HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-10-12, Page 14'7, THE HURON E PO$1TQR, QCTO R 12i 1940=Iiiim,riniemondiamminim Huron Exposlltor ir6 lUaair Coming Events Coming Events Phone r . ea527-0.0240 DEADLINE: Monday, 4:30 p.m. Situations Wanted Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Property for Rent Property for Rent Ron and Heather Phillips, on the occasion of the golden wedding of their parents, Sam and Beth Phillips, invite all their friends to loin with them in celebrating the 50th anniversary event at the Seaforth and District Com• munity Centres on Saturday, October 15th at 8 o'clock Best wishes only. 1-41x1 PLAN to attend the St. Columban PTA Turkey. Bingo on Sunday, November 13, 1983, 8 p.m. St. Columban Parish Hall. 1-41-1 EGMONDVILLE United Church Fowl Supper, Wed- nesday, October 26, 1983. Limited tickets. Advance sale only. Adult $6.00. Children $3,50. Preschoolers free. For tickets call 527.1607. 1-41x2 A meeting of the Huron Middlesex Provincial Liberal Association will be held at the residence of Jack Riddell, R.H. N1 Hay, Hwy. 83 west of Exeter at 8 p.m. on Thurs- day, Oct. 20 to elect dele- gates to represent the riding at the annual meeting of the Ontario Liberal, Party. The annual meeting will be held at the Sheraton Centre Hotel, Toronto, November 4, 5 6. 1-41.1 PLEASE NOTE: L.O.B.A. euchres Will be commencing Monday, Nov. 21 at 8 p.m. 1-41.1 • GENE DI NOVI Concert, Sun. Oct. 16, 2 p.m. Blyth Memorial Hall, (note: con- cert is' not at 8 p.m.) Di Novi sings and plays the music of Gershwin. Sondheim. Rod- gers and Hammerstein, and tells the stories -behind the music. Single tickets $8, or series tickets 522 for four events. Phone 523-9300. , 1-41-1 A Kids' Concert with Chris and Ken Whitely, Sat. Oct. 22, 2 p m.. Blyth Memorial Hall. The Whitely brothers draw on experience with Raffi and Sharon Lois and Bram and their own record "Junior Jug Band." to teach kids to make their own music with found materials. Tickets $3.50 each or series tickets 57 for four events. Phone 523-9300. 1-41-2 RESERVE Nov. 16 for Hib- bert United Church Man's Ham and Egg Supper. 1-41-1 EGMONDVILLE United Church 148th Anniversary, Sunday, October 23, 1983. 1-41-2 OLD TYME TEA, Bazaar and Quilt Display Saturday, October 29th, 1983. Time: 2:00 p.m. Admission: 50c. Northside United Church, Seaforth. 1-41.3 ROAST BEEF SUPPER, Brucefield United Church, Wed. Oct. 19/83, 5-8 p.m. Adults 56.00, children 6-12, 52.50, under 6 free. Advance Sale tickets only. For tickets phone 482-9235 or 482-7477. 1-39-3 THiRD Annual Medieval Feats, Sat. Oct. 22, 7 p.m., Blyth Memorial Hall. Your chance to be a knight or lady --feast on roast pig and fixing/(other choices avail- able). enjoy medieval enter- tainment and have a great time. Ask someone who's been. Prizes for best costume and bib. Tickets 516.50. and proceeds go to Blyth Centre Building Fund. Phone 523- 9300. 1-41-2 CUSTOM corn drying, com- bining available. Phone Allan Carter. 482-7458. 7-41-2 COLLEGE -BOUND student seeking employment to last until Christmas. Call 527- 0683. Ask for Jim. 7-41x1 BINGO every Tues ay evening at VANASTtA CENTRE R.R. 5 CLINTON 8 p.m. 1st regular card 51; 15 regular games of 520; 3 Share -the - Wealth. Jackpot $200.00 ,oust go. Admission restrict- ed to 16 years or over. 1-33-tf GODERICH & District Pro - Life Group 10th anniversary dinner, Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 6:30 p.m., Goderich,Leggion Hall. Guest speaker Dr. Hart Bezner, B. Sc., Ph. D., Physics. Tickets available un- til Oct. 19 at St. James Rectory 527-0142. 