HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-09-21, Page 21THE';HURON EXPOSITOR,'$'EPTEMBBR 21, 1903 ns vis Twenty residents • ic- vompanted by'fiht ntaff mem, bers.travelled to London Fair Tuesday:Tnorning'and enjoy. themselves immensely. A day,at the fair takes everyone back- • to. their youth with midway rides. exhibits, garitns °of chance,and the • aroma of hamburgs and hot. dogs cooking, ma es every. one hungry. Residents had lunch at the Middlesex Junior 'Farmers booth and were served very well by a most hospitable group of young people The grandstand variety show was well received. The bus re, turned home a tired but happy group: Thanks to driver Edison McLean for his services. Worship service was held Legion . has new life members • Last week we had our first general meeting of the new season with President Peter Malcolm in the chair. Com- rade Len Dunkel from Water - (loo past District Commander and now Chairman of Honors and Awards for Ontario Com- mand presented the life memberships to Cleave Coombs, Al Nicholson, Bill Dalrymple and Gordon Scott, which had been officially approved by ommand. Comrade Dalrymple was ab- sent because he w s ill in hospital but will be ormally presented at a later ate. Al Nicholson h irman of membership, reported the Early 'Bird Campaign will soon be underway for the 1984 year. Any members who are receiving more than one Legion magazine in a house - OTO hold is to please get in touch with him. This could mean a substantial saving to Com- mand in theproduction of the ,magazine. An interesting point was also brought to the floor by Comrade Frank Phillips re- garding publicity. Apparent- ly over the past year we have donated around $14,000 to various charities and other than what has been mention- ed in this column, the public knows nothing about it. Com- rade) Frank suggested that more pictures concerning the larger donations would be in order. The Ladies of the Auxiliary and guests returned home Sunday night and reported the bus trip to Pittsburgh was a very,good trip and the girls thoroughly enjoyed them- selves. The ladies thanked Olave Little and Edith Jes- some, co -organizers, for another job well 'done. Their kitchen is coming albng very nicely but a lot of work will have to h b d in oil' Thursday afternoon by Rev, Thomas Duke of First Presbyterian Church. Resi' `'dents welcomed 'Rev. Doke -back foltowing'sumniervaca- tion. lets. Henrietta Brown was pianist. On Wednesday afternoon M Seaford) Health Care Facility held a fire ,drlll and evacua- bet husband Mrs. Wm. husband.B111•on rr lJo a amd Fame of Monkton viol vrlth Doris Snnith. Mrs. Debbie /oars rs. Diane. Hiilmaa vlaife( .. their father Mr. Rosa HO 1-' don under the direction of Harty Hail, fire. chief. ,Also followldgthe evacuation staff - were familiarized with the the next - different types of fire exdn, any couplef d as file guishers, and Staff who have ag banquet near ladies fi 1 of s t the ad not previous y used one i end of the week. If there is an were given the opportunity to inconvenience we hope do so. everyone will understand. Alley bowling commenced The tickets for the Celledh