HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-10-26, Page 184 . e NORHOLME DECORATING CENTRE R FIRST EVER E � UCTION CLEARANCE Our entire stock of Carpeting -Resilient F,tooring:- and Wallpapers Is on sole! Special Hours for this Sole i THURSDAY, OCT. 27: CLOSED FROM 12 NOON TO 6 PM ' TO MARK DOWN PRICES DOORS OPEN 6 PM -9. PM SALE CONTINUES 9-6 PM FRIDAY, OCT. 28: 4A 11' will host S` ,r Cditt_appoo�ridcnt tee banquet oir I{'ridlty' a ening Oct. 4 when MS, ALI.AN.MeCALL 38 sat down tAt a hot pr of meal, 8876677 Anyone, interested in the rug braiding Duff's United Church Women Recognition course are to get, in touch with Karen Hoeg was held Sunday, Oct,of Guest speaker or Pearl McCallum. was Mrs. Audrey. TiffinWingham. , le arr Mrs. Viola Kirkby led in the morning homeMr. fromand a tsIl n`S "vi lttearh• theirhave daughterived worship.Organist was Mrs. Marjery Hue- Helene *on -in-law Jim and grandson Corey ther asisted by Mrs. Phyllis Mitchell with a of Russell, Manitoba., ' music prelude prior to the service. The choir, Mr. and Mrs. Albin Burkstrorn of Meeting made up of women, sang the anthem. Creek, Alberta are visiting with Doug and Greeters' were Mrs. Marjorie Humphries Marjory Fraser, attending their -35th wed - and Peggy. Ushers were Mrs. Margaret ding anniversary, A surprise party was Craig, Mrs. Olene Dennis and Mrs. Marie planned for the Frasers on Saturday evening Coutts. at the home of Emmerson and Phyllis Mrs. Joyce Van Vliet spoke to the�children on an Echo. Mrs. Marie McGavin sang a solo. Next Sunday Reformation Day, the 500th birthday of Martin Luther will be comme- Corresppoondent morated as will the Sacrament of Baptism. MRS. DORA SHOB$ROOK Following the church service, Rev. Swan 5234250 showed slides taken at Vancouver. •Cheerio Club met Oct.18'at the home of W.I. DONATES TO FUND •June Fothergill. Treasurer's report was The Family and Consumer Affairs meet- given by Dora Shobbrook. Correspondence , Mg of the Walton Women's Institute was was thank you from Vi Burns, family of held on Wednesday evening Oct. 19 in. the Jewel Cowan and Dora Shobbrook. Margaret community hall with 17 members present. Good gaye a reading. A contest was won by It was voted to donate 510.00 to the Poppy June Fothergill. Fund. A beef -stew luncheon will be, held A draw donated by Stella Adams was won Nov. 16 at 12 noon, adults S3.50. The by Mary Longman. Next meeting is Group 3 Christmas Concert has been set for Dec. 16. at the home of Mary Longman. All signed Mrs. Leona McDonald and Mrs. Viola get well cards for Vi Burns and Tri Dauer. Kirkby attended the Guelph Area Conven- After cards, lunch was served by June tion Friday at the Colonel John McCrea Fothetlgill and Margaret Good. Legion hall in Guelph. Aimwell Unit met at the home of Joan The Institute catered to the Rec. Commit- Whyte Oct, 17 with 12 members and two CARPETS - AMI sopa priced - from NO -WAX FLOOR COVERINGS VD. • rel loop - roomer back - 3 colours nylon fibre). PIU Lib MMS IM Sale! CARPET ROLLS AND ROLL ENDS SPECIAL PRICES ON SELECTED BEST SELLERS OF CARPET AND ARMSTRONG FLOORS From WALLPAPERS $D95 From sr' p1. roll Armstrong floor fashion c° 1111 NORHOLME DECORATING CENTRE 54 King Street, Clinton o (Just opposite the Post Office) 482-352Et� dit wanted cneon helJI, following .dinner to Win with Choir family, Idler'thelrtiter #tknde dance at Family Paradise. Congriitulattions to the Fraser* from your ffrriiends and 'peighhour*. Mr. and Mrs. Volker ifertlein and fancily of London visited with Mrs. Ruth Thome; on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and. Mrs. Gerald Ryan who celebrated their 25th anniversary on Saturday evening. A party was held it the Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre in their honor. Prior to lunch a mock wedding was acted by friends of the bride and groom of 25 years. Londesboro units may join -visitors, . Next meeting is Nov. 21 when hospital favors will be made. Everyone is asked to bring small decorations. A lengthy discussion favored the two units joining. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hunting attended the christening on Sunday in Exeter United Church of their granddaughter Alicia Marie, daughter of Art and Joan Hunking. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Johnston spent the weekend at Jack Miners at Kingsville and Pelee Island. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson, Mrs. Joe Shaddick and Mrs. Dora Shobbrook enjoyed a bus trip, Oct. 8 to Jack Miner's Bird Sanctuary in Kingsville. They spent Monday night and Tuesday at Pelee Motor Inn. They visited Point Pelee National Park and had a mystery tour. Birth of church leader will be celebrated BY REV. CHARLES WAN hope oi' finding salvation, but found his satisfactory formula for''revolt. DUFF'S UNITED CHURCH WALTON efforts were futile. After five years of study, a panel of On Sunday. Oct. 30 Refor ation Day will In 1508 he was appointed a professor at f utheran and Catholic Theologians recently be celebrated by those who re part of the dethe newly established University ofWitten- reached a consensus on Justificationby Reformed Tradition. Thr'ent will com- berg. There he underwent nine years of Faith. Catholics however, added that good, memorate the 500th 'birthday of Martin mental turmoil. At the University he read works are infused by God's grace through Luther, the German Reformer. Special and thought - and desperately searched for his Holy Spitit. events have been held throughout Christen- salvation. It was nit until Luther made the As a teenager 1 saw a film Here i Stand dom in recognition of this remarkable discovery of the