HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-08-29, Page 51 1 THE BLUE FRONT STORE 1 Boys' Clothing & Furnishings Are the Boys ready for the re -opening of school, we have had a large shipment of Boys New Fall Suits come to hand extra early to meet the demand. Reliable clothing it is at that. Every suit no matter whether the price is high or low is worth the money. We pride ourselves in giving honest values. 18 different prices to choose from.—Ranging from $2.50 to $7 00 a suit. Iu this assortment you can't help but be suited. Boys' Odd Kniokers, made of fanny tweed, navy and blank serge, ranging from 50o a pair to Si 50. BOYS' FURNISHINGS. Aesortmente complete in Boys' Shirts, Collars, ties, Shoes, Stockings, Hate, Caps, Underwear, etc. McGee k Gampbell wa .1 iLY1L,1,t,all ,iiegi1 •r:Yt ,e71 „ s++++++++++++++++++++++e++ 1 Royal rcep. TOILET SETS This week we offer white stone granite Toilet Sets of six pieces best goods at per set - • $1.45 SOAP DISHES We have a nice line of Soap Dishes with drainer, far 4, ahead of the oid•fashio'ned soap slab, for each - .10 At GR[FFIN'S. +`++++++++•++++++++++++++• •VVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVWVVVW A AAMAMAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAMA 1 1 liwo Weeks' Sale of Shoes! 9 : 5o pair odd, large sizes Men''s heavy working S Shoes to be sold below cost. Call and see them. .1 Special value. } ` - iWe carry a full line of 1 TRUNKS, VALISES, 1 and TELESCOPES. ` REPAIRING DONE NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. R. JOHNSTON. AA/1 AAAAAAAAAAAA1AAAAAAAAAA AnAAAAA. AAAAAAA VVN1AAAAA AA TIIE WING/IAM TIMES, AUGUST 29, 1907 WEST WAW*NOSU. Wednesday morning of last week the spirit of Annie Dawson, beloved wife of Geo. W. Dawson, of 'West Wawanosh, took its flight. Deceased had been a sufferer from that dread disease, tuber. onlosis and had been unwell since IaL t Oleristmas. Her maiden name was Annie Dunkeld and was married to her now bereft husband 13 years agp. No children were born. She leaven to mourn her loss, besides her husband, one brattier Ales , who resides near Dungannon. ]Don't Use creasy Liniments A century ago they were popular. To day people want something easy to apply, oertatu in remits, and above all a clean liniment. When Nerviline is applied aches and pains disappear as the pores absorb its soothing healing properties. Nerviline penetrates to the core of the pain, ewe instantly, and leaves no oily, bad smelling memory behind. Good to take in, capital to rub on, and five tithes more powerful in destroying pain thea any oily liniment. Don't fail to get a large 25o bottle. EAST WAWANOSH, Wm. J. King, a prosperous farmer of this township residing about four miles from Blyth, commited suicide last Thursday evening. In the morning he went to Guelph on business, arriving at Blyth by the late 0, P. R. train the same evening. After leaving the train he went to Livingston's cooper shop and hung himself by placing a rope over a beam and by piling two empty barrels one on top of the other, He climbed up and put the noose over his head and then kicked one of the barrels from under him. His body was found next morn• ing. Select Stour Medicine With Care In debility and weakness medicine should bo naild and far reaching. Many pills and purgatives are too harsh, are drastio instead of curative. Excessive action is always followed by depression, and knowing this Dr. Hamilton devised his pills of Mandrake and Butternut so as to mildly increase liver and kidney teat- ivity, flush out the elementary cans!, tune and regulate the bowels. Tbns do Dr Hamilton's Pills eliminate poisons from the body, restore clearness to the skin, bring strength and that sweet restorer of health—sleep. Best medicine on earth, 25c per box at all dealers. GODERICR. The opening of the railway service on tbe Guelph and Goderioh branch of the 0. P. R. took place Monday morning. The whole tows . as en fete and the station platform an&river banks crowded with citizens -is the first train glided around the high banks of the Maitland, Goderich's "scenic route." The conduc- tor in Charge of the ttain wag Peter McDonald, and the engineer Hugh Davidson. A large number of paseeugers left for Toronto and Montreal on the first train. 