HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-09-14, Page 23Graeme Craig, 01, Murray Scott, 01, Brian, Oldfield, 04, Dianne Oldfletd, 0' Jane Muegge, Clir iisM Heard, Clint( John Bancroft, CI( Bob Fotheringham George Townsend, TerrySmith,N1 Roca 1 Workman, C Ken Moore, Egmc Ross Ribey, Seefo Don Pullen, Clint( 2 HURON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY ESSAY CONTEST Prizes. 1st - $7 00. 2nd- 56.00: 3rd 55.00: 4th $4 00. 5t h0 - $3.00. 610.02.00. All Others $1.00 This co.Mest ,s open to all pupils in the elementary schools of the county Topics may deal With some aspect of Huron County '5past such as a person a family. industry. agriculture. building, settlement of a municipality or an important achievement. The essay should be about 800 words in length, and should have a Idle page Write In your Own handwriting on one aide of each page. Give credit to books used or persons quoted or interviewed Essays may be sent by courier or by mad lo: 0 McClure at South Huron District High School in Exeter Essays must be received on or before Friday, June 24, 1983. LISA BEUTTENMILLER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beuttenmiller, Seaforth. Sponsored by Seaforth Horti- cultural Society. • ,r CHERYL CAMPBELL daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Les Campbell, R.R., I. Sea - forth. Sponsored by Seaforth Women's Institute. QUEEN OF THE FAIR COMPETITION 1983 DEBBIE JEFFREY daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jeffrey, R.R. 2, Zurich. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. 1st Prize - $100 Commercial Hotel, Seaforth 2nd Prize - $75 Queen's Hotel, Seaforth 3rd Prize - $50 McLaughlin Chev-Olds, Seaforth DENISE DUPUIS daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rene Dupuis , Seaforth. Sponsored by Seaforth Fire- men. JUNEIHANEY daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haney, R.R. 4, Sea - forth. Sponsored by Sea Orth Lions Club:. EGGS • SECTION .1 To be judged Thureday Committee: Clare Reith Prizes: 1s1-54.00; 2nd' -53.00; 3rd -52,00; 418-$1.00 CLASS 1. Two and ono hall dozen brawn eggs. 2. Two and qne halt dozen white eggs. Key trays will be supplied free COLLEEN !HERO PATRICIA OLSTHOORN daughter of Mrs. Joe Mero, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RR. 5, Seaforth. Sponsored Adrian Olsthoorn. Mitchell. by Kinburn Forresters. Sponsored by the New Cana- dian Club. OTHER DONATIONS ANN MARIE KELLY daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly Jr.. R.R. 2, Dublin. Sponsored by Sea - forth District High School. COLLEEN MELADY daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Melady, R.R. 2, Dub- lin. Sponsored by Seaforth Lioness Club. Topnotch Feeds Ltd.. . 200. towards expenses to 'the C.N.E. Vincent's Farm Equipment 5100 Cook's Div. of Gerbro 850 McGavia's Farm Equipment 825 Geo. A. Sills & Sons $25 James Etue Insurance Agency $25 Seaforth Insurance Agency $25 Hetherington Shoes $25 Seaforth Farmers Co -Op. . • $25 Anna's Dress Shop. Seaforth, $5.00 gift certificate to the 7 girls who are runnersup. The prize for Miss Congeniality is, donated by Ken R. Campbell Farms, RRI, Dublin. One dozen red roses to the 1983 Fair Queen donated by Hildebrand Flowers, Seaforth. PATRICIA RIMMER daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rimmer, Seaforth. Sponsored by Seaforth Jun- ior Farmers. • GIESHA WISCH daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Uwe Wisch, R.R. 2, Kippen. Sponsored by Anna's Dress Shoppe. OFFICERS FOR 1983 Past President Ken Coleman Preeldent Robert Broedfoot Robert Fotheringham Nell Dolmage Atkinson, Leach & Neill First Vice President 2nd Vice President Auditors PAST PRESIDENTS Russell Bolton Arthur Nicholson Robt. E. McMillan Gordan Popple Harold Pryce Earl McSpadden Arthur Bolton Alfred Ross Jos. Devereaux Kenneth Campbell 2 Ken Moore 0) 