HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-09-14, Page 27Seatortit tallIaIr Pyla+ :.List
Rifled nil C(asyee;,
Far ft* perposI of IM 1983 Clasen lesion en spiry Shall be Interpreted as
Alt registered Cattle'. whether owned by Ono penal or by more then one
person, (individually or Jointly) which are maintained en o -farm or
• breeding unit,.ere coneldered to be the production of one farm or breeding
' Where the wee oroommonInterestsarelnvOlVedInmore than one dairy,
breeding operation such operations are considered as One Breeding • Unit,'
Group Clpesee:
The registration certificate for each respective animal rpuet show the
exhibitor as "breeder" and an "owner" - In both casea either as an.
Individual or In partnership. In other words, the exhibitor may be a "Mint
owner" or an animal and for the 'Kant -breeder' of an animal. Therefore the
anlmala must be:
1. Owned and bred by the exhibitor. or
2. Jointly owned and bred by the exhibitor, or.
3. Owned and gently -bred by the exhibitor.
4. Jointly owned and lolnlly bred by the exhlbltor.
All untri¢s must be owned by and registered in the name of the exhibitor.
Productio ( Record (B,C.A,).
In those classes where a certain minimum B.C.A. for milk Is a requisite
for entry, either R.O.P. records or erecords Igsued under D.H. I.A.
(Standard Plan) In British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario,
are acceptable.
t3ee(orlh ArgrIcteturet0yclpt r, 3;R; el gybtin, Ont. NOK 1EO.
We Still edpreciale your ;lp•oJ)gretlon le.brieging.out your cattle 10 the
' Perish Pee,' en $eefe th •
SHEEP•m,tion D
Conimlttee:RONRltiey,Nrt1Aedereoft, Da0IdTO,wnsend
Wiener*op enly 4how.tweentriat Ian each section and one entry In aw;h
Prize rrlsneywiiJ be drppped by 32 If only 2 or less animals are entered
in eny one Class,
All ether general ridge in prize het will be enforced.
01. Dorset and Cheviot
02. Suffelke and Oxford Downs.
CO. Shropshire Downs and Southdowns
De. Lincolns, Cotswold and Leieesters
1, Shoaling Ram 10 8 6 4 3
2 Rem Lamb 10 6 a ''
3. Champion Ram Regatta
4, Sheariln° Ewe 10 8 6 4 3
5. Ewe Lamb. 10 8 6 4 3
6. Champion Ewe Roseate
7. Pen Ram Lamb, Shearlinp Ram
Ewe Lamb, Shearling Ewe - 10 8 8 4 3
Open to boy or girl 12 yere old or under to show 1 ewe lamb. Commercial
or pure-bred that was not entered In any of the open classes,
Rize money - 55; 54; $3; 52 to all other entries.
cteee , r •
f . Tkeesettt.14 buehel
2. Red glover. 'hhuebel
3. FallWheet• vrbuah0t
14 Barley. Yabuehel,2row
, 6'0 3
4a. Barley.' buehel, 6 row t •8, . 5 3 2
4b. Barley. 'h bushel, open l0 exhlfiitore who neve not ,
previously won a prize et Seeforlh Falx Ih
GroinSectlon 6 5 3 2
JJ, Malting Barley. v2 bindle! 6 5 3 2
6. Oahe. .2r bushel , , .. , . • .. 6 5 3 2
7. Oats. ' bushel, Open to exhibitors who have
not prevlouely won a prize al Sealorth Fair
8. Mi*Od Oats and Barley, -Wheat, 'h bushel
9. White Beane, Ve bushel . -.
10. Champion, 'q bushel class; 1 • 10
11 Husking Corn on Cob. 8 eat s
12. Ensilage Corn, 1 sheaf of eight stalks
N.B. Each additional entry in Classes 1.10. 11 and 1231.0011 ed
13. Bale et Iiret cul hay . - 4
14. Bale of seeond.eut or third -cut hay .. 4
15. Field chopped hay.I(rel cut.' bushel ' -' 4
16 Field chopped hay. second cut. ' bushel.' . 4
6 5 3 2
6 5 1
7 5 .4.: 3
4 3 2 2
'4 3 -2 2
Seaforth Fall Fair Prize 1.1st otd.
