HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-09-14, Page 28KT t3 2 Ilpbon 2 2 2 2 so Seatortb Prize 100 ltd: 1 ... "too** vtog'ABLE4 • Section C equal!), flamed a. 2D. 30. 33• 34. 36, 33. 37. 33. 3 Seed years. GOO c)trcn striped Tusq pie puf)i?klnli 7" diameter . One 'field pumpkin Fcur quart bapket, Irish cobbler petatoee, OnWashed Four quart basket Sebago potatoes, unwashed Four quart basket red potatoes, unwashed Four quart basket any other kind, correctly named, unwashed (argeat cabbage Largest potato Largest squash targeat pumpkin 33. Collection of corn properly named 40. Collection o1 squash, five varieties, cne of each, named 41. Collection of onions, four or more varieties, three of each, named 42. Collection of garden produce, three of each, number of types and quality to be conaldered. Prizes 510.00, 58.00, 50.00, 54.00 SPECIAL: To the winner o1 moat pointe In Section K r. one year's subacriptlon to The Huron Expositor. To the winner of most pinta In cies:ea 39 to 42 Mary Fothr Ingham offers 55.00, .... HOME -DIVISION- -- , - General Homemaking Section IS (Storey titmore heatley Stewart Wilson oadfoot Moylan itmore Hugill lcknell Nilson 4elady Wallace amebell yhitmore Vheatley gingham Hicknell enochan y Wilson roadfoot e Malady vin Kale Open to meteor lemaleexhlbitors Home Division Officers of 1983 �Ia f `Seaforf Fast President - Mrs. Lola Hodgert President - Mrs. Jane Vincent Sec. - Mrs. Audrey McLean Treas. - Mre. Jane Rimmer Committee convenors: Home Economics - Mre. Marlon Gordon Canned Fruits and Vegetables - Mrs. Marion Gordon. Home Dept. -Mrs. Grace Broadfoot, Mrs. Muriel McClure Arte and Cralts - Mre. Leone Rowell, Kathleen Cuthill Floral Exhibits - Mrs, Helen Thompson. Bementary School - Paul Carroll Secondary School - Mrs. Joan Whyte. RULES AND REGULATIONS All rules and regulations of Seaforth Agricultural Society apply to Home Division, also the following: 1. Articles for competition In Indoor departments to be inahooirroom before 12 o'clock noon, on the flr81 day of the exhibition, and properly located In their own departments. 2. Payment of 53 will constitute a yearly membership and will entitle the member so paying to compete in any or all of the regular departments. 'I Entry Fee: 15% deducted from winnings over 55.01. 4. All parties having paid their subscriptions and only such will be entitled b compete. 5. Prize winners to the amount of 55.00 or over are required to leave membership tee for 1984. 6. All articles exhibited must be the work of the exhibitor. Professional exhibitors are barred. 7. All fruit, flowers and vegetables exhibited must have been produced on farm or garden of exhibitor, 8. No competitor will be entitled to more than one prize In any one class of a section In Indoor department. 9. Competitors to make entries with the secretary for the Indoor departments not later than 11:30 a.m, on the first day of the exhibition. 10, Judges will be particutarly requested to have regard to merit In all articles exhibited for competition, and to withhold any prizes If they consider the article undeserving. 11. Entries not to be removed from Round House until 4:00 p.m. Saturday. Point System - In in door exhibits: tat 5 points; 2nd 3 pointe; 3rd 1 point; 4th rh point. CANNED FRUIT & VEGETABLES )m 'C !vision gr ugura'i " Fair Food Booth roc` feted on Infield of Track HOME ECONOMICS Section " N Committee: Marlon Gordon 527-1518, Ethel Boyes, Lois Hodgert,' Betty Glanville, Darlene Eckel, Crista Eckert BREAD AND ROLLS (yeast) 1. Loaf of white bread, entlrecruat,day old 2. Loaf of whole wheat bread, entire crust, day old 3. Cofleecake,(yeast) 3.