HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-11-16, Page 23• • essay winners Correspondent ,LEAN 1#BWLEY 887.9047 The Royal Canadian Legion branch 218 held their annual Remembrance Day service 'at 'the cenotaph with cadre, Rev. Charles , Swan conducting the' service. Wreaths were laid by the following: Province of Ontario -Murray Els n: Brussels legion -Les Brewer; Legion Pi a Band; Tom McFarlane; Ladies Auxiliary 8, -Grace Jutzi; Murray Cardiff M.P.; Village of Brussels -Cal Krauter; Twp. of Grey -Leona Armstrong; Twp, of Moms -Tom Miller; Brussels Lions Club -Bob Thomas; St. John's AF and AM -Norman Hoover; IOOF and Rebekahs-Vera Hastings; Optimist Club -Joe Seili; Imperial Bank of Commerce -William Beacom; Royal Bank of Canada -Gerry Dillow; McDonald's Buildall-Dianne Hue- ther, Brussels Stockyards -Clarence Mv- Cutcheon; Gerald Exel and Family -Henry Exel; Com. ' David Hastings -Donald Hast- ings; Com. Jack and Margaret Brewer -Les Brewer; Con). John Alcpck-`itoss Alcdck; Com. Peter Baker -Bruce. McCall; Com,. Lou Taylor -Marg Taylor; Com, Sam Workman - Jean Workman; Brussels Fire Department - Howard Bernard; St. John's Anglican Church , CoraAlcock; St. itltnbro$e Catholic Church -Mrs. John elly; Brussels United Church -Jack Mitchell; Duffs,United Church, Walton -Bill Coutts; Melvile Pres- byterian Church -Wilfred Shortreed; Girl Guides-Cherida Gamiss and Dawn Engel; Cub Pack -Ken Graber; Army .Cadets -Donna Elliott; Brownies -Kelly Overholt; Brussels Majestic Institute -Mrs. Eldon Wilson. The Colour Party, Pipe Band, Legion members, Cadets, Ladies Auxiliary mem- bers, Girl Guides, Brownies and Cubs marched to the Anglican Church where a community service was held with partici- pating clergy the Reverends Robin Lyons, Charles Swan, Charles Carpentier and Doug Zehr. Rev. Zehr delivered the sermon "The Way of Peace." Please turn to page 7 Ohl; EXPOSITOR, NOVE vim ►,�1 keV 1.F. by l velyn K.:m ody,: thortt i d tint dyt? bigitv,e R.•a•s•.t•, f Ut Friday,..Remeihifinte Day, wga'lil�e ao Y Inyears. There was fritter cold y wind.andIowan tsnow•but those whose lives ere aul oed" " i>s;"war • were; still remembered If ' ' bone chillin weather n kept > # :nittending o sir Services at cenotaphs, redatives'andfrriiends busied in foreign fields, •and. in the deep, were, remembered In hearts and minds, of those' where they ever live in memory and are' recalled with mis eyes. It ' is right , they should be remembered and honored but the emphasis 90w.'ohonld be on the horror and waste of war and dedication in striving for humane solutions forproblems, understand- ing and ace anon r nations. Failure 'ta accomplish something you 'bad set out to do is no disgrace. If one has done their utmost 10 succeed,, with dedicated effort, given of your best; that is what counts When you are Confronted'with problems it is not how successfulyou are in solving them but how bard you tried that matters. It is running wax) giving hp on what you set out to do, or in solving a problem, that is responsible, Everyone knows that camels have long been used as beast of burden by the Arabs and of their ability to travel, for long periods without water across the trackless desert sands. Most people feel' some affection for the animals they own,and use, be it for work or pleasure. Whatthe Arabs feel for tlid r camels is not known. Did , you know, however, that they will eat them? The meat of camels, in somearts of the Arab world, is considered a "delicacy especially if it is from .a tender young animal that has 'been fattened on milk, STRONG WINDS caused flags to unfurl and fur of busby hats to blind the wearer during the Remembrance Day service in Brussels on Schneiders' Hain Steaks AND WE TRY! Aunt Jemima Reg. or Light Pancake Syrup 750 ml 1.99 Aunt 'Jemima Reg. or Buttermilk Pancake Mix 1 kg. 1.89 White Swan . Paper Towels .99 White. Swan Facipl--Tissue 200's ' .79 - White Swan Bathroom Tissue 4.s1.29 Sanka Decaffeinated Instant Coffee 8 oz. . 