HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-09-14, Page 141 • A14 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 14, 1983 Hensall Correspondent BERTHA MacGREGOR 262-2025 Members of Amber Re- bekah Lodge met on Wed- nesday evening for their regular meeting. Mrs. Marg- aret Upshall Vice Grand presided in the absence of Noble Grand Mrs. Margaret Consltt, assisted by Mrs. Ruby Bell R.S.V.G. who reported for the visiting committee; Mrs. Dorothy Corbett, Treasurer reported for the Financial committee. The report of the District meeting held in Seaforth in June was given by Mrs. Bertha MacGregor. An invi- tation was to be extended to ldelweiss Lodge, Seaforth .for the installation Oct. 5. Unit I of the U.C.W. of Hensall United church met Sept. 8 and Anita Cook l@©llll and 0g lodge invites Seaforth's Rebekahs ea opened the meeting by read- A beautiful day outdoors ing a short poem "Autumn." was held at the Presbyterian Audrey Christie conducted Camp Kintail when Caven,. the btisiness meeting The Carmel and Cromarty Pres - speaker Rev. McDonald took byterian congregations gath- the study "Christian lnitia- ered for an outdoor service tion." A film was shown and conducted by Rev. Kenneth group discussions were held Knight. The three congrega- telating to the United Church tions were well represented Baptismal service. and members of Caven Mrs. Ross MacMillan, Church, Exeter, namely Ann Waterloo visited on Friday Kennedy, Susan Moore, last with her mother Mrs. Mary and Jim Dougall sang a Laird Mickle. number. Carmel Church ser - RETURN FROM VACATION vice next Sunday will com- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bis- mence at 9:00 a.m. back and family have re- UNIT 4 turned from a vacation where OPENS WITH DINNER they attended the largest The U.C.W. Unit 4 of outdoor flea market in the Hensall United Church met world at Bremsfield, Massa- with a pot -luck dinner Sept -,8 chusetts. In Cooperstown, in the Fellowship Hall of the New York they attended the church with 18 members and Farmer's Museum with an- 12 guests attending. In place tique farming equipment -and of the study, Rev. McDonald the Corning Glass Centre presented the film "Older in Years and Young In Spirit" dkr thePeratotg 00 BRUCE SMITH' about a lady who at 99 told us and showed us how to keep young and make the best of every day. For business Group 4 will look after the flowers for the month of September for the church. Mrs. Connie Taylor of Gravenhurst spent a few days last week visiting with her brother-in-law and sister- in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corbett and attended the wedding of her nephew Jeff Corbett and Sheila Riley on Saturday. VISITORS FROM HENSALL, ENGLAND TOUR THE VILLAGE Friday Sept. 5 was a special day for Betty Oke, the village clerk, when Derek and Geraldine Pickerill and their children, Jamie and Claire from Hensall, North Humberside, (which used to be Yorkshire) England en- BESTWAY CLEANING SERVICE 11-k. Carpets and Upholstery Cleaned in your home or place of business We use the exclusive Von Schrader Dry Foam Method No Heavy Soaking Carpets Dry in 2-4hours/ Call today for free estimate BRUSSELS, ONT. 887-9095 "WE OFFER THE BEST" Don't you think you deserve it? IT'S WORTH THE DRIVE TO THE NEW MATTRESS SHOP Sales Representative Mitchell Co-op Store 130 Georgina Street Mitchell, Ont. NOK I NO Bus: 348-9975 alsbas Res: 348-9975 the co-operators IMSURANCI AND fINANCIAl SERYICFS LIFE•HOME•AUTO•BUSINESS•FARM at Featuring Simmons Serra. Sleepmaster Waterbeds als Main St., Dublin OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY NICHT TILL 9 P.M. Closed Mondays o available 345-2250 Box Furniture has prices that make you want to smile' during their • tered her office. They were touring Ontario and Betty, like a true ambassador real- ized she could not let the opportunity pass to show the Pickerill family around Hen- sall. She invited them to her home for lunch the next day. Although Betty and Don live in Zurich they both have a great love for Hensall, and give generously of their time and talents for the better- ment