HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-10-19, Page 14Phone Coming Events Coming Events ANNOUNCING Blue Water Angus 29th annual Sale Saturday, October 29th, Walkerton Agricultural Arena. 45 lots, breeding stock suitable for commercial or purebred herds. Cata- logues available. Wm. Lee, R.R. N3Conh, NOG 1NO (519) 323-4848. 1-42-01 GREAT Grand Piano Gala, Fri. Nov. 4th; 8:30 p.m. Blyth Memorial Hall. Cele- brate the piano's arrival and listen toazz pianist John Roby, Orchestra London mu- sicians, Blyth Festival Sing- ers and more. Adults $5, Children S2. Phone 523-9300. 1.42.2 AEOLOS BRASS, Wed. Nov. 2, 8 p.m. Blyth Memorial Hall. This acclaimed quintet mixes Newfoundland folk songs, Renaissance dances and Porgy and Bess selec- tions with stories and a good dose of humour. Tickets S8. Phone 523-9300. 1-42-2 PLEASE join us to celebrate the 40th Wedding Anniver- saryof Harvey and Margaret Craig at an Open House in Duff's United Church, Wal- ton on Sunday, October 30, 1983 from 1:30-5:00 p.m. Best wishesonly. Sincerely Their Family I -42x2 Open reception for Gerald and Anne Ryan in honour of their 25th wedding anniver- sary to be held on October 22, 1983 in Brussels, 9:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. Best. wishes only please. 1-42-1 FESTIVAL Singles Dance, Saturday, October 22, Strat- ford Country Club, 53 Romeo Street, North. Dancing 9-1. Music by the Wildwoods. 1-42-1 OLD TYME TEA, Bazaar and Quilt Display,Saturday, October 29th, 183. Time: 2:00 p.m. Admission: 50c. Northside United Church, Seaforth. 1-41-3 y BINGO VAIVASTRA dayCvenigENTREat R.R. 5 CLINTON 8 p.m. 1st regular card SI; 15regular games of $20; 3 Share -the - Wealth. Jackpot S200.00 must go. Admission restrict- ed to 16 years or over. 1.33-tf THiRD Annual Medieval, Feasts, $at. Oct. 22, 7 p.m. Blyth Memorial Hall. Your chance to be a knight or lady. Feast on roast pig and fixings (other choices avail- able), enjoy medieval enter- tainment and have a great time. Aske someone who's been. Prizes for best costume and bib. Tickets $16.S0 and proceeds go to Blyth Centre Building Fund. Phone 4232- 9300. EGMONDVILLE United Church Fowl Supper, Wed- nesday,' October 26, 1963. Limited tickets. Advance sale only. Adult $6.00. Children $3.50. Preschoolers free. For tickets call 527-1607. 1-41x2 GODERICH & District Pro - Life Group 10th anniversary dinner, Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 6:30 p.m:, Goderich Legion Hall. Guest speaker Dr. Hart Bezner, B. Sc., Ph. D„ Physics. Tickets available un- til Oct, 19 at St. James Rectory. 527-0142.' 1-38-5 Help Wanted NUCLEI -1' Twp. Recreation Committee is sponsoring St. John's Ambulance Standard First Aid Course. Four Mon- day evening sessions starting November 7 from 7-11 p.m. Two Saturday sessions start- ing November 5, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. at Londesboro Hall. Cost $32.00. To register call 523-4359. - 1-42-2 The family of Ted and Marie Visser invite friends and neighbours to join with them in honouring their patents' on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. An open reception will be held Saturday, November 12, 1983 from 8 p.m. at the Seaforth Legion Hall. Best wishes only. 1-42-1 CLINTON Legion Bingo, every Thursday. 8 p.m. 1st regular card $1. Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15.00; 55 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go each week, 1.22-tf A Kids' Concert with Chris and Ken Whitely, Sat. Oct. 22. 2 pm., Blyth Memorial Hall. The Whitely brothers draw on experience with Raffi and Sharon Lois and Bram and their own record "Junior Jug Band," to teach kids to make their own music with found materials. Tickets 53.50 each or series tickets 57 for four events. Phone 523-9300. 