for a new season at Nobel this Saturday are going well Bowling Lanes. High score and it promises to be another for the men was Elmer excellent night. Anyone wish- ' Bakcsy 151 with Gladys Bus- ing tickets see or phone Jack ton for the ladles with 134. Muir, Jack Eisler, Gary Os- Residents enjoy this after - borne or at the branch as soon nn ounot otf meeting and twithh as possible. residents A joint Legion service was, Nursing Home. held by the members of the PERSONALS Seaforth and Goderich Mrs. C. Rumig and family rranches last week Michael Owen wh who , C. Rum gr Com- of with visited h Mr. on Sunday.. in the Goderich Hospital after Miss Mary Lamont of a lengthy illness. To his Goderich visited Mr. Kelly friends and relatives, we Lamont. Mary Nolan visited extend our sincere sympa- thies in their loss. Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remem- ber them. -Gordon Scott P.R.O. R®dp@ 0 tit@ W®c�[ PEAR & CHICKEN STIR FRY Sauce: 50 mL cornstarch 5 mL sugar 10 mL ginger 5 mL salt 30 mL soy. sauce 30 mL sherry 200 mL chicken broth 1 kg (about 2 Ib.) chicken breasts, skinned and boned 2 fresh pears 30 mL salad oil 3 mL garlic powder 200 mL chopped green onion 1 can (284 mL) sliced bamboo shoots, drained 198 g package frozen pea pods 125 mL salted cashews Combine sauce ingredients. Set aside. Cut chicken into thin strips. Core pears. Do not peel. Cut into eighths. Place wok or wide frying pan over high heat. When hot, add chicken and garlic, stirring constantly until cooked through (about 4 minutes). Remove from pan with slotted spoon. Add celery, onion and bamboo shoots. Cook, stirring, 3 ▪ minutes. Add pears, pea pods, chicken and sauce. Stir fry until thickened. Garnish with cashews. Serves 4 to 6. Serving suggestion: Serve over hot rice with a fruit salad. Water Well DRILLING W. D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Neil 527-1737 Du rl . 527-0828 Jim 527-0775 DRYWALL NOWN FOR HIGH QUALITY Peter Bakes Drywall COMPLETE DRYWALL SERVICE 527-1398 Attention Farmers WE PAY '20.00 TO '50401 PER HUNDRED women FOR OLD RECENTLY INJURED OR CRIPPLED COWS AND STEERS. MUST'' BI& ALIVE ' AND DRUG Pa'EE- MARK LEIS & SONS LIVESTOCK • TOLL FREE 1-1100-269.4910 N hrs. a day,* days a week. S•,ving Ihl. en. .In 1174 Something "New SHOPpe„ �ENMILLER X ' Will be CLOSED from October 1st to the 7th RE -OPENING Saturday, October 8th Featuring: Art, Antiques, Gift Wear, Memorabilia... After The Shoppe' relax in our Inns' Lounge with Afternoon Tea. THE SHOPPE OWNED AND OPERATED BY BENMILLER INN BENMILLER, (R.R. 4 GODERICH) ONT. 324.2191 formerly "The Hollow" BOB & BETTY'S VARIETY & GIFTS & RADIO SHACK DEALER (ASC) Open 7 Days a Week 9 a.m. till 1 1 p.m. New, New -Just arrived Radio Shack '84 Catalogues ALSO VHS VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDERS • THREE SPEEDS - up to 8 hours of recording and playback • 105 CHANNEL CABLE - Ready tuner with 12 pushbutton presets Remote Control Included 76995 T.D.K. RECORDING TAPE SPECIAL Box 10 090 Only 25's Box 10 060 Only 19f5 SUPER AVILYN VHS & BETA RECORDING TAPES ton.Miss Elspeth Wallace Went out with her sister and,giece on " Saturday and enjoyed suppertoether. Mrs. Gladys Ruston,, trot home for the day on Satut;ay. Visiting with Miss Norma Streets was her friend Mrs. Phyllis Lee. Congratulations . to Miss Cathy McGavin, one of our staff members who won the Brussels Fair Queen contest Friday evening. 