of the village. Don and Betty drove them to Hensall, and showed them all the interesting places, including Cook's Mill. Then they were driven to Ben - miller, Goderich and Bay- field, returning to the Oke residence. Don and Betty were happy to have had the opportunity to entertain the Pickerill family, giving them the history of how Hensall war founded by the Petty Bros. from Hensall, Yorkshire, England and presenting them with a history of Hensall, called "Hensall A Beautiful Place To Live" by Mattie Ellis. The family said this visit to Hensall had been the highlight of their Canad- ian Tour. SILVER WEDDING , ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pollock, Hensall, Jim Pollock, Missis- sauga, Jane Pollock, Toronto and Mrs. Edith Bell, Exeter, attended the Silver Wedding Anniversary celebration of Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Pass- more, London, on Sunday. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beaver, Kim and Chris, Paris, Scott Beaver and friend, Missis- sauga, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Struyf and Jennifer, Thed- ford, Mr. & Mrs. Felix Boogemans, Vicki and Scott, Burlington, and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Pullman, London. Michael Passmore and friend Mark and Debbie Passmore helped entertain guests at their parents home in Lon- don. Christian Education Sun- day was held at the United Church on Sunday morning when the Sunday Church School teachers and Thro- The-Week Group Leaders were recognized and in- stalled for the year. Teachers are: Nursery De- partment - Jayne Consitt and Janice Campbells Kinder- garten Department - Dana Bozzato and Starr Jesney; Primary Department - Carol Stuart and Beth McGee; Junior Department • Kay Rathwell, Pat Campbell and Jean Wareing; Intermediate Department - Joanne Fields, Pamela Mallette, Judy Kyle and Jean Cole; Senior De- partment - Sharon Wurm. The Sunday School Superin- tendent is Harry Stuart and the Secretary for this year is Joanne Roweliffe. There are two classes in each Department with the Senior Sunday School meet- ing at 10:45 a.m. and the other Department meeting with the congregation at 11:00 a.m. and then going to their classes after the open- ing Worship. Thro-The-Week Group leaders installed are Mes- sengers, Evelyn Elder and Bonnie Gould: Explorer Leaders Shirley McAllister, Kathy Mann, Margaret Cole and Dorothy Brintnell. The Junior Choir of the church, to which all children eight years of age and older are invited, will have their first practice on Friday after- noon at 4:00 p.m. QUEENSWAY NEWS Mrs. Susan Purdy visited with several residents at Queensway Nursing Home during the past week namely Earl Kinsman, Verge Wil- liams, Vera Lammie, Mary Parlmer. Visiting with Earl Kinsman were Roy and Haz- el Waites, Bertha Mussey, Janet Kinsman and Sherri Lovell. Phillip Eisenbach vis- ited his sister Elizabeth. Mrs. Wren visited with Lou- ise Mitchell. Dirk and Maria Rozendal, Wout Kirk Schout- en, Holland visited with Mrs. Alice Rozendal. Iva Hatter and Ilia Dunn visited Vera Laramie. Gladys Beckler vis- ited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Pat Oesch. High bowler was Neil Regan. Sheila Riley. an employee. was married to Jeff Corbett on Saturday in Hensall United Church and their bridal attendants vis- ited residents at the Home following their marriage. Unit 3 of the Hensall U.C.W. met on Tuesday with Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell pre- siding and read a poem "Time For Everything." The annual bazaar will be held Nov. 17 at 3 p.m. HUGGING THIRD BASE Is lain Mallloux of the Expos while Derek Gridzak c' the Topnotch team guards third base. Winners of the Tykes "A" championship game Monday night were the Expos with ascore of 10 to 8. "B" champs were the Blue Jays who beat the Tigers 8 to 5 atter four extra innings. (Hundertmark photo) New family in Kippen Correspondent MARGARET HOGGARTH 262-6902 We welcome to the area Penny and Mark Savage and their family, Andrew. Tara and Aaron. They moved from Huron, Park to reside in the former Workman house owned by Michael