1951/52/55 1953/54 1960181 1962/63 1964/85 1966/67 1968/69 1973/74 1975 1976/77 1978/79 ALL EXHIBITORS PLEASE READ CAREFULLY r 1. Society reserves right to award monies not taken up in one section to cc other classes, providing entries merit prizes. W 2. Articles for competition In indoor departments including eggs, to be in m showroom before 12 o'clock noon on the first day of the exhibition, Sept. 22 sand properly located In their own departments, and all stock to be on the W grounds by 11:30 o'clock 0.10, of the second day, Sept. 23 except entries In I11 o'clock Sept. 22, must bo n - Clara J which by d 3. Payments of $3.00 will constitute a yearly membership and Will entitle (L! the member so paying to complete in any or all of the regular departments. A 0) membership permits one free pass to the grounds, and can be used either 4. Thursday evening or Friday but only once. - D: Additional passes will be allowed as follows (not more than three passes O per paid up member): - Horses (not race), each 2 animals over 2 - 1 pass (1) Cattle, each 4 animals over 4 - 1 pass O Swine, each 8 animals over 8 - 1 pass 0. 4. Entries to be in the hands o1 the secretary not later than September 19. WAn additional fee of 50c will be charged for late entries on Thursday; S1 .00 will be charged for late entries on Friday. Late entries for indoor exhibits will Z be those after 11:1X1 o'clock a.m. on September 22 address all entries to Mrs. O Sharon Flanagan R.R. 1, Dublin, NOK 1E0. cc Judging of all classes both Indoors and outdoors will commence sharp at 12 • o'clock noon both days- Classes of livestock will be called as they appear In = ihebook and animals must be Id the ring within five minutes alter their class b called. W 5. ENTRY FEE: 15 per cent from all winnings from $5.00 up. Membership X only deducted up to $5.00. 15 per cent deducted over 55.00 except Western 1'' Horse Show. d All parties having paid their subscriptions, and only such will be entitled to compete. (p 7. No exhibitor will be allowed the p ivllege of striking out entries made and CO placing other articles In their place and no competitor will be entitled to more W.D. Wilson 1978 Kenneth Moore 1979/80 Kenneth Coleman 1981/82 DIRECTORS Robert Broadboot, Brian Campbell, Reno Dupuis, Nell. Dolmage, Bab Eckert, Robert Fotheringham, Kenneth Gemmell, Francis Hicknell, Wayne • Hugill, Lyle Haney, Kevin Kale, 8(11 Strong, Bill Wallace, Jlm McNichol, Ross Rlbey, Gordon Pullman, Jane Vincent, Peter Van der Borne, Randy Wilson. WOMEN'S DIVISION Past President -Mrs. Lois Hodgert; President - Mrs. Jane Vincent; 1st Vice President - Mary Fotheringham; Secretary • Audrey McLean; Treasurer - Jane Rimmer. 1983 COMMITTEES [First Name Is Chairman( HEAVY HORSESand LIGHT HORSES - Reno Dupuis, Gordon Pullman, Oliver Pryce, Ken Campbell, Joe Gibson, Norma Riley BEEF CATTLE - Neil Dolmage, Peter Van Der Borne DAIRY CATTLE - Bill Wallace, Lyle Haney, Bob Eckert SWINE - Ken Gemmell, Stewart Wilson, Hobert McMillan, Francis Hunt, Brian Campbell RULES & REGULATIONS than one prize In any ore section of a class In indoor department, or more than 2 prizes In any section of a class in livestock. 8. Prize winners to the amount o1 55.00 or over are required to leave membership fee o1 $3.00 for 1983. 9. Payment will be made by cheque before December 1. Cheques must be cashed by Dec. 31 following .or revert to Society. 10. All stock and articles exhibited must be bona fide property o1 the 98048 fruits flowers and vegetables exhibited must and all taloa 9 exhibitor 9 garden of exhibitor; an arson Infringing on on farm orYP have been produced these rules shall forfeit prize money. 11. Judges will be particularly requested to have regard to merit In all stock arid articles exhibited for competition and to withhold any premiums if they consider the stock or article undeserving, and that a first or second prize be not given to a third class animal, or in sweepstakes if they consider the competition not sufficient. 