HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-09-14, Page 214H, JUNIOR FARMERS and JUNIOR INSTITUTES of Huron County and surrounding counties who do not participate in other Class 'B' Fairs held in conjunction with and under auspices of Seaforth Agricultural Society in co-operation with CANADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD ONTARIO MINISTRY OF AGRICULTUE AND FOOD HURON COUNT 4-H HORSE AND PONY CLUBS INTER -COUNTY COMPETITION Clam 1 - Junior Showmanship Class , Class 2 - Senior Showmanehlp Class Class 3 - Grand Champion Horse Showman pass 4 - Trail Class Class 5 - Junior Equitation Class S - Senior Equitation Class 7 - Halter Claes HURON COUNTY 4-14 SWINE CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Class 1 - 4-1-1 Gilt Oa a 2 - 4-H Market Hog Class 3 - Junior Showman Clens 4 - Senior Showman BASIS OF AWARDS The awards will be made on the following basis: 270 points for award on calf at the Fair. 100 points for Judging Competition. Each competitor will be required to judge at least one class composed of four cattle and give reasons tor the placing. 200 points for answers to questions based on club work, and feeding and management of dairy cattle. 100 points for showmanship - manner In which the club member shows his entry In the ring i70 points); condition of the animal (20 points); general appearance of exhibitor (10 points). 100 points for care and feeding methods noted at time of periodic visits made during the season. • 200 points for regularity and accuracy In forwarding monthly report. 100 points for attendance.and Interest shown at the meetings and judging classes. 11:00 a.m. - Arrive on grounds. 1:00 p.m. - Judging of calves and showmanship. Come to the 138th A Seaforth Fall Fai CENTRAL HURON 4-11 SWINE CLUB Under the supervision of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food, sponsored locally by the Huron County Pork Producers' Association. CLUB LEADERS: Don Dodds, 41, Seaforth; Graeme Craig, 41, Walton; John VanVllet, 42, Brumele; Greg Love, 42, Zurich. CLUB EXECUTIVE: President, Brent Robinson; Vice -President, Gary Godkln; Secretary, Darryl Smith; News Reporter, Paul Dodds. CLUB MEMBERS: Don Bean, Steve Baan, Audrey Bergsma, Joan Bergsma, Melvin Bergsma, Paul Dodds, Gary Godkln, Jeff McGavin, Ross McIntosh, Randy Novers, Al Renning, Ken Rennning, Brent Robinson, Stephen Ryan, Darryl Smith, Date Nott, Tim Fritz. ' BASIS OF AWARDS The awards will be made on the following basis: 201 points for award on gilt which will be judged at the Fair on the basis of bacon type, development, uniformity and breeding standard. 100 points for Competition of judging of swine. 200 pointe forexamination to consist of questions based on club work, feeding and management, and marketing of swine. 100 points for showmanship - manner In which the club member shows his entry In the ring (70 points); condition of the animal (20 points); general appearance of the exhibitor (10 points). 100 points for care and feeding method not d at time of periodic visits made during the season. l 200 polnla for regularity and accuracy In lo arding monthly reports. 100 points for attendance and Interest shown at the meetings and judging , classes. 10:00 a.m. - Arrive on grounds 10:30 a.m. - Judging of swine and showmanship HURON COUNTRY PORK PRODUCERS AWARD - Tho Huron County Pork Producers will donate a clock (approximately valued at 515) to the Champion 4-H Swine Showman at Seaforth Junior Fair. BANK OF COMMERCE AWARD SEAFORTH BRANCH - Tho Bank of Commerce will present a gold watch to the member showing the Champion 4-H Gilt. BANK OF MONTREAL, CLINTON BRANCH - the Bank of Montreal will present a silver try, suitably engraved. The Bank prize will be awarded to the top first year member In the Huron County Pork Producers 4-H Swine Club Protect. KIPPFIELD 4-11 CALF CLUB Under the supervision of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, sponsored locally by, the Exeter Agricultural Society. CLUB LEADERS: Lawrence Beane, N1, Brucef laid; Les Falconer, 45, Clinton. CLUB MEMBERS: Steven Beane, Scott Cooper, Brad Falconer, Mary Gibson, Mark McGregor, Michael McGregor, Julie Townsend, Murray Townsend, Scott Townsend, Kevin Varley, David Townsend, George Wilson. CLINFORTH 4-11 CALF CLUB Under the supervision oI