Connolly. Andrew is attending Clinton high school, while Tara and Aaron are going to Huron Centennial Public School in Brucefield. The family spent the week prior to Labor Day in Inglesbay, Minden, Ontar- io, where Mark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Savage live. Thea Wisch recently re- turned from a trip to Stutt- gart. South Germany where she attended her nephew's wedding. Thea then travelled to Hamburg for a visit with other relatives. On her return home to Toronto Aifport she was met by her husband Uwe not in the conventional car, -GREAT PROTECTION AT A SPECIAL PRICE! • New Dimensions in Home but in a 4 seated Cessna 172. Thea commented that she preferred the larger DC10 which took her to and from Germany. Kippen East Women's In- stitute will hold their Sep- tember Citizenship meeting Sept. 21 at 8:30 p.m. at the home of Agnes Eyre. Roll call is "name a Canadian Province and its flower." The Kippen 1 and Kippen 3 Homemaking clubs will soon be starting. Joyce Wil- son and Eileen Townsend, Penny Savage and Margaret Hoggarth attended training school last week, for the new club "Looking Great, Feeling Great." Kippen 1 will be starting their club on Thurs- day 15th at 7:30 p.m. at Hoggarth's. Congratulations are ex- tended to Robert McGregor and Elizabeth Gibson on Use CUPRINOL Stain and Wood Preserver SAVE Savings Days 26" Corner T.V. Oak Cabinet NEW NN-6.,pQ'� BUY ONE GET THE 2ND AT HALF PRICE (EQUIVALENT VALUE) • PENETRATES • PRESERVES • BEAUTIFIES • WATER REPELLANT their marriage in Clinton on Saturday. September 10th. KIPPEN UNITED CHURCH NEWS The service at St. An- drew's church, Kippen, was held at 10 a.m. on Sunday Sept. 11 with Pastor Don Moffat officiating and Mrs. David Cooper presiding at the organ. The sermon, "One Million Kids in troub- le" dealt with the prevention of juvenile delinquencies. Sunday school resumed at 10 a.m. with good attendance. Sympathy is extended to Hal Jones in the loss of his sister Mrs. Bernard Keys, formerly a resident of the Kippen area. The Kippen U.C.W. met at 8 p.m. on Tues. Sept. 13 with a special speaker, Paul Turn- bull, who talked on work done in the community and showed a slide presentation. Firemen have crowd Correspondent ISABEL SCOTT 482-7135 The Brucefield volunteer firemen held a successful pancake, sausage and egg breakfast Saturday morning. The bake table was also well patronized. They thank everyone who attended and helped. The general meeting of the A.C.W. was held Tuesday afternoon with Stanley Unit in charge. Isabel Scott assisted by Jean Henderson conduct- ed the worship on steward- ship. Mrs. Stoll presided and Barbara Moffat read a letter from the foster child. Mrs. Jack Henderson and Mrs. Cliff Henderson reported. "Blue Optic" Picture Tube tilt • (, lid, t.;i APPLIES TO ANY ITEM Sept. 30th 5 e" IN PRODUCT LINE 1983 CUPRINOL - - - IT'S IN THE WOOD FOR GOOD OFFER EXPIRES BALL-MACAULAY (�(omecare BUILDING COME Thankoffering meeting is Oct. 4 at 8 p.m. and the presbyterial meeting at Go- shen on Oct. 3 at 6:45 p.m. Plans were made for the dessert euchre Oct. I I. $50 was voted for the work of Margaret Robinson. Mrs. Doreen Baird has returned from a trip to the West Coast when she accom- panied Orrin and Marjorie Baird and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hill, Medicine Hat Alberta are holidaying with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hill and Robert for two weeks. Also visiting Sunday were Miss Ina Anderson and her mother Mrs. Mary Anderson, Toron- to. For all your home fix -ups us a Call. and renovations. Give 'Vile do Reg. $1,549.95 Seaforth BALL-MACAULAY LIMITED Corn. Huron & High St. 519-527-0910 !Renovations •Addil,o.e •Decks *Steps •Inlerlor trimming • Cabinets built to bit, 20 Years Experience JIM COLEMAN 527-1684 Sale ;1,16900 Get longer wear and a Sharp Cutting Edge at B&B Palin Machine 20" Remote Control Portable Reg. $999.00 Sale 5759 26" Remote Control Floor , Model Reg. $1,299.00 Sale $749 14" Colour Portable Reg. $499.00 Sale New and used knives can be hard surfaced and ground to STAY SHARP "Field After Field" We can also hardsurface parts for plows, cultivators , anhydrous applicators and almost anything else. We also carry for bean combines Perforated Metal for screens. -tierW0°Q `Tours' BUSES AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER Deluxe Highway Coaches Activity Buses Custom Vans Phone Collect Goderich 524-7622 x429 COST OF HARDSURFACING IS SMALL COMPARED TO REPLACING Phone 527-0114 and ask for Bob BOX FURNITURE The place for quality furniture at reasonable prices! Main St. Seatorth 527-0680 B &B Palin Machine Welding and amoral Repairs (1/2 mile north of Seatorth) Hard Surfacing and on Countyftd. 