12. Any exhibitor or attendant who is guilty of creating a disturbance, whether by openly criticizing the judge or using obscene language to any judge or officer shall forfeit the right to any premium and may be suspended by Society from exhibiting. - Vehicles parked In no parking area shall be towed away at the owner's expense. 13. No two persons will be allowed to show on one ticket, 14. Any member showing cattle shall give his or her animal a name, and any member exhibiting an animal In more classes than one (except for special or group prizes) shall forfeit all prizes awarded should any be taken. No prize badges or medals allowed on animals In ring and no prize tickets or medals allowed on pens until after such animals are judged. 15. Livestock parade at 4p.m. Each exhibitor's herd meat be represented or prize money may be withheld. 18. No person allowed 10 ring except judges or managers, and no person allowed to speak to the judges while on duty except appointed officers. 17. No member, being an exhibitor In any class, shall act as a judge or be present or accompany the judge while that particular class is being judged. 18 No articles to be removed from showroom before 4:00 p.m. on third day PUBLICITY- Ken Coleman, Jane Vincent FARM MACHINERY & OUTDOOR CONCESSIONS - Peter Van Der Borne GRAIN & FIELD CROPS - Robert Fotheringham, Lewis Coyne, Wayne Huglll PARKING - Allan Nicholson, Wayne Dolmage GATE KEEPERS - Kevin Kale, Jim McNichol, Bill Hodgert, Kelly Dalton GROUNDS & PROPERTY - Ken Moore, Nell Dolmage, Francis Hicknell MIDWAY- Robert Fotheringham, Bill Strong INDOOR CONCESSIONS - Ross Ribey, Robert Broadfool, Jane Vincent OLD McDONALD'S FARM - Randy Wilson, Joe Gibson, Brad Carnochan PET SHOW (LION'S CLUB( - Dr. J.O. Turnbull, Dr. Thompson ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Paul Carroll PENNY SALE - Ken & Lois Moore, Ken & .Doris Carnochan PARADE • Brian Campbell, Norma Riley, David Kemp, Jim McNichol TURF CLUB - Rene Dupuis • DANCE COMMITTEE - Jim McNichol, Brian Campbell, Francis Hicknell, B01 Wallace QUEEN OF THE FAIR - 8111 & Doreen Strong SHEEP- Ross Ribey, Jim Anderson, David Townsend EGGS - Claire Reith, of fair. Exhibition hall shall be cleared by spectators at 4:00 p.m, of that day and none will again be admitted except those holding passes and entitled to remove goods on exhibition. 19. While officers and directors of thls Society will use every available means to prevent accidents in andabout the grounds, It must be strictly understood that all persons going Into or upon the grounds must personally assume all risks of accident or injury from accidents from any cause w20ha . tweW bviele. Directors will take every possible precaution under the circumstances to secure safety for exhibitors, the owners themselves must lake the risk of exhibiting, and should any article be accidently injured, lost or stolen, the Directors will give all 058101ance In their power towards recovery, but will not make any payment for the value thereof. 21. In case of bad or unfavorable weather or other reasons causing the receipts to fall short of paying the expenses and all prizes in full, a proportionate amount, exclusive of membership, will be deducted from such prizes to enable the directors to balance the accounts without loss to the Society. The Directors feel that this course is the most equitable and fair that can be adopted and any deduction will fall proportionately on all those participating In the amounts Collected and not leave the whole sum to be a debt to bear heavily on the Society and thus Impair its usefulness. 22. Decision of the judges is final. 23. Directors are not responsible for articles left In the Round House after 6 p.m. Sept. 24. 