you who have animals, be prepared to treat both them and every room in your house for a period of time until frost kills the fleas outside and puts an end to their migration indoors. For advice "on persistent infestations you may. wish to consult a veterinarian. Both Sleds. ie Stock SPECIAL , -LOW_ -PRICES and we are DEALING NOW! s4ski- Oo 25"'ANNW SARY .44 71Ir 7 BOMBARDIER motoski, SEMORM sue= FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED 111 MON., TUES., WED,- 9 TO IS P.M. TNURS., FRI. 9 T09 P.M. SAT. 6:90 T06 P.M. Lawrie Decorafing Wellington St, Blyth 523-4525 3 Blocks Fut off Main St. .i • CUT FROM CANADA` GRADE"A"BEEF ' BLADE BONE REMOVED r BLADE ROASTS CUT FROM CANADA 'A' GRADE BEEF YOUNG. JUICY, TENDER SHORT RIB. ROASTS BLADE.BONE REMOVED $26,91.4*b. BURNS READY TO SERVE FULLY COOKED SMOKED PICNICS PORK SHOULDERS 2.16/k998 I ' ' ,PRIDE OF CANADA PRIDE OF CANADA • 'SLICED • zehrs:, (r x market..; n( J'nods ds O4 3 •` /kg Ib. SMOKED WIENERS 3 VARIETIES• REGULAR •ALL BEEF OR BAR -B-0 450 g PKG. SIDE BACON BURNS FINE QUALITY 500 g PKG. 1. ' ' 99 ' TENDER YOUNG CROSS CUT • RIB ROAST 4.17 k9 fe89 . ROOFLESS! , CROSS CUT RIB ROAST OR STEAKS 4.83/,9 2.1911, , BONELESS! TENDER STEWING BEEF 4.17,k9 189.. Mu Of CANADA COOKED VINTAGE SMOKED NAM 8.36„,3.79.. P.O.C. TONELESS • SWEET COTTAGE 4.171,9 PORI BUTT PICKLED ROLLS 1891D t! BURNS CORNMEALED SWEET PICKLED' • BACK BACON " 13V THE IE 7.25„9 3:29„ PRIDE OF CANADA SLICED" COOKED NAM 175 9 129 PKG. BURNS P011 & TEFF BREAKFAST LINK SAUSAGE 3.73,9' 169.. TURNS RNE QUALITY BAVARIAN SAUSAGE 375 9 L79 PKG. SLICED COUNTRY GOLD SALAMI 175 9 190 , PKG. • AEG. OR ALL COUNTRY BOLOGNA 375 9 to BEEF SLICED GOLD PKG BONELESS - NO WASTE BLADE STEAKS it q/kg ,189D. PRIDE OF CANADA SLICED VARIETY PACKT THIS S WEEK'S DELICATESSEN COOKED MEATS 3258. %r9 SPECIAL E I; I A L SAVINGS FOR TOUR PIZZA NAMING 110 NAME PEPPERONI i5q = 1:69 MILS MAEa BEEF SUET 3"og 119 EMNa maim Y "' •. 01NAl11(11 UM COOKED NAM -M CErw II* 100E 01011 • DINNER NAM .sect+ • UM AIA F CHICK T' ROLL ' • ` 1 +ENE . I0i0AE0N DELUXE PIZZA 1 NO NAMH7RANI1 SLICED TENGER COOKED HAM 3758 2.79 NO NAME PANE PMK SMOKED SAUSAGE 3250 1.49E0PIRE • STORE SLICED ' •t 5.�9/kg`.�9b. STORE SHOED 7.93/kg�6 f Ib, TORE SLICED 11.00k9 4. 