1-41-2 Help Wanted PRESS OPERATOR for two color Heidelberg at Agri - press Canada Ltd. Top salary for experienced person. Write or call: Adrian -Bayley, Agripress Canada Ltd., P.O. Box 39, Hensall, Ontario. NOM MO 519-262-3000:4-42 1 Help Wanted WANTED immediately high school girl to babysit, two hours before and two hours after school during the week, good wages. Call 527-1920 after 6 a.m. 4.42-1 Bus. Opportunity EARN extra income. Learn to prepare income tax returns by correspondence. Local franchises available. Write Tax Time Services Limited, 1304 Speers Road, Oakville, Ontario L6L 2X4. 5-42-01 LADY Finelle Cosmetics: Looking for full/part time job in September? Join Lady Finelle Cosmetics. No exper- ience necessary. Lilian Richard. Box 1854, Hearst, Ontario 704-362-5182. 5-42-01 RELIABLE PERSON to babysit 2 pre-schoolers in my home 4 days a week from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and some Tight housekeeping. Apply box 3729 c/o The Huron Exposi- tor, Box 69, Seaforth, On- tario, NOK IWO. 4-42-1 CAREER in trucking. Con- tact Mery Orr's School. Offices in Toronto, (416) 251-9073, Ottawa (613) 523- 3489, London (519) 432-1726, North Bay (705) 472-2910, Thunder Bay (807) 623.8686, Saulte Ste. Marie 4705) 759- 0177, Cambridge (519) 648- 2519, P.C.E.C. member. 4-42-01 CASH in on Income Tax. Earn money: Learn money- - saving tax tips spby Rcone- ondence. U 8Tax Schools, 1148 Main St. Win- nnipeg, Man. R2W56. -42-01 Situations Wanted CUSTOM corn drying, com- bining available. Phone Allan Carter. 482-7458. 7-41-2 DEADLINE: Monday, 4:30 p.m.' Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Articles for Sale TWELVE week old dressed chickens for sale. $1.25 per lb. 887-6052. 11-42x1 SUMMER SPECIAL: Prices still in effect for limited time on utility, agricultural, com- mercial and Industrial dome;, straight or slantwall steel buildings. Call collect any- time 705-474-1180. 11-42-01 HARD WOOD S1 per cubic foot. Phone 527.0276.11.42x2 TWO lab pups for sale. 527.0505. 11-42-1 ONE heavy duty oil furnace complete with tank. ideal for workshop. 345-2891. 11-42-1 SANYO AM/FM auto re- verse cassette deck, Realistic high power cassette deck, separate base and treble. Both in great shape. Will consider trade on good speakers. S27-1059. 11.42x1 Notice USED file cabinets, desks, storage cabinets, bookcases, office chairs, stacking chairs, lockers, track lights. drafting tables, restaurant tables. We sell, trade or buyLovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide St, S. London, 681-2254, Mon, -Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12. 11-42-01 TABLE TENNIS set. Fold open legs and casters, net and 4 bats included. 527- 0358 after 5 p.m. 11,42-1 COMPLETE custom framing for needlepoint, crewel, photographs, all paintings etc. Regular or non glare glass. Ready to hang. Forty- eight hour service. Harold Tyndall, Clinton 482.7409, 11.42-1 USED TRACTORS LH. 3288, low hours 1.11..4166,. 4 wheel drive I.H. 3388 2 + 2 LH. 966 ,J.D. 3130 I.H. 684 Ford 7000 NUMEROUS OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM 12.9% FINANCING. - OR INTEREST WAIVER UNTIL MAY 1,1984 CUSTOM combining. Rea- sonable rates. Phone 482- 3194 or 527-1545. 7-42x1 YOUNG volunteer, responsi- ble adults, sponsored by the Seaforth Leo Club for odd abs. Phone Leo Teatero. 527-1979 and Michele Fry 527-0652. 7-42x1 Farm Stock REGISTERED polled here - fords. Pick of herd. Reduc- ing, ill -health, cows w/with- out calves. Bred, open heif- ers, Calves, three herd sires. Arondale Polled Herefords,: Brinkman, Arnold, Glen Huron, Ontario LOM ILO (705) 466-5533. 8-42-01 GOOD selection of service- able age ROP tested York- shire, Hamp, Duroc and crossbred boars. Also York x Landrace gilts. Priced according to market condi- tions. Vista Villa Farms Ltd., Bob Robinson. R.R. 4. Wal- ton. 345-2317. 