�I."Ctt* A.O.V. aquslh, named
28. One 0(tron Striped
M. TwO; pie pumhldne 7" diameter„
M. One laid pumpkin
1.1 Fcur quart basket, Irish cobbler potatoes, unwashed
32, Four quart basket Sebago potatoes, unwashed
33. Four quart basket red potatoes, unwashed
34, Four quart basket any other kind, correctly named, unwashed
35. Largest cabbage
38. Largest potato
37. Largest squash
38. Largest pumpkin
39. Co)lectlon of corn properly named
40. Collection of squash, five varieties, cne of each, named
41. Collection of onions, four or more varieties, three of each, named
42. Collection of garden produce, three of each, number of types and
quality to be considered. Prizes 810.00, 18.00, 36.00, 34.00
SPECIAL: To the winner o1 most pointe In Section K r. one year's
subscription to The Huron Expositor,
To the winner of moat pointe in classes 3e to 42 Mary Foihe Ingham offers
SPECIAL: Harold Pryce donates a 530.00 voucher for Pioneer Forage Seed
for the most points In classes 13-16. Can only go to same family for 2 year°.
Section F
Seaforth Fall Fair, Friday, Seplembsr 23, 1983
JUDGE: James Morison, R.R.111, Oueenaville, Ont. LOG 1 RO
1, •, petition open to Perth and Huron Counties only.
2. • biters must become mem -0714 Seaforth Agricultural Society
and 1 Perthuron Jersey Clu
3. <: •., :..fort. grlcultural Society titian govern except
velars spec ".lee of thls s ow apply.
4. Entry fee Is 15% of prize money won.
Q All cattle must be on the grounds by 11:00 a.m. Judging will commence
at 12:15 p.m.
& All exhlbitore must geta herd health certificate from their county Health
7, Pedigrees and (R.O.P. or D.H.I.A.) records must be available and meet
be registered in the name of the exhibitor,
8, Number of entries 4°111 be limited to one per class except that every
exhibitor may anew 2 animals In 2 classes of own choice, or 3 animals in a
senior class of own choice. Total not to exceed 10.
The prize Ilet is made up o1 funds contributed by the following:
Perth -Huron Jersey Club
Ontario Livestock Branch
Seaforth Agricultural Society
Federal Department of Agricultural
The Councils of Perth and Huron Counties
Cash prizes will be paid as follows: 1at445, 2nd -S35, 3rd -S25, 4th -S23,
5111.320, 8th -315, 7th -313, 8th -S10, 9th -$8, 1011-56.
A cash prize has been donated by Tom Rathwell for the sum of 310, to the
best female bred and owned by the exhibitor. Eligible to any exhibitor, onoe
In three years.
Please send your entries to Carolyn Van Dorp, R.R. 02, Seaforth, Ont. NOK
1 WO, no later than September 15,1983, in order to get a catalogue o1 entries
printed, Beaure to Bend tattoo and registration numbers with your entries, as
this is a blg help when checking cattle at the fair.
Junlr Heifer - Born between Oct. 1, 1982 and April 30, 1983
Intermediate Helfer - Born between May 1, 1962 and Sept. 30, 1982
Prizes - Cash and Ribbons
ROBIN ACRES FARM TROPHY - to first prize Junior Heifer
GEORGE BAGG MEMORIAL TROPHY - to tint prize Intermediate Heifer
Sec. 1.Wnlor Heifer, born between Oct. 1,1982 and April 30, 1963. From a
dam with at Ieset one completed record with a minimum B.C.A. of 125 for
Ma 2- Intermediate Heller, born between May 1, 1982 and Sept. 30, 1982.
