HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-08-10, Page 14A114 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST ' ;1Q, 1 3 Phone 527-0240 Coming Events Coming Events Help Wanted LINDSAY'S new Flea Market very Friday 2-9 p.m., Satur- day 13-4 p.m. Beside McLean Auction Centre just below Hwy. 117 on Little Britain Road. Farm produce, an- tiques, bargains galore, home baking, over 60 vendors inside and out. We need more vendors. For information call Orval McLean (705) 324-2783 1-32-01 MULTI -FAMILY yard sale, five season estates, old Bay- field Rd., between Clinton and Hwy. 21, Fri. and Sat. Aug. 12 & 13, 9:30 to 5. 1-32x1 ORIGINAL Hocus-Pocus Show is coming to Brussels Library on Aug. 11 at 2:30, p.m. Abra the magiclown will perform miracles and magic. Admission -free. Sponsored by Huron County Library. Funded by Outreach Ontario. 1-32-1 GARAGE SALE: Electric mo- tors, power hacksaw, eight hp snow blower, 5 hp rear tined tiller, self powered log split- ter, 8 hp riding mower, 2 chain saws, miscellaneous mowers and tillers for parts. Some antique farm tools, garden tools. Lots of miscel- laneous. Everything negoti- able. 1'/. miles west of Seaforth on Hwy. k8, Sat. Aug. 13 - 9 till T. 1-32-1 LARGE multi -family yard sale. Antiques, dishes, cloth- ing, bikes, toys. August 13, 9 a.m. - ?. Near Vanastra Flea Market. Hwy. 114 south of Clinton. Rain date August 20. 1-32-1 FAMILY Day Picnic: Murray Elston M.P:P. annual Family Day will be held at the Blyth Lions Park, Sunday, August 21, from 2:30 p.m. Supper served at 5 p.m. Bring lawn chairs. Everyone welcome, Free admission. 1-32-2 CLINTON Legion Bingo, every Thursday, 8 p.m. 1st regular card SI . Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15.00: 55 least on split. Many 9thr specials. Jackpot 5200 mist go each week. 1-22-tf BINGO every Tuesday evening at VANASTRA CENTILE R.R.S CLINTON 8 p.m. 1st regular card 51; 15 regular games of $15; 3 Share -the - Wealth. Jackpot 5200.00 must go. Admission restrict- ed to 16 years or over, 1-23=tf YARD SALE: Aug. 13, 71 Chalk St.. North, Seaforth. 1-31x2 Lost, Strayed MALE Sheep Dog, grey with brown markings on face and feet. Answers to name of Mac. (Quebec dog tag - Pierrfonds). Call Lawrence Ryan collect 527-0558. 2-32-1 1 year old black and grey cat near Staffa road area, week of August 1st. Call Steve 482- 3905, 2-32-1 SEAFORTH Restaurant and Steak House requires wait- ress or waiter (no experience necessary). Available any- time. Full time or part time. Please call for appointment. 527-1020. 4-32x2 MATURE responsible person required to babysit 2 pre- schoolers, Monday to Friday 8:30-3:30 in our home in Egmondville. Some light housekeeping as well. Duties to begin Sept, 6. Please phone527-1992. 4-32-2 AUSABLE Bayfield Conser- vation Authority, Township of Usborne, requires a full time receptionist -secretary 8:30-4:30 5 days a week. Duties to include answering and operating telephone switchboard, greeting the public, operating a word processor and typing. • Appli- cants must have excellent telephone communication abilities and out going per- sonality. Experience in oper- ating word processor and modern telephone answering equipment preferred. Appli- cations will be received at P.O. Box 458, Exeter, Ont. NOM ISO until Aug. 24, 1983. 4-32-2 HUGE 2 family yard sale on Saturday, Adgust 20 from 9 till 4 o'clock on corner of James and Ellen Street in Brussels. weatherermit- ting. Items include clothing, dishes, books, toys, small pool table, canoe, snowmo- bile. 1-32-2 RECEPTION for June 'and Jeff Turner (Nee Walther), August 27, Brodhagen Com- munity Centre, 9 p.m. 1-31-4 Found FULL grown,gold' colour male dog with rown leather collar.Ca11345- 3-32-1 Bus. Opportunity BABYSITTER: No more than 4 days per week, no week ends, 7 till 3:30. Write Box 3718 c/o The Huron Exposi- tor, Seaforth, Ont. 4.32x2 RESPONSIBLE adult re- quired to babysit in my home. on. -Fri. 7:30.4:30 begin - in Sept. 6. Two children ages years and 10 months. Light housework as well. 5100 per week, receits required. Apply to Box 3716 c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. 