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 4. Loaf of raisin bread 3.00 2.00 1.00 SPECIAL Seaforth Women's Institute offers $5.00 for the moat pointe in Section N. Classes 1 to 4. SPECIAL: Arva Flour Mille donates acollectlon of flour to the winner of let prize In Section N, Claes 2 Loaf of whole wheat bread. CAKES: 6. Angel cake, untoed 3.50 2.501.60 6. Chocolate layer cake, with filling and toed 5.00 4.00 3.00 7. Bananalayercake, with Meng and iced 5.00 4.00 3.00 8. Carrot cake, Iced, 1 layer. square 3.50 2.50 1.50 9. Light fruit cake, 4' 5.004.003,00 10. ih Date 8. nut loaf 3.602.501,50 11. Y4 Carrot loaf 3.50 2.501.50 12. le Lemon loaf 3.50 2.50 1.50 ' 13. YSZuchinlloaf 3.502.501-50 14. 15 Loaf of Friendship cake 3.50 2.50 1.50 SPECIAL: Weston Bakeries Limited donates a Grocery Voucher to the exhibitor with the most polets In clause 5 - 14 valued at 510.00. SPECIAL: Arva Flour Mills donates a 24 Ib. bag or pastry (lour to the winner of 1st prize In the Banana Cake Class 7. SPECIAL: Seaforth Creamery Ltd. offers 51b. of "Seaforth Brand" Butter for the bast Banana cake, Class 7. COOKIES A SQUARES 15. Bchocolatebrownies, Iced _ 2.00 1.50 1.00 16. Soatmealdrop�kies(baked) 2.00 1.50 1.00 17. 6ginger000klee (rolled) 2.00 1.50 1.00 18. Soatmeal datesquaree 2.00 1.50 1.00 19. 5shortbread 2.00 1.50 1.00 SPECIAL: 'Arva Flour Mills donates 24 lbs. of pastry flour lothe wlnnerof the most points In Section N Classes 15.19. SPECIAL Seeforth Creamery Ltd. offers 5lb. "Seaforth Brand" Butter for the beet oatmeal date squares, Class 18. PIES: Displayed on 8 Inch plates 20. 1,4" piece of red cherry pie, lattice top 3.00 2.00 1.00 21. 1,4" Memo? raisin plc 3.0D 2.00 1.00 22. 1, 4" piece of apple pie, no spice 3.00 2.00 1.00 SPECIAL: Arva Flour Mille donates 241b. bag of flour to the winner of most points In Classes 20.24. TARTS: 23. 5 butter tarts 2.00 1.60 1.00 24. 5 baked jam tarts 2.00 1.50 1.00 MISCELLANEOUS 1 5g 1.00 75 25. 5 tea biscuits 1.50 1.00 .75 20. 5 bran muffins with irult 27. Chocolate cake, 1 layer, Iced, madebyarnale,enyage 5.00 3.00 2.00 2a• 3 varieties of butt bread, 2 slices of each 1.50 1.00 .75 displayed on a suitable plate SPECIAL: Seaforth Creamery otters 5 ib. "Seaforth Brand" butter for 1st prize in Case 28, 3 varieties of fruit bread. 8.00 6.00 3.00 29. Cake, suitable for abrklal'Mower (real or false base) judged on decoration and appearance The exhibitors scoring the most pointe In Section N, Horne Economics will receive a merchandise voucher to the value of: 1st 110; runner up 55, courtesy of Geo. A. 51110 & Sons Hardware. CHOCOLATECAKE SPECIAL W11119m Neilson Ltd. Special - Beet Chocolate Square Layer Cake, iced and tilled made with Nellson'e Jersey Cocoa condition Ile empty rxaoa tin vAth Label attached, is displayed with the cake. Prizes: let - 540.00 worth Neilson products, 2nd320.00 worth Neilson products, 3rd - 5111 fn worth Nellaon products. CRISPY FLAKE SPECIALCLASSESB, 22, 25 J.M. Schneider Ltd. of Kitchener, offers6 one Ib. cartons o1 crispy flake to each o1 the first prize winners In domes 8, 22, 23 provided that an empty oaten of crlepyllake shortening is displayed with mall entry. BEST DISH OF BAKEDBEANISPECIAL The Ontario Bean Producers Marketing Board offers special prizes for the "Best Dish of Baked Beans" either white or yeltow-eys bears. Recipe to a000 npany the entry. tet prize 55.00 plus a cookbook; 2nd 13.00; 3rd 52.00. ell Bolton Wheatley eringham ernochan 1y Wilson m Moylan 5th -S15: 58 each. et winner Section L sea Stewa Committee: Marlon Gordon (527-1518). Ethel Boyee, Betty Glanville, Darlene Eckel, lois Hodgert, Chrtata Eckert Classes 1 -1310 be exhibited In sealed pinta Prizes l - 22: 1st -52.00; 2nd -51.50; 3rd -51.00 CLASS 1. Strawberries 2. Peaches. 