1-38-5 FALL book fair, Sunday, October 16, 1983, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Concert Hall, 888 Yonge Street, Toronto. Rare and second hand ,book's, mans, prints anil related items. $2.00 entrance. 416- 424-2287. 1-41-01 ANNOUNCING Blue Water Angus 29th Annual Sale, Saturday, October 29th,, Walkerton Agricultural Area, 45 lots, breeding stock suitable for commercial or purebred herds. Catalogues available. Wm. Lee, R.R. #3, Conn. NOG INO (519) 323- 4848. 1-41-01 CLINTON Legion Bingo, every Thursday. 8 p.m. 1st regular card 51. Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15.00: $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go each week. 1.22-tf Help Wanted Farm Stock 1500 overnight calves sell Friday, October 14th, Octo- ber 28th, and November 18th, 9:00 a.m. C.S.T. at North Battleford, Saskatch- ewan Livestock Pool. Contact John Florence, area 306-445- 9421 for details. 8-41-01 70 head free listed registered Herefords, Western pedi- grees, horned and polled at Carson's Sale Arena, Listo- wel, Ontario, October 22 at 1 p.m. for Findlay Lewis, R.R. 3 Ayton, NOG la. 8-41-01 GOOD selection of service- able age ROP tested York- shire, Hamp, Duroc and crossbred boars. Also York x Landrace gilts. Priced according to market condi- tions. Vista Villa Farms Ltd., Bob Robinson, R.R. 4, Wal- ton, 345-2317. 8-41-4 Used Cars 1976 Maverick, good tires, selling as is. Best offer. Phone 527-1492 after 6 p.m. 10-41-1 ADVERTISING SALESPER- SON required for growing group of Saskatchewan weeklies. if you have news- paper sale experience and layout knowledge, you may be the person we are looking for. Wage plus, commission and possible advancement. Apply in writing only to Stewart Crump, Box 1150, Kindersley, Sask. SOL ISO. 4-41-01 SALE Articles for Sale 500 bu. Toxi Wick pto batch dryer for sale. Phone 395- 5113. 11-41x1 TREASURE Hunters equip- ment. We offer a full line of ' Garrett Metal Detectors, ac- cessories for hobby, indus- trial and law enforcement. Factory trained service cen- tre. Dealers wanted. Cana- dian Metal Locators, R.R. 5, Waterford, (519) 443-5191 11-41-01 TAKING orders for 10 -tine ensilage forks, $46 each. Wanted to buy: 200 Grimm sap pails. Enos. S. Martin, RR3, Wallenstein, Ontario. NOB 2S0. (519) 669-8400 11-41-01 USED file cabinets, desks, storage cabinets, bookcases, office chairs, stacking chairs, lockers, track lights, drafting tables, restaurant tables. We sell, trade or buy. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide St., S.. London 681-2254, Mon. -Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12. ' 11-41-01 HOUSEHOLD furnishings. Must sell. After 6. Apply 11 Louisa St. Seaforth. 11-41-1 USED furnace with.insulated chimney and duct pipe. 345- 2211. 11-40-2 APPLES: Macintosh, North- ern Spy, Empire, Ida Red, Red Delicious, Fresh Cider also custom pressing of cider. Red & white potatoes, onions, apple butter, honey. Plastic or wood cider barrels. Call 524-8037. Art Bell's Fruit Farm. I 1-41-tf APPLES for sale: Courtland, Mac, Delicious, Spys. Pick your own, or already picked. Corner of Bayfield Rd. and Huron 31 to Varna. Henry Slotegraaf, 482-9272. No 'Sunday sales. 