HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-09-21, Page 12, . :g r: i' !• psi,'! x,, ExP,OSITOR,:'..ScRTPM$ER 21v, If* in • Coming Evens Help Wanted Articles for Sale Propertylor Rent Notice REUNION DANCE. Country Singles, Sat. Sept. 24, Vaq- Astra Rec. Centre. Music by Ken Scott. Proceed to St. John's Ambulance, Goderigh' 1-37.21+ AGAIN this year the Family` • Studies Department at Sea- forth District High School is holding a Senior Citizens Visitation Program. If you know of a senior citizen would like to , ;1}e •,• Oisited weekly by a grade 11 Family Studies student please call tale high school at 527-0330. 1-2 BINGO g every TuesdVANASTRA atE CENTR R.R. 5 CLINTON 8p.m. - 1 st-regular card 51; 15 regular gantes of 520; 3 Share -the - Wealth. Jackpot 5200.00 must go. Admission restrict- ed to 16 years or over -i 33 tf SEAFORTH Restaurant and Steak House requites full time` or' part time waiter/ waitress. Will hire students for after school and week- ends. Phone 527-1020 Start- ing Adults - 54,00, students ea2 53.50 VOLUNTEERS are needed to assist at the,,fady Diana Nursery, Vitra, with handicap 1 re ,,sc oolers in a morningpregram. For more information tall Brenda Mc- Ewin 482-7634 or 524-4608. 4-37-2 CLINTON Legion Bingo, every Thursday, 8•p.m. 1st, regular card $1. Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15.00; 55 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200 must go each week. 1.22-tf SWIMMING Classes. Ladies trim -a -size. Exercise classes start this week at Vanastra Rec. Centre. 482-3544 to register or for further infor- mation. 1-38-1 WALTON Turkey Supper, Nov. 2, 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. $600 adults. $3.O0children. 1-38-1 GODERICH & Distirct Pro - Life Group 10th anniversary dinner, Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 6:30 p.m., Goderich Legion Hall. Guest speaker Dr. Hartz Bezner, B. Sc., Ph, D., Physics. Tickets available un- til Oct. 19 at St. James Rectory. 527-0142. 1-38.5 GARAGE Sale at Vanastra Flea Market, Sat. Sept. 24 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Used tools, , lumber, electrical goods, appliances, etc Everything must go. 1-38-1 COME to London's second annual doll show and sale, October 2', 1983 at the Lamplighter Inn, 591 Wel- lington Road, London, just north of Highway 401. An- tiques, modern reproduc- tions, miniatures, and doll related items. Adults 51.50. Children under twelve 75c. 10:00 a.m.- 5:00p.m. 1-38-01 FEMALE companion to live- in. Apply tp Box 3724 c/o The Huron ExpositorF, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1WO. 4-37-2 Bus. Opportunity QUANTITY of good dry hard- wood. Phone 527-16811-38.1. ONE airtight wood stove, used one season. 345-247. 8-1 2 used refrigerated show- cases, $2Q0. or offer. Cast -iron pot forboiling, fat .with tripod, 575. Phone 482-7401 11-38-1 1975 Cadillac with good motor, also am wrecking an old house, '76 Ford '/ ton pick up. 262-6105. Hensall. 11-38-1 EARN money. Save Money. • Learn income Tax prepara- tion at home. For free bro- chure. No obligation. Write U & R Tax Schools, 1148 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3S6. 5-38-01 Situations Wanted WILL clean homes or offices. Call 527.1871. 7-38x1 Farm Stock 13 Hereford cows with calves and re -bred. Geo. Love, -Wal- ton,527-0637. 8-38-1 PiGS for sale. 30 weaner pigs. 50-55 Ib. Phone 527-0441. 8-38x1 HEREFORD SALE: Thapks- giving Banner Sale. Elzevir Hereford Farms, R.R.. 1, Flinton. Ontario- October 10, 1983 at 1:00. Selling approx- imately 75 head from free listed herds. Elzevir Hereford Golden Oak, Roxwood, Lym- dale, Elm Lodge and Hast- ings Polled Hereford Farms. I -38-01 COME to the IOth annual split rail festival September 23, 24, 25th, Flesherton On- tario at Highway 4 and 10. Over 100 arts and crafts booths. 1-38-01 GARAGE & Bake Sale. 193 Main Street, South, across from Optimist Ball Park, September 24, 9 a.m. to ?. 1-38x1 Lost, Strayed Used tars PUREBRED Great Dane pup- piesforsale. Without papers. Yearling filly, saddle bred quarter horse cross. 