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The Huron Expositor, 1983-09-21, Page 23
'2 r re THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 21, 1983. Slave Dwelcomes Grubs" to hili, sc � Y- embarrassing but harmless tasks on Maht Last Thursday afternoon if you had the chance to go downtown at lunch hour, you may have noticed some high school students acting very well. Some students included strangely. In fact, some may shaving cream, perfume, have even looked different makeup, eggs and tomatoes than usual. If you didn't in their list of things to bring,guess what was going on, it but these were not allowed. If was Slave Day at SDHS, the we were allowed to bring annual day for senior stu- these items, the halls and dents to welcome the grade streets would become a mess, nine students (Grubs) to the not to mention the grade nine school. Well, if they don't feel students! Also, Slave Day is welcome now, they never not the same as initiation. will. Slave Day is a day for older Wednesday after school, students to buy some' grade the grade nine students were nine students, or slaves, to given a list of things to wear work for them and do as they while. Later, that same group to school on Thursday. Senior wish. could have been seen wash- Seaforth students were also aware of We were not as hard on the ng a car a e the events that were to take slaves as , we might have Superior store. By the end of place on Thursdayso theybeen, regardless of what they the day they. had become had some preparing to do as may saexperts at skipping, crawling, . However, they did a doing the crab walk, doing lot of ridiculous things during the duck walk, proposing to unsuspecting individuals not to mention their terrific sing- ing. But all in all they suffered nothing more than perhaps embarrassment and sone knees. OUTLOOK Before writing this column, I looked through my scrap- book and found a column that I wrote when I was in grade nine four years ago. My outlook on initiation has changed a lot since then. the day that they may not have anticipated. The fun part of Slave Day is making it fun for the grade nine stu- dents. If the jobs you ask them to do are not too unreasonable, they might just enjoy themselves. At approximately 12:15 you might have seen five grade nine girls cleaning the Post Office steps with tooth brush- es and singing all of the IF YOU DON'T REMEMBER YOU MAY NEVER FORGET. Back then initiation was al- lowed and senior students were allowed to wash your hair with eggs, tomatoes, molasses or anything else they wanted and cream rinse it with vaseline. Also, Slave Day toot place the day before initiation so we actually had two days of torture and embarrassment. Kangaroo court also took place a few years ago. It Is no longer one of the events during initiation. So, if you heard a grade nine student complaining about rough treatment during Slave Day, just think, they could have had it worse. We didn't even 17 u' rt' are soli Il' veru g(q)( I rl'a', 41 IS t(1 si) Ip for stationary 5(•11)4)1 buses. Such as the pen )hits fur not•stopping, wild) could it'chide six den writ points. fines 1)1 up tO $1(KX) and 1'11'11 iiuf)risonnient. Rut the most important ruts( n of all is siniply Ibis: limn' mistake coul(1 c( IS! a ('1111(I's life. :\red tllat. kit ld (!f if is i levt'r forgotten. So ref i x'I l iI5'r, drivers going in both directions must stop for a school bus Il;is ling its red lights. Al I( Orivers af)pr(lachitig fn en behind must stop at least,.( metres (alxnit '1 car lengths ) behind the bus. And this Fear, there's something new to watch for. Every school bus in Ontario is now equipped with a STOP SIGN ARM that is -auto- matically raised when children ar getting on oL -offascliio blis. .So keep an eye out this fall for flashing lights and stop signs on school buses. Please, don't take a chance with the life of a child. 84C:: CAN YOU AFFORD 10 FORGET? Ministry of Transportation and Communications Cci-?)Ontario James Snow, Minister William Davis, Premier • bet hotdogs at.the end of the Slava Day can be a fun, day • for both the grade nine students and the senior stu- dents. No one has to get hurt or embarassed, Mthough some people do get carded away, it is intended to be good clean fun and s way for the grade nine students to get• acquainted with the senior students. Luckily for the Grubs it only happens once. If you know of anyone celebrating their birthday soon, please send their name, age and birthday to The Huron Expositor, Box 69k Seafqrth, Ont. or phone 527- 0240. Tasty -Nu SPECIALS Fresh from our oven to you.... RYE BREAD:69a feat Dark or Light 16 oz. DUTCH APPLE PIES 2:49,...,, 9,inch = ''w" KI Highest Quality 2 • 79 • MILD CHEDDAR Ib. PerthCHERRY KIRSCH 3.59 lb. or Bacon & Onion SULTANA RAISINS .99 Ib. Try our delicious Bismarks, French Bread and Cherry Squares "We're proud tp be your baker!" Tasty - Nu Bakery and Cheese House 527-1803 Seaforth It's Our Anniversary at r'� .),,) y'rr�:(}, a,p1, as F o 5j - During o'trr FALL FASHION SPECIAL SAVE On including until the and we're celebrating SEAFORTH SEWING CENTRE . ",�,� 11 Main St. Seaforth 527-1900 ,.,L ��? .,,.a.r :• •• _ SEW -UP . 