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The Wingham Times, 1907-08-29, Page 3
A convenience much appreciated by every owner of a Pandora is the towel rod attached to the range, As one-third of the rod is made of emery, it makes a splendid knire sharpener. too. It's always there handy for you. You need waste no time hunting around for the easilymisplaced;"steel." Bright idea, eh ? An accurate thermom- eter is a reliable guide to successful baking, while an inaccurate one is a"cheat" of the worst kind. Every Pandora ther- mometer is carefully ad- justed and undergoes a practical test by heat—is proven correct before being sent out. The figures, which show the required degree of heat necessary for the successful baking of bread, cakes, pies, etc., are plainly inscribed in black on a white enamel surface, so that they are easily readable, even when the day is dull. If your local dealer does not sell the Pandora, write direct for free booklet. Iry '"` LONDON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, WeNNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, N. B., HAMILTON ALEX. YOUNG- - AGENT - WIN(I1IAM SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED I INTEREST PAI QUARTERLY WINGI-lACI BRANCH C. P. SMITH, AGENT. THE CANA _'IAN ;•;ANI{ OF COMMERCE BEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISUED 1867 B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up Capital, $10,000,1000 Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and ]England BANKING BY MAIL Se i Business may be transacted by mail with any branch of the Bank. Accounts may be opened and deposits made or withdrawn by mail. ; Every attention is paid tO out-of-town accounts. WINGHADM BRANCH • A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. The Triumph of the Time! CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION 1907 TORONTO 1907 August 26th to September 9th Our Country's Canadian Progress Our Country's Resources Illustrated Industries $400,000 In New Isuildinds $400,000 In Premiums $45,000 In Premiums $40,000 In Special Attractions $40,000 Industrial Activity National and Historical All That's Best in Exemplified Portrait Collection Agriculture and in Art FINEST OP THE WORLD'S BANDS MAGNIFICENT BATTLE SPECTACLE UNRIVALLED ENTERTAINMENT FEATURES Single fares for round trips and excursion rates on every line of travel. For all information address W. IC. GEORGE. I. o. ©lift, Preseisat Msaaasr ned seaetsrf. Guy Halt. TORONTO THF THE MAN WITH THE CHIP. (Baltimore American.) Ida always had eomethiag on his shoul- to grumble about Had this roan with a chip der; The world to the dogs was going, no doubt, To the man with the chip on Ms shoal- der. Nobody was honest, nobody was square. He found traps to "do" him were laid everywhere; Nobody m he sufairet with would deal with , Thought the man with th' chip on his shoulder. He looked out for trouble as farmers for rain, The man with the chip on hie shoul. der; Ho searched every pleasure to find hid- den pain, The man with the ohip on his shoal - der, The clouds were too dark or the sun was too bright, No matter what hapened it never was right; Ween peace was prevailing be spoiled for a fight, The mau with the ohip on his shoal - der. The deed might be right, but he thought motive wrong, The man with the chip on his shoul- der; He was sure right and honor were bought for a song, The man with the chip on his shoal. der. He thinks he's the ohampion mankind most needs, That the world is dependent on him and his deeds; But he's the worst pest that society breeds— The man with the ohip on hie shoul- der. DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFIOE : TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,633,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $4,720,000 Total Assets, over 51,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts Fold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal querte'ly—end of March. June, September and Deoem• bar each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R Vanstone, Solicitor. ADDITIONAL HOMES'EEKERS' EXCURSIONS To WINNIPEG and all points in the NORTH—WEST Speeial Trains leave Toronto TUESDAY, AUG. 27 TrIESDAT, SKr. 10 TUE$DAv, SEI'. 