11-41-3 McINTOSH APPLES at rea- sonable prices in your con- tainer. Cider made for orders, large or small. Also wooden barrels available to be filled with cider from your apples or mine. Phone 527-1507 Mar tene Orchards, west of Eg- mondville. 11-40-4 EATING and cooking apples. Prices reduced due to hail damage. Also cider apples. McClymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna. 482-3214. l 1-40-tf Wanted to Buy COUNTRY Home, 3 bed- rooms, located on Hwy. il8 3 miles west of Seaforth. Phone 482-9217. 15-40-2 GROUND floor, 3 bedroom apartment, all utilities paid. Appliances supplied. $350 per month. 527-1764 after 6 p,m, 15-41-1 WANTED: Wooden tool cup- boards, chests, dressers, tables, painted or unpainted, from attic or basement. Good or poor condition. Thanks. Call Virginia 1-439-1946 col- lect. 12-41-1 ANYONE interested in sell- ing their sons used Beayer uniforms. Please contact Brian Barry, 527-1431. 12-41-1 LARGE brick four bedroom home just out of Seaforth. 5250. month. Call 527-0430. 15-40-1 2 bedroom bungalow, close to uptown. 5250.00/ month. 3 bedroom 2 storey house in Harpurhey, $250.00/month. 527-1577. 15-41-1 CAR OF THE WEEK 1980 PLYMOUTH HORIZON CLASSIFIED RATES DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4,30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY NOON Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. 22 words -53.75 17c per word thereafter BIRTHS -No charge ENGAGEMENTS -Flat rate of 56 with picture. 510 prepaid, 515 billed. MARRIAGES -Free for 8 weeks after date of wedding. After this time, photo and cutline only, 515. Complete write-up $25. - IN MEMORIAMS-53.75 plus .35c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS -22 words, 53.75, each additional word 17c. CARD OF THANKS -25 words, 53.75. Each additional word 06c. 50e DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE -53.00, each additional week - 51.00 SEMi DISPLAY -51.25 per cm. ONE pair of boys Bauer skates, size 4. one pair boys Munari skates, size 3, excel- lent condition. 527-0908. 11-41x1 MEN'S Bauer skates, size's 6! and 8, nearly new. Vanslyke. 527-0042. 11-41x1 GARDEN tractor with 32 in. rotertiller, one electric dryer. one tractor pulley to fit on a PTO shaft. 482-9810. 11.41-1 YEAR old hens. Call 345- 2920. 11-41-1 6 face cords of 50% hard - FRESH HONEY Elgin Young 527-1519 wood, requires 26 in. stove. Phone 527-1643. 11.41x1 BUY your meats in bulk and save at Clinton Boxed Meats, now at our new location just off Hwv. 1/4 north of Clinton, I'A mile south of Londes- boro. Watch for our sign. By the case or by the pound. Call collect 523-9508. 11-41-1 HUTTON Wanted OLD brick buildings wanted for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact R. Lumley Demolition inc. and/or the Cadillac Brick Co. of Canada Ltd. Ontario's largest sup- plier of reclaimed brick, supplying bricks from Detroit to Thunder Bay to Quebec City. Sarnia 1-519-542-8811 or Toronto i-416-28.-2311. - 13 -41.1 - Property for Sale Blue, 4 cyl. engine, mileage 47,000 km. . Auto, AM Radio, Elec- c tric Rear Window, Rear 'Y wiper and washer. Phone 527-0240 Brussels Classifieds Coming Events Property for Rent LARGE brick four bedroom home . just out of Seaforth. 5250. month. Call 527-0430. 