From a dam wllhat least one completed record with a minimum B.C.A. 01
125 for milk.
Sec. 3 -Senior Heifer, born between Oct. 1, 1981 and April 30, 1982. From a
dam with at lent one completed record with a minimum B.C.A. of 125 for
Sec. 4 - Junior Champion Female - Ribbon
• Reirve Junior Champion Female - Ribbon
• Sic. 5 -Female, 2 yr. old, boas between Jan. 1, 1981 and Sept. 30, 1981. In
milker dry. From a dam with at least one completed record with a minimum
✓ B.C.A. of 125 for milk. If the entry Itself has a production record, It must
▪ qualify on Its own merit.
W 8ec.8 - Female, 3 yr. old, born in 1980. In milk or dry. If dry meet be within
03 6weeke of calving. From a dam with at tent one completed record with a
g minimum B.C.A. of 125for mIlk. 11 the entry itself las a production record, it
W must qualify on Its own merit.
tSec. 7 - Female, 4 yr. old, born In 1979. In milk or dry. If dry must be within
W B weeks of calving. Must have completed one record with • minimum
• B.C.A. of 125 for 'milk.
Sac. 8- Female, 5 yr. old, born In 1978. in milk or dry. If dry must be within
• 8 weeks of calving. Must have completed one record with a minimum
• B.C.A. of 125 for milk.
• Sec. 9- Mature Cow, born before 1978, In milk or dry. If dry must be within
0.6 weelte of calving. Must Imre completed one record with a minimum
gB.C.A. of 125 for milk.
z Sec 10 • Senior Champion Female - Ribbon
c Rese0ve Senior Champion Female - Ribbon
. ▪ Grand Champion Female - Ribbon
• Reserve Grand Chamulon Female - Ribbon ,
W Sec. 11 - Best Udder. The two designated best udders Irom the 4 yr. old, 5 yr.
Z old and Mature Cow classes, compete in this class. Prize money paid on 181 &
I-' 2nd placings only.
1 Sec 12 • Breeder's Herd. Group of fou animals bred and owned by the
03 exhibitor, each animal must have been shown in one of Ilse above classes.
Committee: Ken Gemmell, Stuart Wilson, Robert McMillan, Francis Hunt,
Brian Campbell
Section F-1 Yorkshire Section F-2 Landrace Section F-3 Dura:
1. Number of ClaeaHlcattons for Swine
The cimailicatione may be offered to individual breeds which have
reglstered in a Canadian herdbook at leant a minimum of 1000 head of the
preceding year.
2. Six Classes for Breeding Animals
Nue the "Interbreed" Single Barrow Class (Optional). All breeding clove
entries must be owned by, and registered in the name ol, the exhibitor.
Agee to be computed from the date of birth to the first day of the month in
which the falr opens and no animal to become ineligible to show during the
duration of the show.
A. Bean •
(1) 7 months and under 9 months of age.
(2) 5 months and under 7 months of age.
Art Bolton
George Townsend
Don Dodds
Bob Fotheringhem
Ken Carnochan
Stuart Wilson
Bob Eckert -
Paul. Storey
Bruce Whitmore
Larry Wheatley
Mac Stewart
Randy Wilson
Robert Broadfoot
Don Moylan
V bushel of barley must be exhibited at Felr.
Lyle Haney
Wayne Huglll
Bob Fotheringham
Brad Carnochan
Joe Devereaux
Kevin Kale
8 Gilts
M10 months and under12 months of age (evidence of being in pig)
8 months and under 10 months o1 age
(3) 8 months and under 8 months of age
C. Breeders Herd
A group of 4 animals. Both sexes to be represented. Each animal in the
group must have been exhibited In one of the above classes. Entries must'
meet with the requirements set out.in General Rules 1 (b) Group Classes. 3.
