HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-08-03, Page 11rrveyn 7M ', HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 3, 1983 -• f All BY JACK RIRD MPP ' , In a recent press statement , Liberal. Leader 'David Peter-, pen once again lealled upon ;the rovincl government to: ,.give prieit , to the serlons. lir e l ent. p fpbiem o, A tnp oym among Onta io'S young peop.-, In the month of Mal ', joblessness moopl . to 24. years o agengpewas 22,,.0,e-15 000 in Ontario• 0.2 per cent, or fully one in every five. It is Worse this ear than last, which'up u it that time was the worst yer in decades. For May 1982, tie jobless figure for young pe9ple was 186;000 - 16.4 per cent. 'f'Itla mean4, therefore. drat the figure has Urgressed by 42,000 or 22,6 per cent for tilltl May come a red :with the . same month Jena 2, e r. In A 9i1 th t 4 N9 yf ,itumbet " of unemployed young eople went to21;3,000 or 17,4 per cent' David Peterson cited amples ofwhat is happening: The University andCol- leges Placement Association reports on -campus recruit- ment is down by SO per cent from a year ago. • One community college reports only 6S per cent of its 2,000 graduates this year are n likely« to flhd',-wor'!t.'lnr")their ..chosen fields within the next six months - :compared .to 80 per cent a ,year Ngo and well ,- over 90' per cent in bgtter times than these , - Last :MarchMi.„.were iS;O*Oyoung.person ., lding degrees or .,diplomas who were unem loyed r even as an additional 7,000 unlverslty and college graduates hit the - r • Almost one quarter of the 1982 graduates from St. Law- rence College in Kingston are still without work. Faced with these terrible realities, it could be assumed Its priorities. , r Oka, .nYt. appened. Some Ootaxieli0- ,erntnent programs .have;:ac- tualiy :been, cut back.' The ;Ute erience '83program will yield 300 fewer lobs tltan°its , 1982 counterpart, * 8:500 compared to 8,800, The On - aria Youth Entpioyment'Pro• ram will create 2,000 fewer , jobs•than it was supposed to provide a year ago • 55,000 compared to 57,000 The situation: is critical. Itis also tragic. The Ontario Man- power Commission, continues to forecast that we will go wanting for 45,000 skilled wor leets .each yeila YP! r is f ued an updste re, yVe Aidtit look 40QueeA's port, Park for answers. Theta,' 4. a .That update looked at what , basic need for more gs hasr;;:been done .attd-",whit training. And we must'.ques- remains to ,be done in five tion the effectiveness of an moat;"job creation programs educational system which, as for youth; student std,,' ptan- some counsellors of the un- power ,training. and 'appren- emRloyedhavereported, pro- ticeshlp,programs; opportune duces Grade 12 graduates itieaforco-oppeerative students Who rate often" f}tntctionall andiob availability.for gradu- illiterate. �c iltest,ln each of those areas 3 Government mustplaee`Iai thereexists a_ need for new be • of the top of its list riorities. cornmitments y gov E►I the tectiftcation'of this swig, .meet the -private Sector and rr the edncati9nal institutions You will recall that In: 'the, -young'people 'of Ontario March of this year, the., are to receive the treatment Liberal Task; Force on Jobs for. Ahey,.desert!e; - JOHN ELLIGSEN ELECTRIC LTD. Farm • Residential • Commercial WIRING and PLUMBING 24 Hour Emergency Service ' R.R. No. 4 Walton - Ph. 345-2447 or Ph. 345-2547 1,1 'TERRY �►LUM«Bre Pumps • Soft•n%rs • Fdrm •i Ilttasld PLUMBING Ip4",t11 G . 