5.99 Country Harvest Vegetable 1.09 Crackers • 250 g. Chapman's Ice Crean 2 I. 1.75 ' PLUS IN-STORE SPECIALS STEPHENSON GROCETERIA BRUSSELS SELF SERVE OPEN 6 DAYS 887-9226 -COMMUNITY-. BENEFIT DANCE At The B. • w COMMUNITY CENTRE Friday. Tom McFarlane laid the wreath at the cenotaph for the Brussels Legion Pipe Band. (Wassink photo) BERG SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19 FOR THE RECENT BRUSSELS FIRE VICTIMS DANCING TO MOZART'S MELODY MAKERS 9-1 Donations At The Door SalesService Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Stabling • • Bunk Feeders - Donald G• .Ives ° -R.R.'N2; Blyth Brussels 887-902,4 ' In some !families there are children who , seem to hate everything they could possibly want. Their every whim appears to be gratified. They are well provided with material possessions nn.l h',ve the freednm CHEV J.L. McC HEON 1 OLDS LH0 M OWNER 11 your chin -ft -Icy is detect' \c, your housumay he feeling lust like you do right now Because heating systerns take in oxygen find release carbon dioxide.,lust like you do. licit \\ hen ar turnace ain't get enough oxygen. or carhon dioxide c,:+nt escape. your house can't "breathe' (irhonymon6xide can he created an(I ,hitt is a dangerous situation for you d your family. .\ clean and clear chimney is necc,sary to vend \our furnace properly. Icre arc some warning signs of chimnc\ dctcrrunnion: [1 loose mortar and bricks - n white powder or water stains on chimnc\ above roof C7 \rater stains at the chimney's clean-out door YOi' Rl \YNI;I]),\(:l IIx1Ni1'i.INi;R lO 1 \ l ..Nit I ;ROSION ( )1 TI Il y1W )NRI I •or your -safety, and for your peace of mind. h,n C vour heating system and chimney inspected ,rnd cleaned annually by a qualified Contractor lint and your house will both breathe a sigh of relief Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations °Ontario Robert Elgie M D, Minister William Davis, Premier BRUSSELS " 887-6856 1982 CHEV CELEBRITY 4 door, front wheel drive, 30,000 km 1981 PONTIAC, 26,000 km.. 1981 MALIBU 4 door, 11-6 1980 CHEVY CITATION 2 door, V-6, front -wheel drive 1979 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4 doer, 'air conditioner 10 Point WINTERIZE SPECIAL 4.95 10 items include check antifreeze, cooling system, belts, hoses, `washers, wipers, tires, radiator, rad caps £t battery Parts and installation extra j074h(4:t1 �e 7�C 41ti.Aothe4Iy (Of :IA r n. i• 'attentions dlsdpljne 100 often parents, -• - are so en d:Iut pthee ,Isfru unhappy krial sessfogta' sed,' ' runt",yt to'provkfe for thetaile� anal their Tjiptlles TOON, ,a matethtf'.tfoasetsipnd .thatl the hayer.f hours, and littletnergti,:losperid tvilb total* fatnny, ter end theira n rylexptloa in other'thlngii. Thc'chlidren May eIijoY'those materW {toasesilons ,ppu91n aching vole is there if theylack the 1 vV and attention they need moat« Tim may,like to flaunt their freadom to do a;:they please In front.of their friends but ineYitably they feettheir_nts do not love them enough to care,abou Where they a and what theyare doingg.: Qh yes! The o want, though ew.ate likely.to admit it, c ncerned discipline, ,guidance toward a good e. •5l***•• So many people these days sem' to concentrate on doing' everything as fast as �- possible.'iheyy must find, at times, that they are lividg as thesecretary who kept this sign on her desk. It read I type the way 1 live - fast, with a lot of mistakes." The unexpected early onslaughtof winter last Friday caught motorists unaware; • Numerous traffic'.accidedts were reported. Freezing temperatures made highways and roads slippery. Drivers did'' not 'adjust quickly enough to winter driving conditions. ' If those freezing temperatures of winter's first blast is a sample of what is to come we can look 'forward 'to severe cold aid the prospect of soaring 'fueleosfs, An intelligence', that might be disputedby - others, is claimed for my dog, but, not as much as wasassnmed by a postnjistr s one .time read. Wont. A lady arrived wi her small dog on .a leas4.