8-41-4 HENSALI LIVESTOCK SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS - Greg Hargreaves 262-2619 Hensall Victor Hargreaves " 482.7511 Clinton Barry, Miller 236-2717 Exeter and 229-6205 Kirkton • Appliance Clearouts Moffat Armond Dryer 1 only top of line, $569.95 list. $459.95 plus trade. Sale '419.95 plus trade, plus fax. Picked up. G.S.W. Wringer Washer model GXR1023 List '459.95. '398.00 plus trade. Sale '369.93 plus trade, plus tax, picked up. G.S.W. Wringer Washer model GXR1053 List $499.95 - $439.95. Sole $409.95 plus trtade, plus tax. Picked up. MtLary Automatic Washer List $649.95 $549.95.. plus trade, Sale $312.00 and .trade, plus tax. Picked up. Hotpoint 30" Range White, list $588.00 - $519.95 plus trade. Sole $4154.00 plus trade, plus fax, picked up. GIVE USA CALL swum in-orso FUEL OIL FURNACE Repalr and Cleaning 24 HOUR SERVICE PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE Dublin 345-2235 HUTTON SPOTLESS Brussels home. Price, 814,900. 3 bedroom, family siie kitchen, Hanover cup- boards, large Iivingroom with fireplace, 100 amp service, good .garage. A real bargain. Owner must sell quickly. THREE bedroom Brus- sels home, on a large treed lot, living room, dining room, kitchen, good full basement. 30 36 barn, immediate pos- session. Asking $22,500. 100 ACRES Brussels area, 85 level workable acres, self draining land house with attached gar- age, in best of condition. ' Large well maintained barn. Owner retiring. Ask for details. 100 ACRES Brussels area, 95 level acres, systematically tiled. All offers . carefully . con- sidered, - 2O ACRE hog set up, large barn, silo, good three bedroom house. HOUSE and two year old workshop in Bel - grave. Owner moving. Must be sold. Mel Matiters Wingham, 357-3208 Representing LLOYD W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Broker, Kincardine CLASSIFIED RATE'S ,. poputNEFOR,CLASSML DAO3z - 4t3bP�tlt.MONDA , DISPLAY ADSFOtt i[� OFTOWN PAP$ES L4 Mow ,NOON Charges are based on the number of rvprd.. of nunlierals as for serial numbers; et' numbers, phone dumber* or prices count t s one .: word per set. Words Joined by hyphens count u separate words, 22 words -$3.75 17c per word thereafter' ` BIRTItS-No charge ENGAGEMENTS --Fiat, rate of 86 with picture. SIO prepaid, $15 billed.. MARRIAGES -Free for 8 weeks after dite Of wedding. After this time, photo and outline Only, 515. Complete write-up $25. IN MEMORIAMS--$3.75 plus .35c per lineof verse. COMING EVENTS -22 words, $3.75, each additional word 17e. CARD OF THANKS -25 words, $3.75. Each additional word 06c. - 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON' OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO. THIS OFFICE -$3.00, each additional week -• 81.00 SEMi DiSPLAY-'-S1.25 per cm, Phone 527-0240 Drysdale Major Appliances We service what we sell Hensall 262.2728 Closed Monday Real Estate Real Estate For Salle TO BE MOVED 11/2 storey frame house, 4 bedrooms, large modern kitchen and living room, 'airily room, full bathroom, office, sun porch, all well Insulated. Exterior imitation brick. Por more information - CaII 262-5708 WORKMAN FARMERS For a good farm building at competitive prices PHONE RAY LAMBERS CONSTRUCTION R.R. #2 Clinton 482-3305 FREE ESTIMATES DON HAMILTON Real • Estate & Insurance Ltd. Ydti muttipie lent ,Agent a Used•Cars BABYSITTER for a seven and nine year old boy. Shift work. Preferably come in. Call 527-0406. 4-42-1 1974 Le Mantis 4 door, or V8 auto, ps., certified. 393-6859. 10-42x1 Every week more and more people discover what mighty 'jobs are accom- Baished by low cost Huron positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. mm i mi PARTSDEPOT Or SERVICE DEPOT (WATSON APPLIANCE ItlepAIR located In Sebrin®vllle at PH. 393-6181 Hank's Small Engines Service 1 MiLE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523.9202 Lawn and Garden Equipment Repair New and Used Garden Equipment In Stock (pH ELANS PLACE) Geo. A. Sills & Sons COUNTRY HOME on 31/2 acres, nicely renovated 'Ready to move in, -555,000. HOUSE TO BE MOVED in St. Columban. Ideal for cottage. 