'Seaforth Women's Usti - Otte Met Sept. 13 at the bottle of Mrs. Gordan Popple when roll call was answered by an exchange of •bulbs, slips or piaPlanln.^, were fipallzed for the fall: Yak :food".booth for Thursday noon.. z. The bus trip t6 Slmcoe to see theChiistmas lights will 'be during the first week of December. Aninvitation from, ,E Iitn ville, W.I. for their Oct. 12 meeting was accepted. The rally will beheld Oct 3 O'REII.LY. - Y anion Nancy Marylou Hulley, daughter of O'Reilly, son of Lou Hulley; Seaforth and Gerry and Patricia O'Reilly, Seaforthwlerlc'm . },tduly3 , at the ggrroqoom' a home near St. Columban• Maid of honorr was arg Dale, Seaforth, friend of the bride. Bridesmaids were Sus and Sandra Hulley, sisters of the bride and Debbie Melady, daughter of the bride. Greg O'Reilly, Seaforth, brother of ill Ottawa Allan the groom, was best man: Mike O Re y, O'Reilly, Seaforth, brothers of the groom and Paul Hulley, Seaforth, brother of the bride were ushers. Candle lighters were Sean and Brian Melady, sons of the bride. Rey. David Northey officiated. Guitarist and -soloist was Tom Burke, Staffa. The reception was held at Seaforth and District Community Centres. Aftera wedding trip to the east coast, the couple are residing at RRNShotoby Walter McKenzie ln`t3luevale• ; :, This area convention to- to be Oct, 27 owl in' St. • Maartyys Mn R M . $eott Lead a poem "NotMmgg suited bfm• Toe motto ''Dreour a;' Utile work a lot but a the best of what yotr"vP got" was r+en by Mrs, A. Varlet'. Speaker $4,Peig quite cap- ably slake on. "Landscapinngg with Perennials".and show slides. ' Theprogratn'.was in charge of Mrs. Arthur Varley and Mrs. R.M. Scott. Attends wedding. -- MINE -Mc-KNIGHT Faye Louise McKnight, daughter of Don and Frances McKnight, of Cambridge and Kenneth Frederick Capine, • V ori "-• r weremarried son of ernon and M eCapine. ... - Aug. 27 in. the Kirkwall Stone Church. Rev. Wayne Hancock,. of Kirkwall Presbyterian Church officiated. A special guest at the wedding was Mrs. Viola Elgie, of . Seaforth, the bride's grandmother. After a honeymoon at Lake Placid, N.Y. and the Maritimes, the couple will reside in Dundas, Ont. GINGERALE, SUGAR FREE GINGERALE 14 or. CREAM CORN CLUB SODA, TONIC WATER, 12 or. WHOLE KERNEL CORN WINK, C PLUS ORANGE - 14 oz. PEAS AND CARROTS DIET TONIC WATER 14 oz. MIXED VEGETABLES CANADA DRY LIBBYS VEGETABLES TOMATO. VEGETABLE CREAM OF MUSHROOM AYLMER SOUPS LARGE 675 g SIZE KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES 750 mL BOTTLES PLUS 30' DEPOSIT 10 OZ. TINS FOR TIN pl REVIVE, ORANGE JUICE, APPLE JUICE McCAINS JUICE BOXES 9.9c 1750 mil PKG. OF 3 BOXES ASSORTED FLAVOURS 415 OZ. TINS. DELMONTE PUDDINGS s 1.39 READYAO HEAT AND SERVE BEEF, TUR'KEY, CHICKEN YORK MEAT PIES ENRIC11ko WHITE WHOLE WHEAT OR CRACKED WHEAT ZEHRS BREAD 675 g LOAVES 8 OZ. PIES FOR F• O R 'TEC)A gKi Se,,; � �R R n " GRANGE