24 TUESDAY, OCT. 8 TUESDAY, OCT. 22 Return second -lass tickets from Wing- hvnn at vet y low rates, ranging from win• nipei 532 00, to Edmonton. $42.60. Ciood for sixty days. • TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on each excursion Comfortable berths et small extra cost Obtuin free pamphlet, rates and full information from J. H. 'BEEMEll, Agent, Wingham, or from C. R. Foster, Dist. Fess. Agt., C.P,R., To- - Tonto. 0 High -Class Diamonds ! People who wear diamonds want stones that will bear the closest scrutiny.—gems which are free from flaws and from whose 'surface every ray of light is reflected as from a drop of water We carry all sizes oaf diamonds from the largest to the smallest,: either set or unset and all of the par. est quality, C1 v1� Ward & Col 374 Richmond St. _ LONDON, ONT. WINGUTAM TIMES, AUGUST 29, 1907 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's THE BATTLE OF LIFE. [Edmund Vance Oook. Did you tackle the trouble that came your way With a resolute heart and cheer! el, Or hide your face front the light of day, With a craven soul and fearful? Oh, a trouble's a ton, or a trouble's an ounce, Or a trouble is what you make it; Aud it isn't the fact that you're hurt that count But only how did you take it. You are beaten to earth? Well, well. what's that? `=Come up with is smiling face; L• • • It'd nothiugagaiust you to fall aowu flflt, ittl0 Liver Pills. But to stay there-tli�t's disgrac: ! The barder you're thrown, why the higher you bounce: Be proud of your blackened eve; It tonic the fact that you're licked tht.t counts, It's how you fight, and why? And though you be done to the death, what then? If you battled the best you could. It yon played your, pato in the world of men, Why the critic will call it good 'Must pear Signature of See Fac-Slmite Wrapper Below. V. moan and as oozy 10 take a$. sugar. CARTER'S FOR o n°NESSS. LE FOR BILIOUSNESS.R FPR TORPID LIVR, S FOS CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIM. vsrvsriFOR TNECOMPLE%ION tvan uu.THAV p,f ?„t, I Puraly Vegctabie. c.. R,eUATU.[, >�iocG AZURE SICK HEADAC -1 THE WOMAN AT HOME, If chamois skin is wrung out of soapy water without rinsing it will be soft and flexible when dry, instead of stiff. To mend the sides of an iron utensil use potty. Plane ashes and salt over the putty, which will thus be effectually hardened in a few days. To clean brorze, wash the surface with pulverized whiting, then rub with paste of plumbago and saffron, and heat the article before a slow fire. . After removing all dust, wipe screen doors, with kerosene and they will look new, and as long as the odor remains mosquitoes and moth millers will keep away. Fine mnslios, laces and embroidery should be washed in soap suds, rinsed well, starched immediately and. then pulled into shape, Embroideries should be ironed on the wrong side over flannel. One of the best methods of ridding the houses of flies is to put into an atomizer some oil of lavender slightly diluted with hot water. Spray it into the air and the flies will leave the plaoe. This also leaves a delightfully fresh violet odor in the house. To restore theelasticity of the seat of a cane chair; turn over tee chair, and, with hot water and sponge, wash the cane work so that it may be thorongbly sdaked. If the oanework is badly soiled, use a little soap. Dry in the air'and it will be as good as knew. To remove the grease stains whioh are formed upon a kitchen wall by thg steam caused by cooking and by the dust of sweeping apply the following solution by means of a aof t cloth or sponge: A pail• ful of warm soapsuds, a little ammonia and four tablespoonfuls of kerosene Grease spots may also be removed by pressing blotting paper to the wall by means of a but iron Ta le cloths, as every housekeeper knows, have a disagreeable habit of get- ting something spilled on them, patio nlarly atter the table has been set. The best way to treat such refractory cloths is to place a bowl under the spot and pour boiling water upon it. Then place a dry napkin over the spot and iron it dry. When ironing blouses or dresses with large bti.ttens sewn on it will bo found a much easier task if the work is done on several thicknesses of blankets or towels. Turn the garment button side down and press on the wrong side. The buttons sink into the soft padding leaving a smooth surface for the iron to polish. Hang fine shirt waists over the sheets and protect them