150 ACRE BEEF FARM, 125 workable, large FCC mortgage, located in Grey Twp. 125 ACRES: Cash crop land, 100 workable in Morris Twp. Open to offers. 100 ACRE: Hog sOLD ew house, set up for approx. 1000 hyo d in McKillop Twp. Open to offers. SO ACRE farrow SOLD!peration in i-ibbert Twp. with model JARViS ST.: 11/2 storey frame house, nicely renovated, ready to move in, with detached garage and fenced backyard. Close to uptown. 6 ACRES, no buildings, highway location 150 ACRE cash crop -farm in Grey Twp. No buildings. MOBILE HOME 14 x 65 to be moved, beautifully decorated. MASONRY SAND HiLL FOR SALE: Suitable for concrete. License will be acquired. For more information call STEVE MURRAY St. Columban 345.2172 Home Hardware uiliga REALESTATE THE TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT Position of Part -Time Grader Operator and Snow Plow Driver Applications will be re- ceived in writing by the undersigned until: NOON, FRIDAY, 21ST OCTOBER, 1983 for the position of Grad- er Operator and snow plow driver. Please state salary required. Snow plowing season 15th No- vember, 1983 to 15th March, 1984. No stand- ing time. ERNIE HARBURN Road Superintendent R.R.2 STAFFA NOR IVO Patterson. - Home Improvement - • Interior Remodelling & Decorating •Exterlor Maintenance & Repairs • Kitchen designing •Furniture Refinishing John Patterson R.R. $2 Seaforth MERCHANTS PLUMBING -HEATING & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone 527-1620 Seaforth MAUREENWILDFONG Res. _48 -3224 JOE O'REILLY' 345-2465 482-3183 STOCK UP NOW WITH BUSHELS OF SQUASH BROCCOLI CARROTS BEETS BAGS OF r prig1lll 1 FjGy1�1����1�1 fl!�_�i � ��l VJ I;Es VEOEIIE Custom KITCHENS OAK • PINE • MAPLE In Many Styles and Finishes BALL-MACAULAY BUIUMNG J Seaforth 527-0910 POTATOES RUTABAGAS ONIONS SPANISH ONIONS Also Available KRAUT CABBAGE KALE Pick Your Own Squash Pumpkins at Broccoli "Where Quality Counts" I Ws Novo Puppis To Moo Ar•y TE -EM FARM R.R. No.1 Bayfleld 482-9940 EGMONDVILLE: New Listing. 18 yr. old one floor home, mint condition, spacious lot, quiet area, S35,000 ANN ST.: 11 storey SOLD om house, gas heat, large lot, quiet area. GODERiCH ST.: 11/2 storey aluminum sided home. Excellent opportunity for small business. Double garage. WEST WILLIAM ST.: REDUCED: One storey home in mint condition. Modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms. 534,000.00 NORTH MAIN: 1'/ storey 3 bedroom house. Close to uptown. Asking S25,000.00 EGMONDVILLE: "' 'ey 3 bedroom house. Located on corner`Si . . rge lot. 525,000.00 JARVIS ST.: New Home. Pick your choice of colours. 3 bedrooms, gas heat. $50's. LOUiSA ST.: One floor 3 bedroom house, 1440 living room. Att'd carport. $40's. NEW HOIViE: EGMONDVILLE: Custom built brick bungalow, maintenance free exterior. SILVER CREEK: One floor home, spacious kitchen, large entertaining living room, 3 bedrooms, carport. much more, McKiLLOP TWP.:' REDUCED: 2 storey brick home, ready to .move into. Mint condition. GOUINLOCK ST.:.SOLD y 2 bedroom house. family room. wood __ . _, quiet area. BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. CBnton Phone: 482-9371 NEW LISTING: 70 King St., Hensall, 1% floor frame home, 2 bdrm.,' F.A. gas heat. NEW LISTING: 150 ac., 102 workable, $ bdrm. home, hog barn for 500 hogs, liquid cleanout, 3 mi. north of Auburn. F.C.C. mort. 200 ACRES: 190 work- able, E. Wawanosh, good hardwood bush, excellent bldgs, field stone house, above av-, erage barns for swine and cattle. BLYTH: Large commer- cial property, 2 apts. above, Queen St. Can be purchased with .or' with- out existing stock. Good terms. 