HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-08-29, Page 1* • • VOL XXXVL-NO. 1855. I I, ANT ISE PTIC Foot Powder Regular 25c per box Our Special Price 10c per box. (For a short time only.) - Why have ired, evvollen, aching feet ? 10 de invested in the right way will cure them, Antiseptic Foot Powder 10c PER BOX, . Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham. r Gro Shorthand g Taught by graduate of John R. Gregg, the author. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT' gets down to bed rook foundation of modern business principles. Graduates placed iu good situations. Day students attend night classes free. Write for catalogue. Fall terra opens Sept. 2nd WINGNAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Prinelpal. THE LITTLE EATON S Sdcoo Sat • Has Commended Skidoo for the following lines at any price for August:— GENT'S FURNISHINGS A skidoo on, Ties, Braces, Underwear, Um- brellas, Collars, Sox and Hats. They must skidoo as we move in 30 days. CLOTHING Skidoo for yours at what ever you will brtng,any line. Suits, Raincoats, Pants or Vests at skidoo prices. CARPETS A smart skidoo in this department will make you money. Wools, Brus- sels, Tapestry or Velvets at skidoo prices. CURTAINS At a price Skidoo will be the motto for Lace and Tapestry, you can save dollars. if you wish. • All our goods are new and up -to. date. -411.14411.111-Aaleilia*'""*" GEO. C. HANNA Old Postoftice Store Ifisodonald Block VirtlattAlgt„ 1 GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's MID** anti Rubbers Wingham leusilese College. Tho Wingham Business College will re -open next week or the fall term, , Circulars have been caned setting forth the merits of thio 3-igb, grade soltool, Mr. Spotton, the pr thipal, will be on haul on Monday roost to enroll any who wish to become stnerts. Get Parne/1's Bread, at Christie's. Decoration Service. The members o the Independent I Odtlfellows will hold their annual decor- ation service this (T tursday) afternoon. All membere are re plested to meet at the Lodge,Roona at 43Q o'clocle and the mem/sere will then eroceed in a body to the cemetery to decnate the graves of deceased znembere. 1 Our summer sale is a hammier. GEO KING. Donations to Hospital, D. A., J. Irwin, Treaeurer of the Wingham Hospital Board, reports the following recent do:satire to the Hos- pital ; --E. IlloOlcv, Singer sewing machine; Mrs, T. H I, dresser, $8.00; S. A. Maguire, printin , $4,50; C. M. Walk- er, two balcony airs; S. Mitchell cement blocks for owers. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butoher shop. A ppealc A judgement wi ional court at ¶ro1i ing in the action against A. Du= Brown had agreed stock from Dlmni account, but after the bargain and but the action wa Brown's appeal al ismssed. given by the eds. nto, Monday morn - Alexander Brown ge, of Wingham. to purchase a store e, paying $1,000 on arda withdrew from ed to recover $1,000, dismissed, Monday was dismissed. Before buying, don't fail to see our splendid echool shoes for the boys and girls. -W. J, GREER. Serious Mrs. Walter R merly of Wingha accident on Satul heating a raixture, over a stove and Mrs. Retie wag ver her head and .her burned off. At firs had been seriously pleased to learn tha ing nicely. Her Wingham will be unfortunate accede that she is recoveri y Burned. e, of Teeewater, for. met with a serious day last. She was ontaining turpentine. t buret into flames. badly burned about thing were partially it was thought the injured, but we are she is now improv - any old friends in rry to hear of her t and pleased to hear g. Veetmakers and Pant -How much do yo o preseing, Write Andertion 0o., Luck ers Wanted ant per week. phone. Taylor. w. Oia Tuesday eve ing of last week the t Brussels hampions.. ,Brussels football elub won at Brussels from the Green Bever club by a score of 3 to 0. Friday evening the return game was played at Ma ham, five miles from Green River and eneselo lost by a scare of 1 to 0, This, owever, left Brussels two to the good n the round and gives them the Provin ial intermediate foot- ball championehi . On Saturday even- ing there was a c lebration held at Brus- sels in honor of t , : winners. The Wing - ham Mune' ba ,d was engaged for the occasion. Dir. S. McGillvrary and . Dr. Andersom two " Ingham young men, played with the t russets team this sea - soh. Labor y in Wingham, The local bents 11 club are arranging few a great day of porta in Vitingham on Monday, Sept. 2n In the meriting at 10 o'clock Lnokn w League team and WInglittra jtinier eball club will meet on the diemOnd. la the afternoett, cow. mewing at (30, th ire will be an egg end spoon race, 150 yards dash, sack race, base running cerenst, eta, for etthioh prizes re offered. At 2.30 o'clook a Lakeside League b seball game will be played, Kincardine tlaWinghturt being the cOMpeting tean. This will be one Of the Most hnortaj1tgArnee this eettectn. In the evening at 4.15, 'VI/Ingham and Ethel tearWill i4 On an exhibition of 'Moffat% after Wit ,h there will be a protnenade cortcert, with the band in at- OetiliMOO. The abboe vrogranktne +should furnish a geed day s apart. Admitaion to morning game 5 'tette; afternoon, 25 Onto and 15 ben -Of; evening, 1 cents, WINGRAI, Sale of Dry' Goode, Etc. Xt. John Kerr reducing sale in last aud is giving ;coeds, gents' f shoes, carpete, advt. on page four and full particular Oash Wearing Goads. Farmer's Na The convenieno of the farmer on of his premises to the travelling parts of the coun put into practice, satisfaction. Mr. kerton is at pres vicinity putting u understand that farmers are havin othamenced n atookt ia store on Monday Mal bargains iu dry eishings, boons and rooeriea, eta. Read f this issue for prices sale of all Suraraer Geo, E. Knee+. ti on Gtigepost. of having the name the gatepost in front e long been apparent public, and in many ry the ides has' been esulting in the taighest . 11. McKay of Walt nt working in this the names and ate a numbs of them put Apple barrels for e pricee. Can be suppli Apply at Winghara Viewing t Very early risers being repaid by hav comet, which is visit from 2 to 4 30 a. m. easterly part of tbj cluster of stars call distinguishable by t ing the tail, The c visible about the b ber, so those who it will have to rise we the leAt reasonable e on short notice, t Works, e Comet. hese mornings are ng a view of the e to the naked eye It is situated in the heavetis near the "Orion," and is e hazy light form - et will become in - ginning of Septem. ash to take a peep at arty and soon. FOR SALE -Firs .. class 100 acre terra, two miles from Wineham. All in grass, Get particulate from H. Davis. Again)in Error. The Seaforth Eapositor was again in er rorlast week in praising up the record of it Collegiate. The Expositor said the Seafortb. Sch tol passed nearly as many as all the s :hails in the county. The Wingham Hi.$ Sohool can show a better record than e Seaforth school. In the Junior Teac ars exams. Wing - ham school passed 7 out of 28, and 18 received honors; Sea orth passed 29 out of 32, ad 19 honors. Junior matricula- tion, Wingliam 6 on eer7; Seaforth 26 out of 27. Senior ]ea ing. Seaforth, 91e per cent; Wingbane, 100 per cent. The local school made, i our mind, the best record of any school n the county. &newt SHOEg. -We have a complete stock of boys' mad girls' schoot shoes. W. J. GREER. Wingham rat Fair. Final arrangeme ts are being inade for the fall fair of toe' Turnberry Agri- cultural Society, to le held in Wingham on Thursday and Friday, September 26th and 27th. A mod list of attrac- tions are being arra•pged for the second afternoon. Large/ and small bills will be issued in a v days giving lull particulars. Expert judges have been secured as follows:- Light horses, W. F. Kydd, Simmer; heater horses, Wra. Bish- op, New Hamburg; ,eef cattle and sheep, W. A. Douglass, Te acarora; dairy cattle and swine, P. J. Mohlwen, Kutch; dairy produots, Male A W. Green, Loyal; ladies' work and fi. arts, Miss S. Elliott, Galt. Prize listeI eau be had at the Thiel; offioe. WELL DMOrNo. to do well digging notice. If you ha line, see me before I am now" prepared nd cleaning on. abort e any work in this lacing Contract. WU. SHERIDAN. High Soh al Opening. Arrangements ars about completed for the formal openien of the new High School Which Wit take place in the Opera House on Fr day evening Of thiel Weelt. The Onterio Department