'The station agent is Mr. J. R. Robinson. Be a Strong Man. Increase your vitality and nerve energy, restore vim and force to your overwork- ed body. Ferrozane will do this as it did for Walter Wood of Baauport, N. B , who writes: I can say Ferrozano hag giv- en me a new lease of life. A year ago I suffered so from nervous exhaustion.I was scarcely able to drag myself aro aud. Aly appottte was gone, I had no color, or ambition and felt used up. One box of Ferrozone started me back to health. I took a number of boxes and my health was completely restored." For men who are tired, pale,nervoas and thin -blooded nothing compares with Ferrozone.50,•, per box at all dealers. mom EffilIMEHEREEssoggig DON'T READ. IT If you don't want to be convinced of the BIG BARGAINS that Young is offering in GRANITE - WARE, TINWARE and HARDWARE in every department ! ! JUST ARRIVED :— Another very large assortment of Graniteware, at the same cut - in•' prices ! ! A pleasure to show goods. Give us a call, and be convinced that this is the place to buy goods at money - saving prices. YJ g:4 u� • YOUNG'S 9099000440000000 The effect of malaria lasts a long time. You catch cold easily or become run- down because of the after effects of malaria. Strengthen yourself with Scott'.s Emulrron. It builds new blood and tones up your nervous system. ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND $1.00. 343904.44001044/00000040140100004:1100 Ilave you seen the Russwh i Food Cutters ? Will cut and grind meats, fish, vegetable3, fruit, nate. etc. Can also be used for filling sausage. Easy to operate. OPENS UI' TO CLEAN. Call and examine them at the Central iIaedware.. You. will find here a complete stock of the best GRANITE - WARE (three coatings), NICKLE, TINWARN and CUTLERY. Agents for ROGERS 1847 SILVERWARE, prices moderate. I CENTRAL HARDWARE WINGHAM. H. BISHOP. ST. HELENS. Will Weatherhead hue gone to Michigan on an extended visit to his brother Malcolm.. Miss Mima Rutherford and Miss Elizabeth Miller spent last week i Goderioh and taking in the G. C. I Retail on. We .extend our cong.atulations to W. J, Smith and Lillian and Donald Clark on pa.sing so successfully their recent examinations. The Misses Mary and Margaret Clark and MISR Elizabeth Rutherford returned to their respective schools after spending a well-earned reatr Hay .Fever Can be Prevented Don't seek other climes at 'limy Fever Season," don't destroy your stomach and nerves by drugs—prevent the disease. Hay Fever is caused by germs that float about in the air and finally find lodge- ment in your throat and laae. Medi - eine won't reach them rha-e he• Catarrh - ozone will. Oaterrhozo't. 1- .:erH death to germs. Starr, now tc age 01: s• ehczone. Inhale it into the throet, lune, moat pas- sages ann Bronchial tubes; it goes where - ever the air you breathe goes, and will prevent and Dare Hay Fever. Endorsed by not less than one thousand doctors in Canada and U. 5. Sent to any address for 51.00 forwarded to Polson dk lin , Hartford, Conn., U, S. Jr Kingatm, 0,t. CULRCSS. Mr. Robt, Marshall, 2ad line, is recov- ering from serious injuries received in a street railway accident at Port Huron on the 11th. He tied gone down to Detroit on an excursion and went to Port Huron to visit an old acquaintance, Mr. Archibald Mclutyre, and was alight - .e, from a street car, which was in motion, he was thrown violently against the curbstone striking the back of hie head which was badly out. He was unconscious for several hours but was taken to Mr. Mclntyre's where he recovered suflliciently to return home the following Tuesday. Besides the out on the head he was bruised about the body. aMORRIS. Albert Cole, jr., who has been filling a position in East Orange, New Jersey, is spending a few weeks at his home. Chas. Bone, who has been in Detroit for a few months, is visiting his father, Henry Bone, 3rd line, before leaving for Tindale, Sask., where