887-6412 12 COMPLETE custom framing for needlepoint, crewel, photographs, all paintings etc. Regular or non glare glass. Ready to hang. Forty- eight hour service. Harold Tyndall, Clinton, 482-7409. 11-38.1' ON east Goderich Street, Seaforth, 2 storey, 4 bedroom home, large lot. Contact Robert Dalton 527-1366. 14.38-3 TRAILER for rent. One bed ronin, 12' x 42', refriggerator and stove Included. 1 % miles north 6f Saaforfh 527.0968. 15-38-2 Wanted to Rent. YOUNG` couple tooting tor -house'to rent in Seaforth or Dublin Srea. Call Braqd Fin- layson. 225-2883. 17-38-2 CASH crop land. Apply Box 3725, c/o The Huron Exposi- tor, Seaforth, Ontario. NOK TWO. 17-38-2 FACTORY clearance steel buildings. Example 40' x 58' arch building including 21' w double slide doors 56600. Similar savings on widths 20' to 100' straight -wall all -steel buildings 20 - 60' clearspan. Priced to clear. For guaran- teed savings call toll free 1-800-268-0802. 11-38-01 CUCUMBERS: Available in all sizes. On Hwy. 8, 3 miles west of Seaforth. Phone be- fore 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. Mrs. John Segeren. 482-921711.924 1978Chev Impala in excellent condition. Safety checked. For more details call after 6:00 p.m. 887-6915. 10-38-1 1969 Datsun truck. excellent condition. New muffler, shocks, snow tires. 5600.00. 527-0926 after six p.m. 10-38-01 1977 Ford F250 pickup truck, one owner, good condition. Phone 262-5988. 10-38-1 Articles for Sale PHEASANTS for breeding stock and oven ready birds. Phone 527-0448 after 6 p.m. 11-37-2 20 large round bales of first and second cut hay. $30 per bale. 887.6597. 11-37-2 EATING and cooking apples. Prices reduced due to hail damage from storm of Aug. 8. McClymont Orchards. 1 mile south of Varna. Phone 482- 3214. 11-37-tf LOST: White Coon Hound. Has black and white spots. Answers to Drifter. Lost last week in Kinburn area. Call Doug Riley 527-1059. 2-38-1 LOST: 2 month did pup, part German Shepherd and Collie. black on top sandy on bot• tom. 527.1894. 2-38-1 LOST: In Kippen area, Dal- mation. White and black. Wearing dog tag 1232. Sept. 2. Please call 262-5758 Collect 2-37-2 EATING and cooking apples. Prices reduced due to hail damage from storm of Aug. 8. McClymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna. Phone 482- 3214. 11-37-tf Wanted Notice Notice PHiL'S Refrigerator and Ap- pliance Service. Prompt, de- pendable service to all makes and models of domestic ap- pliances. Phone 887-909622-tf FUEL OiL FURNACE Repair and Cleaning 24 HOUR SERVICE PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE Dublin 345-2235 LEGAL NOTICE 1 panics Webster am not . responsible for debts in- curred'by Jeff Webster from this day, Sept. 2, 1983. - Danica Webster VEAL'S Auction Sales LARGE clearance" auction Sept. 24, 11:00 a.m. For Bryan Farm Supply Ltd. N6 Hwy. 3 km south of 401. Approx. 35 tractors, 14 com- bines, large variety of equip- ment. More information 519- 837-0710. 20.38-01 Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83.31/4 miles east of Exeter - STEAM Carpet Cleaning Steve Corbett 527-0211 - •CLASSIFUEi .M�ATEI DEAD WNE FO tCL�iSSd ADS 4t30F M;'MONDAY4 • ADS FOR OTIT•OFRTQWN PAPERS IS MONDAX NOON Charges are based on the number of words. Set „' of ' numerals as for . aerial numbers, Street numbers, phone numbs}ra Or prices count as one word per Set. Words joined by hyphens count as ':;pparste words. ' 22 words -53,50 16c per word thereafter. ENGAGEMo TSrge . EENNGAG)SMENT$-Flat rate of 56. Additional charges for inception notice with engagement. 510 with picture. MARRIAGES -Free for 6 weeks after date of wedding. After this time, photo and cutline only, 515. 'IN MEMORIAMS-53.50 phis 30c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -22 words, $3.50, each additional word 16c: CARD OF THANKS --25 words 3.50, .Each • additional word 5c. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT • ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE -$3.00 per insertion. SEMI DISPLAY -1.15 per cm. Phone 527-0240 ARE you living with a drink- ing problem? Al Anon can help. 527-1650. 19-38-1 HELP recognize. Ontario's outstanding young people; nominate someone today who qualifies for an Ontario Jun- ior Citizen of the Year award. Contact this newfp pperOr details. 1 FREE 120 page career guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part timeobs. Granton Insti- tute 265A Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. 19-38-01 4 PIANO WANTED regardless -of condition. Phone collect anytime 519-669-2280 or 519- 669-2198. 12-22-tf Wanted a person who would be the Girl Guide Leader for the Brussels area. Please contact Mrs. S. Kellington at 887-9535. 1-zR-1 For Sale Hank's Small Engines Service 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 Lawn and Garden Equipment Repair New and Used • Garden Equipment Tri Star?' .0:,,, • NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mary Armstrong, conunonly known as. Minnie Armstrong ' All persons' having claims against the Estate of thle above,mentioned, Tate of ther,V-iflage• of Belgrave, in the County of 'Huron, Widow, who died on July 25, 1983 are required to file proof of same - with the under- signed on or before the 1st day of October, 1983. After that date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which Vtlley shall then have had no- tice. Dated at Brussels, On- tario, this 1st day of September A.D. 1983. CRAWFORD, MILL, DAViES & ELSTON Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix 235-1123. Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill days -Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. Real Estate BACHERT MEATS CUSTOM KILLING Cutting & Wrapping FREEZING KILL DAY ON TUESDAY All Meat Govt. Inspected on the term 1 MILE EAST OF WALTON 887-9328 FARM FOR SALE: McKillop Township, Beechwood area, 125 acres, approx. 120 work- able, excellent drainage. Former dairy farm. 21/: storey 3 bedrpom brick home. Con- tact Tom Reidy Realty Ltd. ReAltor 347-2358, 14-37.2 Property for Rent 3 bedroom house, north Main' St. Available Nov, 1st. Phone e 527-1527. APT. for rent, Main St. Walton. Reasonable. 887- 6050. 15-38-4 THREE bedroom house for sale. East William Street. Fully carpeted. Call 527-0182 14-36-3 BUY your meats in bulk and save at Clinton Boxed Meats. Now at our new location just off Hwy. 14. north of Clinton, 1'/. mile south of Londesboro. Watch for our sign. By the case or by the pound. Call collect 523-9508. 11-38-1 WHISKEY harrels wet, lots of 50 or more delivered 520 each. Picked up $18. Storage barrels 518. Delivered or $16. Picked up Call Tottenham 4I6-936.4560. 11-38-1 STEEL barrels for garbage and clean gas barrels, feed harrels and 'h barrels for watering animals. Agents for Blyth Steel Barrels are Doug and Gail's General Store, Winthrop and Seaforth Farm- ers' Co -Op. 11-38-2 Fresh Broccoli & Cauliflower 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. #83 Cauliflower S6.50 per dozen Broccoli $9.00per case Open daily 9a.m.-80.r:. Closed Sundays Visscher Farms 237-3442 Real Estate SEAFORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES A PPLICA TIONS will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH for the part-time positions of: 1. Maintenance Person 2. Janitoral Person For further details contact: John Price Manager SEAFORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES Duke St., Seaforth, Ontario 527-1272 NELSON MEMORIALS. Su- perb monurncnts and mark- ers in everlasting granite at direct from factory prices. Call your Nelson r_presenta- tive 1744-0822 or write for free catalogue to Box 1925. Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4R4. II.32x8 Seaforth Fall Fair DEMO DERBY Rain or Shine Sat., Sept. 24th Car Inspection - 12:30 p.m. Demo Derby 2:00 p.m. Call for registration 527-0398 Merchant exhibits and demonstrations including lounge in Arena open. SECRETARY TREASURER The Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority requires someone for the position of Secretary - Treasurer. QUALIFICATIONS include a thorough knowledge of administrative procedures, municipal affairs, accounting principles and procedures, banking procedures and operation of a computer as well as the ability to keep accurate and concise records, direct secretarial and bookkeeping staff and take minutes of meetings. EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Graduate of an accredited school of business and accounting and/or approved equivalent in experience. Several years experience in a similar position is desirable. Salary will commensurate with qualifications. For further information contact: The General Manager, Ausable-Bayfleld Conservation Authority P.O. Box 459, Exeter, Ontario NOM ISO Phone 519-235-2610 Applications will be received at the above noted location until noon Friday, September 30, 1983. All applications should be clearly marked "Application - Secretary -Treasurer". Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 50 ACRES: Farrow to finish for 70 sows, new home, Hwy. #86, low interest F.C.C. mort- gage. REDUCED: Spacious and elegant 5 bdrm. brick home, custom fin- ished throughout, 2 mi. from Brussels on 2. ac. Must be seen to appre- ciate. 12 ACRES: 13th of Hul- lett, large home, nearly new barn, set up for hogs and hens. 150 ACRES: near Au- burn, 100 workable, 40 bush, good brick home, 2 small sheds. 100 ACRES: cropland, Hullett Twp, 296 ACRES: 180 work- able, extensive feed lot facility, good house, low interest F.C.C. mort. 92 ACRES: 75 workable, 3/4 mi. south of Clinton, Hwy. 14, good 3 bdrm. home. EXECUTIVE CLASS HOME: on': ac., God- erich'01,0 Pry well Iandsc,S in -ground pool. large insulated and heated barn. 46 ACRES: 22 cropland, 9 hardwood bush, large double home, barn. drive shed with work- shop; on paved road near Varna, 100 ACRES: general farm, 13th of Hullett. HENSALL: 11/3 floor home in good condition, financing available. 6 ACRES: near Bruce - field, good frame home, drive shed and barn. HOLMESVILLEt 13 ac. with farrowing barn, 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive. 85 ACRES: on paved road, 40 workable, stream crosses property. good bldg. site. Real Estate Real Estate WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. LISTINGS ANTED Due to the recent high number of sales in Seaforth and area, we need good saleable listings for the Fall season.Af you have been considering selling • give us a call for an idea of what your property would bring_on the' market, Try The Best First -- HENRY MERO, ' 527-0430 WORKMAN BUY YOUR WOOD NOW FOR SALE: 'Freshly cut mixed hardwood 1 -Price is $130.00 per full cord -Minimum order is 1 full cord -Price includes delivery within the Ausable-Bayfield watersheds -Contact the Ausable-Bayfield Conser- vation Authority, R.R. 2113, Exeter, Ontario. NOM 1S0. Phone 519-235-2610 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday t6 Friday. OFFER GOOD UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 1983 �REAL ESTATELTD MAUREEN WILDFONG Res. 482-3224 JOE O'REILLY 345-2465 24 SHIPLEY, CLINT SOLD se to hospital 25 GODERICH: Excellent location for business EGMONDVILLE: 2 storey sided home. List 545. HARPURHEY: 2 storey frame home, 525,000 95 GODERiCH: Stone block home, 540's. 115 MAIN: 11/2 storey 4 bedroom. List 532,000 62 JAMES: List $25,000. 3 bedrooms 47 MAIN: 2 storey 3 bedroom. 525,000 61 ELIZABETH: Remodelled 3 bedrooms, $30's. EGMONDVILLE: Heated workshop & home. $30's. 70 JARVIS: 2 storey renovated home W. WILLIAM: 2 storey 3 bedroom home, 545,000.00 166 GODERICH: Renovated 3 bedroom. 535,000 66 GODERiCH: One floor 2 bedroom. 529,900.00 54 COLEMAN: 2 storey home. Try an offer 47 W. WILLIAM: One floor home. 536,000.00 56 GODERICH: Renovated 3 bedroom. $30's. 57 W. WILLIAM: Immaculate home. 535,000 71 CHALK: 2 bedroom bungalow. 530,000 EGMONDVILLE: 1'/2 storey. Large lot. 525,000 32 SPARLiNG: Family sized home. $30's. 27 RAILWAY: One floor home. 529,900 12 CHURCH: 2 storey brick. 