from the rough rope and any poeeible dust which it may re- tain. When the odor of matting is strong in a room it indicates dampness. Open the doors and windows, thoroughly venti- lating the room. Matting soon absorbs any moisture in the room. Sallow skin rs often due to stomach trouble, and the treatment should begin there, Eating plenty of fru t juices and taking long hours of sleep will assist gently in the cure. Lemon juice has a place on the toilet table of the oarofnl girl. It moves stains from the hands and whitens the skin. Mark. on the neck may be removed by lemon jtiioe. According to the Woman's Home Companion, their are, all told, eleven hundred paper mills in the United States, producing $200,000,000 worth of paper a year. They burn up three mil- lion tone of coal yearly and shred two million live hundred thousand cords of wood into pulp. About twelve !Milieu fire hundred thousand trees are out down to feed these paper m Ile, every tree being at least nine inches in diameter. Deatn comes with a crawl or conies with a ponuoe, And whether he's slow or spry, It isu'c the fact that you're dead that couuts, But only, how did you die ? Care Of The Eyes. Never rub your eyes. Red, inflamed eyes are very unbecoming, tad besides, the rubhiug flattens the eyeball. Per- sistent. crying and nnrsiug grief ruins the eye, although an ocoasioual recourse to tears relieves brain tension and does no harm, In case of an insect or any foreign matter iu the eye, rubbing only increases the trouble—the tears that come natur- ally will often wash away the intruder. Assistance may be given by onoasionally drawiug the lid down and blowing the nose. If the foreign body stinks, and can be seen it may be removed with a hand- kerchief or piece of linen turned over the finger. If a cinder is embedded so that it can- not be readily removed—at once oousult the doctor. If any acid or inflaming substance has got into the eyes, drop sweet oil into the eyes, and wash with warm milk and water. Do not wait until the doctor arrives—prompt treat- ment is necessary. Varicose Ulcers Cured. Mise Elizabeth Oanrpbel , 20 Sheridan Ave., Toronto, states:—"About eight years ago I hurt my leg n'ar the ankle and the result was what doctors called varicose ulcers. I was treated in two Toronto hospitals and sent away without being cured. From the very start Dr. Ohase's Ointment helped me and by per- sistent use it has entirely cored me." 'Phones for Farmers. The Bell Telephone Co. has made a new move that should he appreciated by the farming community, and of which they will no doubt take advantage when it is brought to their notice and fully understood. Where any set of rural re- sidents want telephone connection. says the Owen Sound San, the company will serve them on these terms: The see scribers build and equip the line, and the company gives the service. Hereto- fore the oustom has been for the corn• parry to build a d equip. at the anbscri• bera' expense. This new plan will be of advantage to the subscribers, for poles should cost them less, wire an 1 instru- ments will cost no more than the com- pany would pay, and there should be a big saving on labor. When the line is finished the company will give full ex change service for $3 per year. This is surely very reasonable, when one core siders the amount of territory covered. There are many sections of the surround- ing townships which have no telephone or telegraph connections, but under this liberal arrangement it should not be long before our neighbors on the Annan and Leith roads 011 the northeast award Woodford and Hoath Head, southward to Bogner, Chatsworth, Ready, and ont • Kilsyth and Jaokson way, in fart all • around the town within a radios of seven or eight miles, and even more, will be "on the wire." Mr. John Nesbitt, one of the early settlers of Elma, passed away at Trow brirlge on Friday, August 16th, in hie 89th year. Deoeaged had been a re- sident of the township for about fifty years oIrsE)111T011 • THE GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER IN THE WORLD. 1. Good brain food. 2, Excites the functions of the liver. 3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep. 4. Disinfects the mouth. 5. Neutralizes the surplus acids of the stomach. 6. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances. 7. Helps the secretion of the kidneys. 