R.O.P Requirements for Entries in Classes for Breeding Animals. All
e ntries must have completed their Record of Performance (R.O.P.) test and
have achieved the performance standards as proven by a certificate of
performance lmued by the Livestock Division. Agriculture Canada. Only
the original copy will be accepted..
It le mandatory that official test results be listed on the entry form and
listed In the lair catalogue, I1 one is published.
Prize money paid In Sachet the Sections will be:
845; 535; 525: $23; $20; 315; 313; 310•, $8; 58.
Bruce Whitmore
Doug Hugel
Francis Hlcknell
Randy Wilson
Tom Malady
1 bushel of grain must beexhiblled at the fair
Lyle Haney
Paul Storey
George Townsend
Don Dodds
Doug Hugi11
Mac Stewart
Ken Carnochan
Ken Gemmell
Stuart Wilson
Bob Eckert
Don Moyian
Bill Wallace
Ken Campbell
Bruce Whitmore
Larry Wheatley
Bob Fotheringham
Francis Hicknell
Brad Carnochan
Randy Wilson
Robert Broadfoot
Tom Malady,
Kevin Kale
Eight cobs of corn must beexhiblted at the fair
In order for our Society to be eligible for the 50% Federal prize money
grant, there MUST be three exhibitors In each breed- If them are not three
exhibitors the Society will pay 50% of the prize money offered.
Canadian iliperiel Bank of Commerce, Seaforth, offers a silver tray to
any one breeder with most point° In any one breed.
Art Bolton
Ken Campbell
Doug Huglll
Mac Stewart
Tom Workman
Stuart Wilson
Kevin Kale
General Homemaking Section
Open to male or female exhibitors
Home rev' aion Of llcere o11983
Fast President - Mrs. Lois Hodgerl
President - Mrs. Jane Vincent
Sec. - Mrs. Audrey McLean
Treas. • Mrs. Jane Rimmer
Committee conveyors:
Home Economics - Mrs. Marlon Gordon
Canned Fruits and Vegetables - Mrs. Marlon Gordon.
Home Dept. -Mrs. Grace Broadfoot. Mrs. Muriel McClure
Arte and Crafts - Mrs. Leone Rowell, Kathleen Cuthill
Floral Exhibits - Mrs. Helen Thompson.
Mementary School - Paul Carroll ..
Secondary School - Mrs. Joan Whyte.
All rules and regulations of Seaford Agricultural Society'apply to Home
Division, also the following:
1. Articles for competition in indoor department° to be inahowroom before
12 o'clock noon, on the firet day of the exhibition, and properly located in
their own departments.
2. Payment of $3 will constitute a yearly membership and will entitle the
member so paying to compete in any or all of the regular departments.
3 Entrv-'Fee: 15% deducted from winnings over $5.01.
4• All parties having paid their subscription's and only such will be entitled
to compete.
5. Prize winners to the amount of 55.00 or over are required to leave
membership fee for 1904.
8. All articles exhibited must be 'the work of the exhibitor. Professional
exhibitors are barred.
7. All fruit, flowers and vegetables exhibited must h10v0 been produced on
farm or garden of exhibitor.
8. No competitor will be entitled to more than one prize In any one class of a
section in indoor department.
9. Competitors to make entries with the secretary for the Indoor
departments not later than 11:30 a.m. on the first day of the exhibition.
10. Judges will be particularly requested to have regard to merit In all
articles exhibited for competition, and to withhold any prizes It they
corroder the article undeserving,
11. Entries not to be removod from Round House until 4:00 p.m. Saturday.
nt System - in in door exhibits: 1st 5 points; 2nd 3 pointe; 3rd 1 point; Ith
1 . point.
of Seafol
Section N
Committee: Marion Gordon527-1518, Ethel Boyce, Lo
Batty Glanville, Darlene Eckel, ChrleteEc
1. Loaf of white bread, entire crust, day old
2. Loaf of whole wheat bread, entire crust, day old
3. Cot teacake, (yeast)
4. Loaf of raisin bread
SPECIAL: Sealorth Women's Institute offers 55.00 for the'
Section N. Gasses 1 to 4.
