HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-08-29, Page 8MINOR 4QGALS. -Wit:Whatn Business College opens Sept. $n4. -�Wthainun: fait fair on September 9143rh. and 21th. --Spend n<xt Monday -Labor Doy- en Winglsarn. --A celebration will be held at Harriss ton on Labor Day" --Bast Wawanosh Council rni::ates are held over until our next issue, --Regular monthly meeting of the Tower Council will be held next Monday evening, --Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian k'oreaters, on Friday evening of thie:week. -.-The Wingham High and. Pnblio Schools will re -open on blonday next for the fall term, --Farmers are about through with the barveetiog. Rain is very badly needed to freshen up the pastures. -Mr. Harry Day, formerly of Wing - ham has sold his residence in Walkerton and intends moving to Vancouver, 13, C. -John Taylor Holmes, an =tole of Robert Holmes of the Clinton New Era, died at Parkdale laet week, aged 83 years. -Four thousand people left Toronto on Tuesday from various points in Ont- ario, on the homeseekers' excursion to the West, -Dr. Kennedy was called to Goderioh professionably last Friday, While there he performed an operation in the new Go latch Hospital, -Mr. Hector McLlean and Miss Maggie McLean received word on Tues. day that their consin,Mr. Allan McLean Wee seriously i11 at Toronto. -At the old boys' reunion entertain- ment in Watford last week, Mies Mabel McDonald of this town won first prize in two of the dancing competitions, -The contract far laying the new granolithie walks on Frances and Leo - paid streets has been awarded to Mr. Chas. Barber. The work has been started. -It has been decided at Gaderich to begin a local option educational cam- paign. It has not yet been decided whether a by-law will be voted on next January. -The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Wingham Hospital will be held 1n the Council Chamber on illouday afternoon, September the 9th, at 4.15 sharp, -The Kincardine Review reports that after spending a few days in Kincardine, officiated the Dominion Alliance decided not to submit a local option by-law in that town next January. -Tate by-law to guarantee the bonds of the Ontario & West Shore Electric RailwayCompany to the extent of X125,- 000 was carried in the township of Ash- field by a majority of 50. -His Honor, Judge Doyle will hold court in the Council Chamber on Friday, -66th of September, commenoiug at 10 o'clock a. nz., for the final revision of the Wingham voters' 1st. -Mies Cora Sherriff, daughter of Mr. Jas. Sherriff, of town, and one of the recent graduates at the Wingham High School, has received the appointment as teacher in the Publio School at Malone. -Earle Reid, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Reid of Kincardine, who was operated on for rupture in the Hos- pital talo weeks ago, was able to go home on Wednesday, having fully recovered. --The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Crowston will be sorry to learn that she suffered another stroke of paralysis on Thursday last. She was taken to the Hospital and has since been in very feeble health and her friends fear she will not recover. --Reports from 564 divisions of the Province to the provincial board of health show the number of deaths from all causes in July to have been 1,053. JI'rom contagions diseases the number of deaths was 207, out of a total of 690 cases. -One of the prettiest home weddings tools place on Tuesday, Aug. 20, at the hams of the bride's mother, Mrs J. Leckie, (ween street south. Kincardine, When herseoor d daughter, Margaret Lavinia, was united in marriage to J. McIver, M. D., of Detroit, formerly' of Kincardine. -The show to be given at the Canad- ian National Exhibition, Toronto, this year in front of the Grand Statid will be most wetly and most varied overprovid- ed at an open air show fn Clanada. All. the best acts now bofote the public have been engaged. In fact, the whole pro- gram consists of high class features, many of Which have not been seen in Arrterica outside of Neta• York, After being sunk for five years off Dort Hope, the Dominion dredge Lear. ler hes been faired and will be brought to Toronto for repairs. Uwe disorders ere reported in Pilot Mound, Um, as the remit of local op. tion, eloeing two of the hotel barb. The motel men dolled up their houses alto. *either, roomers end