559,900 91 NORTH: Immaculate older home. $40's 50 HIGH: One floor home, mint. $30's. 75 GODERICH: 2 storey brick home. 575,000 BAYFiELD: Tuyll SSOLD 1 EGMONDViLLE: 6 year old bungalow. 540's 151 JARVIS: Split level home and shed 87 MARKET: Brick bungalow. 545,000 111 GODERICH: 12 yr. old newer home. 560•s Si.VERCREEK: New one floor home. 572,000 HARPURHEY: Raised ranch. S70's. JARVIS ST.: New brick bungalo'tv. $50's. EGMONDVILLE: Executive tudor style home. EGMONDVILLE: Doig subdivision. S80's. 8 DUKE ST.: Split level, 3 bedrooms.. 560's. 36 LOUISA: One floor home. $40's. McKiLLOP: 2 acres with beautiful stone McKiLLOPI 2.61 acresSOLD style MdKILLOP: Brick home, 1 acre, 540's. HIBBERTt 1 acre and new home. $80's. A1cKi.LOP: 3 acres house and barn. 540's McKI.LOP: 5 acres. house and barn, 10 ACRES: with stone homer 10 ACRES: with new home and barn. 62 ELIZABETH: Custom built brick home. EGMONDV1.LEt 10 year old one floor home. 560s REAL ESTATE LTD. BEST BUY' IN TOWN: 3 bedroom ranch, full basement, carport, large kitchen, sun deck, $47,000.00 NEW LISTING: 5 ac. highway location, close to Seaforth, beautiful 4 bedroom home, dairy barn. LOUISA ST.: 4 bedroom home in very good 'condition, inground pool, fireplace, much more. 39 GODERICH ST. W. 4 bedroom, 1'/2 storey in good ccthdition, 2 baths, hot water heat, excellent location, 535,000.00 107 4oO1WRICIf 'T :gdmarg, home, formal dining SQUP ;utiful fireplaces, small barn, 539,900.1)0 BUILDING LOT on N. Main St., nice location. 5 ACRES: Tuckersmith, hog set-up, 4 bedroom house, $65,000.00 2 COMMERCIAL LOTS on South Main St. 120 SOW: Farrow - finish operation, liquid manure etc. 2 storey brick house, 50 acres, 5159,000.00 48 GEORGE ST.: 4 bedroom 11/2 storey frame home, good location, $34,000.00• LARGE 2 STOREY brick building on 3 possible building lots, ideal for apartment building. 31/2 ACRES: in Harpurhey, 4 bedroom house, small barn, 543,000.00 31 ACRES: 7 yeas old brick ranch home overlooking 3 stocked trout ponds, $165,000.00 200 ACRES: Hullett Twp., excellent home, beef barn, $245.000.00 WELSH ST.: 3 bedroom home, good condition, Targe lot. 535,000.00 BRUCEFiELD: Tidy 3 bedroom, large lot, a bargain at 525,000.00 NEW HOME: 3 bedroom brick, 5 level split in Egmondville. REDUCED TO S37,500.00: 5 acres near Walton, 3 bedroom house, 32' x 48' steel barn. AUTO BODY REPAIR SHOP: Being sold as a going concern. Call for details. $59,900.00 WiLSON ST.: 11/2 storey, 4 bedroom home in excellent condition, 549,000.00 525,000.00: Nice 3 bedroom frame home on Ann St. MOBILE HOME: 60' x 12' on a fully serviced lot on Isabelle St. EGMONDViLLE: 3 bedroom brick bungalow with rec room, 533,900.00 CHURCH ST.: 3 bedroom frame home, a steal. at 524,000.00 50 ACRES: 120 sow farrow -finish, very modern operation, must sell. LARGE: Heated storage building in Seaforth. $8,000.00 LARGE 2 storey SOLD:e with adjacent apartment. Very re HIGH ST.: 2 bedroom cottage in good condition. McKILLOP TWP.: 5 ac. with 3 bedroom home and 50 sow barn. Only 545,000.00 - REDUCED, W. WILLIAM ST.: 3 bedroom large new family room and kitchen, 535,000.00 COUNTRY HOME: 4 mi. from Seaforth, triple brick, 3 bedrooms, very nice. EGMONDViLLE: 2 bedroom home in good condition. $25,000.00 HULLETT TWP.: 2 ac. on #8 highway. 3 bedroom house. 529,900.00 GODERiCH ST.: Duplex. very modern, good condition. 535,000.00 BRUSSELS: 3 stores on Main St, Offers. APPROXIMATELY 2 ACRES: of vacant land in Seaforth. Call for details. REDUCED: To 565,000.00. 4500 sq. ft. commer- cial building in Seaforth. Ideal for light industry etc., large lot. GOUINLOCK ST.: Very modern 2 bedroom 11/2 'storey. full basement, 532,900.00 McKILLOR: 5 ac. 2 storey brick home, many renovations. 540,000.00 HARPURHEY: 4 bedroom. 2 storey, family room, double garage, an exquisite home. 595,000.00 2 TROUT PONDS: 80 acres. small cottage, very picturesque. 5100,000.00 NEW HOME:3 bedroom brick bungalow, garage, full basement, nice lot 555.000.00 CALL HENRY MERO SEAFORTH 527-0430. t