JUICE WITH MORE u ` PULP • PINK GRAPEFRUIT OR REG. MINUTE MAID ORANGE JUICE 355 mL 99f ORANGE f EKOE SALADA TEA BAGS 2079 f 8.9 BLUEWATE1141ADD0CK-" FISH FRIESS OZ FISH & CHIPS 283 g 1.59 SPE HUNTS TOMATO PASTE 13 L. OZ. 1, 09 ' PEO ,• iY 2 VARIETIES LIBBY'S BEANS 19 OZ. 990 SPECT. LIBBYS FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48 OZ. f 09 $1p!EIAt KLIK LUNCHEON MEAT 12 OZ. �1•79 ttA .: ASSORTED COUNTRY ' HARVEST CRACKERS DINE QU)rX1rr NEILSONS SOUR CREAM AEILSONS'ASSORIED FRUIT PLUS, YOGURT -429 2 HUNTS REGULAR TOMATO SAUCE 175 g CUPS 3 VARIETIES RICKS DILL PICKLES 2.49 2. ;NEIatitit CHOCOLATE MILK 89' 1L 3 VARIETIES BICK'S PICKLES 1512.89 512.89 MAPLE LEAF FLAKES OF HAM 184 g 1.39 -9 99 POWDERED AJAX 600 9 CLEANSER SPirtA.. FOR YOUR LAUNDRY A.B.C. DETERGENT 12 5.99 LITRE REG. BAR SOAP 285 9 89� SPRING 3 s \'1 39 Buck BLACK DIAMOND CHOICE CHEDDAR ALPHAGETTI,ZOODLES OR LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI 2 84499' OZ TINS FOR SPECIAL 800 g 1 8 L KELLOGGS RAISIN BRAN YORK SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY PEANUT BUTTER 1 kg 49 $0$$11A . NABOB lat FORTUNE PEACH HALVES OR SLICES OR FRUIT COCKTAIL 14 07.990 TRADITION COFFEE - 2.59 36992.89 SPECIAL LIQUID JAVEX BLEACH 99$ :SPEC NABOB TRA DECAFFEII COFF 454 9 Ell !RAKE PURE' LARD • 9 serFPNWplis •• ,IWESTON CINNAMON BUTTERIIORNS OF6 1.25 tWO ZEHRS CREAMERY FRESH BUTTER 1 LB. • 369 9 ITION ATED 3 VARIETIES OLD. MILL` OATS 3.69 1.35k91.19 ASSORTED VARIETIES NEILSONS BARS v4RiOtIS 79 WI 1GH,S GLASS CLEANER REFILL FABRIC SOFTENER WINDEX? 1.29 FLEECY, 6 L 1.69 1A �Ond D� Prices effective until closing Tuesday Sept 27 MILD MEDIUM. OLD 014 OLD WHITF OUR REG TO 52 39 225 g PKG f.89 BLACK DIAMOND NI -LO SKIM MILK CHEESE 500 g 2.99 OUR SAVE! $1.00 500 1 JAR FLAMINGWPE0. 04.32 BUTTER TARTS WESTON PLAIN OR SUGARED ° 1.69 DONUTS PSG OF 12 99 GAT LEA FRENCH ONION An` CHIP DIP 750 R 8 PALMOLIVE LIQUID DETERGENT 1111212 A 99 NORMA 2'. COTTAGE CHEESE 1.39 ROBIN HOOD FLAKY 32:• COUNTRY OVEN 53%DOZEN RICK'S WINE W. WHEAT a� ¢ CRUST 540 9 1.29 SAUERKRAUT 1.29 ROLLSic EACH / 9 ZENRS_. 2 VARIETIES COOKIES goo g 169 10110 14000 ALL PURPOSE OR VELVET CARE & PASTRY., 19 FLOUR 7 s 111 r . ASSORTED VARIETIES FRITOS CORN CHIPS 9581005 WEIGHTS COUNTRY OVEN FRESH BAKED RAISIN BREAD 16 oz.1e i CRUSTY WUS DOZEN !~ ROLLS 7s EACH S 1 2.19 CLOVER VALLEY CHEESE SPREAD REG 53 19 BLACK DIAMOND GRATED PARMESAN OUR REG $3.69 250 g 2.99 BLACK DIAMOND CHEESE SLICES 'SINGLE THINS 24 SLICES 500 9 PACKAGES OUR REG 53 89 SAVE! St 10 2.59 PROCESSED BLACK DIAMOND CHUNKS COLBY MARRCE MOZZARELLA 340 g EA, SAVE UP TO 70e EA 420 6 NABISCO 450 g 100% BRAN 1.39 504010150/01 CLEASEA0 SPECIAL MON TUES OR WED' 48 Hours Rental 24 Hous Rate! .OFF Ws reserve the right to limit purchases to reasonable weekly \ f- lamily requirements 5- HIGHWAY NO. E THESE SPECIALS 1 GODERICH AVAILABLE ONLY IN: mom, ...W.0TO6P.M. WED.. THURS.. PRI- • • TO 0 P.M. SAT. Sall TO 6 P.M. JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGHAM 1S WALLACE AVE. N. LISTOWEL -INTERSECTION-HWY. NO.4 AND 83 EXETER MON.. TUES.. won. - 4 TO • P.M. THURS., PRI. • TO • P.M. SAT. 8:50 TO 1 P.M.