he will possibly make his home. The Patrick Kelly 50 acre farm, being Northwest ? lot 14 in the 8th con., has been sold to Jno, Nevins, of Blyth, ten price being. $2,000. He gets immediate possession, Miss Carrie Soucb, 3rd liue, has gone on a holiday' visit with relatives at Sea - forth, Clinton and Goderioh. Mrs. Geo. Lowry, of Brussels, is looking after the honsekeepiug durtng her sister's absence. Kenneth McCleod, of Spitzenbnrg, N. Y., was here recently visiting the Sherrie families, 4th line. It is 31 years singe he was here. fie is a son of lbe late Wm. MoOleod, of Cypress River, Manitoba, formerly of Morrie township. on A metallic roof has been put on the barna on Mrs. W. Shine's farm„12th con. The Voters' List Court for Grey Town- ship will be held before Judge Doyle, at Ethel, on Thursday, Sept. 5th tet 10 a.m. Mrs. Belcher and daughter, Marjorie, of Chicago, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jatnes Cardiff. Sho was formerly Miss Jean Robinson, of St Marys. The 50 acre farm recently purchased byex•Conncillor Darman Johnston, be- ing part of lot 15, con. 14, has been sold to James By' a f, of Michigan, for the suns of $1800. The sad intelligence was received by Mrs. S. Slemmon, Brussels, that her eon, James, had died in the hospital at N:oosejaw from typhoid fever, the im- mediate cause being hemorrhage of the bowels. Deceased was born in Grey township 51 years ago. being the eldest on of the late Samuel Slemmon. He vas married to Mies Maggie, daughter Jno. Cameron, of Oranbrook, who with 7 daughters and a 5011 survive, ' The family went to the Weet 22 years ago, where Mr. Slemmon took up land 'near Moosej tw and did well with it. He sold 320 acres there and boughs a 'quarter section at Pasgaa, Sank., where his brother John has a store. Mr. Stem - mon had been away ou a Government appoiuted Weed Inspecting Onmmission and was only ill a short time. He was popular, pushing and fall of enterprise, and bis disease will be greatly regretted. For some time he hal been bothered with aethma. Harness Racing At Toronto. The harness racing at the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, this year will be ou a greatly superior scale, the purses having been increased 25% all round, The eveuts to be decided are 2 30 trot, 2.30 pace, 2 50 trot and 2 50 pace, and 2 20 trot and 2 23 pace, trotting roadsters and pacing roadsters (free for all) Trotters and Pacers, and road drivers. parades for both trotters and pacers. All the races will be on the three heat plan, each heat being thus virtually a race. County board Meetiog. The Board of Examiners for the County of Heron met in Seaforth on Saturday, Ang. 24th for the transaction of business. A11 the members were pre- sent. Mr. Robb, B. A., I. P. S., was appointed chairman for the year. The following reeolntioos wero then passed :— Resolved, that the candidates who wrote at the Jnuior Teachers' or Senior Teaohers' Examination in July and fail- ed be dilowed to attend Model School in accordance with the regulation of the Educational Department in 1900. Resolved, that students be admitted to the Model Schools who will bs 18 years of age on or before the opening of the schools at the Autumn term of 1908. Resolved, that the students who fail- ed to write at tbe Departmental Exam- inations in Jaly on account of sickness, but were recommended by the principal of the Collegiate they attended as being sufficiently prepared to write, be allow- ed to attend the model. Resolved, that teachers whose Third Olass Oertifioates expire at the end of the year may hate a renewal for a year and a half by pass- ing the final examination of the Model School. Atter some routine business the Board adjourned to meet again at Seaforth in December. GEO. BAIRD, Saoy. Dennis Buckley, of Cornwall township has been accused of killing a small pig that was dying, and selling it to the but- cher. On appearing before the magistrate he elected to be tried by jury and n as released on $800 bail. HARVEST HELP WANTED WEST. C. P. R. Runs $12 Excurtie.n to Winnipeg. Upwards of 20,000 men