8. Prevents calculus concretions. 9. Obviates indigestion. 10. A preventative against diseases of the throat. II. Restates all nervous energy and re- vives the natural forces. THE OXYGENATOR CO. 42 Harbord Street, Toronto, Ont. SOLD I1Y ALL Dltt,'1GTSTS, N infigrauttowirsamistamprommunsinagunomorompatamoesamo MARTIN - SENOUR PAINTS Sold Subject to Chemical Analysis T. t This means that you can take any can of " Martin- Senor 100,, Pure Paint" off our shelves, have it analyzed, by any reliable chemist in Canada., If you do not find it abso- lutely bso-lutely pure and exa.t.tly as we claim, we wilt pay A the charges and make you a present -of $lost for yc'ur trouble. SOLE AGENT JN WININIAM. J. D: BURNS. --:�'t=.:�t`-t~b..i.-�«-.i �-•i �7..`l`�" �i,-33T �s-`1Fs1.���.'fin•a�3t'�..,.st"'�:tl^��i�..-"'t�,'ri�.=i Very often the reason why one accountant gets through more work in less time than another, thereby earning an enviable reputation for quickness and cleverness, is simply because he takes advantage of every short method possible. Simply amazing how few know the many arithmetical short cuts—how few can do simple arithmetic ques- tions rapidly and accurately. " Rapid Calculation" is not only practice, there is a " method " as well, The method we teach, but the practice remains with you. Our large, illustrated catalogue is free. Write for it. It explains in detail the various subjects we teach and shows the advantage of a Business Educators' Association Diploma. Demand for our graduates exceeds the supply. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members of Business Educators' J. W, WESTERVELT, Association. Principal, T.eeddtt. College re -opens September 3rd. ..� .�.� La overs ante WORICHARVESTING FOR•. 20,000 MEN IN MANITOBA ALBERTA ANO SASKATCHEWAN SPECIAL (�1 t3 GOING $1 ?,, Additional for the Return Ticket, EXCURSIONS 1�7114a1 TRIP it' under conditions as below. Aud. 27 Aud. ,30 Sept. 4 GOING DATE! From Toronto and all Stations west In Ontario, south of main line of Grand Trunk Ry:, Toronto to Sarnia. From Toronto to Sarnia on G.T.R. and all stations north to and In- cluding Can. Pac. Stations Toronto to Owen Sound. From Toronto and east, to and including Sharhot Lake and Kingston, also north of Toronto and north of Cardwell Jct, on G.T.8. and north of Bolton Junction on Can. Pac. ONE-WAY SECOND-CLASS TICKETS WILL DE SOLD TO WINNIPEG ONLY Representative farmers, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Governments, will meet and engage laoorors on arrival at Winnipeg. Free transportation will be fur .: h d at Winnipeg to points on Can. Fac. and Can. Nor. \Lys. where laborers are na.da;l, east of Moose Jaw, l<amsack and Swan ,aver, tinelud- ing branches), and at ono cont a mite each way west thereof in Saskatchewan and Alberta. A certificate is furnished with each ticket, and this certificate when executed by farmer showing that laborer has worked thirty days or tare. will bo honored from that point for a second class ticket back to starting points in Ontario, at 318.00, prior to Nov. doth, 1907. Tickets are good only nn special Farm Labnrers' trains anal will be issued to women as well as to men, but will not be issued at half fare to children. Don't forget the Far full particulars see nearest C.P.R. client, or Homeseekers' Excursions with Tourist Sleepers write C. B. FOSTER, D.P.A.. C.P.R., TORONTO Aug. 27, Sept. 10 and 24 extern fair The Exhibition the People all Like to Attend EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS FIND IT PROFITABLE TO GO! KNABE\TSHUE'S AIRSHIP daily, and a full list of Attractions, with plenty of Mustc. Fireworks after programmes Qat h evening. concluding with that grand disllaay, 'THE SIEGE OF GIBRALTAR.' REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS Send to the Secretary for Prize Lists, Programmes and all information. 5V J. REID. President, A. M. HUNT, Secretary. London, Sept. 6 to 14 EXCURSIONS TO TORONTO FOR THE EXHIBITION King 3.6.5 RA ES 4' - '. DAILY HONDA'S', AITQ1IS'I 26 TO SATURDAY, SEPT. 7 INCLUSIVE. SPECIAL EXCURSION DAYS ACG ITST 27, 29, and 31 SEPTEMBER 4and 6. All Ticket. tleod -to Return Until Tuesday, Sept. 10. <, SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE Ask }'or Prue Copy of Oltlelal programme and Timetable. .7. 01. samen SII, Adient, Gaughan,