doctrine of *Justification by based on the life of Martin Luther, which churchman, theologian. hymn writer, and Faith .that peace came to his soul. inspired a Bachelor of Divinity Thesis on pastor. The turning point in his life came while he Luther's work. Certain imperishable princi- Martin Luther (1483-1546) was born of was meditating on Romans 1:17, (For in it pies were discovered in the, research; The sturdy peasant stock in the village of the righteousness of God is revealed through sole head of the Church is JesUs Christ: The Eisleben, Saxony. He was born of peasant faith....He who through faith is righteous uniqueness of the Bible, the Word of God, as parentage, a trait he proudly carried shall live. R.S.V.) He discovered the sinner the only rule- of faith and practice: throughout life. is made right 'with God not by good works. Justification of the believer by faith alone, His parents were able to provide him, with but by faith alone. This resulted in Luther without we ks: religious liberty. a good education. and because of his condemning the sale of indulgences - a piece The Reformation insisted that human intellectual promise, his father had, hoped of paper which guaranteed to get a person conscience can never be coerced. A person he would study canon law, a profession of out of purgatory. has the right and liberty to accept or reject, honour and, profit. Luther entered Erfurt On the eve of All Saints, October 31, 1517 the Christian faith: The Separation of University to study law. While at the Luther nailed 95 theses he had prepared. on Church and State, whereby religious author - University he discovered he was more the Castle Church at Wittenberg in which he ity and political control are divorced: The • inclined toward theology and contemplation. condemned the sale of indulgences. ethical value of this life and the sanctity of much to the dismay of his- father. Shortly thereafter, the Protestant Reform- daily labour and of marriage, children, and Luther left the University and joined the ation took place. There were other Reform- the home. The sanctity of human vocation, Order of Augustinian Friars at Erfurt, in ers at work like Huss and Jerome, but whether clerical or lay. The virtues of thrift July. 1505. He entered the monastic life in Luthers Justification provided a more and industry. Inttiodu�youroilfuma� adu � +� introduce yourself to substantial oil savings. Kissing that old flame goodbye isn't the only wav to reduce your oil consumption. If that oil furnace is still in good shape, you can take advantage of converting to a dual energy heating system. Instead of replacing youriurnace, introduce it to an electric plenum heater, heat pump, electric boiler or baseboard heaters. These dual energy systems let oil and electricity_ work in harmony to heat your home more efficiently and more economically. Operation is simple. The electric system works until the coldest winter days, then your oil furnace automatically takes over. In most/cases, add-on electric heat will reduce oil consumption by up to 75%. Even more in some cases. And a reduction of that magnitude can make a dramatic difference to the total cost of heating your home. The Plenum Heater The "plenum" is the warm air chamber at the top of your forced air oil furnace. refrigerator, the heat pump extracts that warmth and pumps it into your home. TOMORROW'S WORLD OF (TELEVISION. .TODAY Discover the - Canadian Microtech difference 1 Discover the difference that only Canadian Microtech con offer. Our satellite television system Is affordeble...yet lets you discover tomorrow's world of television -..today) Nome Sox Office ESPN Sports The Movie Channel MTV Showtime PTL The Disney Channel Nashville Network ...only a few of the more than 133 dNfarant diannat selection made possible on a Canadian Microtech satellite T.V. system. PECK APPLIANCES Plus there's an added bonus. In the summer, your heat pump works in reverse and becomes a central air conditioner. The Electric Boiler If you have an oil fueled hot water heating system, there's another alter- native. You simply add an electric boiler. It's no bigger than a small suitcase and can be easily installed. Baseboard Heaters Electric baseboards can.also be used as a dual energy system. They're installed in individual rooms -to quietly handle most of the heating load. NTigt 1 That's exactly where a plenum heater is installed. So that on most days, the fan circulates more economical, electrically generated heat. - he Heat Pump Even on cold winter nights, there is still warmth in the outside air. Just like a ...<../1 "1N TOE HEART OF DOWN TOWN VARNA" VARNA, ONT... 452-7103 Canadian Microtech Ltd. Box 3$1, Ingersoll, Ontario NSC 3V3 Phone: (519) 485-3201 The Tune is Right Today is definitely the time to investigate the savings of introducing your oil fur- nace to an add-on electric system. The COSP (Canada Oil Substitution Pro- gram) grant will pay for half of the in- stalled cost or $800, whichever is less, ,on all systems where oil consumption is reduced by 50% or more. To find out more about the benefits of a dual energy system, contact your focal Hydro or electric heating con- tractor today and ask them about special assistance that could lead to even greater savings. And tell your furnace to get ready for a warm and meaningful relationship this winter. Let Us Put You At The Controls Learn to Fly with Western Air Services Huron Air Park, Centralia • Private Pilot Course • Commercial Pilot Course • Night Rating • Passenger Flights • Private Pilot Ground School Starting Nov. 2nd For information call Vic Arthur (5114)225-6367 1 GoElectric