15-41-1 2 storey 3 bedroom house, separate dining. gas heat. Att'd carport. Phone 527- 1577. 15-41-1 Make Us An Offer ROWCLIF,FE MOTORS Seaforth, Ontario 527-1670 PRICE Reduced to 529,000. Brick home in the country, renovated. modern kitchen. Large shed. Phone 527-1577 Culligan Real Estate. 14.41-1 ON ' East Goderich Street. Seaforth. 2 storey. 4 bedroom home. large ,lot. Contact Robcrt Dalton, 527-1366. 14-38-4 Every wee c more and' more people discover what mighty jobs are accom- ished by low cost Huron ositor Want Ads. Dial 52 -0240. DON HAMILTON Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. Your Multiple Listing Dealer COUNTRY HOME on 31/2 acres, nicely renovated Ready to move in, 555,000. HOUSE TO BE 'MOVED in St. Columban. ideal for cottage. 150 ACRE BEEF ?FARM, 125 workable, large FCC mortgage, Iii,Yated in Grey Twp. 125 ACRES: Cash crop land, 100 workable in Morris Twp. Open to offers. 100 ACRE: Hog farm with new house, set up for approx. 1000 hogs. situated in McKillop Twp. Operl to offers. r., 50 ACRE farrow to finish operation in Hibbert Twp. with modern facilities. JARVIS ST.: 1' storey frame house, nicely renovated, ready to move in, with detached garage and fenced backyard. Close to uptown. 6 ACRES, no buildings, highway location 150 ACRE cash crop farm in Grey Twp. No buildings. MOBILE HOME 14 x 65 to be moved, beautifully decorated. WOOD FOR SALE Thanksgiving Special OCTOBER 14-15 Garage, Yard & Household Goods Stove, frig, freezer, all kitchen items, bedroom furniture, livingroom furniture, 2 televisions and much more. Come out to David Watson's in Walton Saturday, October 15 Rain date: Oct. 27-10 a.m. to? $20. per 'h ton load Cut your ownl Ons ' road south of Klnburn, then wost Into Hullett swamp. Help Wanted WELL MAINTAINED: 3 bedroom brick home in Blyth. Dining room, liv- ing room, modern kitch- en, large lot, double garage. ******. 100 ACRES: Morris Twp. 85 choice level workable, self draining land. Excellent 3 bed - mom aluminum clad house and barn in good condition. Owner retir- ing. GERALD & ANNE RYAN Congratulations THE TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT Position of Part -Time Grader Operator and Snow Plow Driver Applications will be re- ceived in writing by the undersigned until: NOON, FRIDAY, 21ST OCTOBER, 1983 for the position of Grad- er Operator and snow plow driver. Please state salary required. Snow plowing season 15th No- vember, 1983 to 15th March, 1984. No stand- ing time. ERNIE HARBURN Roel Superintendent R.R.2 STAFFA NOK 1Y0 Paul & Cheryl, Chris, Mary Alice, Michael Open Reception In their honour to be held on October 22, 1983 In Brussels, 9:00 p.m. Everyone Welcome. Best wishes only please. 100 ACRES: near Brus- sels, 95 workable level land systematically tiled. Make an offer. 150 ACRE highway dairy farm, Targe barn, brick house, extra large FCC lnortgage. 100 HIGHWAY ACRES, 65 workable, well drain- ed, barn. 200 ACRES: 175 work- able, stone house, excel- lent cash crop farm. 90 ACRES: one mile from town, 8 yr. old barn, 75 x 90, milk house, good brick house. Asking 5119,000. 20 ACRE hog ,set up, large barn. silo, good house. 