HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-08-29, Page 6THE WINGIIAM TIMES, AUGUST 29, 1907
The Exert Tea Taster
is the one who knows the real value of Red Rose Tea
and uses it as a standard to judge other Teas lay.
Wouldn't you like to judge it for yourself ? It
is the Tea that has that rich, fruity flavor -
just what pleases the expert Tea taster. i
Ask your Grocer to send you a package. .� �`g�4� 3EDRcs�
�`-•" h�f _SEA ...:.
There are 8000,000 miles of telegraph
Kernels fthe ciland telephone lanae in this country at
the present time wftioh requires 32 000,•
000 poles. A pole lasts on the average,
twelve years and is made from a tree
sixty years old.
'interesting Paragraphs from our Exhariges.
Smallpox has coat Toronto $0,215 so
far this year.
The first pair of spectacles was made
by an Italian in 1299.
Dr. Chase's Oinh
mont is a certain
and guaranteed
cureforeach. and
every form of
itching, bleeding
...... '
and protruding
pnea. Seo testimonials in OW press and ask
your neighbors about it. You can use it and
get your moray back it not satisfied. Me, at all
dealers or I::nsteN acv. l3A nus dz Co., Toronto.
The first pipe organ was made by
Archimedes in 220 B C.
Mr Jas. White, for 27 years Clark of
Oxford county, has resigned.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billionaness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
The Austrian lower house has voted
$20,000,000 for pensions for the aged
More than 1,000 persons were killed
last year in the coal mines in Pennsyl-
Free, for Catarrh, just to prove merit, a
Trial sire box of Dr Shootaa Catarrh
Remedy. Let me send it now. It i!• a
snow•white, creamy, h?aliag. antiseptic
balm Cootainiug each healing ingred-
ients as Oil Ennaliptus, Thymol, Menthol
eto., it gives instant and lasting relief to
Catarrh of the nose and throat. Slake the
free teat and see for yourself what this
preparation can and will accompltab.
Address Dr. Shoop. Racine, Wis. Large
jars 50 cents, Sold by all dealers.
In meeting a stranger always get busy
and spring your remedy for a cold on
him first.
It makes some people mad to read a
book through before discovering that it
is a story with a moral.
For Ov.•r Sixty Tears.
An old and Weil -Tried -Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used
for over sixty years by millions of moth-
ers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the
child, softens tbe gnats, allays all pain,
cures wind colic, and is the hear remedy
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. Be sore yon ask
for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup. and
take no other kind. Guaranteed under
the Food and Drug Aot, June 30th, 1900.
Serial Number 1098.
New York city has acquired the repu-
tation of having the msat discourteous
railway employes of all cities in the
The Kind You Have Ale.ais Bou hl
Bears the
John Stinson was sentenced at Pioton
t3 fifty days in jail for ossanitiug and
attempting to strangle a little girl.
nears the Tia Kind You Nave Always Bought
Charles V. Matart, a St. Catharines
broker, has been arrested on a charge of
stealing a draft for one htndred and
fifty dollars.
An Irishman alleged in a London
Police Court ou the 17th nit.., that some
mea had got him to sign a document
while he was asleep, and thus kept him
ant of a legaoy,
I 11 step your pain free. To show you
first -before yon spend a peuuy-what
my Pink Paiu Tablets can do, I will mail
you free. a Trial Package of them -Dr.
Shoop's Headache Tablets. Neuralgia,
Headache. Toothache, Period pains, etc.,
are due alone to blood congestion. Dr.
Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill
pain by coaxing away the unnatural
blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr,
Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by all dealers.
Girls and men are still kept carefully
apart in Argentina, and a man does
not ietroduce even his most intimate
friend to bis sisters. Marriages of girls
of I2 to 14 to boys of 16 or 18 are com-
Becense Edward Hynes, a barber of
Sault Ste. Marie, had not cut Thomas
Ryan's hair to suit him, the latter in-
vited the barber to the rear of the shop,
where Hynes was found dead, presum-
ably from a blow on his head.
The Canadian steamship thane doing
business at Montreal have reduced the
steerage rates from Europe - Jy
Was A Total Wreck
From Heart Failure
In such cases the action of
in quieting the heart, restoring its note
vital bat and imparting tone to the nerve
eentrae, is. beyond all question, marvel.