24. Ali winner's lists and entry forms must be In the hands of the secretary within 7 days following the Fair or no prize money will be paid. In case of error or omission In the Prize List the Directors will have the power to correct the same. POINT SYSTEM • In all classes except Ladles: 1s1-10; 2nd -9; 3rd -8; 4119.7; 5th -6; 8th -5; 7th -4; 818-3; 918-2; and 1001-1. ENTRY FORMS Write the secretary, Mrs. Sharon Flanagan, R.R. N1, Dublin, Ont. or pick-up at Mrs. Lois Hodgert, 132 Main Street, N., Seaforth, Ontario. WA!LANI) TAKE DISPLAYs.SECTIONM ' Wewould,llke each echoot.in our Fair Diptrlat to put a display work In the round hoop. This may take any form you choose publle some of the Werk done in the school ever the year. (approx. 2 m high by 3m long) and sable space I1 m wide by 3 01, resawedlpr. each display A display/collection of untitled children's art would be decorate the round house Please leave. articles to be,disp roundhouse on a phell near the school display. 11 would nelp in dividing the space 11'001 school would non Seaforth. of your intention to put up a display. These will be non-competitive but each school placing a, receive $10.00 LIONS' PET SHOW - SECTION K CLASS 1 Most Beautiful Cat. . 1 50 1 00 75 50 2. Most Appealing Kitten (under 3 months) 1.50 1 00 75 50 3 Best Pure• Bred Dog -small... ..... 1.50 1.00 7550 4 Best Pure - Bred Dog • large (Papers not required for dogs) 1 50 1.00 .75 .50 S., Best looking doe- not pure-bred 1.50 1.00 .75 .50 6. Best tamed wild life Pet 1.50 1.00 75 50 7. Most uncommon pel (animal) 1 .50 1.00 75 .50 8. Best looking rabbit 1.50 1.00 .75 .50 9. Moet colourfulfowl 150 1,W .75 .50 10. Any breed pigeon 1.50 1.00 .75 .50 11, Consolation even) 1.50 1.00 .75 .50 No exhibitor awarded more than two prizes In pet show. These entries may be made through your school or direct with secretary. Exhibits must be in place tty 09:30 on the second day of the lair. Above are judged solely as pets. Peigreea are o1 no consequence. Dogs must be shown on leash. A Lions' Club' representative will be on hand from 13:30 - 15:00 on the second day 01 the fair to pay the prizes for the pet show. Competitors should arrange to collect their prize at that time. PARADE - SECTION L Committee: Brian Campbell, Norma Riley, David Kemp. The theme for thls ywar'e parole le a "Fall Fair Fantasy". All entrants ere encouraged to support the fantasy theme If possible. 1. Grades K, 1, 2,3, 4 - To room with the best Identification head dress, sash, or apron. 512; 910; 98; 94 to all other entries. or identification,2. Grades 5, 6, 7, 8. To room with best banner (any P 1 $12; $i; 54 other entries. 3. Grade0;s S8; K, 1$,62,$43, $6, 2, 3, 4to Bestall class float, 315; 912; 910; and 57 to all other entries. 4. Grades 5, 6, 7, 8, Best classIloat 515; $12; $10; and $7 to all other entries. 5. Beet Clown - My age up to Grade 4 - S10; $8; 56; $4. 6. Beet Clown - Grades 5 and over - 910; $8; 58; $4. 7. Decorated bikes and or un -motorized vehicles - Up to and including Grade4-510; S8; 56; 54.. 8. Decorated bikes and or un -motorized vehicles - Grade 5 and up - 910; $8; 56; $4. 9. Best decorated horde or ponies with cart or wagon - 510;. 58; 56; S4. 10. Beat .decorated -horse (or pony) and rider - 510; $8; Se; S4. 11. Best decorated pet and handler - 510; 58; Se; S4. 12. Service organization entry - 510; 58; 58; 54. 13. Commercial entry - *10; $8; 56; 54. 