are wanted is Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta to assist in harvesting, and to meet the de- mend to Rome extent the Canadian Pa- e i io has a'ranged to ran low rate farm laborers' excursions. Leaving dates are Aug. 27, 30 and Sept 4 (Advertisement in another column gives territory and further particulars.) From all Ontario stettera one-way tickets will be sold to Winnipeg at $12. Men are engaged at Winnipeg ann are given flee tickets to pointe whore help in needed east of Meo e Jaw. After world,* et least thirty days and having the employing farmer certify to the fact, a ticket back to original stetting point is issued on payment of $18. This is a splendid opportunity 10 Ree the golden west and to make some- thing more than expenses. Looala. P. R agent is well posted and will be glad to give anyone full information. e .. hlIL, 14.. r LSGeTT THE LEADING ST RE ItQ NEW FALL a DRESS GOODS ammasammommussmcomme All that's new in Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings now in stock at H. E. Isard & CO.'S. We have just passed into stock three large shipments of New Fall Dress Goods—Comprising all the new weaves in English, French and German manutacture Fancy Fall Tweed Effects, very pretty dark colorings in a Large range of patterns, wear guaranteed, make up nicely in tailored suits, our special price - - - fOe Shepards Checks in blank and white, blue and white, nice dress fabric, prices - - - - - 25c to 50e Tartans nndShadow Plaids very popular for shirt waist saitings width 40 inches, only - - - - 50e COLORED DRESS GOODS. Cashmeres Serges. Panamas, Lustros, Henriettas, Satin Cloths, Venetians, Voiles, Mohair. BLACK DRESS GOODS. We are showing many pretty weaves in monrning Dress Materials snnh as Orene de-ohene, Voiles, Armures, San Toy, Populia, Serges, Llamas, Albatross, Venetians, Panamas are the oorreot styles. French Eolienne, fine weave, silk and wool, high silk finish, nice wieght and width, o it price - - - $1.00 Blank Armure, all wool dress fabric, in fancy pebble effect, silk finish, medium weight, per yard - - - 75e Mirror Poplin, something new in black dress material, corded weave, silk finish, very pretty costume cloth, special price $1.00 Blank Panama Cloth. all wool, soft finish, medium weeebt, nloam twisted yarn,makes a very pretty Eton Snit,price roc, 7i✓,e, $1.00 Black Lustre, brilliant finieli, bird firm weave, made of pore Mohair yarn, will wake a pretty blouse or shirt waist snit• price - - - - - - $1.00 LADIES' FALL COATS. Buy yourFall and Winter Coat early and get first choice—we have opened up three oases and have them ready for your inspection in oar mantle acrd skirt department on second floor. Prices are very moderate. i isa PHONE 68. Peter Moyer, a Ge1t painter, and Mrs. Jennings, a domestic, have disappeared. and the only explanation effaced is that they have eloped. Farmers from Western States have purchased a large block of land at Ca1• gary. Edgar Knight, a Napanee grocer, com- mitted suicide by jumping into the river Albert Howe, a hotel steward at Port Stanley, retired to bed at ten o'clock in his usual health ani was found dead in the morning. WINGHAM. alligiiiktAWIIiihit.W91341A4MtiAli100441441CALNAPAIW 01, CIF Warehouse Commissioner Snow of Winnipeg says low temperatures have done no damage to western crops. An explosion of a corrode oil machine used in firing up engines caused the destruction of fourteen engines at the. Rochester, N. 'Y., roundhouse, entailing a loss of 3150,000. Will Brace, a brakeman, 22 years of age, running a special freight train from London to Sarnia, was fatally injured at the G. T. R. depot in Strathroy ou Monday. � Cool � its FOR WARM WEATHER At a The hot weather is really just commenced. Do not melt in that heavy suit when you can get a BEAUTIFUL, 'COOL, LIGHT SUIT made to your order so cheap. Come in and see them, We have a few Youths' Lon; Pants in Navy Bine, Extra value at $1.00 for 70e, come along before they are picked up. A BIG REDUCTION IN UNDER WEAR. fIAX ♦'' ELL 41.k. "JILL Merchant Tailors and Meo's Furnishers. iw/li4tr 1