3, Pears. 4. Plume. 5, Red Raspberries. 6. Fruit Cocktail. CANNED VEGETABLES 7, Whole Tomatoes & Tomato Juice, PICKLES Exhibited In pint jars or smaller sealer if necessary. 9. Chill Sauce 10. Bread & Butter Pickles 11. Icicle pickles 12. A pickle or relish made with Zucchini 13 Hot Dog relish 14. Pickled Corn Coba, 15. Dill Pickles, sweet. SPECIAL: Simpson -Sears donates 510. voucher to the exhibitor scoring the nest points In cans 9-15. JAMS ANDJELLIES Alt.EJ bus To Be Labelled 16. Pear marmalade i',,• , 17. Peach Jam 18, Strawberry .tam, 19. Raspberry Jam, co 't• 20. Apple Jelly 21. Grape Jelly 22. Any other variety of jam or Jelly, must be labelled 23, Collection of canned fruit (pinta sealed) 6 varieties Prizes: 1st -33.; 2nd -$2.; 3rd -51. 24. Decorated gift containing 3 jars of jam or lolly. Prizes: let -53.; 2n111-$2.; 3rd -51 Iud9ed on attractiveness. Classes 1-8 to be exhibited in sealed pinta. Classes 9 to 22 to be exhibited In small jars. Sealed when necessary, SPECIAL: Doug and Gan Schroeder (Winthrop store) donate 510 to a NEW exhibitor scoring the most points In chines 1 to 24. HOME DEPARTMENT Section 0 Canada Packers Champion Guilt Competition le held In Conjunction With the Annual Conventlbn of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies at the Royal York Hotel. RULES - Quilts must beat least double bed size. Etch local fair Is entitled to send only the Grand Champion quilt or Beet of ShoW ol all classes to District 8 Annual Meeting Competition. Only first place guilts from District 8 Annual Meeting are eligible to enter the Canada Packers Competition. Should the first prize winner decide not to send her quilt on to the final ampetltlon In Toronto, the second prize quilt will be eligible. In addl8on prize money of 525.00 for first, 515.00 for second end 510.00 for third will be given to the exhibitors of winning quills at each District Competition, Ev ery quilt must be tagged with Its entry number secured to It before the judging begins. Canada Packers will purchase the winning quilt at the Annual Convention for 1700.00 and It will be added to the Canada Packers Oullt Collection. 7. Lap rug, any material 2.50 2.00 1.50 8. Mat, latch hooked on turkey canvas 4.00 3.00 2.00 9. Wall hanging latch hooked must be ready to hand - 4.00 3.00 2.00 10. Wall hanging crewel work must be ready to hand . 3.00 2.00 1.00 11. Floor mat, hooked (not latch) 3.00 2.00 1.00 Committee: Grace Broadtail, (527-0855), Muriel McClure (527-0478) Edythe Coleman, Helen Connell, Debbie Jamieson Jane Rimmer, Mary McCall Iidh Beans NOTE: No person shall be allowed to make more than one entry In any dram. All exhibits In competition must be new and must be the work of the exhibitor. Special conalderatlon given to new work. 0 1n any caw the entries do not merit a prize, no prize will be given. In rase of a (1e, prize annoy will be evenly divided. Specials not awarded to first prize winner of previous year. QUILTS HOME FURNISHINGS 12. Floor Cushion 13. Cushion, CrawIl 14. Patchwork Cushion 15. Cushion Crochet, practical 18. Afghan Crochet, wool or wool blend 17. Afghan Knit, wool or wool blend 18. Kitchen Chair Pada (2) 19. Kitchen Finger Towel 20. Useful bathroom article handmade 21. PIIlowoaseCrossStitch deaden any color 22. Pillowcase, patterned with crochet trim 2.00 1.60 1.25 Prize money for 420 donated by Sealorth Sewing Centre 2.00 1,501.