14. Vintage Cars -Alt vintage cars In parade will receive $5 per entry. Display space will be available at fairgrounds atter parade. NOTE: All cyclists require a note signed by parents or guardian to participate In Class No. 7 and 8. Undecorated bikes and small motorized vehicles are not allowed In or on the parade route. All entriesmust be at Optimist Grounds by 10:30 a -m- to be 01191610 for judging. Parade originates at Optimist Park, Parade Is scheduled to leave Optimist's Park at 11:00. Classes 5-14 will be designated aeparateareas for assembly prior to parade, m judging can take place quicker, easier and more thoroughly. Classes 5-14, entry forms - Names and addressee end some identification. Committee: Joan Whyte 527-0349 Nancy Turnbull 627.0925 • Joyce Wilson 527.0687 OPEN TO 80Y8 AND GIRLS 18 YRS. AND UNDER (EX N.B. No person shall be allowed to make more than one entry 11 In any class the entries do not merit a prize, no prize will be giv of a tie, prize money will be evenly divided. Please read Regulations. Payment o1 91.00 will entitle you to compete 1 following sections also permits ONE Tree pass Thursday or Fri• once. Entry forms must be filled In to be eligible for prize • Indicates sample o1 material must be attached. Bowing articles may show limited wear. All prize money 1s1-53.00; 2nd -52.50; 3r8..00 SEWING CLASS GRADES 9 & 10 1. One piece dress with zipper, collar & sleeve 2. Wrap around skirt 3. Pante with zipper 4. Jogging suit 5. Sleeveless blouse SPECIAL: To winners of meat points In classes 1-5 510.00 Laron-Sptltal. SEWING GRADES 11,12 & 13 6. Jogging suit 7. Co-ordinating two-piece outfit 6. Blouse with collar, set -In -sleeve and buttonholes 9. One place dress with zipper, collar and sleeve 10. Skirt with zipper SPECIAL: To winners of most points in classes 6-10 510.00 larone-Spittal. BAKING GRADES 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 11. Piece of gingerbread cake 2" x 2" 12. Apple pie 5" foil tin 13: One loaf Irish Soda Bread 14. 6 baked oatmeal cookies 15. Brownies, unload, four on a plate 16. Bran muffles, three on a plate 17. Candy, chocolate Judge, 3 pieces 1" square 18. 4 white yeast rolls SPECIAL: To winners of most points In classes 11-18 a 510.00 The Cheese House. CRAFTS GRADES 9, 10,11,12 & 13 19. Display a Nature Picture le. -using natural Items, cedar t atones & seeds 20. Any project from wood 21. Homemade Christmas tree ornament 22. Crocheted article 23. Photographs - 4 pictorial snapshots, mounted 24. Photographs - 4 snapshots Human Interest, mounted 25. Any other craft not listed above SPECIAL: To winner of most points In classes 19-25 a 510.00 Hildebrand Flowers. Seaforth Junior Fa Section tion 1 - EDUC ATI AL Class 1 - Junior Farmer Exhibits Class 2 - 4-H Agricultural Club Exhibits Class 3 - l -H Homemaking Club Exhibits aa. EXECUTIVE Chairman: Murray Scott, 01 Belgrave Vlce•Chalmtan: Ken Mawhinney, 01 Lucknow Secretary: John Bancroft, Clinton DIRECTORS Don Dodds, 111, Seaforth Bob McNeil, 06, Goderich Glen McNeil, I/O, Goderich Sharon Flanagan, 01, Dublin Gordan Popple, 05, Seaforth Ken Mawhinney, Lucknow Les Falconer, N5, Clinton Ken Coleman, Seaforth John VanV Ile: 02,Brussels BIII Wallace, 04, eaforth Wheatley, Nt Larry Wh y, , Dublin Barry Gordon, Seaforth Bob Broadloot, Brucefleld Nell Dolmage, 84, Walton VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT TROPHY - Vincent Farm Equipment will present a trophy to the Champion 4-H Agricultural Club educational display at Seaforth Fair. Section 2 - FIELD CROP Class 6A - 5 lbs, of haylage - 4-H Class 58 - 5 lbs. o1 haylage - Junior Farmers Class 6A - 5 lbs. of winter wheat - 4-H Class 68 - 5 lbs. o1 winter wheat - Junior Farmers Class 1A - 8 ears of corn - 41-1 Class 1B - 8 ears of corn - Junior Farmers Cleve 2A - 4H Inter -Club Hay Competition, V. bale of first -cut hay Clam 28 - Junior Farmer Inter -Club Hay Competition, V. bale of first -cut hay Class 3A • 6 lbs. of white beans - 4-H Clam 3B - 5 lbs. o1 white beans • Junior Farmers Clam 4A - 6 lbs. of barley • 4-H Clam 40 • 5 lbs. of barley - Junior Farmers Section 3 - LIVESTO Huron County 4-H I14e1 Champions* Show Class 1 - Baby Beef Steers (thaw not nominated for Class 2 - Queen's Guineas Nominated Steers Class 3 - Junior Helfer Calves Clam 4 - Senior Helfer Calves Grand and Reeente Champion Heller.