243 ACRES: All work- able„ set up for beef, could be hogs. Hwy. 44. SO ACRES: Farrow to finish for 70 sows, new home, Hwy. 486, low interest F.C.C. mort. 296 ACRES, 1'79 work- able, SOLD Dfeed lot facilit; ,:louse, low interest F.C.C. mort. REDUCED: Spacious and elegant 5 bdrm. brick home. custom fin- ished throughout, 2 mi. from Brussels on 2 ac. must be seen to appre- date. 12 ACRES: 13th of Hul- lett, large home, nearly new barn, set up for hogs and hens. 100 ACRES: Cropland, Hullett Twp. 46 ACRES: 25 cropland. 9 hardwood bush. large double home, barn, drive shed with work- shop on paved road near Varna. 100 ACRES: General farm, 13th of Hullett HENSALL: 11/2 floor home in good condition, financing available HOLMESVILLE: 13 ac. with farrowing barn, 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive. 85 ACRES: on paved road, 40 workable, stream crosses property, good bldg. site. REAL ESTATE LTD. NEW LISTING, 3 bedroom brick bungalow: beautiful location, just - out of Seaforth. 554,500.00 NEW LiSTING: Large river front lot in Egmond- ville. app. 1' acres. NEW LITI NGI.108 John St. 4 bedroom home with a 1 bedrdom-sblf contained apartment, beautiful lot. 535,000.00 EGMONDVILLE: Cute 3 bedroom home in a nice area, very goort condition. Only $25;000.00 T2tili'3: NIG 'AY LOCATION: Close to Seaforth, beautiful 4 bedroom home, dairy barn. LOUiSA ST.: 4 bedroom 'home in very good condition, inground pool, fireplace, much more. 39 GODERICH ST. W. 4 bedroom, 1' storey in good condition, 2 baths, hot water heat, excellent location, 535,000.00 BUILDING LOT on N. Main St., nice location. 5 ACRES: Tuckersmith, hog set-up. 4 bedroom house; 65,000.00 2 CO RCIAL ,LATS on South Main St. .120 OW: Farrow - finish operation, liquid manu a etc. 2 storey brick house, 50 acres. S159.0(0:00 48 GEORGE ST.: 4 bedroom 1' storey frame home, good location, 834,000.00 LARGE 2 STOREY brick, building on 3 possible building lots. ideal for apartment building. 3'% ACRES: in Harpurhey, 4 bedroom house, small barn, 543.000:00 HERITAGE HOME: 5 bedroom solid brick,home, 2 fireplaces, garage, double lot, excellent condition. Call for appointment. REDUCED TO $150,000.00: 31 acres, 7 year old brick ranch home overlooking 3 stocked trout ponds. 200 ACRES: Hullett Twp., excellent home, beef barn, 5245,000.00 WELSH ST.: 3 bedroom home, good condition, large lot. 535,000,00 , 3 BEDROOM: split level, 2 baths, finished basement, large shop, huge lot, must be seen. NEW HOME: 3 bedroom brick, 5 level split in Egmondville. REDUCED TO 535,000.00: 5 acres near Walton, 3 bedroom house, 32' x 48' steel barn. AUTO BODY REPAIR SHOP: Being sold as a going concern. Call for details. $59,900.00 WILSON ST.: 1'/: storey, 4 bedroom home in excellent condition, 549,000.00 MOBILE HOME: 60' x 12' on a fully serviced lot on Isabelle St. EGMONDViLLE: 3 bedroom brick bungalow with rec room, 533,900.00 CHURCH ST.: 3 bedroom frame hdme, a steal at 524,000.00 LARGE: Heated' storage building in Seaforth. 58,000.00 McKILLOP TWP.: 5 ac. with 3 bedroom home and 50 sow barn. Only 545,000.00 COUNTRY HOME: 4 mi. from Seaforth, triple brick. 3 bedrooms, very nice. EGMONDVILLE: 2 bedroom home in good condition. 525,000.00 HULLETT TWP.: 2 ac. on #8 highway. 3 bedroom house. 529,900.00 GODERICH ST.: Duplex. very modern, good condition. 535,000.00 APPROXIMATELY 2 ACRES: of vacant land in Seaforth. Call for details. REDUCED: To 565,000.00. 4500 sq. ft. commer- cial building in Seaforth. Ideal for light industry etc., large lot. McKILLOPI 5 ac SOLD brick home. many renovations. $40,1 HARPURHEY:4 bedroom. 2 storey, family room, double garage, an exquisite home. 595.000.00 2 TROUT PONDS: 80 acres, small cottage. very picturesque. S100,000.00 NEW HOME:3 bedroom Fact bungalow. garage, full basement, nice lot 555,000.00 GALL HENRY MERG IEAFORTK $274490- 1