99D '" s'z' 3 99EACH H0VE122 EXCEPT PRODDCE S EC ALS WHICH 541 No0 19 E33 F , 6 LITRE 2.4 kg TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT 3.?? WHITE ALMOND • ROYALE BATHROOM TISSUE ROLL t?a�� KMT FROZEN ORANGE JUICE ITIoz N 59# S ASSORTED FLAVOURS CARNIVAL' ICE CREAM 2 L le f 9 ASSORTED "MOIST & CAT FOOD 31849Sf FOR VARIETIES MEATY" DINNERS ONE LITRE SIZE • JOY LIQUID DERGENT TE • L 7? ONE DEUSLE ASSORT�EDSFIA OARS YOGURT 2 VARIETIES McCAINS "SUPERFRIES" PLANTERS SPECIALS PLANTERS VACUUM PACK TIN PUNTERS COCKTAIL 350 9 TIN IN MIXED 3NUTS.99 �PEANUTS ?.?9 S00 LISTERINE MOUTHWASH mL P. PADEIMOS RTLY SHIMMED CHOCOLATE 4 LITRE MILK 4 LITRE 1$ 2/99' 1 5 kg 1 49 0 Halos MINN P100 11N CASHEWS 350., T,N s� Minus RIRNI I NBT MIX 1008 TIN a� MIMI 1/.0 NUTS I NUTS 390g TIN 2 1.99 2.49 BOUNCE SOFTRRIC ENER 00 311(1 I - 4.69 ZEST AR DATH SOAP 4403401E OE 3 150 g ?.29.. CASCADE FOR DISHWASHERS 1 4 ITN 3,59 DOVER ALL PURP OSE 2 5 Mg 189 • NEILSONS TOFFIFAY CHOCOLATES 391 gCTN 4e69 FLEX OR CONDITIONER TIIONER 300 mt 2.59 SILKIENCE NORMASHAMPOO RMIST • 0 HOLD 300 m1 199 SAVARIN '. DINNERS AVARIETIES 3128 139 DELMONTE JUICES 4 VARIETIES RICKS (� DILL.? 1 VARIE TIES ctuexgusE OLIVES.t ,005E PACK MAN/ CINIgtS[ nit VANILLA EXTRACT 13 mL MIAMI AN rF.RSCRNIO CHERRIES. 750 m1 ft GENERAL HILLS NOVEL NUT CHEERIOS _ PGA TIPS PE000 TEA RAGS TRAC II ' GILLETTE CARTRIDGES CARTRIDGES ISO ml f. f9 1 5 4ITRE ?. 49 175 m, 159 C10t*0YSt Plat ALMOND RACT 43 Al WTI Pit Nal 4e APPLE h E 525 0 2.49 73 . )77 g 199 GTN OF 10 2.99 McCORMICKS COOKIES - ' EAT 44,014113 WR010 WH0 CANADA DRY ASSORTED DRINKS LANCIA °11101001111101 PASTAS • 1340TIE3 43 - SIMIIAC 2 "MI OE5 i� m "75 ml ..29 tom MUMSKRAFT11001 TENDERFLAKE LARD N 1 II PI PHILADELPHIA SOFT CREAM PARKAY SOFT MARGARINE MAPLE LINE r. COTTAGE 400 4 PRC 1.79 750 ml . 49, P` " F 99° tKts WINE SAUERKRAUT �� Rkstals mann DREAMSICLES 12. t.7! CHEESE' PI A,N 150 g 149 TUB 1.19 CHEESE 500 g 139 CLUBHOUSE BLACK PEPPER BRAVO SPAGHETTI SAUCE KELLOGGS CRISPIX' KIM D06 CHOW H•g %� "EN'°" ORANGE JUICE STICKS 2,CHEESES 1 �� • MIGNIIMER suFNEsx FISH.& CHIPS WES70NS RASPBERRY JELLY ROLL EENRS RANDOM CUT 106 4 POUR CARTON 1.69 P1 4110 24 •: 1'19 "0D PKG' 9 1.59 ,g1IRt RL 0R 1101 PUPPT CHOW V 2.115759S9' ■ESIMS lin STONE MILLED BREAD 9E0 g 00G 2.19 140 g 99° 5 VARIETIES MP M RAC/ e6.95/k9 FRESH FROM THE TROPICS PROD. OF ONT. 100.1 PRODUCE SPECIALS COUNTRY OVEN BAKERY CHIQUITA OR DOLE WAXED PADA of FRANCE CAN FCY. , GRANNY SMITH APPLES Ll619t,D CHUNKY STYLE 16 or. CHEESE BREAD 125 BANANAS [ RUTABAGAS .NDA Of U.S.A.CAN MY.'96, d9e BARTLETT PEARS k9 ID FRESHRAKED•tier- CHELSEA BUNS 179 l 7 it 3.s$1 ,9�rM 42,k9 su HROOMPROVO Of S4.371 y%98_HOT ID DOG OR HAMBURHee ROLLS EACH 9 PKG OF 069_►ROI. OF BNF• CAN. Ne. 1 /kg 1D CABBAGE 2�99e 1 t VALUABLE COUPON PRO . OF ONTARIO , PROD. OF U.S.A.CAN. No. 1 PAD/ Of OE. CAN 110 1 CARROTS 5113 RAG e ZEHRS CLUB HOUSE MAOI MACINTOSH LARGE SIZE -'R Pl00 OF 011t. CAN' 110. i PARSNIPS 2 ,e RAG FON PACKAGED SEASONINGS OR SAUCE MIXES " APPLES TOMATOES PREEN B s