24 Hour EmorgaflCY S ,ry p►a, $=x54.. or FRESH COUNT FRYER PARTS: 3 FOREQUARTERS WITH WHOLE BACK. AND NECK. 3 HINDQUARTERS WITH WHOLE BACK 3 WINGS & 2 GIBLET PACKS. DELICIOUS DOUGHNUTS -A rainy day Is a perfect time to eat chocolate long Johns under the awning at Tasty -Nu Bakery. Just ask 8 -year-old. Danny Dalton and his 8 -year-old steer Dana who enjoyed their favourite doughnuts last Thursday rmoon. by Hynde Things have changed since I was a kid BY PATRICIA RIMMER Things sure have changed since I was a little kid. Instead of running under the sprinkler on a hot day to cool off, the modern child will swim in a "Mr. Turtle" swimming pool . equipped with the pool and the whole bit. Material things for child- ren have changed quite a bit but children themselves have not really changed that much. Parents still have the hassles with children that they had ten years ago. One of the favourite struggles of children and their parents is to persuade a stubborn child to eat cat -rots and other delicious vegetables. Old lines such'as "Carrots make your eyes stronger" or "Spinach will make you big and strong like Popeye" seldom work but parents insist on trying them again and again. My father used to turn me right off of certain foods by telling my brother that they would put hair on his chest. What little girl would want hair on her chest? Parents are some of the kitchen to sample a piece. sneakiest people in the They begin by smelling the world. 1 have a cousin that aroma then they try touching used to and still does cringe it to see if it will bounce back. at the sight of carrots and Finally they will flip a coin to peas. Fier mother would try decide who the first person to persuade her by telling her will be to cut into the first they are good foods for her, piece. After it has been but that just turned her off. decided. the guilty party is Parents would be better off very reluctant about per - by telling children that car- forming the crime, rots are the most fattening Suddenly the door opens junk food ever invented; and in walks Dad home from maybe they'd stand half a a hard day at work. The little chance then) villains inform him that Anyway, my aunt would dinner is not ready yet. try new methods in which to maybe he would like a nice In eat her piece of cake and a glass of realizes that a bedtime story is out. -This is agreed. Fifteen minutes later the parent comes back into the room. The child informs them he is still not tired and the program turned out to be an hour show. This does not work and the child is carried, up the stairs kicking and screaming. Once in the bed- room, the child may try several means in which to stay up longer. He may spend ten minutes in the bathroom, another five argu- ing about the bed time story and at least another ten pretending to go to sleep. Then, once the parents are satisfied that they have won the battle, they go down- stairs to finish watching the program. Another favourite family fight is the "Don't you dare touch that" syndrome. This one begins when a mother ekes a cake and tells each of h r children not to touch it. T e mother may threaten the ath penalty and yet as soon as they are informed of this hot, freshly baked cake, the children dash out to the make my cous' carrots and peas. She would milk first. Innocent Dad cuts 7' Tracy Bisback, 10, on Aug. dress them up with cheese into the cake, followed by his 4 sauce as to hide the colour, zehrs rotten little kids and he receives all of the blame! Life is not fair) Another struggle between parents and children is. the situation where children wait in a line up for a ride at a carnival or the CNE for a half hour and then decide at the last minute that they are too scared to go on it. Or how about the ever popular scene of a parent trying to convince a child to jump into a swimming pool. Finally the stubborn child agrees to many bribes and jumps into the water and then won't stop jumping when it is time to go home! The funniest thing I know is the many children that scream and cry when they are forced to take medicine when they are sick. Yet, how many children do you know that have had their stomachs pumped out or have been very sick because they emp- tied bottles in the medicine cabinet. There are so many other struggles that parents and children face day after day. Is it any wonder that there is a Mother's Day in May and a Father's Day in June? Nappy ninday 1f you know of anyone celebrating their birthday soon, please send their name, age and birthday to Birthdays, Box 69, Seaforth Happy Birthday to Dianne McGrath on August 6, 1983. Happy birthday. Mary Margaret