SPECIAL: Arva Flour Mille donate recollection of flour to t
prize 1n Section N. Gass 2 Loaf of whole wheat bread.
5. Angelcake, unload
6. Chocolat.) layer cake, with filling and iced
7. Banana layer cake, with filling and Iced
8. Carrot cake, lced,1 layer, square
9. Light fruit Cake, 4" x4"
10. KDate&nut loaf
11. 'h Carrot loaf
12. 54 Lemon loaf
13. 'h Zuchinl loaf
14. K Loaf of Friendship cake
SPECIAL: Weston Bakeries Limited donates a Grocery 1
exhibitor whiz the most points in classes 5 - 14 valued at 8
SPECIAL: Arva Flour Mills donates a 24 no. beg of pastry tlot�
of 1e1 prize in the Banana Cake Gass 7.
SPECIAL Sesforth Creamery Ltd. offers 51b. o1 "Seaford (
for the beet Banana cake, Claes 7.
Russell Bolton
Larry Wheatley
Bob Fetheringham
Ken Carnochan
Randy Wilson
Don Moyian
Prize money in Field Crops - 1st -$19; 2nd410; 3rd -$17; 4th -$18: 51hd15:
61h-514; 7th -313; 8th -S12; 91h-511; 10*RS10; W other exhibiting $8 each.
Seaforth News Printing Office often stationery valued at $10 to the winner
of the most pointe in this section.
Section L
- Section K
EGGS - Section G
Committee: Clan Reith, 9111 Thompson
Judged Thursday
Prizes: 1st -34; 2rr143; 3rd4Z 411141
1. 21/2 dozen brown eggs.
2. 21/2 dozen white eggs.
GRAIN `action J
• Bob Fotheringham, Lewis Coyne,
Wayne Huglll
Entries In the class must
be in by 11 o'clock
Committee: Jean Drager (527-0437), Mary Fotheringham, Clarissa Stewa
Prizes 1r all classes except 42 to be $1.50, $1.00, $.75
1. Five tomatoes red '
2. Pint box tomatoes, cherry type
3. Five apanleh onions
4. Five yellow onions from dutch sets
5. Pint box multiplier onions
e. Three cucumbers, Slicing, not over 12 Inches
7. Five cucumbers, pickling not over 6 inches
8, Two ripe Cucumber
9. Five kohlrabi
10. White beans, pint box, field variety shelled
11. Butter beans, pint box, garden variety
12. Red kidney teens, pint box
13. Five pickling beet
14. Five table beets
15. Five table carrots, long
16. Five table carrots. short
17. Four peppers, green
18. Foul peppers, red
19. Two fall cabbage
M. One winter cabbage
21. One red cabbage
22. Five cobs of fleldcorn
23. Five cobs of popptne,corn
24. Two pepper squash
25. One hubbard squash
28. One butternut squash
Committee: Marlon Gordon (527-1518). Ethel Boyee, Betty Glanville,
DerleteEckel, lots Hedgers, Chrieta Eckert
Gasses 1. °to beexhibited in sealed pints
Prizeel -22: let -52.00; 2nd-$1.50:3rd-31.00
1. Strawberries •
2 Peaches.
3. Pears.
4. Plume.
5. Red Raspborrlee-
8. Fruit Cocktail.
7. Whole Tomatoes
& Tomato Juloe.
15. 5ch000tate brownies, iced
18. 5 oatmeal drop Cookies (baked)
17, !Winger cookies (roiled)
18. Sostmeal deleequares
19. 5shortbread
SPECIAL Arva Flour Mills donates 241W. of pastry flourtott
most points In Section N Chases 15-19.
SPECIAL Sesforth Creamery Ltd. offers lb. "Sealorth Bit
the best oatmeal date 'quaffs, Gast 18.