140. Darius Carr,Geary, N.B.writes
" is with the
"it t o greatest of pleasure T
write you a few lines to let you know
the great blessing your Milburn's Heart
And Nerve Pills have been to me. I was
s total wreck from heart failure and my
wife advi:t2d me to take your pills.
After iasmg two boxes I was restored to
perft'et health. I am now 62 years old
and fill almost as well as I did at 20."
I'ri.'e 10 cents per box or 3 fox $1.'2$,
at all dealers, or mailed direct by The
T. Kilburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Os&
For Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of ��
A Peterboro pastor caused a sensation
in a Presbyterian church last Sunday
evening by charging members 02 his
oingregation with leading doable lives,
and accusing a brother pastor of having
been seen drinking at the bar of a sum.
mer resort hotel.
Many people say they are "all nerves,'
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated, Milburu's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfeot
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to sbetfta'ed nervous
Pierre Thierry has entered an action
against ex -Empress Eugenie, claimi ie
$920,000. Thierry's uncle lent Nsphit.
eon $600,000 in 1855. Napoleon renew w
ed the note in 1870. It was lost at tits
time of the Frauco Prnssian war, but
was found recently.
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and tirinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum -
edam, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
Marie Fassnaner, a giantess, who re-
cently arrived in London, is 8 feet in
height, 150 inches around the chest and
weighs 313 pounds. The Evening Stan-
dard expresses a hope that she is a suf-
Tbe essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
Dough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaotion. Price 25
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
J. C. Norris, B.A., of the teaching
staff of the Walkerton High School has
been appointed to the position of matho.
matioal master at the Goderioh Oolle.
giate Institute in succession to A. N.
Meyer, B A., who resigned to take the
position of principal of the Thorold
High School.
Pies get quick and certain relief from
Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please
note it is made alone for Piles, and its
action is positive and certain. Itching,
painful, protruding or blind piles disap-
pear like macre] by its use. Large nickel
capped glass jars 50 oents. Sold by all
Alma May and Herbert Stoneman,
two successful pupils from Exeter P.
S., in the Junior teachers exams , were
only 1.4 yeasts of age at the time of
writing. Herbert Stoneman also passed
the Jr. Matriculation. The Exeter
school passed 9 out of 12 candidates at
the Jr. Teachers' examination.
Sslf forget fames° in love for otbere DON'T YOU SLEEP WELL ?
has a farewost place in tate id•lal charas•
ter and represents the trae end of
humanity.-. Peabody
Tbe pyrotnrose has been discovered.
It was found off Avalan Bay. It is
about a foot long, with an opening at
the end. It emitsa faint glow until
touched or frightened, whereupon it
blerse out is is vivid blare k of green
I will mail von free, to prove merit,
samps my Do$'s ave
tad guley of Beak Do or eitherhoopDyspepsiaRestor, tiThe,
Heart or the Eidoeva Troubles of the
Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, ate merely
aytuptotn %of deeper ailment. Don't make
the common error of treating symptoms
only Symptom treatment is treating the
result of your atlteent, and not the oausk.
Weak stotnaoh nerves -the inside nerves
-mean Stomach weakness, always And
the heats, and Kidneys as well have their
controlling or inside nerves. Weaken
these nerves, and yon inevitably have
weak vital organa. Here is where Dr.
Shoop's Restoratit e has made its fame.
No other remedy even claims to treat the
"inside nerves". AIao for bloating, bil-
inneness, bad breath or complexion, use
Dr. Shoop's Restorative Write me to-
day for wimple end free Book. Dr. Shoop,
Rat irtl•, Wis. The Reetoiative is sold by
all dealers.
Housekeepers who have been expect-
ing to make up for the scarcity of straw-
berries and raspberries by preserving an
extra supply of peaches are going to be
disappointed. There may not bo dollar
wheat in the West, but there will he
dollar peaches in the Niagara Peninsula.
Good laundre tees when washing white
stockings, whether of silk or thread, adl
a few drops of oxalic acid to the water.
The reason of this is that the acid has'
the effect of removing the stains caused
by the boots and shoes, which are only
'•set" when washed with ordinary soap
and water.
Do not neglect the daily bath. Slip
into fresh dry clothing after it. If
much overheated, wait until yon have
cooled off a little before getting into the
water. I, a oold bath is too severe, run
the water hot and then allow it to pool
gradually by letting the cold water
faucet run while bathing.