of Edtieation will be represented by Mr, Joaeph Downey', .P.P., who will det liver an address. here Will also be" a musical program= and addresses by local speakers. he oornMentrenient exercises will ale • take place Friday (evening, and aerti bates Veen at the re. cent departmental exatninatione Will be presetted. All iedidatee wIto pained the Entrance this ear, itS Well as Forth 1, Form II, JnniLeaving and Senior tearing purgewill be given frent mite, tied ate quested to be at the hall not later t an 7,50 &dock. For the eonvenienc Of the citizetat and Other echo wis• to inspect the school, the braiding ill be open on kriclay StterD6On fre1 tie 6 6'olook. A beet quet will be to doted the -visiting 'speak - era at the Nati nal Hotel at the Close of the openingMi e. roises. A limited ms bet of tickets ill be for sale, and may be had by appl ring to Dr, tl. P. Kennedy. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2911907, catteration of ioods." T. A. zone is offeth gentire special values in seasonable g map, including dress goods, ennereisler 4, Inea's wear. carpete eta, °to. AU dr es goods wilt be sold at 150 centcn the d llar. An inter- esting list of prices wit be given his advertisement next wee . Watch for it. WANTED.-Choith tub butter, 20e; G. 4, Mao, freeh eggs, 18W Petty Burglajiea. -a. During the meet few veeks several at% tempts at burglary an4 housebreaking have °genuine in tow4 The work is evidently that of uoviete, and tio far as OaD, be learned their ar or te have not been richly rewarded. On Friday night last the globe leather mills of Mr. W. D. Pringle were enter el and the desk pried open, but fortunately nothing of value was taken. •t is hoped the authorities will keep sharp lookout for 1 these midnight mar uders and have them speedily brought to justice. Mimic Wefare. The opeotaoolar prcinotion in front of the Grand Stand et the Canadian National Exhibition, ronto, between August 26th and Septc-aber 9th will be on a realistic scale II:let is certain has never previously been Dominion. Upwards o take part, and it is p every respect the "Sei will be as nearly repea A speoial feature will Ave or tax bands, sho days of the Bettina& customary for regi e ngaged with colors fl ing and everything al to the modern metho is now charaoterize silence and secrecy. ttempted in the 700 soldiers will oposed that in e of Badajos ed as possible. the playing of ing how in the r War it was nts to become ing, bands piny- ogether contrary of warfare which by the greatest-' The Wes ern Fair. The attractions t the Western Few, Londoe, Ont., thi year promise to stir - peas anything ever presented at any pre- vious Exhibitiou. Krzaberishue, the world-renowned eronaut, will nae daily ascensions w th his airsbip, The' airship will ale° b on exhibition at all times during the air. The Toronto Pigeou Fenders' sot:dation will start a race from in fro of the Grand Stand on Wednesiay af rnoou, when at is expected that abou four or Ave hundred pigeons will be lib rated in their start for lone, The Ito Show will be owe' thing new to We ern Fair visitors. Apdale's aniraals wit perform twice daily before the Grated Stand; they shove almost human inte ligence and no one should miss seeing, them, White & LeMart, The Les Art.os and all tee others inuet be seen to be appreciated. There Will be first -Wass ttueic throughout the entire week by ex .ellent Bands, The program each eveni ig will be concluded by a grand display 4 -fireworks, closing with the "Siege of ibralter." Special arrangem rite have been made with all Carnelian ailways and some of the lines in Michi n for reduced rates from Sept. 7th to 1 th inclusive. Reserved eeats 11 be fo t sale for the Grand Stand on uesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 8 pt. 10th, llth, 12th. Mail orders for th same will be attended to. Programs, priz lists and all infor. reagent given by applying to the Secre- tary, General Offi es, Lonthyttet. Coatmakers, first Name your prioe Oo Luoknow. I s. by the week. Taylor -Anderson Dr, Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo - Ribbon's drug store, Tuesday, Sept. 3 -all day. Glasses properly Bete& Wingham PupJI Wins Blake Schots Wits. ° Wall= Argo, a