PIES: Displayed on 6 Inch plates
20. 1, 4"placeof red cherry pie, lattice top
21. 1,4" pleased raisin pie
22. 1,4" piece of apple pie, sOoe
SPECIAL: Arva Flour Milts don es 24 Ib. bag of flour to the
p01n1s in Classes 20-24.
23. 5buttertarts
24. 5baked Jam tarts
25. Steabiecults
28. 5 bran muffins with fruit
27. Chocolate cake, 1 layer, iced,
madebyamale,any age
28. 3 varieties of fruit bread, 2 allose of each
displayed one Suitable plate
SPECIAL: Seaforth'Creanry offers 5 Ib. "Sesforth Brand
prize in Class 2S, 3 varieties of fruit bread.
29. Cake, suitable fora bridal shower
(rad Of roles base) judged on decoration and spears
The exhibitors scoring the most points In Section N, Horne
receive a merchandise voucher to the value of: 1st $10;
courtesy of Geo. A. Sills & Sons Hardware.
William Neilson Ltd. Special - Best Chocolate Square
.ad filled made with Nellson'a Jersey Cocoa condition the
with Label attachOd, Is displayed with the cake.
Prizes: 1st - 540.00 worth Neilson Products, 2nd -$20.0
products, 3rd - Stn on Worth NelIson producte.
J.M. Schnieder Ltd. of Kitchener, offers6 one lb. tartans
each of the first prize winners In domes 8, 22.23 provide
erten of crNpyflaks shortening is displayed with each en
"Best Dish of Baked Beans" either white or yellow -eye 1
accompany the entry. 1st prize $5.00 plus • cookbook; ltd 1
Exhibited in pint tars or smaller scaler 11 necessary.
9. Chili Sauce
10. Bread & Butter Pickles
11. Icicle pickles
12. A pickle or relish made with Zucchini
13. Hot Dog relish
14. Pickled Corn Cobs.
15. Dill Pickles, sweet.
SPECIAL; Simpson -Sears donates $10. voucher to the exhibitor scoring the
noel pointe in class 9-15.
Ali E7 (bits To .Be Labelled
18, Per, mrmalade,,l 'tot'
17. Pesch Jam
• 18. Strawberry gain,
10. Raspberty'Jrn,' �' '-
20. Apple Jelly •
21. Grape Jelly .
22. Any other variety of Jan or jelly, must be labelled
23. Collection of canned fruit (pints seated) 6 varieties
Prizes: 1a143.; 24442.; 3rd -.31.
24. Decorated gift containing 3tars oflam ortelly. Prizes: ldd3.;2nd42.;
3rd -31 Judged on attractiveness.
Gasses 1.8 to be exhibited in seated pinta. Gasses 9 to 22 to be exhibited
in small fare. Sealed when necessary.
SPECIAL: Doug and Gall Schroeder (Winthrop store) donate 510 to a NEW
exhibitor scoring the most pointe in classes 1 to 24.
Section 0
Committee: Grace Broadfoot, (527.0855), Muriel McClure
Edythe Coleman, Helen Connell, Debbie Jan'
Jane Rimmer, Mary McCall nth Beene
NOTE: No person shall be allowed to make more than a
date. Au exhibits In competition must be new and must be
exhibitor. Special consideration given to new work. It 11
entries d0 not merit a prize, no prize will be glean. In.taa
money will be evenly divided. Spedals not awarded to flral
previous yew.
1. Oullt, cotton pieced
2. Oullt, handstitched, applique to be Judged for'
quality of work and most attractive design
3. Guilt, reversible, 2 colours suitable for bedspread
Judged for quilting and design
4. Gull*, embroidery
5. Quilt, practical everyday any design
8. Quilt, crib any design hand quilted
A Canada Pad:Grc ontry alit be pi'n'ked from classes 1, 2,,;
the Grand Champion Guilt a 816.00 extra prize hoe been
Jane Vincent.