lodger. have been iame1 crit, ryrd trare11er1 tuts fled no 11gve1l QdM Oss. PERSONAL.. we shall be glad tohave oontributions to this column trout any of our reetlera. -If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself. tiro» in and toil ue, or cold us a note to that okteat. Mies Laura Hornuth, of Toronto is visiting with friends in Wingham. Miss Lizzie Greed hal been visiting with Mrs. Walter Rose at Teeswater. Mr. R H- Holmes is away on a buss. nese trip to Toronto, Cobalt and Winni- peg. Miss Eaa and Mr. Scott Gordon are home after spending a month in Mus• koka. Mr, Earl Drummond is visiting with his uncle, Mr. John Drummond at Oriilia. Mr. Roy Gordon, of Toronto, is visit- ing with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Gordon. Misses Olive Cruickshank and Grace Greer were visiting with Clinton friends for over Sunday. Mr, 3. M. Graham and Miss Helen Graham were visiting with friends in Part Elgin last week. Mr. Geo. Melntosh, editor of the Forest Standard was visiting with Wing - ham friends this week. Mrs. Jas. Sherriff is visiting with her sister at Peterboro and with friends at Toronto and Hamilton. Mr. Roy Crowston, of Toronto is home visiting with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Crowston, who is seriously i11. Mrs. C. J. Graham and daughter, Miss Agnes Graham are spending two weeks with friends in Toronto. Mies Mabel McDonald bas returned home after a ten days' visit with her friend, Miss Riddell at London. „Mrs. Geo. L. Walker, of Gorrie and her sister-in-law, lairs, Green, .were visiting with Wingham friends last week. Mr. and Mrs, A. Nichol and son, Kenneth have returned home after a few weeks' hohdys in Goderioh and Ashfield. Miss E. Burdetta McCracken left this week on a trip to Port Arthur and the North-West, where she intends spending her vacation. Mester Frank Elliot has returned to his home in Brantford after spending several weeks with his brother aad sisters in town. Mrs W. E. Mo0andlish and son Lorne, of Nelson, B. 0., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Slee. John Taylor, at Zetland, and other relatives and friends in this vicinity. Rev. 3. W. Bell, of Toronto is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Gordon this week. Mr. Bell was the esteemed pastor of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon when they were residents of Listowel some years ago. Despite alarmist reports to the con- trary, the crop prospects in the Province of Saskatchewan considered as a whole, are excellent. iiUIi1V. WEIR -At Gienannan, on August 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Weir: n soh. DET -In Wingham, on August 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Doy; a daughter. EogmiEa-In Morris, on August 8th, to Mr, 41.14,2i2ra. Louis Bckmier: a daughter. DIM) LAwannC't-In Turnberry, on August 22nd, Henry Lawrence, aged 48 years and six months, SnEMntox-At Moosejaw, Sask., on August 17th, ,tames Slemmon, formerly of Grey town- ship, aged 51 years. AQtcEw-in Ashfield, on Aug. 16th, Mary Jane McMillan, (relict of the late Joseph Ag- new,) aged 77 years, 6 months and 24 days. McKr8t4ox-.T Huron, en Aug. 15th, Sarah. McKinnon,. (relict of the Iate Donald McKin- non) aged 83 years, Moo* -In Iluilett, on August 14th, Isabella Alice, beloved wife of Will. Moon, aged 46 years, 4 months and 20 days, DAws0x-In West Wawanosh, on August 21st, Annie, beloved wife of George W. Daw- son, aged 41 years, 4 months and 16 days. Bt;ottANAN-At Toronto, on Sunday, August 20, I807. Alice .Teanet Buchanan, second daugh- ter of Jas. Buchanan,hen.,of Goderioh. TOWNSHIP 0 TLJRUBERRY. Notice is hereby riven that a Court vain be held, puran nt to The Ontario Voters' List act, .y His Honour the Judge of tke Count l Court of the County of Huron, at the F+resters' Hall at the Village cf I3lneva!: on Monday, the 2 d of September, 1907, at 1 o'clock .. in., to hear and de - teaming Complaint' of errors and omis- sihns in the Voter: List of the Muniei- pality of Turnberr'• for the year 1907. Dated at Bluev: e this 22nd day of Anienst, 1907. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk of the Muni ipality of Turnberry. THE IMES to .3- 1. lst, 190 ! for 5 outs. TIIF WINGRAM TIBMS, .AUGUST 23, 1907 RITCHIE cosExs�•�• The Cyclone Has Passed Over Real ' Estate ARID Incur ince WilV01 tItI, OIVT, We this week adi rtise a partial list of faun and euburb.,n properties recent ly listed with us for sale. As we make it a poiet to as,ert sin by personal in- spection of eaoh property before listing it, that it is worth ti .e price asked, the intending purchaserria the advantage of our judgnient, as veil as his own in bnyiog. We have had diteear year's experience in the Insurance, Real Estate, Loaning and Valuating burintss and think our opinion is worth soon +thing. Beeiees the list oho tin below we have a muoh longer one at 'our office, which we invite intruding )urohasers to call and see. ' We will d 'ive them free of charge to see any p1aoi on our list. $1900-A 36 acre fat vale. Frame bars land and xis ae bush. A bargain. $3400--A 56 sore fat Wingham. Brio large new bank Terme $1000 oas pent. n adjoining Bine- and lactose, good es of hardwood. m 114 miles from veneered house, arn, good water, i, balance at 5 per $2700-A 50 acre arm 5 miles from Wingham and 1 e miles from Blue - vale. Good hoose and barn, 2 acres bush, 250 rod' new wire fences. Terms $1400 cash ; balance at 41; per pent. $3200-100 ear a, 21e: miles from Wingham, 6 aoree cleared, bank barn 34 x 40 comfortable house, good roads. Terms -One half cash, balance at 5 er cent. $4000-50 acret ham. Goo rooms, bank and orchard. ance on mor house and lo went. one mile from Wing - brick house, ten barn, good garden Terms, part cash, bai- tgage, or will take a in town in part pay- - $3500-51 acre,, square lot, 1 mile from Wroxet-:r, brick house, bank barn, windmi 1, water in stable. A complete hom i at a moderate price. Terms, $1500 ;ash, balance on mort- gage. $4:500-102 aore vale and five Large rebuilt stabling uncle good land, an Terms, 82000 cent. , one mile from Bine- iiles from Wingham. barn and shed with all. Frame house, in a good locality. ash, balance at 5 per $6200-150 acres Township of Turn• berry, barn 36. "0, shed 3642, with good stabling n der all, frame house, never failing c eek and two good wells, 110 acres nder plow and clear of stumps, 42 ao es in crop this year and 68 sores in g ass. An excellent property two mils from Wingham. Terms to snit nrchaser. Good reasons for sellin $5500-150 acre, Cl) se to Wingham. One of the fine t farms in the County of Huron. Excellent build- ings, good land nd fences, never failing spring olos to barn. Two thousand dollars may be Left on mortgage at 41,4 p r cent. $6500-200 acres, East Wawanosh. Two square lots, 2i to CP R. station at Auburn, and (k to Blyth, mile to church and post office, 1' to school. A splendid grain and stock farm, good, crops this year, A money-makertc, the right man. Owner has other property and no help to work lana. Terms, 83000 cash ; balance on mortgage. $8500-200 acres,`lee miles from Wingham. Bakpbarn 70x80, large brick house "barn as new. A fine farm in abeautif 'situation. Close to school and on a! main gravel road. Crops above the average this year. Terms, 82500 csshl balance on mort- gage. $8000-200 acres, Si wood bush, fine stone stabling, g and pig pen, silo, barn. One of iii East Wawanosh. tore buying elsow aoree good hard - house and barn, od driving house lightning rods on e - finest farms in Better see it be - ere. IN TOWN PLOT $1200-1,4i acres, brick veneer house, frame barn and root house. Terms, $400 Dash, balance;at 5 per cent. $11000--0 acres, frame house, in a good situation. Just 'I the plate for a retired farmer. $1300-4 sores on i splendid corner. i story frame louse as good as new. Good laid and every- thing in order. $1300-9 acres in Lower Town, All the advantage of upper town with one fifth of the tax rate. Good 1?.a story frame henget ;large frame barn, good well and cistern, A most de- sirable property. We have also on our'. lista for sale in Voinghatn and other towns and villages,: LAUNDRIES, BLACI$SMITH SHOPS, TANNERIES, EARD'WARE STOOKS, GENERAL STOOKS, {ETC. We exohange farms f r town property and town property for rms. We can direct intendi g purehasers to some good investments i the West. We represent the beet Insuranee ooni. panies :its Fire, Life,coidant, Plate Glass or Carnality basin se. MONEY TO LoA5a o1Q Ittl'n vnn Emma'. A, splendid list of towpi lots and de" bitable horned for sale. 115 will pay you *creed tts, RITCHIE & °SENS REAL �EyST�7ATE & 2 IMAM 1(INGITAMR, And, the Bee Hive is still seining at prices worth, investigating.. somessareirommumnamos GROCERY DEPARTMENT Smoked Shoulders, per 1b Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs for' ,13 - $1.00 Coffee Sugar, 22 lbs. for 1.00 Raw Sugar, 24 lbs, for 1.00 Best Icing Sugar, 4 lbs for ,25 ',--=HOW - Good Salmon, per tin ,15 - When people come to visit you and sit right down Ejust exactly where the faded part of the wall paper shows up worst i Do you explain that the light is too strong and 25 • i pull down the blinds so it won't show or do you stand so as .n5 - I" to hide it. Disagreeable any way ! Why not let it be seen 15 : and say you're going to Saunders, Wingham, for new * j paper right away ! If a paper fades he tells you so quick- • ...