8100 REWARD $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to care in all its stages, and
that is Oatarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease. re quires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Care is taken internally,, acting direotly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, by giving the
patient a rength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so
much faith in its curative powers that
they offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials.
Address; F. J. CaIE\EY Sc.'CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Drnewists, 75e,
Take Hall's Family Pills for coustipa•
C. P. R
Meets Rush of Homeseekers.
The homeseekera' excursions run to
Winnipeg and the North-West provinces
by the Canadian Pacifio aro almost too
well known to need description. Thous-
ands of Outerio people have paid a
visit to the golden West this summer,
away front home for sixty days if need
en ridiculous low in cote.
b , ata cost 10 y
parison with the wealth of experience
gained. Round trip tioka is are still ou
sale from all °uteric stations, rates
ranging from $32 to Winnipeg to $42 60
to EJmontoa. The next excursion
leaves Toronto Tuesday, Ang. 27, after
that the dates are Sept. 10 and 24 Oot•
ober 8 and 22. The October excursions
are a uew departure this year, and
promise to be successful, the supply of with moietened salt and then spray with
people going west being seemingly
inexhaustible. Tourist sleeping cars , tepid water. Massage the face at night
are run on each excursion, berths in = with skin food, rubbing it in with a
which can be reserved at email addition- round and round motion of the finger -
al cost. These cars afford every travel• tips.
ling comfort, appreciated by ladies and
children Berths may be secured early Don't be whining about having a fair
through local 0 P. R. agent, who will chance. Throw a seusible man out the
be glad to .furnish pamphlets and fall
information regarding these excursions. window and he'll fall on his feet and ask
the nearest way to his work. The more
yon have to begin with the less you will
have in the end. Money you earn your.
self is much brighter than any you get
out of a dead man's coffers A scant
breakfast in the morning of life whets
the appetite for a feast later in the day.
Laziness waits until the river is dry and
never gets to market. "Try" swims the
river and does all the business. "Can't
do it, but 'try' made meat out of mueh-
rooms."-Oomber Herald.
Better Correct Matters Before
Nerves and Health Are
Without Bleep there can be no bodily
or mental vigor, oonsequeutly sleepless.
nese is a dangerous condition. Nothing
so surely restores sleep as Ferrosone ; it's
harmless -just a nourishing, strengthen-
ioe tonic.
Ferrozone vitalizes every part of the
body, makes the nerves hardy, complete-
ly rebuilds the system.
The cause of sleeplesness is removed
-health is restored -von cin work, eat,
s eep-feel like new after using Ferro.
zone. Don't pot oil -get Ferrozono to-
day it does cure ham:ai ia, 50o per box
at all. dealers.
It is not what he has, nor even what
be dnes, that direotly expresses the
worth of a man, but what he ie -Henry
F. Amiel.
I know no failure, save failure in
cleaving to the purposes which I know
to be the best, -George Eliot.
Be not ashamed to be helped; for it is
busioese to do thy duty like a soldier in
an assault on a town. How then if
being lame than must not mount up on
the battlements alone, but with the help
of another it is possible? - Marcus
For a pretty pen -wiper out a piece of
water-oolor paper in the shape oe an egg
about five inches long. On this paint
something appropriate or letter with
sepia, "I am here to clean your pen.
Ready for your use again." Ont a piece
of chamois a little larger than the paper
and pink the edges, then out two pieces
of the chamois a trifle smaller than the
first and leave the edges plain. Put to-
gether with the paper above and the
small pieces of chamois under the pinked
piece and tie together with baby ribbon.
On Friday, Aug. lath, there passed
away in Ashfield, one of the oldest resi-
dents of that district in tate person of
Mary Jane McMillan, widow of the late
Joseph Agnew. Born in Antrim, north
of Ireland, eev.nty-seven years ago.
She came to Halton County with her
parents in 1856 and three years after was
married to Joseph Agnew, with whom
she moved to Ashfield, then almost a
wilderness. She has resided here ever
since, passing away from almost the
same spot where fiftyone years ago was
built the first log shanty.