upil of Wingham High Selma, who is illy about 16 years of age, made amet emarkable record at the recent depar mental examina- tions -a resord of whi le many an older pupil might well be proud, and for et hide considerable oeedit is due the teachers under whose direction he re- ceiied his tuition, Mz . Argo stands first in the Province in 3cience, Botany, Zoology and Chemistay; passee part I and part II Senior Lea hag, with boners ; stands first in first lass honors in Chemistry, Zoology, IEotany and Sci. thee; third in firet-ol ss honors in Eng- lish, and third in fir .t.olass honors in History He also wi is the first Edward Blake scholarship 1 Science of $168, with the honor of ti e second Edward Blase scholarship in Science of $138; and is thirteenth ite. the Province in general profidency. Hats off to Wing - ham High Sohool! "Oar Bargain Table" is a great at- traction. This week it will be loaded down with ready.to-wear clothing for men, youths' and children.- Save your money by coming to aur Bargain Table. Our store ie full of other bargains for eyery person, D. M. GORDON. Bowling To nament. A bowling roams ent is' being ar- ranged for next onday Among the members of the 100 41 club. There will be a number of prize and it will be a rink competition. This ill likely be the last good day's playing f n• this seasOn. All members are request id to be at the bowl. ing green at 9 &Woo r sharp on Monday neorniug. Eigbtee ends will be played in each game and our pipes will be given to the players of the winning rink, Rinks have been n med as follows: - P. Pettus, P. N. Tansley D. Bell, Dr. Irwin Ed. Nash, Chas. Bell R. Vanstohe, skip. P. Logue, skip. Dr. P. Matidonald, • D. Robertson J. 3. Cunningham A. E. Smith EL 0. Bell, W. A. Campbell A. H. Mngro're a Wra. Holmes, sk, B. Leary, Fred. Patterson Jno. Campbell, - Porter Thos. Bell, G. 0. Illannerit Dudley Holme, sk A.11,1,Crawford,s G. C. Hanna, H. Elliott Fred. Orr, W. Vary Je W. Otr, Jae. Phaleh L. W. Hanson, skip Alex, Portetakip. Itev. T. S. Boyle, Dr. Agnew Dr. Price 0. VanStone Lloyd, Tht.3 R.Mandatueld D. 'X, Hepburn, sk. . L, Kennedy, ek, The draW has bee t Made as folltetetin- Xie the preliminary R. Wink:neat rink ttla tre against P. Lite:neat rink and b. W. littpburnal rink egehalit L. Kennedy -'a, Who first Owed the • vinners of the Van - stone -Logue gatisr play A. H. Mug - groves rink, Win. Helmets and 13uciley Holroee rinks play ogether and A. 11, Orford and L W. Ilanson'a rinks play. The Winners of the Hepburn Kennedy game plar•Alex. Perter'S rink, Threshing On ations-Grain Turn- ing Out Well. ay be some farmers the crops in this part this year are not up to tbat there will be a fodder during the cone - general impression ie four representa at least the conditions Salvation Army. While there who contend th of the Province the average, an great scarcity of ing winter, the that in this sectio Si YE.tR 111 ADVANCE W1I-1- I-00AL DFTION NOTgS. 't fag SUBMITTED ? Representative Meeting of Citizens Called lay t Board of Trade Declare Against the yleasure Tho adjourned nesting of the con:unit- tee ef representat ves of the oharobes of the town, receetl, appointed to consider the advisability .f submitting a Local Option by law to the ratepayers of Wit g was bstd in 03e Preebyteriau Oben I on, Terkeday evening last. There was preseut lig, members each from the Baptist, Aug ican, Methodist and Presbyterian aut. ,hes, four from the Be C. aura, and Bea from the Salvation Array. There wa anytaing but unani- mity of opinithsn -egard to,,the question among the various represrntativea; and after considerable Oseassion a notion to the effect that a Le al Option campaign be entered upon at onoe was carried by the narrow majority of one vote, the Baptist, Methodist lad Salvation Army delegates voting sol ly for the motion, while the Anglican Presbyterian and R. C. delegates r corded themselves against it. This co.. mittee could not be considered represent; toe, according to population, inflame° as those churches witit a membership of probably four hundred or more w re entitled to only as many delegates a those whose mem- bership is little mot than one hundred. It should also be st ted that many