s? 6,e GREEN BEANS /R9 "' l WIT ONE COUPON PER PACKAGE COUPON EXPIRES TUES. NOV. 22/83 FANCY CANADA 990 N. 3, LB. HAG J YINF 110111 D f.96 Roo k g 1°• PRODUCE SPEU:•1 Pe...1 > EMPIRE SATURDAY NOV 19 AIL OTHER SPECI410 EXPIRE AT CLOSING TUES NOV 22/83 We reserve the right Fu Ion., # OFF 'SST° FF WE.GNTS ONE PKG• etirchJ90 , THESE SPECIALS 1 HIGHWAY NO. 8 AVAILABLE ONLY IN: GODERICH JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGHAM MON., TUES. 9 TO 6 P.M. WED., THURS.. FRt. • 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. (k30 TO 6 P.M. 975 WALLACE AVE N. LISTOWEL INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND 83 EXETER which comes indoors along With the family pet in late summer, early fall, is an understanding of its life cycle. 'Adult fleas prefer your pet's blood to your own. After breeding. the female lays eggs in the animal's bedding, cracks in the floor or other nooks and crannies. Afew days later the eggs _ hatch larvae, which feed for several weeks on dried organic matter (such as the excreta of adult fleas) before retiring into cocoons. Adult fleas emerge froln,this pupal stage in one week to a year. depending on the temperature, and ,in this way are able to survive our harsh winter. The point is. flea collars and pet treatments alone won't rid your house of these pests. Despite all the misery they cause. fleas only spend 10% of their time feeding on your animals and. occasionally, you. The other 90% is spent borrowing your home to raise their familnes.. And they've tot pretty good survival skills. Not only can their tiny legs propel them out of harm's way on 13 inch leaps; they have been known to survive without food as long as six years. Then too, they typically breed fast enough to- keep ahead of all bufthe most persistent chemical campaigns. So when fleas come home for lunch with your dog or cat they'll likely want to stay the night. Fortunately, since 1 don't have a pet. my encounter ended with a hot shower for me and a washing machine for,my clothes,But for those of you who have animals, be prepared to treat both them and every room in your house for a period of time until frost kills the fleas outside and puts an end to their migration indoors. For advice "on persistent infestations you may. wish to consult a veterinarian. Both Sleds. ie Stock SPECIAL , -LOW_ -PRICES and we are DEALING NOW! s4ski- Oo 25"'ANNW SARY .44 71Ir 7 BOMBARDIER motoski, SEMORM sue= FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED 111 MON., TUES., WED,- 9 TO IS P.M. TNURS., FRI. 9 T09 P.M. SAT. 6:90 T06 P.M. Lawrie Decorafing Wellington St, Blyth 523-4525 3 Blocks Fut off Main St. .i •