HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-10-19, Page 10p1=` THE, HURON 'EPOS$tOR, OCTOBER 19,.1 9 Seaforth WI hosts. speaker. Seisforth's 811n -3t. was busier than usual at noon hour Thursday when two bus loads of tourists from Kitchener, on a mystery tour to see autumn colors, stopped ,fie for lunch. "Looks like a nice place," oue)of them said. "Wish we had,time to stay a bit and wander around." Mr. and Mrs. Eric Campbell of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Williams of Dublin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William McMillan. Two bus loads from the Wingham area joined close to 30,000 people from all Ontario at Queen's Park, Oct. 1, to protest abortion clinics in Ontario. The rally included prayers, a few short speeches. and a silent, prayerful, two-mile walk ,past Dr. Morgentaler's clinic on Harbord St. Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. Seaforth Women's Institute met Oct. 11 in the Seaforth Public Schoot. As guests they had members from Grand Bend, Walton, Clinton and Kippen W.I.s, also friends bf the Seaforth W.I. members. A newsletter from the Huron Historical Society told of their meeting in Brucefield Church Oct. 21 at 6:30 p.m. The London Area Convention is Oct. 27 and 28 in St. Marys. The guest speaker, Mrs, Mothers of Bluevale spoke on the ACWW conference which she attended in June at the University of British Columbia. The theme of this conference of the Associated County Women of the World was "Living in Today's World.. It is the only international organization representing country women and , home- makers. It brings together women of all races, promoting friendship and understand- ing around the world. Members also heard musical numbers by Harmony Incorporated. THE NEW OPTIMIST EXECUTIVE have been elected. From left are: Keith Miller, Director, Wayne Scott, Director, Gord Phillips, vice-president, Jack Bedard, DI - rector; Wayne Hoegy, Director; Arnold StInnissen, Director, and In the bottom row Congratulations MOM AND DAD on your LAKESIDE SUMMER RESORT • Lakeside Dance Hall New Hardwood Floor Sat. Oct. 22nd from 9-1 Featuring: SOUND EXPRESS "Modern country with a touch of European" For reservations and more Information please call: 349-2710 25th Wedding Anniversary ens DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Gold & Rock'n'iloll-: DISCO, POLKAS, WALTZES Good Recorded Music For Weddings, Dances, Ann i les, Parties, Etc. ETHEL, ONTARIO BRUSSELS — 8b74159 -- EVENINGS With Love, KEN, TRISH, - SANDRA, BOB, TOM, ALLAN and PETER QUEEN'S****** HOTEL SEAFORTH Entertainment This Weekend Thurs. Fri. Sat. THE DISTANTS Next Week RED ALERT Nat all sear tours FLORIDA! PARTY for Jeff McKay Friday, October 21st 14 DAYS As Low AS $295. For more information call 262-3141 262-6904 —Munro Township's lath Annual CHRISTMAS COUNTRY FAIR sole of local arts, crafts & country baking at Saltford Valley Hall (Y. mile N. of Goderlch. E. off Hwy. 21) Wednesday, October 19, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, October 22 10 a.m:-S p.m. Sundai, October 23, 12 noon -6 p.m. SPECIAL FEATURES: Isabelle MacDonald displaying ceramic figurines; 141" homemade old fashioned dolls with bloomers and aprons by Jan McArthur of Tiverton; Bread Dough Art and Silk Flower Arrangements by Marie Webster of Auburn; Soft Sculpture novelties and Christmas Decorations by - Luba Strutton of Lucknow; Macrame by Barbara Burton of Kincardine; Paper Tole by Olga Tyshenko of Mitchell, Saturday & Sunday only. ADMISSION Adults 50' LUNCH AND REFRESHMENTS (served by Order of Eastern Star Ladies) OVER 45 CRAFTS (sponsored by Blue Water Chapter No. 284, Order of the Ea Star, Goderich.) THE CHOICE IS YOURS BEGINNING NOVEMBER .5 • 25 Saturday' Departures • Stay 2, 3, 4 Weeks or Longer • 5 Completely Different Properties (Atlantic Beaches, Gulf of Mexico Beaches, Exciting Central Florida). SEE OUR WINTER BROCHURE FOR OTHER EXCITING' TOURS!' CONGRATULATIONS DOUG & MARJORY FRASER ON YOUR 35th Wedding Anniversar they are: Ron Stewart, vice preside t, e Miller, Lieutenant Governor of Zone 10, Bill Henderson, President, and Harry Den Haan Secretary and Treasurer. Tom Devereaux, director, was absent. (Photo by Hook) TOP OPTIMIST IN SEAFORTH—The local executive were at a special breakfast Sunday morning to welcome a US guest. From left are: Joh(t Verbeek (Governor-General of Optimist of 10 district); BIII Henderson (President of Seaforth Optimist.); Tom flobeson from Minnesota (Vice President of Optimist International); Ken Miller (Lieute- nant Governor of area 10) and Seaforth mayor Alf Ross. (Photo by Hook) Optimistswant higher .profile, new members When Bill Henderson first got involved with Seaforth's Optimists, after he moved back to his hometown in 1980, he didn't know if it was the club for him. "1 wasn't sure I should join. I wasn't active much at all that first year." But then, gradually, he got interested and more and more involved in the club that over the years has sponsored hundreds of events for Seaforth and area young people. This year, he's president of the 15 -year-old club. Bill tells this story to encourage local men to try out the Optimist Club. "If a light doesn't goon at the first meeting, don't give u The club wants to develop a'higher profile. The new community centres is looking for organizations to hold events there and make it pay. He says. "If we can do that, great." Because of the many activities the club runs — two dances, movie nights and a winter carnival and Atom hockey tourna- ment between now and January alone — the Optimists need more members. "We can't have the same 15 or 20 doing all the work," the new president says. Those are the really active members. The rest of the 31, while they aren't at every meeting, are supporters who help when they're asked. "The mayor's an Optimist. He can't make every meeting, but he's behind us." YOUNGER MEMBERS Members are of all ages. "as many are over 40 as under 40", and younger members are encouraged to run things. Seaforth Optimists have a good track record of running dances for the 19 to 30 -year-olds. Naturally the 17 and 18--`year-olds-want to attend too and some minors do attend. But "a wild' rumor will say three-quarters of the crowd were minors". That's not so, Bill. Henderson stresses. Age of majority cards )will be required for admission to IpWdown, a fifties band, but not for fa ly dances like winter carnival's. Other mily activities the Optimists sponsor i elude bike safety programs; help to ball t ams, Boy Scouts, Family and Children's Services; Disney movie nights and the ery successful Atom Hockey tourpamen It will be held over two weekends in January. With more'ntembers, the Optimists could get involved in Optimist international events, like the oratorical contest which offers the winner S100• scholarship. Anyone who'd like to join or who has ideas for things they'd like the Optimists to organize can call Bill Henderson at S27-0995 (1-l) or -1391 (W). Junior volunteers visit Manor Junior Volunteers from Mrs. Thomas' Grade 6 class at Seaforth Public School visited at Seaforth Health Care Facility last Tuesday morning for a program with residents. Nine- students are participating and will rotate three each week. This program has met with great success this past two years and residents look fot'ward to seeing the students each Tues. a.m. On Tuesday afternoon the first euchre of the fall season with volunteers was held with five tables in play. High ladies score was held by Gladys Ruston with n's goin to Sid Pearson and lone h prize I rs. Maxine Elliott. The next eu hre will b/eiheld at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 25. -- We are sorry to report that r. Erle Dow is presently confined to hospital also Miss Norma Streets. Their many friends wish for them a speedy recovery. Residents are busy preparing articles for the annual fall bazaar to be held on Nov. 5. Tickets are also being sold on the quilt made by the volunteers and quilted and which will 1,' I b4 drawn' for gt the—bazaar..;,''' ' Visiting with Dr. Ernest. Sadlier were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Farley of Toronto. GRAND FLORIDA TOUR FLORIDA FLING - CALIFORNIA NEW ORLEANS and the DEEP SOUTH For more information contact your travel agent or call UNITED TRAILS INC. 100 Main St: SEAFORTH, Ontario 527-1222 f. 1 To Marry Doug and Helen Stewart, Seaforth are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Cynthia Margaret to Mr. Douglas Allen Simp- son, London, son of Lloyd Simpson, London and Marie Simpson, Stratford. The wedding will take place Saturday, October 22, 1983 at Egmondvllle United Church In Egmondvllle, Ont. Reception to folio In Seafort.. aLLoweerL LOVE, CAROLYN, GERRY, MARK, DIANNE AND PHILor CLAYTON AND CHERYL Mr. Ross Houghton was visited by daughters Linda and Diane of Stratford. Alley bowling for residents will resume on Monday afternoons this year. Mrs. Isabel Scott visited with husband Bill. Mrs. Lillian Bernard visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McClure. Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart visited with Mr. Bill Scott. Visiting with Mrs. Doris Smith were Diane Simpson of Kincardine, Debra Cupsky, Monkton and Pauline Cupsky, Mitchell. Mr. James Nolan accompanied by his son Don spent Thanksgiving Sunday at his home. Visiting with Mr. Erle Dow and brought flowers were his daughter Helen McLeod and husband of Mitchell's Bay. Mrs. Gladys Ruston spent Thanksgiving weekend at her home in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Hernachi and family of Michigan visited with Mr. Patrick Ryan and took him out for lunch. - Mrs. Ruth Noll spent the weekend at her home. Seaforth couples attend co This past weekend the fall convention was held in Owen Sound, with around 400 delegates and wives present. Those attend- ing from Seaforth were Helen and Al Nicholson, Marie and Jack Muir, Bill Wilbee, Gordon Dc Jong, Barbara Scott and myself. 44 resolution, protesting the change of service officers for Zone Cl , our zone, was 'introduced at the council meeting and presented to the floor and was passed by the delegates. This resolution will be passed to the Ontario Command for consideration and possibly Clare Wall from'London office will still be our service officer. The Spring Convention will be held in Stratford on the weekend of April 14-15. • Mr. George Addison visited friends at Seaforth Health Care Facility. Miss Wilma Vah Dyk visited with Mr. Finlay Ross. Mrs. Scroggs of Brucefield visited with' Mrs. Madge Remes. Mrs. C. Rumig of Waterloo visited with her husband Cornelius. BIA plans Christmas party For the first time, Seaforth's Business Improvement Area (BIA) plans a Christmas party for BIA members, their staff, and spouses. The party for local businesses will be held at the Legion, Saturday, Nov. 19. Tickets, at S6 each, include dinner served by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary, and dancing to the music of Solid Ivory. "It's a good deal and tickets are going fast," says Bob Fisher of the BIA. Tickets are available, to BIA businesses only, at Pizza Train, Anstett Jewellers and Hether- ington Shoes. . Next Meetingfor - BIA members is a Tuesday, Oct. 2, t 8 .m. at Pizza Train. nvention d@goonn In the Seaforth branch entertainment officer Jack Muir has a pork barbecue planned for Oct. 29 instead of the Halloween dance which has not been too wel patronized this past few years. This barbecue will be about 6 p.m. with .e, tertainment later in the branch. Anyone wishing `tickets please see Jack or at the branch. We wouldlike to see a good turn -out from all the members and their guests. This coming weekend sports chairman Jim Watson will be attending the District Sports meeting in Chatsworth. Anyone wishing to attend this function please contact Jim. Remember Comrades the early bird campaign is now underway so please pay your dues early and be in the monthly draws. Our committee needs our support if we are to win another plaque: Be an early bird. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. -Gordon Scott P.R.O. DANCE Friday, October 28th Spm - lam KIDS MOVIE NIGHT ADULTS WELCOME Friday October`21 /83 Featuring—. BLUE THUNDER Admission: DRESS UP And get In on the fun and money. OVER IN'CAIN Featuring Johnny Stevens PLUS "CARTOON" Starts 7:30 p.m. 2.00 Popcorn and refreshments available Brought to you by SEAFORTH OPTIMIST CLUB and in conjunction with SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES DUBLIN & DISTRICT ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION BINGO FRI. OCT. 21 8 P.M. DUBLIN & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE JACKPOT 500.00 54 Calls 100.00 IN PRIZE MONEY FOR COSTUMES at... Seaforth & District Community Centres TICKETS 5.°O per person e LUNCH PROVIDED /rou9ht to you by The SEAFORTH OPTIMIST CLUB Note: This Is the first of many name bands. Watch for upcoming bands, dates and times. For further Information call..527-0995 after 6 p.m. Tickets available at several local merchants 1 • • • • •• • • • • • • STARTS FRIDAY, • OCT. 21 • PRI. -SAT. 7 & 9:N • SUN.-THURS. SAO • • • • THE SQUARE KTiIET •cin GODERICH 524-7611 • there's a time for playing it safe and a time for... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PUPPET WORKSHOPS Start Thursday, October 27 For 8 yr. - 10 yr. olds 7-8 p.m. And 11 yr. - 13 yr. olds 8-9 p.m. AT THE �71n• nylv,.nlnr, . nl,1 .r„ni,4 ti, on MIT'. CI ��EtiTRICTCO 7I fi��^SQL...'yLLL� ••••••o•••••••••••••Q•••••••••••••••••• Van Egmond House Register: 110 per child at the Seaforth Rec. Oftice by October 26th