4-31-2 Help Wanted EARN extra money part-time as a Regal sales representa- tive. Our gift catalogue is all ):XP$Ri1rN-CED .pfor or' vvou need. Write Regal, 939 hog and cash crop, must„or giinton Ave., E. Dept. 446, be able to run and maintain Toronto, M4G 2L6.' 5-32-01'' machinery. House available. Call 887-6425. 4-32-2 Situations Wanted THE GODERICH & DISTRICT ASSOCIATION FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED Is inviting applicatlons•for the following positions Adult Vocational Training Centre Supervisor (•1{,000.00 -'90,000.00 per annum) To Implement indlvldual vocational training programmes to assist adults who are developmentally handicapped In seeking competitive or alternate employment. A minimum of two -years experience in a vocational or Industrial setting would be an asset. Community Activity Programme Supervisor ('15,000,00 -'20,000.00 per annum) To develop and Implement individual programmes to assist adults who hove complex needs, In the development of living, Leisure/Recreational, Educational and Occupational skills. A minimum of two -years experience In a similar setting; M.R.C. diploma and specialization In one or more of Speech/Physical/Occupational Therapy would be an aasiut. Community Activity Programme Instructor ('12,000.00 -'17,000.00 per annum) To assist the supervisor In the d•algn and Implementation of Individual training programmes. A M.R.C. diploma would bean asset. Adult Residential Programme Supervisor ('17,500.00 per annum) To develop and Implement individual programme plans for adults living In residence In Clinton. A minimum of two -years experience and a M.R.C. diploma would be an asset. Adult Residential Programme 3 Full Time Counsellors To assist the supervisor In the development and Implementation of individual programme plans for adults living In residences In Clinton and Ooderlch. A M.R.C. diploma and related experience would be an asset. Adult Residential Programme 1 Part Time Week -End Counsellor To work as a week -end counsellor In Goderich. To maintain individual programme plana. Previous experience would be an asset. 1 Full Time Bookkeeper/Secretary (94,000.00 per annum) To establish and maintain the books and act as the secretary for the Association. Bookkeeping and typing skills on asset. Please sand resume indicating position preference and three references to: The Goderich Z District AMR P.O. Box 572 Ood•rlch, Ont. N7A 3NA Closing date: August 24, 1053. CUSTOM swathing, grains, flax and rape seed. Can arrange combining. Call Jack Storey 527-1600. 7-32-2 WILL babysit in my own home, 41 Church Street. Babies welcomed. Reason- able rates. References avail- able. 527-0444. 7-32x1 CUSTOM combining. Whyte Bros. Farms Ltd. Nick 527- 0349 or Bill 527-1123. 7-31-2 DEADLINE: Monday, 4:30 p.m.' Farm Machinery Articles for Sale Articles for Sale 29 Owatonna 10' swather with 2 reels. Call 345-2068. Dublin. 9-32x2 Used Cars 1979 T -Bird. Excellent condi- tion. $3550. Phone 482-7401. 10.32.1 1982 Chev. Celebrity front wheel drive, 4 door, for the estate of Isabell Freeman. Less than 2500- km. Mint condition. Priced right. Con- tact Robert Fotheringham, 482-9196. 10-32.2 1975 Lincoln Continental Town Car, fully loaded, excel- lent condition body and mechanically. See to appre- ciate. Phone 482-9216. A. Garon. 10-32x1 1976 Olds Cutlass 442, new paint and body job with 58,000 miles. CaII anytime 527.0968. 10-32-2 1976 Ford Granada GHIA, p s.,' p:b., AM/FM stereo, 302 automatic, $600 as is. Call 887-6673. 