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1301.00 3.00 2.00 1,00 4.00 3:00 2.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 1.60 1.25 1.00 1.60 1.25 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.25 KNITTED & CROCHET ARTICLES, sample of yarn attached • 23. Crib slze afghan 2.60 2.00 1.50 24. Baby set, bonnet and sweater knit 3.00 2.00 1.50 25. 3.00 2.00 1.50 28. 3.00 2.00 1.50 27. 3.00 2.00 1.50 28.Baby 3.00 2.001.60 29. 2.50 2.001.50 90. 3.00 2.00 1.60 2.00 1.60 1.00 1.50 1.26 1.00 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .50 1.60 1.00 .75 3.00 2.00 1.60 Baby set, bonnet and sweater crochet . Ladies hat and scarf set crochet Girls or ladles sleeveless vest Shawl Child's Knitted toque or helmet to match with mitts Child's h00404 cardigan Knit 31. Child's knitted mad at least 90" 32. Ladles tuck 1n didkieknit 33. Ladles crochet slippers 34. Men's or boys toque knitted 35. Men Massada, 38. Girls or boys %milted cardigan (sample) 37. Gids or boys crochet cardigan (sample) 3.00 2,00 1.60 38. Knitted leg warmers 2,00 1.60 1.00 Stewart Bra. Seaforth 55.00 for most polnts In daseee 18, 17, 23 to 98 inclusive. Please have sample attached. SEWING- Please Mie saeipli attache/ 39. Girls or Ladles skirt plain material 3.00 2.00 1.00 40. Gldaor Ladies plaid skirt 9.00 2.00 1.00 41. Gids or Ladles wrap around skirt any material 3,110 2,00 1.00 42. Girls or Wiwi blouse 3.00 2.00 1.00 43. Cobblers apron 2.00 1.00 .75 44. Girls or ladies vest quilted or any new material 3.00 2.00 1.50 45. Any article of lingerie made from tricot or antron 2.60 2.00 1.50 10 yrs. or over 46. Lacilashouse coat any material 3.00 2.50 1.50 Stewart Brae. Seeforth 115.00 for Moet points In dresses 39- 48. Winner joust have at least 3 entries In this dee. SENIOR CITIZEN WORK - No entry fes but must heed In entry Minn to Secretary 47. Afghan crochet 3,00 2.68 1.60 48. 1 article of knitting other than afghan 2.00 1.50 100 49. 1 Mick of crocheting other than afghan 2.00 1.60 1010 60. Group of3different blodta 2.001,601,00 61. Guilt any design new 3.00 2.60 2.00 52. Best hand written copy of 23rd Psalm 2.00 1.60 1.00 Special for mat pointe In senior section of 510.00 donated by Grace Broedfoot and Muriel McClure. ARTS & CRAFTS 1. Oullb cotton pieced 2. Guilt, handslltched, applique to be Judged for' quality of work and most attractive design 3. Oulll, reversible, 2 colours suitable for bedspread judged for quilting and design 7,00 5.00 3.00 4. Quilt, embroidery 7.00 5.00 3.00 5, Quilt, practical everyday any doelgn 5,00 4.00 3.00 6. Quilt, crib any design hand quilted 3.00 2.00 1.50 A Canada Packers entry will be picked from dosses 1, 2, 3, 4 of above. To the Grand Champion Guilt a 515.00 extra prize hes been donated by Mre. Jane Vincent. 1st 2nd 3rd 7.00 6.00 3.00 7.00 5,00 3.00 COMMITTEE: Leone Rowel 027-1022), Kathleen Cuthill, (527.0736), Dorothy Hays (527-0163), Mary McClure, Fern McClure, Doreen Strong, Batty Bach, Mary Van Vdkengoed, Mary Carroll A. Pictures must be framed, ready to hang. "OPEN" clew melena open to anyone wllh formal training or having won prizes In prev(ous exhibitions. "NOVICE" means exhibitors never having won a prize In any exhibition. A. "OPEN" 1. Still life In oil 58.00 13.00 2. Landscape, Oil 3 Landocepe with buildings; watercolour, pastel, acrylic