10 ACRES Belgrave area, 61/2 crop land, barn, good building site. Mel Mather* Wingbatn, 357-3208 Representing LLOYD W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Broker, Kincardine Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482.9371 NEW LISTING: 150 acres, 102 workable, 5 bdrm. home, hog barn for 500 hogs, liquid clean-out, 3 mi. north of Auburn. F.C.C. mort- gage. NEW LISTING: 200 acres, E. Wawanosh, 190 workable, good hardwood bush, excel- lent bldgs., field stone house, above average barns for swine and cattle. BLYTH: Large commer- cial property, 2 apts. above, Queen St. Can be purchased with or with- out existing stock. Good terms. 243 ACRES: All work- able. set up for beef, could be hogs, Hwy. N4 50 ACRES: farrow to finish for 70 sows, new home, Hwy. 1/86, low interest F.C.0 mort. REDUCED: Spacious and elegant 5 bdrm. brick home, custom fin- ished throughout, 2 mi. from Brussels on 2 ac., must be seen to appre- ciate. 1.2 ACRES: 13th of Hul- lett, large home, nearly new barn, set up for hogs and hens. 100 ACRES: cropland, Hullett Twp. 46 ACRES: 25 cropland, 9 hardwood bush, large double home, barn, drive shed with wbrk- shop on paved road neer Varna, 100 ACRES, general farm, 13th of Hullett. BLYT'H+t„ 1 floor, 2ISo%..0:, gas heat. HENSALL: 1'/g floor home in good condition, financing available HOLMESVILLE: 13 ac. with farrowing barn, 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive. 8s ACRES: Jn paved mad, 40 workable, stream crosses property, good bldg. site. For more information call STEVE MURRAY St. Columban 345-2172 Wanted WANTED TO RENT: Single car garage to store car during winter months. Apply to Box 3727 c/o The Huron Exposi- tor, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK IWO. 17.41-1 KEEP Saturday, Dec. 31d open for the St. Ambrose C.W.L. Bazaar 'Mand Bake Sale. 1-41-1 BRUSSELS Curling Club is holding a card part and registration on Oct. 24 at 8 p m. Fees for men 548. Ladies 538. Juniors 528. Beginners half price. Fees may be paid at registration. Anyone interested in curling contact Bob Richmond. 887- 9340 or Pauline Patterson 887-6558. Regular curling to start Nov. 7. -, 1-41-2 i aI RF,AL ESTA ELTD MAUREEN WILDFONG Res. 482-3224 JOE O'REILLY 345-2465 EGMONDViLLE: 2 storey sided home. List $45's HARPURHEY: 2 storey frame home, $25,000 95 GODERICH: Stone block home. 540's. 115 MAiN: 1/ storey. 4 bedroom. List 532,000 62 JAMES: List 525.000. 3 bedrooms 47 MAIN: 2 storey, 3 bedroom. 525,000 61 ELIZABETH: Remodelled 3 bedrooms. $30's. EGMONDVILLE: Heated workshop & home. $30's. 70 JARVIS: 2 storey renovated home. W. WILLIAM: 2 storey 3 bdrm. home. 545.000 166 GODERiCH: Renovated 3 bedroom. 535,000 66 GODERICH: One floor 2 bedroom, 529,900 54 COLEMAN: 2 storey home. Try an offer. 47 W. WILLIAM: One floor home. 536,000.00 56 GODERICH: Renovated 3 bedroom. $30s 57 W. WILLIAM: immaculate home. 535,000 71 CHALK: 2 bedroom bungalow. 530.000 EGMONDViLLE: 11/2 storey. Large lot. $25,000 32 SPARI.iNG: Family sized home. 530's. 27 RAILWAY: One floor home. 529,900 12 CHURCH: 2 storey brick. 559,900 91 NORTH: immaculate older home. $40s. 50 HiGH: One floor home, mint, 530's, 75 GODERiCH: 2 storey brick home. $75.000 BAYFiELD: Tuyll SOLD EGMONDVILLE: 6 year old bungalow. 540's. 151 JARVIS: Split level home and shed 87 MARKET: Brick bungalow. 545.000 111 GODERiCH: 12 yr. old newer home. $60's. SILVERCREEK: New one floor home. $72,000 HARPURHEY: Raised ranch. $70's. JARVIS ST.: New brick bungalow. 550's. EGMONDVILLE: Executive tudor style home. EGMONDVILLE: Doig subdivision. 