of those veto voted ag nut the motion are men of avowed te perance principles, but of course canno • see eye to eye with others as to the bes method of lessening the great evil arisi g from the traffic in intoxicating liquo However, if the decision of the sting is carried out we may expect tat the campaign will shortly be started, It is said that already a petition is in c mutation with a view to securing the s gnatures of twenty-five per cent of the ratepayers asking the Town Council t submit a by-law. Early Wedn above was in that Ensign Be sday afternoon after the pe, we were informed ks eta es there were only ives preseot from the This would have left will not be so bad after all. This opinion the vote a tie 1 to 16, and the casting is borne out by oaversation with some vote would hav been in the bands of the who have airestly had their grain thresh- chairmen, Dr. A. J Irwin. However, ed, and by a vis tateve of this W. J. Carrie, threshing oper t last week by represen. aper to the farm of Mr. East Wawanosh, where dions were in progress. 'mac Walker's utfit was at work, it is one of the largest separators in this pars, -a Monarch, made by the Clinton Thresher Co., taith a self feeder, bitted. cutter, Stevrate cutting -box and wind 1 stacker, or "11 ower," att d; tr • machinery is r n by a 25 horse power Leader etegiue, with Mr. Jas. D. Balser in charge. Th4 grain was being dra wu it from the 11e14 by three teams, those of Messrs. J. A. Cirrie, Taos. Taylor and 3. B. Tyreman, hile Mr. W. 3, Carr's team was emplo ed in drawing the grain hr bags to the 3.rauary, where 11 -was stored, the Next ig and bagging of the grain as it ore 'rom the machine belle looked after by John John, and Mr. Currieat two son a Messrs W. Arbuckle and Robt. Currie, Jr. did duty pitching the sheaves in thm field, while Raymond Elliott assisted tae teamsters in "spike" pitching, which those who "fee cut straw was means of the "IA Parker looked effected a savi s the terrn applied to " the machine, Tne laced in Ane barn by war," and Mr. Harold ter this work. Here is of three men, as it usually took fo ir to handle the straw before the outti tg box came into use, Mr. Walker htei an up-to-date outfit, and is doing g d work. Fall wheat, Mr. Currie saysi turned out wen, and other coarse gr ns were well up to the average. Mr. A nastrong, photograpber toter a photo o the threshing scene. Shortly after this the dinner bell-Weh COMO tound-bron ht all together around the festive board and within a short hour the machine was again started. Dr. Butler, London, Eye, Ear and Throat Specialist, 370 eletteen's Avenue, London, 3r6. door Ease of St. Andrew's Church. It was etated at int Provincial Health Department Mond .y that for the aa -en mouths ending wi h July there Were 584 cases of smallpox a Ontario, as coni. pared with 394 fo the same period last year, and a tete! 41 486 for the Whole of the year. Fon Saatt-A good driving horse, buggy, Clutter (OW), two Iset single bar- men), One itheitat newt Apply to Joseph Peen John street. The Ontario feat:meter& Association meets on the 3r of September in the TeMple Bultdin , near the City Hall, TOkentie. The 1�M Master Nasal has prorateoa to be tilOre ot send stattbititUte the ueting, Several of the Inspectors will 10 ntten& seveaceen perscns stood up, voting for tba submission A the by-law. • e At the reign et of a large number of the brimless m in of the town, anneeting was called by t io officers of the Board of Trude, tor Monday evening, in the council chamer. The meeting was 1ergely attendee, and was without donbt the of the melt reptesentative gather- ings of the bus .ness intereste of the town wnic li has been held for many a day. The object of the meeting was to discuss Local Option. A large number of those piesent expreaed their views, and the question was eonsiteeredt in all its bear- ings, the cous 3nsts of opinion beim not only that the ause of temperance and sobriety woul 1 not be advanced.by the introduction 31 the new lave, but that the oonditione under the present Iieense system aro preferable to those which the advent of a Local Option by-law would bring about. The following motion was introduced, nil carried by a standing