0 • , 0 all Fabric Fall Fabrics end of October DAVES ON COUNCIL -The new student council:a the '-aforth high school assumed their duties at the start of the new school year, The council includes, back row, Tett to right; Jeff McKellar, vice president; Dave Rimmer, second vice president; Dave Murray, president; Dave Scott, social convenor. Secretary Is Val Milson, front left and Rosie Van Oyk Is treasurer. (Wassink photo) IFFATTE,POwni Where The pqqg ShOP_� , These items are overstock- ed, obsolete, or slightly damaged goods. All sales are cash and carry only. Delivery will be available for a small charge. No refunds no returns. FALL CLEARANCE SPECIALS Watford 600 prs 4.4,6 Rough Spruce (weathered) .35 es. 148 pcs 1 %12x6 Rough Poe 1.80 ea. 549 pcs 10298 Rough Pine 2.40 aa. 100 pcs 19120 Rough Pine 2.10 es only 998 Steel Garage Door (dented) 150.00 40 pcs 14 0 281auge Metal Rooting 35.95 per sq. 900 ars 494914 Cedar / • 9.00 ea. 23 2.8116 Penta Treated 10.00 ee 2213 296x8 Penta Trbated So Edge (cull) 1.90 es 71 pcs 4 .40 Trang,te 10.00 ea. I hi? 4x17 Rough Pete assorted lengths (mildewed and hi8eXened) apdrox 2000 0 200.00 complete '4y1rn Poles 1 50 112.60 4 42 16.50 1 25 33.50 1 22 29.50 'SO KS 12 .46 pruned X 90 loose 5.00 ea 1'0 p's 9 premed X 90 tore 4 50 Ite ?S00 Ion h 4.6 Pme V Match Weathered 26 On Strathroy nn4y Slee, insulated Entrance Doors With 2 sidelights • 299 00 ea 1 Cedar Storm Doors 7 10.60 only 119.95 2 Cedar Sterni Doors 28.6.8 only 119.95 60 bundles 48 black roll roofing 6.99 ea. •960 pct 1.6X5 Cedar (tending grade) 1.50 ea. nniy 8.' Wooden Garage Doers )shopworn) 23995 4Only ' 1 barrels (seacnnal clearance) 9 95 65 prS 1.897 Mahogany IwealheredI 1.99 es 2241 PCS 4.6.6 Rough Pale - 99 ea 13 Steel Poll up Garage Doors 10-x10 249.95 ea 710 prs ?98x8 Cedar (edges weathered, 3.80 ell 100 ars 17 146 Premed x•90 Siding noose, 5 00 ea. 'SS pts 9 .18 Primed X90 Siding (loose) 4 50 es Exeter 13 OCs Green Corrugated PVC Panels 12' only 4.50 ea 7 pcs Yellow Corrugated PVC Panels 10 only 3.50 ea. 2 Dashwood Casement Windows 2W3 (50"X42') tired insulated glass 159.00 ea. t Dashwood Glider Window 2642 (58'949') fired insulated glass 110.00 2 Dashwood Glider Window 2642 (58'"949'0 operating insulated glass 175.00 3 Dashwood TO Window TT128 (48"x32') Triple Grazed 135.00 270 pcs 296,5 Cedar 3.00 ea. 240 2.10.15 Spruce'Seconds 6,50 se. London 4,040. pcs 2,7 bd nly ' F,am,. upoSeetoCelhnregg Panels Goderich .09 ea. now only 24.90 4300 171 n •,6 Cedar Dressed I Side 92 4.17 6 Rough Pine 5' bundles Norwood Plank Panelling I .nn btuergreen striped Tun Carpet Mitchell 20 It 1.80 as. 12.95 bdl 3.99 sq. yd 1 only 8118 M o, Barn assembled 325.00 4 only 5"n Dashwood Patio Storm Door 179.00 3 only 6.44 Dashwood Patio Storm Door 195.00 4 tot 2250BM 2.10 Spruce (seconds) 730.00 000lplete 4 lot 985BM 7.4 Spruce loft grade) 285.00 Complete All Stores SLAVES FOR A DA Y -After a morning of wearing make-up and slave costumes, these grade nine students had to sing for their lunch on Main St. Ryan Dupuis, Lisa O'Dwyer, Mike Betties, Pat' Murray and Dave Akey were auctioned off at SDHS's Slave Day last Thursday. (Hundertmark photo) 4-H Club learns about ethanol The 4-H Agricultural Machinery Club met Aug. 25 at the farm of Philip Durand, R.R.2, Zurich. Secretary Ross McIntosh read the minutes, Len Lobb introduced host Philip Durand. Mr. Durand explained three years ago he set up his ethylene alcohol. He showed where he grinds the corn, then the masher which turns the corn into a pulp by adding water, the cooker, fermentation tanks and he explained how the separator separated the mash from the liquid called beer. He then showed the distillers, told how they worked, and how he made them. Mr. Durand even showed how to test the alcohol with a hydrometer. Phil can produce about 40 gal. per hour. which is a fair amount. It takes approx- imately 15 cents per Titre to manufacture this product. Making ethylene alcohol re- duces the oil costs by not having to pull as much out of the ground. The mash that he gets from separation can be used to feed cattle be- cause it is twenty per cent concentrate. They have one tractor and ear converted, which gives them about 25 per cent more power. The proper name for this gas is ethanol. They cannot sell this fuel because d taxes Out on the fuel. Appreciation was shown to Mr. Durand for such an interesting evening. - Press Reporter Larry Hoggart 1.898 Select right Knotted Cedar TAG '49 n PRICES IN EFFECT TIL OCT 1 1983 ii Yards To Serve You GOOERICH. EXETER, MITCHELL LONDON, S'TFIATHAOY, PHONE 348-8437 MITCHELL 1 Ntry. 8 (Just East of) b©PP,7 bond ay KICK ME was the message grade nine student. Lisa O'Dwyer had to wear during Slave Day at the high sctlool last Thursday. Her "owner" for the day, Leo Teatero, a grade twelve student, is shown here pouring perfume) In her hair. (Hundertmal'k phdto) Happy Birthday to Terri Armstrong, 11, on Sept. 14. Think you have See your doctor. arthritis? Ask for help.