580's. 8 DUKE ST.: Split level, 3 bedrooms, $60's. 36 LOUISA: One floor home. 540's. McKILLOP: 2 acres with beautiful stone McKILLOP: 2.67 act SOLD McKILLOP: Brick home. 1 acre, 540's. RIBBERT: 1 acre and new home. 580's. McKJLLOP: 3 acres house and barn. $40's. McKILLOP: 5 acres, house and barn. 10 ACRES: with stone home. 10 ACRES: with new home and barn. 62 ELIZABETH: Custom built brick home. EGMONDYILLE: 10 yr. old 1 floor home. $60s NEW LISTING: 3 bedroom brick bungalow, beautiful location. just out of Seaforth. 554,500.00 1 NEW LISTING: Large river front lot in Egmond• ville, app. 11/2 acres. ,NEW LISTING: 108 John St. 4 bedroom home with a 1 bedroom self contained apartment, beautiful lot. $35 000.0Q EGMONDVILLE: Cute 3 bedroom home in a nice tl . area. very good condition. Only $25.000.00 2 AC. HIGHWAY LOCATION: Close to Seaforth, beautiful 4 b^droom home. dairy barn.' . LOUiSA ST.: 4 bedroom home in very' good condition, inground pool, fireplace, much more. 39 GODERICH ST. W. 4 bedroom, 1' storey in good condition, 2 baths, hot water heat, excellent location, $35,000.00 BUILDING LOT on N. Main St., nice location. 5 ACRES: Tuckersmith, hog set-up, 4 bedroom house, 565,000.00 2 COMMERCIAL 'LOTS on South Main St. 120 SOW: Farrow - finish operation, liquid manure etc. 2 storey brick house, 50 acres. 5159,000.00 48 GEORGE ST.: 4 bedroom 11/2 storey frame home, good location, 534,000.00 LARGE 2 STOREY brick building on 3 possible building lots. ideal for apartment building. 3'/, ACRES: in Harpurhey, 4 bedroom house, small barn, 543,000.00 HERITAGE HOME: 5 bedroom solid brick home, 2 fireplaces. garage, double lot, excellent condition. Call for appointment. REDUCED TO 5150,000.00: 31 acres, 7 year old brick ranch home overlooking 3 stocked trout ponds. 200 ACRES: Hallett Twp., excellent home. beef barn. 5245,000.00 WELSH ST.: 3 bedroom home, good condition large lot. 535,000.00 3 BEDROOM: split level, 2 baths, finished basement, large shop, huge lot. must be seen. NEW HOME: 3 bedroom brick, 5 level split in Egmondville. 1 REDUCED TO 535,000.00.5 Acres near Walton. 3 bedroom house, 32' x 48' steel barn. AUTO BOD( REPAiR SHOP: Being sold as a going concerti,. Call for details. 559,900.00 WiLSON ST.: 11/2 storey. 4 bedroom home in excellent condition, 549,000.00 MOBILE HOME: 60' x 12' on a fully serviced lot on Isabelle St. EGMONDViLLE: 3 bedroom brick bungalow with rec room, 533,900.00 CHURCH ST.: 3 bedroom frame home, a steal at 524,000.00 LARGE: Heated storage building in Seaforth. 58.000.00 McKILLOP TWP.:5 ac. with 3 bedroom home and 50 sow barn. Only 545,000.00 COUNTRY HOME: 4 mi. from Seaforth, triple prick, 3 bedrooms, very nice. EGMONDVILLE: 2 bedroom home ih good condition. 525,000.00 HULLETT TWP.: 2 ac. on 1/8 highway, 3 bedroom house. 529,900.00 GODERICH ST.: Duplex, very modern, good condition. 535,000.00 APPROXIMATELY 2 ACRES: of vacant land in Seaforth. Call for details. REDUCED: To 565,000.00. 4500 sq. ft. commer- cial building in Seaforth. Ideal for light industry etc., large lot. McKILLOPs 5 ac!L!1112 brick home, many renovations. 540,1 HARPURHEY:4 bedroomstorey, family room. double garage, an eittuisite home. 595,000.00 2 TROUT PONDS: 80 acres, small cottage. very picturesque. 5100.000.00 NEW HOME: 3 bedroom brick bungalow. garage. full basetlent,CALniceLHENRY 101 555.000.00 MERG SEAFORTH 527-0430