`Seeing a sign ' Dogs ,. Not Allowed" she, apologized', for bringing her dog in. The postnsistress replied "I do not mind dogs on leads. The sign is for big " dogs who come in by themselves." Cattle price continues climb at stockyards The market at Brussels Stockyards met a strong demand at higher prices.. Steers gained 82 to 83 a cwt., heifers 81 cwt. Cdws were firmer. Pigs sold steady. -There were 875 cattle and -1062 'pigs on offer. Choice Steers -74.00 to 78:00 with sales to 81.75. Good Steers -71.00 to 74.00. A• steer consigned by Wilhelm Bros. of R.W. '4, Walkerton weighing 1200 lbs. sold for 81.75 with their lot of 3 steers averaging 1230 lbs. selling for 79.80. Sixteen steers consigned by Doug Walker of R.R. 1 Belgrave averaging 1157 lbs. sold for 78.10. Nine steers consigned by Maple Emblem `,Farms of Dungannon averaging 1212 lbs. sold for 79.40 with.their 42 steers averaging 1187 lbs. selling for an overall price of 78.57. A steer consigned by Rodger. Moore of R.R. 4, Goderich weighing 1300 lbs. sold for 80.00 with his 16 steers averaging 1154 lbs. selling for an overall price of 77.74. Two steers consigned by Shelley and Kent Bray of Ethel averaging 1225 lbs. sold for 79.25 with K & L Beef Farms 53 steers MEN'S DART CLUB Cranbrook Starting ,Thursday,N.ov.17 at 8:00 p.m. in the hall. All ages welcome. No experience necessary. For Information call DAVE 887-6964 or KLAAS 887-9236 N&N DAIRY SYSTEMS 0-6. Sales, Service & Installation of WPipelines & Milking Parlours 887.6063 WALTON BRUSSELS BUSINESS DIRECTORY 527-0240 Brussels Variety Open 7 Days a Weak 887-8224 Cards tl Gifts, Groceries, Newspaper*, Magazines Cigarettes 8 Tobacco, Stationery, Snacks, Lottery Tickets, d4eeIthCerefems WALDEN PHOTOGRAPHY *Weddings *Portroits *Albums *Frames 523-9212 1lLYTH Builders •• •• Since 1956 ek TEN PAS CONSTRUCTION LTD. RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL Brussels 857.6408 Mill St West NOG 1H0 We sell and install Pella and Hunt Windows - Patio boors Insulated Entrance Doom - Insul Crass averaging 1179 lbs. selling for an overall price of 77.621 A 'heavy steer consigned by Darcy Flanagan of Dublin weighing 1690 lbs. sold - for 76.50. Eight steers consigned by Raymond Snell of Londesboro averaging 1120 lbs. sold for 78.70. Choice Exotic Heifers -72.00 to 76.00 with sales to 80.00 - , Choice Hereford Heifers -68:00 to 72.00. A heifer consigned by Gary Bell of R.R. 1, Wroxeter weighing 1230 lbs. sold for 80.00 with their lot of 15 heifers averaging 1077 lbs. selling for 76.00. A heifer consigned by George Blake of Brussels. weghing 1230 lbs,rsold for 79.25 with his lot of 20 heifers.averiiging 111410s. sellingfor art overall price of 76.12. Nine heifers .consigned•by Earl Fitch of Wroxeter averaging 1150 lbs. sold for 76.50 with his lot_of 17 heifers averaging 1094 lbs. selling for an overall price of 75.45. A heifer consigned by Jack Flanagan of Dublin weighitrg 1030 lbs. sold for 78.25 with his lot of 10 heifers averaging 1112 lbs. selling for 77.00. Two heifers consigned by Schultz Bros. of. R.R. 3 Blyth, averaging 1130 -lbs. ,sold for 75.60 with their load of 8 heifers averaging 1009 lbs. selling fel. 74.00. Cows were mainly morning cows. Choice Cows -43.00 to 46.00 with sales to 48.75. Good Cows -40.00 to 43.00. Canners & Cutters -36.00 to 40.00. 30 to 40 Ib. pigs traded to a high of 21.25. 40 to 50 Ib. pigs to 1• high. of 27.60. 50 to 60 Ib. pigs to a high of 29.00. 60 to 70 lb. pigs to a high of 32.50. 70 to 80 lb. pigs to a high of 38.50. Water Well DRILLING W. D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Neil Dud 'Jim 527-1737 527-0828 527-0775 Filter Queen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 , Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada LiFE AND MORTGAGE INSURANCE PLANS, DEFERRED ANNUITIES INCOME TAX DEDUCrAIBLE FLEXIBLE NO LOAD-R.R.SR. NON-SMOKERS RATES',AVAILABLE REPArnold Stinnissen - 117 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH Tel. 527-0410 MATHERS MOTORS Chrysler -Plymouth -Dodge bodge Trucks BOB LAMMIEE BUR (5191r235.1525- , Ret: (519] 2298878 .. 138 Main St. H El MIR', Ontario . NOM 1S$11„