the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, sponsored locally by the McKillop Federatlgn of Agriculture. CLUB LEADERS: Brian Oldfield, 114, Seaforth; Dianne Oldlleld, 44, Seaforth; Bob Vodden, N1, Clinton. CLUB EXECUTIVE: President, Elizabeth Stewart; Vice -President, Kelly' Vodden; Secretary, Jeanne Salvldar; Press Reporter, Julie Hummel. CLUB MEMBERS: Blair Beuermann, Julie Hummel, Lana Jones, David Saldivar, Jeanne Saidivar, Elizabeth Stewart, Jim Roth, Angela van den Elzen, Teresa van den Elzen, Kelly Vodden. HURON COUNTY 4-H SHEEP CLUB Organized under the supervision of the Ontario Minlstryof Agriculture and Food; sponsored locally by the Seaforth Agricultural Society. CLUB LEADERS: Florence Pullen, Clinton; Harriet Boon, 42, Bluevale; Jim Rae, 1/1, Clifford. • CLUB EXECUTIVE: President, Kate Boon; Vice -President, Darren Faber; Secretary. David Townsend; Press Reporter, Lisa Webster. CLUB MEMBERS: Kate Boon, Martha Boon, Ron Chambers, Steven Gerslenkorn, Donna Johnston, Sandy Merner, Darren 'Faber, John Nleuwenholf, David Pullen, Michael Pullen, Shona Rae, David Townsend, Lisa Webster. Brian Whyte, Crystal Whyte, David Whyte. Lori Faber. BASIS OF AWARDS 200 points for 4-11 Exhibit and 1 fleece o1 wool at Achievement Day. 200 points tor project reports. 200 points for examination based on club project. 100 points for attendance at club meetings and Interest. 100 points for care and feeding methods. 100 points fyr judging competition. 100 points for showmanship. Prize money and awards will be awarded at the annual Awards Night In November. It will be donated by the following: Production Service of the Canada Department of Agriculture, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and the Seaforth Agricultural Society. 10:00 a.m. - Arlve at grounds 11:00 a.m. - Judging o1 entry and showmanship. EXHIBIT: 4-H Exhibit 150 pointe Fleece of wool 50 points CLASSES 4-H member must show in one of the following classes: 1. ewe class (1 year of age and older) 2. ewe lamb class a ram lamb class 4. market Iamb class 4-H member must exhlblt wool In one of the following classes: 1. long wool type 2 medium wool type All 4-H members must compete In the Showmanship Class. ' 1. Showmanship Class. WEST HURON 4-H CROPS CLUB CLUB LEADERS: Cory McDonald, 41, Dungannon; Carol Thompson, 42, Clinton. CLUB OFFICERS: Presldgnl„Robin Lobb; ylce-President, Mark Scott; Secretary, Mike Hackers; Press Reporter, Mike Scott. CLUB MEMBERS: Jerry Hakkers, Mike Hakkers, Glen Lamb, Steven Lamb,.Robin Lobb, Mark Scott, Mike Scott, David Mahood. BASIS OF AWARDS 200 points for exhibit at Achievement Day. - 200 points for field score. 210 pointe for Examination based on club project, 200 points for club reports. 100 points for attendance at club meeting. 100 points for Juding Competition. All exhibits must be In place In the Fair Building al 12 o'clock noon on the first day of the Fair. CENTRAL HURON 4-H CROPS CLUB CLUB LEADERS: Larry Wheatley, 41, Dublin; Barry Gordon, Seaforth. CLUB MEMBERS: Ken Axtmann, Don Baan, Steve Baan, Bryan Coleman, Paul Dodds, William Fotheringham, Dean Glanville, Robert Glanville, Gary Godkln, Jeff McGavin, Dan McNichol, Pat Moylan, Ron Pryce, Bill Stewart, Peter VenStyke. BASIS OF AWARDS - SAME AS ABOVE THE 1st ANNU STAN JACKSON ME HEREFORD SH ************** I \ ******** * * * * ** Seaforth Agricultural Society FAIR DANCE UE Dance 9 - 1 to SI DDON BROS. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Proceeds for * Agricultural Events * ' & Prize Money ******************** Saturday, September 17 B -B -Qua 5-7 p.m. 57.50 per person Dance & B-B-Que $4.00 Dance Thursday, Sept. 22 * * * * * * * ** [New Arena Hail] 8:15 p.m. Queen Contestant Introduction OFFICIAL OPENING 9:15 p.m. Entertainment 9:30 p.m. Fair Queen Contest 10:30 p.m. Crowning of the Fair Queen by Lynne Dodds Bill Kell - Master of Ceremonies 11:00 a.m. Parade leaves Opt' 12:00 p.m. Judging of Livestock 12:45 p.m. Judging of Light & Hee 1:00 p.m. Lion's Pet Show,at MacD Farm See Sec. K. Junior Fair for 4-H, Junior Far Institutes 2:30 p.m. Harness Racing, 2 Matin 4:00 p.m Livestock Parade 7:00 p.m. Western Horse Show, FALL FAIR PASS - [Includes All Fair Events] [With Membership Card] $5.00 $4.00 TALENT SHOW 7:30 - Featuring Barbershop C McQuaid Sisters and Square DE M.C. Bill Thomson from CKNX