10-32x1 1978 Ford van, standard, excellent condition. 53500. Certified. Phone 527-1219. 10-31-2 '74 Chevelle Malibu, 5200.00.527-1723. 10.31.2 Articles for Sale DOBERMAN Pinsher, male, 2'/2 years, obedience trained, super disposition. Owner moving to a artntent. Call 527-0240 or 345-2351.11.32x I 11AV1NG4rouble reading the fine print? Try the Ruler - Magnifier. Tremeer Com- mercial Printers. 12 Main St., Seaforth.. 11-32-1 9 year old Inglis automatic washer, new timer, new motor, good working order. $150. Phone 527-0493 after 6. 11-32x1 STEEL Buldings: Pay 1979 prices. For a limited time only. Example 40 x 60, regular price 58959. Now System. 1 56989 including provincial sales tax. Limited number of prepackaged spe- cials. Call today save today. Toll-free 1-800-268.4942, Miracle Span, first in steel buildings. 11-32-01 WEED free wheat straw. Lot 2 Con. 13. Grey Township. 887-6538. 11-32-1 1981 Honda Enduro motor bike, good condition. Asking 5875. or best offer. Call 527-0750 anytime. 1 I -31x2 FARM FRESH EGGS, 21/2 doz. flat 51.25. Wednesdays only 2 p.m. -4 p.m., 2'/2 miles west of traffic lights in Seaforth and north to 1st farm. Dr. W.J. Thompson. I1 -30x3 CLEAN barrels, also garbage barrels and half barrels for watering animals. Agent for Blyth Steel Barrels is Doug and Gail's General Store, Winthrop and Seaforth Farm- er'sCo-Op. 11-29-4 •••••••••••••• • • •HONEY •• • FOR SALE Elgin Young • 522-1519 • • •••••••••••••• • • • • • • • PEACHES • New Apples • Plums • Blueberries • Frozen Strawberries • Honey • Fruit Juices • Apple Syrup • Apple Butter OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ROCK GLEN FRUIT FARMS.LTD. 828.3644 Arkona FACTORY Clearance: Steel buildings. Example 40' x 58' arch building including 21' w double slide doors 56600. Similar savings on widths 20' to 100' wide clear span. Also available straightwall all- stebi buildings 20' to 60' clear span. Priced to clear. For guaranteed savings call toll- free 1-800-268-0802. 11-32-01 BICYCLES, lawn mowers, appliances, light fixtures, col- lectables, toys, 1979 T -Bird. Inside and out. Saturday only' Vanastra Flea Market, 2 km. south of Clinton, Highway 4, 482-3773. 11-32-1 A 5' bathroom vanity with white top, gold sink. Com- plete with taps. Excellent condition. Phone 527-0218. 11.32x1 MAYTAG Portable washer - dryer with stand, 2 years old, excellent condition. Call 527- 1999. 11-32-2 Situations Wanted Custom Swathing Phone 4824126 Jim Preszcator Hank's Small Engines Service 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523.9202 Lawn and Garden Eq Ipment Repair New and Used Garden Equipment - In Stock FOR SALE or RENT A BARGAIN IN BLYTH Suitable for small home or business Brick 11/2 storey on Queen St., ground floor approximately 700 sq. ft. Small down payment, balance et 11% CLASSIFIED DEADL PpR,M1,0 $NEIq+AIEDABSI,q ADS FOR oUT.QF.TOWN PAPERS • ISMONDAY NOON Charges are based en the number of words. Set of numerals u for serial numbers. street _numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set, Words joined by hyphens count u.. separate words, 22 words -53.50 16c per word. thereafter. , BIRTHS -No charge ENGAGEMENTS -Flat rate of 56. Additional charges for reception notice with engagement - 510 witft picture, MARRIAGES -Free for 6 weeks after date of wedding. After this time, photo and cutline only, 515. IN MEM.ORIAMS-53.50 plus 30c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -22 words, 53.50, each additional word 16v. CARD OF THANKS -25 words-"' 3.50. Each additional word 5c. SOc DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT 'ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE -53.00 per insertion. SEMI DISPLAY -1.15 per cm. Phone 527-0240 .r Notice Notice BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. alnton