Blackheads aro not only unsightly and
dreadful, bat they are for4unners of
acne. Besides using the complexion
brush, pure soap and hot water every
night, yoa shoald occasionally wipe the
surface with alcohol and a soft cloth,
Once a week give your face a sort of
shampoo, with green soap. Drink plenty
of water. Rnb the body every morning
Exercise in the open air will develop
the shoulders and the chest. The girl
who walks, who runs, who rises her arms
in the open air and who takes daily calis-
thenic to exercise the chest muscles sure
ly will broaden out. The Sat chested
girl is the one who bends over her sew-
ing all day or who is at a desk.
Women who have oily skins too quick.
ly resign themselves to their fate. The
The following is well worth knowing
to try in case of an emergency: -When
a splinter has been driven deep into the
hand, 15 oaii be extraoted without pain
by steam. Nearly fill a wide-mouthed
bottle with hot water; place the iejared
part over the month and press it slightly. ,
The suction will draw the flesh down,
and in a minute or two the steam will
extricate the splinter and the infiamma-
The plaining mill at Dundalk, owned tion altogether.
and operated by George Wood and Son, 1
was destroyed by fire, with all its can- ��®!��! So ����
tants. The loss will be about $6,000, ®®
with $1,000 insurance.
The Kincardine Old Boys' Reunion,
though a great social success, is said to
have turned out a finen'ial failure; the
expenses being about 41075 and the r-
ceipts from all emcee $1475.
c7411..JETORZ E!
Thu Kind You fine Always Boma
Sears the
Mr, W. Snell, son of Mr. James Snell,
of Hulled, left last week for Syraonse,
N. Y., taking 33 sheep with him -11
Hampshires, 11 Leiceatere and 11 Cots-
of e
w d . Some of them are imported stock,
and;were prize winners in the old Coun-
try. It was intended to ehow these at
six of the American State Fairs, and
afterwards dispose of them to a Mr.
White, of Hornell, N. Y., who has pre-
viously bought *lot of 'Sheep from Mr.
Snell. Mr. Snell, Jr., is only iii years
of ,age, and this ie a pretty big under-
taking for a youth, but he has had geoid
training and is equal to the 000Mlon. , Bates' & Co,,'Iorontoi -
Since Girlhood
Airs. E. J. Vanderburgh, of Eastern
Welland avenue, St. Catharines, Ont.,
writes: "For twenty-one years I was
badly afflicted with heart trouble, nerv-
ousness and cramps in the limbs, also
twitching of the muscles and nervous
headaches. I became weak, debili-
tated and emaciated. My condition
was distressing, and I was made worso
through worry and lois of sleep.
"I tried a Hundred remedies in vain,
and, reading about I)r. Chase's Nerve
Food, I decided to try it. After having
used ha dozen a do cn b x .
o es of thisP
i" gra-
tion my old trouble had entirely van-
ished and I was enjoying better health
than I had since girlhood. I am now
past middle life and am in perfect health.
I would not take worlds to -day and go
back to my former state."
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is especially
popular with the women because of its
gent/. action and remarkable restortt-
tive influenee; .50 Cents a box, 6 boxes
for ;2.50, at all dealers, of Etitnanaoe ,
foliowine solation will give a clear, dry
skin in three months if used regularly :
Pulverized borax one ounce, pure gly-
cerine two ounces, camphor water (not
spirits of camphor,) two quarts. The
skin should be bathed with this lotion
two or three times a day.
The fact that his wife bad fallen heir
to $100,000 made no difference to Ohne
Johnson, who secured a divorce from
her a Towner. According to Chris, bis
wife had a bad temper and an nnplsa-
aant disposition that could not be lost
slight of, despite her wealth. Mrs
Johnson received $100,000 as a result of
the death a year ago of relatives in Ohio.
The first ooaoh made in England was
for the Earl of Rutland in 1555. Walter
Rippon was the builder, and afterward,
in 1584 he made one for Queen Mary,
William Boonen, a Hollander, presented
Qaeen Elizabeth with a coach in the
seventh year of her reign. At the end
of the sixteenth century private families
of distinction owned their coaohee quite
generally. It was as late as 1610 that
the first coach was it traduced in Sett -
:At Cost and Less.
MUSLINS-Blsautifal Flowered Muslim, regular..
A lady who hail recently moved to t' e
suburbs was very fond of her first brooa
of chickens, Going out one afternoon
she left the household in charge of her
eight year old boy. Before her return a
thunder storm came up. The youngster
forgot the chicks during the storm, and
was dismayed, after it bad passed, to
find that half of them had been drowned.