• ; * ly. If it will not fade he tells you so more quickly. He has all kinds -all colors -all makes of paper from Irish ,*,� Linen to American Yellow, and it is the only Watson- .* Foster Paper obtainable for a great distance. It is guar- .��' anteed to be what it is represented and full length. * As we expect to remove from our present stand .next year we 'wish if possible to run off a great quantity of our '. present stock, and hence the following prices hi paper. 4. 4. Other Salmon, 2 tans for. Wonderful Soap, 7 bars for Sunlight Soap, 6 bars Mr Bee Rive Soap, 7 bars for Scented Soaps, 2 bars for Scented Soaps, larger ones, 3 for Rice, 7 lbs for Spices, very low in price. 50e Tea, $lack or Green Pickles, 3 bottles for Bee Hive Starch, 4 lbs. for Cheese, per Ib .95 .25 .25 .25 ,05 .10 .25 DO YOU ,,;:'y.�� �5 HOUSE FURNISHINGS At your own price, to clear., Nice lot of Rugs, Curtains, and some Carpet left. •4•101111111141111111 DRESS GOODS. $1,50 Goods now selling for $1,00 $1,00 " „ << „ .60 .60 " „ u is .40 .40 „ ,. ., „ :35 .3i) „ „ it •` . .20 .20 „ „ it • .15 amszessansmasiem People are tickled, and so is England, at the way the goods have been carried away. A great many are dealing here because it is the proper place to get a saving of at Least 3o per cent, on your rnoney. We thank the public for their very large patronage we have enjoyed. The Bee hive Stores A E. ENGLAND, PROPRIETOR. .• •' e • • �1 Ani I.+ • • • ; 1 � TITAi..tiOt rri . ••• • •- �,„y�, as wa 1. • e •_ ..-t.. • • 1 •• • /!)l .A ♦ • We •are giving special prices in all kinds of F urni e o ture, including • • ° • *• PARLOR SUITES,COUCHES,. • • • We need a lot of help for the next sixty days, and you can help us by filling your furniture. - require- ments. - • • • • • • • • • s • w w s s i DINING ROOM SUITS ;2 BED ROOMSUITS, FANCY GHAIRS .s OUR Extension Tables • are sold by their reputation. • We can give you a large s table opens 8 feet long, with 5 legs, for $6.50. 2 • i s r Give us a. call. Satisfaction guaranteed. JAMES WALXER & CO. Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. .441.:x#110.4*44.`!: • - 2 • REMOVAL SALE PRICES •i• •, 4. 4. 4 Regular eA (( (t it C Lt ,< $L25 $I.00 •i5 ,6o .5o .40 .30, .25 .20 .15 .I0 .8 .6 roll now .. 45 u ,. (! (( .< , t: .( '. t (a i< '5 .8o .64 .48 .38 .23 .16 .I3 .11 .08' .05 ,03L: .03 4' r t r31' 4. Q4.. 2 4: -i-• 4. • *V •' 4- 4. 4. 4. 4 ore- 4. Quantity along some lines is -limited. Please do .*s.:. not think that these are cheap papers because the price is *• * ch - ch eap. They are papers that made the name of Watson - t Foster known all over the world. They are the very best *; harmonizers that can be got; are colored to blend and to H t stay colored; have number, name and quality stamped oy upon them where you can read it yourself; and lastly, are , sold with. OUT guarantee of satisfaction as well. Each line is "best on earth" at the price, and will bear • 4. • •i- 4. 4. 4: 4. • 4. • • 4. 4. •1- 4' -i- 4' 4. 4, • •I- 4. 110 Ito 1► w 1. 0' w Po CLOSEST INSPECTION. School Trade Comes to us We have new and second hand books and sell them at the prices just issued by the Government. We want to buy your 2nd hand books- we want to sell you those you need -everything for the school child. LIMOCUES CHINA 4 444 4 4. 4 • 4. .1. •*1- j 4. 4. 44 A.1 t i 44. 1. w. EThis is to be our specialty- We have over $48o I' just in, we must sell it during next 30 days and offer you 20 per cent off any piece for ,o days. Supply is un- limited --Milt demand is steady -mail orders promptly cared for, write us your needs. E FINE NEW ASSORTIvIENP or WOOLS R. E. Saunders Successor to X. M, Fisher, near Post Office WINGHAN, *a: ON' 'l. AWAAAAAAAAJAAAAAAAAAAAMA AMMO AAMAA444d44M4W1• K