12 Grinding Bean Knives * * * * * * * "STONE ROAD" THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 "GLIDER" * ADVANCE TICKETS AT THE BAR -'3.00 * * OR AT THE DOOR -'4.50 * IF SPACE PERMITS * ******************** ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL" Highway No. $ West, Clinton "THIS WEEK" September 15-16-17 Thursday -Friday -Saturday ;'NEXT WEEK" * ONE NIGHT ONLY ioh.i. tOWR r.11 MRAINAGI •We plow in plastic or clay tile *Laser controlled grade •No back filling •No stones to pick •No sub -soil on top For more information, please write 271-4777 RR 4 Stratford On NSA 6S5 or con /f. 'T dkr thePeratotg 00 BRUCE SMITH' about a lady who at 99 told us and showed us how to keep young and make the best of every day. For business Group 4 will look after the flowers for the month of September for the church. Mrs. Connie Taylor of Gravenhurst spent a few days last week visiting with her brother-in-law and sister- in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corbett and attended the wedding of her nephew Jeff Corbett and Sheila Riley on Saturday. VISITORS FROM HENSALL, ENGLAND TOUR THE VILLAGE Friday Sept. 5 was a special day for Betty Oke, the village clerk, when Derek and Geraldine Pickerill and their children, Jamie and Claire from Hensall, North Humberside, (which used to be Yorkshire) England en- BESTWAY CLEANING SERVICE 11-k. Carpets and Upholstery Cleaned in your home or place of business We use the exclusive Von Schrader Dry Foam Method No Heavy Soaking Carpets Dry in 2-4hours/ Call today for free estimate BRUSSELS, ONT. 887-9095 "WE OFFER THE BEST" Don't you think you deserve it? IT'S WORTH THE DRIVE TO THE NEW MATTRESS SHOP Sales Representative Mitchell Co-op Store 130 Georgina Street Mitchell, Ont. NOK I NO Bus: 348-9975 alsbas Res: 348-9975 the co-operators IMSURANCI AND fINANCIAl SERYICFS LIFE•HOME•AUTO•BUSINESS•FARM at Featuring Simmons Serra. Sleepmaster Waterbeds als Main St., Dublin OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY NICHT TILL 9 P.M. Closed Mondays o available 345-2250 Box Furniture has prices that make you want to smile' during their • tered her office. They were touring Ontario and Betty, like a true ambassador real- ized she could not let the opportunity pass to show the Pickerill family around Hen- sall. She invited them to her home for lunch the next day. Although Betty and Don live in Zurich they both have a great love for Hensall, and give generously of their time and talents for the better- ment of the village. Don and Betty drove them to Hensall, and showed them all the interesting places, including Cook's Mill. Then they were driven to Ben - miller, Goderich and Bay- field, returning to the Oke residence. Don and Betty were happy to have had the opportunity to entertain the Pickerill family, giving them the history of how Hensall war founded by the Petty Bros. from Hensall, Yorkshire, England and presenting them with a history of Hensall, called "Hensall A Beautiful Place To Live" by Mattie Ellis. The family said this visit to Hensall had been the highlight of their Canad- ian Tour. SILVER WEDDING , ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pollock, Hensall, Jim Pollock, Missis- sauga, Jane Pollock, Toronto and Mrs. Edith Bell, Exeter, attended the Silver Wedding Anniversary celebration of Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Pass- more, London, on Sunday. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beaver, Kim and Chris, Paris, Scott Beaver and friend, Missis- sauga, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Struyf and Jennifer, Thed- ford, Mr. & Mrs. Felix Boogemans, Vicki and Scott, Burlington, and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Pullman, London. Michael Passmore and friend Mark and Debbie Passmore helped entertain guests at their parents home in Lon- don. Christian Education Sun- day was held at the United Church on Sunday morning when the Sunday Church School teachers and Thro- The-Week Group Leaders were recognized and in- stalled for the year. Teachers are: Nursery De- partment - Jayne Consitt and Janice Campbells Kinder- garten Department - Dana Bozzato and Starr Jesney; Primary Department - Carol Stuart and Beth McGee; Junior Department • Kay Rathwell, Pat Campbell and Jean Wareing; Intermediate Department - Joanne Fields, Pamela Mallette, Judy Kyle and Jean Cole; Senior De- partment - Sharon Wurm. The Sunday School Superin- tendent is Harry Stuart and the Secretary for this year is Joanne Roweliffe. There are two classes in each Department with the Senior Sunday School meet- ing at 10:45 a.m. and the other Department meeting with the congregation at 11:00 a.m. and then going to their classes after the open- ing Worship. Thro-The-Week Group leaders installed are Mes- sengers, Evelyn Elder and Bonnie Gould: Explorer Leaders Shirley McAllister, Kathy Mann, Margaret Cole and Dorothy Brintnell. The Junior Choir of the church, to which all children eight years of age and older are invited, will have their first practice on Friday after- noon at 4:00 p.m. QUEENSWAY NEWS Mrs. Susan Purdy visited with several residents at Queensway Nursing Home during the past week namely Earl Kinsman, Verge Wil- liams, Vera Lammie, Mary Parlmer. Visiting with Earl Kinsman were Roy and Haz- el Waites, Bertha Mussey, Janet Kinsman and Sherri Lovell. Phillip Eisenbach vis- ited his sister Elizabeth. Mrs. Wren visited with Lou- ise Mitchell. Dirk and Maria Rozendal, Wout Kirk Schout- en, Holland visited with Mrs. Alice Rozendal. Iva Hatter and Ilia Dunn visited Vera Laramie. Gladys Beckler vis- ited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Pat Oesch. High bowler was Neil Regan. Sheila Riley. an employee. was married to Jeff Corbett on Saturday in Hensall United Church and their bridal attendants vis- ited residents at the Home following their marriage. Unit 3 of the Hensall U.C.W. met on Tuesday with Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell pre- siding and read a poem "Time For Everything." The annual bazaar will be held Nov. 17 at 3 p.m. HUGGING THIRD BASE Is lain Mallloux of the Expos while Derek Gridzak c' the Topnotch team guards third base. Winners of the Tykes "A" championship game Monday night were the Expos with ascore of 10 to 8. "B" champs were the Blue Jays who beat the Tigers 8 to 5 atter four extra innings. (Hundertmark photo) New family in Kippen Correspondent MARGARET HOGGARTH 262-6902 We welcome to the area Penny and Mark Savage and their family, Andrew. Tara and Aaron. They moved from Huron, Park to reside in the former Workman house owned by Michael Connolly. Andrew is attending Clinton high school, while Tara and Aaron are going to Huron Centennial Public School in Brucefield. The family spent the week prior to Labor Day in Inglesbay, Minden, Ontar- io, where Mark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Savage live. Thea Wisch recently re- turned from a trip to Stutt- gart. South Germany where she attended her nephew's wedding. Thea then travelled to Hamburg for a visit with other relatives. On her return home to Toronto Aifport she was met by her husband Uwe not in the conventional car, -GREAT PROTECTION AT A SPECIAL PRICE! • New Dimensions in Home but in a 4 seated Cessna 172. Thea commented that she preferred the larger DC10 which took her to and from Germany. Kippen East Women's In- stitute will hold their Sep- tember Citizenship meeting Sept. 21 at 8:30 p.m. at the home of Agnes Eyre. Roll call is "name a Canadian Province and its flower." The Kippen 1 and Kippen 3 Homemaking clubs will soon be starting. Joyce