Though fearing the wrath to tome he
thought it best to making a clean break t
of the calamity, rather than leave it to
be diecoirered. "Mamma," he said coni
tritely, when his mother had returned,
"Mamma, six of the ebiokene are dead,"
"Dead l" cried bid mother. "Slxl How
did they die?" The boy saw the chance
III think -I think they died happy," he at all dealers or The Doan Kidney pill
C earance Sa e
30c at 25e 2
250 at 20e .4
20e at 170 �.
150 at 12'•
121• at 10c
$c at 5e41
CORSETS -D. S. A,, up to•date Corsets, regular $1.00 at 800 ; regular Z
750 at 603.
GLOVES -Ladies' Black Kid Gloves, regular $1.25 for 80c; regular
$1.00 for 6Qc.
WHITEWEAR-.Ladies' Ready made Whitewear, odd lines. Cheap
White Lawn Shirt Waists, fine embroidery trimmed, regular
51.50 for $1.00 ; regular $1,25 for 90e.
Black Sateen Underskirts, regular 51.40 for 51.25 ; regular 3
51.25 for 51.00.
"The failures this year have been
very little more numerous than in other
years." Tnis was the statement made
by the registrar of the education depart-
ment when asked regarding the im-
pression generally entertained that the
percentage of failures in connection with
the junior leaving and matriculation
examinatons this year had been ex-
ceptiooally large. "The usual percent.
age," said Mr Houston, "is about fifty,
I don't think it will go much over that
thie year." The exact percentage of
failures will not be definitely known
until the Minister of Education's report
is prepared, which will not be for some
The Kidneys.
.4 ,. I, "
44 44
11 II
a ,t
DRESS GOODS -Of every color to be cleared out at half price. It
will pay you to get them. Come and see them anyway, we
will be very pleased to show you what we are offering.
FLANNELETTES -Our stock of Flannelettes is tbe largest in town,
and we give you better value than you can obtain elsewhere.
We cannot replace them at the price we ask from you.
We handle the IDEAL SKIRT SUPPORTERS -The best
thing in that line ever invented.
FLOUR -We have the "Renown Brand", Listowel Flour at 52.40
per cwt. Try it --It is good.
y BUG DEATH -Try Bug Death for potatoes and all kinds of bushes
and shrubs. A plant food as well as a bug exterminator.
11. A large stock of Canned Tomatoes, Peas and Corn at reduced prices. .44
Is All kinds of farm produce
taken. T. A. I`'I I LLSt.
• M
A4AAAAAA4.6.i,/InsAw,sAAMA14141 aAa AAAAAAAAolkikAAAAAAJA1A' Chid
They are the most important secretory
ergans. Into and through the kidneys
flow the waste fluids of the body, con-
taining poisonous matter taken out of
the system, If the kidneys do not act
properly this matter is retained, the
whole system becomes disordered and
the following symptoms will follow
Pain, in the small of the back and loins,
frightful dreams, specks floating before
the eyes, puffiness under the eyes, and
swelling of the feet and ankles or any
urinary trouble.
When any of these symptoms manifest
themselves you can quickly rid yourself
of them bythe use of the bestof all
medicines f r the kidneys,
oi y,
Mr. John L. Doyle, Sutton West, Oat.,
writes : "I was troubled with a pain
in my back for some time, but after
using two boxes of DOA:tt'd K1rvxr
Pmts I was entirely cured and can speak
highly in their favor."
Puce 50 cents per boo, or 3 for $1.25,
Fresh Groceries Always on Bland.
•••••••••••1/•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••®•••••••o$
33 0
• An Advertisement in 0 x
I •
• •
' w
_ Brrngs Good Results• ••
i The Wingham Times reaches
i the homes of most of the people of es
Wingham and surrounding country. It M
s keeps its subscribers posted on all the ; M
•• news of the day -local, political and •�,
foreign. •.
• If you have anything to sell, or
• want anything, advertise in The Times. s
•• Rates on application.
3 •'
Think Printing
• We•
• That's - our business. We are
constantly on the lookout for new ideas,
= and these are here awaiting your accept-
• ance. It's no trouble for us to give you
information --to write or call -it will
place you under no obligation, and
• perhaps we may suggest something you
Said. Ari., Toronto,'Ont. , , t
can profit by. Prices right. Quality
Iever\the talisman.
The..Willghalll Times