Phone: 482-9371 We will be CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS August 15th to August 20th Campbell's Crown Hardware 4 Main St. S., SEAFORTH 527-1420 WORKMAN BEFORE YOU BUILD SEE THIS SCOTT'S 1011 +per„ <. T R l FOR EMERGENCIES CAMPING, DAILY USE, ei In vacuum packed cans Permanent Storage Not affected by freezing or heat Freeze dried and dehydrated foods "FOODS OFTHE FUTURE" are now available in Seaforth Call 527-1920 for information "DRIED FOODS FOR A RAINY DAY" Farm Stock A new. unique, swine wormer called Pro-Banminth is an- nounced by Pfizer Animal Health. Pro-Banminth is the only product in Canada that can prevent liver and lung damage caused by migrating immature roundworms. Available in swine feeds at your local feed dealer. 8-32-01 YORKSHIRE boar from good sound stock. R.O.P. tested. Government health approved. Priced to sell. Phone 345-2170. , 8-32-3 GOOD selection of service- able age Yorkshire, Hamp- shire, Di uroc and crossbred boars. Test figures available as low as 10.2 in 144 days to 200 lbs. Also open and bred York X Landrace gilts. Vista Villa Farms Ltd. Bob Robin- son, R.R. 4, Walton, 345-2317 8-30-4 ROXBORO GARDENS For SaleIcor Pick Your Own Green & Yellow BEANS SWEET CORN TOMATOES 527-0705 ATTENTION! Modifying Existing or Establishing New Business Related to Public Service? Call: L HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT For Advice on Regulations! PUBLIC HEALTH INSPECTION - 482-3416 M BAILEY N Real Estate • 11.1 Cl ln Phone: 49371 150 ACRES: Near Au- burn, 100 workable, good brick home, 2 small sheds, 40 acres bush. 100 ACRES: cropland, Hullett Twp. 92 ACRES: 75 workable, 2/. mile south of Clinton. Hwy. 114, good 3 1e n. home. 46 ACRES: 22 cropland, 9 hardwood bush, large double home, barn, drive shed with work- shop, near Varna on paved road. 100 ACRES: general farm. 13th of Hullett. HENSALL: I'A floor home in good condition, financing available. RESTAURANT: Main St. Blyth. Tully equip- ped. apartment above. reasonable price. 6 ACRES: near Bruce - field, good frame home, drive shed and barn. STONE MANSION: on 2 acres very good condi- tion. 3 bay garage and large workshop, 2 miles from Blyth. HOLMESVILLE: 13 acres with farrowing barn. 1 floor brick bung- alow, paved drive. 85 ACRES: on paved road. 40 workable, stream crosses property, good building site. EXECUTIVE CLASS HOME: on 20 acres, Goderich Twp., very well landscaped, inground pool, new insulated barn. 21/2 miles out of Brussels on 6 line, Morris Township, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, very spacious living area, features open bannisted staircase, new Hollywood kitchen in natural pine, custom decorated throughout, combination oil and wood • furnace, completely insulated and rewired. New garage 16' x 30'. Owner will consider financing. Contact M BAILEY ( Real Estate Clinton Phone: 482-9371 ullioan_ REAL ESTATELTU MAUREEN WILDFONG Res. 482-3224 JOERLY 345-2465 1 ACRE with a 2 storey brick home, original woodwork, pine staircase, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Att'd Garage on Paved Road. List 545,000.00 HANDY MAN'S SPECIAL: 2 storey 3 bedroom house, aluminum sided, Insulated. List Price 515,000.00. Hibbert Township. 2.68 ACRES: McKillop Township, Ranch Style Home with family and laundry on main, 2 baths. Att'd Garage. Close to town. List 564,000.00 31/2 ACRES: McKillop. 1'/2 storey home, 3 bedrooms, separate dining. 2 storey barn. List 545,000.00 50 ACRES: McKillop, 45 workable. List 565,000. 2 STOREY BRICK HOME: on lot 288 x 200'. Modern Kitchen, 2 baths. Small s}2ed. List 535,000.00 112.5 ACRES with a modern farrow to finish operation. 4 bedroom house. Elevator and dryer system. Call for details. 