Wil- son and Eileen Townsend, Penny Savage and Margaret Hoggarth attended training school last week, for the new club "Looking Great, Feeling Great." Kippen 1 will be starting their club on Thurs- day 15th at 7:30 p.m. at Hoggarth's. Congratulations are ex- tended to Robert McGregor and Elizabeth Gibson on Use CUPRINOL Stain and Wood Preserver SAVE Savings Days 26" Corner T.V. Oak Cabinet NEW NN-6.,pQ'� BUY ONE GET THE 2ND AT HALF PRICE (EQUIVALENT VALUE) • PENETRATES • PRESERVES • BEAUTIFIES • WATER REPELLANT their marriage in Clinton on Saturday. September 10th. KIPPEN UNITED CHURCH NEWS The service at St. An- drew's church, Kippen, was held at 10 a.m. on Sunday Sept. 11 with Pastor Don Moffat officiating and Mrs. David Cooper presiding at the organ. The sermon, "One Million Kids in troub- le" dealt with the prevention of juvenile delinquencies. Sunday school resumed at 10 a.m. with good attendance. Sympathy is extended to Hal Jones in the loss of his sister Mrs. Bernard Keys, formerly a resident of the Kippen area. The Kippen U.C.W. met at 8 p.m. on Tues. Sept. 13 with a special speaker, Paul Turn- bull, who talked on work done in the community and showed a slide presentation. Firemen have crowd Correspondent ISABEL SCOTT 482-7135 The Brucefield volunteer firemen held a successful pancake, sausage and egg breakfast Saturday morning. The bake table was also well patronized. They thank everyone who attended and helped. The general meeting of the A.C.W. was held Tuesday afternoon with Stanley Unit in charge. Isabel Scott assisted by Jean Henderson conduct- ed the worship on steward- ship. Mrs. Stoll presided and Barbara Moffat read a letter from the foster child. Mrs. Jack Henderson and Mrs. Cliff Henderson reported. "Blue Optic" Picture Tube tilt • (, lid, t.;i APPLIES TO ANY ITEM Sept. 30th 5 e" IN PRODUCT LINE 1983 CUPRINOL - - - IT'S IN THE WOOD FOR GOOD OFFER EXPIRES BALL-MACAULAY (�(omecare BUILDING COME Thankoffering meeting is Oct. 4 at 8 p.m. and the presbyterial meeting at Go- shen on Oct. 3 at 6:45 p.m. Plans were made for the dessert euchre Oct. I I. $50 was voted for the work of Margaret Robinson. Mrs. Doreen Baird has returned from a trip to the West Coast when she accom- panied Orrin and Marjorie Baird and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hill, Medicine Hat Alberta are holidaying with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hill and Robert for two weeks. Also visiting Sunday were Miss Ina Anderson and her mother Mrs. Mary Anderson, Toron- to. For all your home fix -ups us a Call. and renovations. Give 'Vile do Reg. $1,549.95 Seaforth BALL-MACAULAY LIMITED Corn. Huron & High St. 519-527-0910 !Renovations •Addil,o.e •Decks *Steps •Inlerlor trimming • Cabinets built to bit, 20 Years Experience JIM COLEMAN 527-1684 Sale ;1,16900 Get longer wear and a Sharp Cutting Edge at B&B Palin Machine 20" Remote Control Portable Reg. $999.00 Sale 5759 26" Remote Control Floor , Model Reg. $1,299.00 Sale $749 14" Colour Portable Reg. $499.00 Sale New and used knives can be hard surfaced and ground to STAY SHARP "Field After Field" We can also hardsurface parts for plows, cultivators , anhydrous applicators and almost anything else. We also carry for bean combines Perforated Metal for screens. -tierW0°Q `Tours' BUSES AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER Deluxe Highway Coaches Activity Buses Custom Vans Phone Collect Goderich 524-7622 x429 COST OF HARDSURFACING IS SMALL COMPARED TO REPLACING Phone 527-0114 and ask for Bob BOX FURNITURE The place for quality furniture at reasonable prices! Main St. Seatorth 527-0680 B &B Palin Machine Welding and amoral Repairs (1/2 mile north of Seatorth) Hard Surfacing and on Countyftd. 12 Grinding Bean Knives * * * * * * * "STONE ROAD" THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 "GLIDER" * ADVANCE TICKETS AT THE BAR -'3.00 * * OR AT THE DOOR -'4.50 * IF SPACE PERMITS * ******************** ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL" Highway No. $ West, Clinton "THIS WEEK" September 15-16-17 Thursday -Friday -Saturday ;'NEXT WEEK" * ONE NIGHT ONLY