vote, out of lkfty or more persons preileat ouly tiro refrained from votine: Moved b Geo. Spotton, seconded by Wra. Noholson, that it is the opinion of ahis meeting that the pre - seat Ltquoi License Law, properly eniorcea, preparable t Local Op- tioa, and w cannot endorse the sub- mission of Local Option by-law in the town of Wingham at the present time. The meetin alto declared in favor of a more rigid nforeement of the license lave, in the fol owing ternas :- Moved by W. 3. Greer, seconded by T. Hall, elieving that a proper enforcement of the Liquor License Law would e in the best interests of this tow and that the Town Council has c rtaln powers along this line; Resole d, that this representa- tive meeting f oitizeos endorse any. action the until may take, by meths of its o 'tiers, to secure proper enforcement 1 the late. Of all those talee expressed their views at the raeetihg, 10 one appeared, in syna. teethe.' .,with the liquor business, as a blueness. Mane would like to see it put cn a different b is, but considered that the Local Optic 0ptid4 method was not effeat• nal in otirtaill the evils connected with it. 'These °weds nis of opinion, coming from a Meeting which may be consider. ed fairly repeselltative of the Varied in. terests of the to,vn, etifintit to have thine *eight, a=1 if they may be taken as an indication f the general feeling of the tatepayers, 4o other conolusion Ca/I be arrived at'tln the time is not yet opportune for tle ottIonission of Local Option to Wing to. Rev, T. Albert ed as sugoearior to D. la in the office Lord's Day Alliance Rev. P. M. MeE his connection wit Armow Preebyteria goiug to Dover, TA It i0 tiEderetOOd t of Clinton will ace Baptist °thrall at will leave Clinton ix are baa been esleott er. 3. G. Shearer, f Seoretery of the of Ottuada. Wirth has severed the Giemmie and congregations toed ar Obatliara, t Rev Mr. Illogse, pt the oil' to the mega, ISIth. and about two menthe. The Preebyteriest congregatiene of Auburn and Smith Hill, Huron Pres- bytery, bave exteni.,-,da allaDi1130tfil Oa» to Rev, W. G. R ohardson, B. A, of Wyoming, Sarnia eresbytery, as snot moor to Rev, 3. L Small, B. A., now of Blyth, Rev, John UM ministerof the Canada, died at He was a native o Canada itt 1847. at aeveral importa being Clinton and one of the oldest ethodist Cantrell in uelplz, go Saturday, Ireland and came to e bad been stationed among them eaforch. The Rev. W. Howson, of the Methodist church expects to occupy bis own pulpit ne -1 Sunday, morning and evening. Se ijects: 11 a. vi. 'he baptism of Fire." • 7 p. ra. "The corning of the Golden Ag in business, in poli- ties,' and in aeoul life," This address will prove of an nal interest, present. lug new views of fe, in the coming days. Everybody welt welc4zne. REAL ESTATE' FOR SALE 11111111111111111egel $850 -Frame cottage. Mienie st. $900 -Brick cottaise. Martha at. $900 -lee story frame dwelling 106a. Bristol Terrane $1200 -Frame dwelling and gable. Patrick et. $1200 -Large frame dwelling and , ele acre land Aibett st $1200 -Two story dwelling, feeme. Minnie sr. ta1200-Brick dwelline. John et, ; $1300 -Brick dwelling. Jose- phine et. $2000 -Large frame dwelling, Centre st. $2100 -Two story brick dwelling. ()entre at. $1600 -Two story frame dwelling, Catharine St. Eight moutte, good cellar. three lots, fruit trees, stable. All in good order. $2000 -Fate large brick dwelling. She ter et. $2600-Lerge new brick dwellieg. Victoria st Building lots, business blocks end desirable farms at reasonable prices. See list in office. Ritchie 16 C089118:: REAL ESTATE ez INSURANCE. Griftin-Vanstone Bieck, WINGHAM. Phone 13 ifiaacw..6w4i.wialiew,AukokaaAirliywuatQ TE THE LEADING SHOE STORE We're Out FOP Tilt School Shoe Trade All the boys and girls know that this is the place to get the proper style, but, if there's a family that does not buy their Boys' and Girls' bitioes here and We can get the head of that family to read this ad and to come here just to take a look at our School Shoes— we'll get that family's trade, sure. No father or mother can resist such tempting values as we are offering in $1.00 $1.25 $1..S0 and $1,75 School Shoes for Boys' and Girls. ter W. J. Greer TUB SUOMI