300 ACRES: 2 storey b,' Large 2 storey barn, bank. loose housMOLDlent cash crop land. 125 ACRES 69 ACRES: 33 workable, !balance in bush.. McKillop Township. Try an offer! 120 ACRES: Dairy operation, Goderich Twp. New steel shed and calf barn 104 x 40; barn 104 x 50; 42 stalls, pipeline. 4 bedroom modern home. 50 ACRES: McKillop, modernized 4 bedroom home. Double car garage. Steel shed. List 5150,000.00 10 ACRES: "New Cape Cod Style" 4 bedroom home with new steel barn. Outskirts of Seaforth. 50 ACRES+ McKiilop township, good sized barn, systetpatically tiled. Open for offers! NEW LISTING: 107 Goderich St. W., 4 bedroom, 1 floor home, formal dining room, 2 beautiful fireplaces; small barn, 539,900.00 NEW LISTING: Building lot on N. Main St., nice location. - NEW LISTING: 5 acres, no buildings in McKillop Twp., near St. Columban. NEW LISTING:5 acres, Tuckersmith, hog set-up, 4 bedroom house. S65,000.00 • NEW LISTING: 2 commercial lets on South Main St. 48 GEORGE ST.: 4 bedroom 11/2 storey frame home, good location, 534,000.00 LARGE 2 STOREY brick building ori"3- possible building lots. Ideal for apartment building. 3''A ACRES: in' Harpurhey, 4 bedroom house, small barn, 543,000:00 31 ACRES: 7 yea., old brick ranch home ntierlooking.i- chyked trout ponds, $165.00Q-0011 200 ACRES: Hullett Twp., excellent hetne, beef barn, $245,000.00 WEISH ST.: 3 bedroom home, good condition, large lot. 535,000.00 EAST WILLIAM ST.: 3 bedroom ranch, a beautiful home, 576,000.00 BRUCEFIELD: Tidy 3 bedroom, .large lot, a bargain at 525,000.00 NEW HOME: 3 bedroom brick, 5 level split in Egmondville. 5 ACRES NEAR WALTON: 3 bedroom house, 32' x 48' steel barn, only 543;000.00 AUTO BODY REPAIR SHdP: Being sold as a going concern. Call for details. 559,900.00 WILSON ST.: 11/2 storey, 4 bedroom home in excellent condition, 549,000.00 525,000' .00: Nice,3 bedroom frame home on Ann St. MOBILE HOME: 60' x 12' on a fully serviced lot on Isabelle St. EGMONDVILLE: 3 bedroom brick bungalow with rec room, 533,900.00 E. WILLIAM ST.: 3 bedroom frame home, excellent condition, attractive lot. 537,500.00 CHURCH ST.: 3 bedroom frame home, a steal at 524,000.00 50 ACRES: .120 sow farrow -finish, very modern operation, must sell. REDUCED 555,000.00: 4 bedroom brick ranch family room with fireplace, very attractive, GODERICH ST. E.: 4 bedroom ranch, ground level walk out from family room to inground pool. 579,900.00 LARGE: Heated storage building in Seaforth. 58,000.00 HIGH ST.: 2 bedroom cottage in good condition. McKILLOP TWP.: 5 ac. with 3 bedroom home and 50 sow barn. Only S45,000.00 REDUCED, W. WILLIAM ST.: 3 bedroom large new family room and kitchen, 535,000.00 COUNTRY HOME: 4 mi. from Seaforth, triple brick, 3 bedrooms, very nice. 1.1 ACRES: Tuckersmith, 4 bedroom home in excellent condition, 529,900.00 • EGMONDVILLE: 2 bedroom home in good condition. 525,000.00 HULLETT TWP.: 2 ac. on 118 highway. 3 bedroom house. 529,900.00 199 ACRES: Hibbert Twp.. all workable, nice home, large frame barn, 5380,000.00 REDUCED: 535,000.00 High St., 3-2 bedroom apartments, excellent condition. Good invest- ment. GODEI;ICH ST.: Duplex, very modern, good condition. 535 ,000.00 BRUSSELS: 3 stores on Main St. Offers. APPROXIMATELY 2 ACRES: of vacant land in Seaforth. Call for details. REDUCED: To S65,000.00. 4500 sq. ft. commer- cial building in Seaforth. Ideal for light industry etc., large lot. GOUINLOCK ST.: Very modern 2 bedroom 1'/2 storey, full basement, 532,900.00 MCKILLOPI 5 ac. 2 storey brick home. many renovations. 540.000.00 HARPURHEY: 4 bedroom, 2 storey, family room, double garage. an exquisite home. 595.000.00 2 TROUT PONDS: 80 acres, small cottage, very picturesque. S100,000.00 BRANTFORD STa 3 bedroom tanch, full basement, carport, a bargain at 542,000.00 NEW HOME: 3 bedroom brick bungalow, garage, full basement, nice lot 555,0000.00 SE CAFORTI'E 5,527la,