Brown, 18. on Aug. but one sniff of the combina- tion and my cousin would refuse to take even one mouthful. Then when my aunt discovered carrot cake, she was overjoyed and thought that this was a sure fire way to get her stubborn child to eat carrots. Wrong a ainl She took one mouthful of that cake and gagged and thought she .was dying, To Allis day, 1 really don't think that my cousin touches peas and carrots. Another never-ending fight to the "go to bed' syndrome. Parents try every- thing to persuade their off -- spring to go to sleep at an early hour but usually by the time the child does finally get to sleep, it isn't early any- . more. This syndrome in- volves the parents and the child trying to out -sneak each other. The parents may come into the TV room at 7:45 and tell the child that it is 8:00 and already time for bed. The child will immediately tell the parent that he is not tired and he would like to watdi the program. The parent relents and allows the child to stay up for fifteen more minutes until the show is over, as long as the child fine markets... of line foods PRODUCE SPECIALS EXPIRE SAT. AUG 6 ALL OTHER SPECIALS EXPIRE TUES. AVB, 9 I, PART BACK ON FRESH ' DICKEN LEGS 2.84m.1.29 We reserve the right to 104.1 purchases to reasonable requirements. 1 1 AT THE DELI MAPLE LEAF. PARA OR VISKING 619 9 BOLOGNA 1 MADE WITH PORK 1 BEEF Z li W BREAKFAST STYLE LINK SAUSAGE 3.28,k9 f:491b. SCHNEIDERS SLICED SIDE` BACON ENDS p� 9 1.99 /kg FROM ONTARIO POULTRY FRESH SPLIT , CHICKEN BREASTS 3.It kg 1.59.14. MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED BONELESS PORK BUTT COTTAGE ROLL 4.39,k91.99m. SCHNEIDERS FAMILY PACK SCHNEIDERS COOKED • 10 VARIETIES MINI DELI. MEATS :x5os PKC.. �l �l FRESH PORK SHOULDER BUTT; ROASTS 3.06,k9 '1.391b. BEEF BURGERS PKC. 4.99 COUNTRY GOLD SLICED 5 VARIETIES FROM •ONTARIO PORK FRESH SHOULDER PORK BUTT CHOPS 3.O�g.39 kg b COOKED MEATS 175 9 79' PKC. SCHNEIDERS /� COUNTRY GOLD • MAPLE LRAT S 7f I ° SCHNEIDERS 6.s7 SLICED Aiit50E PKGS• ;, 11 • /kg SMOKED ,ke SLICED SMOKED PICNIC g,OIOUL°ER 2.591b.• PORK SAUSAGE 2.'9910 CORNED' BEE °DIN ER HAM' 4' SCHNEIDERS COOKED PORTION SIZE HAM STEAK 1 • ;F1X�i«s jai .5i►6d'E' 175 g PKC: OUTSIDE ROUND 1O.56/kg SCHNEIDERS LE LEAF NEW ZEALAND' 439 Z 6 W COOKED ROAST BEEF 4.791 MAP VEAL FROZEN SHOULDER /k9 1.49 STEAKETTES TSeg3.49 LAMB CHOPS 199lb. °/ SAUERKRAUT 1 OKTOBERFEST 409 mL GREEN GIANT FANCY QUALITY CUT GREEN OR WAS BEANS CREAM STYLE CORN SWEETLET PEAS In 02 TINS OR FANCY NIBLET CORN 12 02 TIN 9 TIN WHITE SWAN PRINTED PAPER TOWELS ORANGE. GREEN OR GOLD 2 ROLL. PKG. 99 NEILSONS GLITRE 2.4 KC ASSORTED FLAVOURS 7SUPER SPECIAL CHEER 2 DRINK MIXES DETERGENT 3's P64 9 f e BDL. VAC PAC 3 GRINDS MOTHER PARKERS COFFEE 2.'9369 9 SANDWICH BREAD RADIO Sand TV SALES &SERVICE Repairs to... *Radios 8 T.V. *Small Appliances and *Satellite Receivers T.V. Tower Sales Larry Bolger PROP. Drummond St. East Blyth 523-4559 WESTONS SLICED REGULAR OR THIN OR 60"o W WHEAT 675 9 LOAVES 5 KRAFT 3 VARIETIES CAL WISE DRESSINGS 001.49 BOK PACK CATELLI LASAGNA 5419 APPLE JUICE McCAINS FROZEN OR REVIVE FRUIT BEVERAGE 12 5 OZ TIN 79 FOR YOUR DISHWASHER CASCADE POWDER 2 5 kg 6.69 E.O. SMItH soo 4111 RASPBERRY -OR STRAWBERRY JAM mL 99 ZIPLOC REGULAR 1.19 FREEZER BAGS PKG OF 20 ZIPLOC LARGE FREEZER BAGS PKG. OF 15 ZEHRS OWN 3.99 POTATO CHAPS LIGHT 'W LIVELY ALE FLAVORS SEALTEST YOGURT 200 .g 50091.2 9 PKC. REGULAR, CRINKLE. B.B.O. SALT 8 VINEGAR OUR NEC. '1.19 3 LITRE 100. VEGETABLE CRISCO OIL 5.99U. CATELLI BOX R.C. MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI 500 9 6f° WESTOMS MEWI ENGLISH CHEESE • MUFFINS pKG. 79# OF SCHNEIDERS REG. OR THIN' CHEESE SLICES 25091.59 RIMMED. 0111 OR PROCESSED ZEHRS BULK CHEESES 17.591k. CANADA DR - GINGER ALE. SUGAR FREE GINGER ALE. C -PLUS ORANGE OR C -PLUS ORANGE SUGAR'FREE 750 mL BOTTLES PLUS 300 DEPOSIT PER BOTTLE FRESH, BUTTER HIDBLINER,FNOEEN BOSTON BLUEFISH FILLETS 454 41.59 CATELLI TOMATO SPAGHETTI SAUCE 028z 1.19 REGULAR ON DEODORANT CAREFREE PANTY SHIELDS 30s� 29 • CATELLI WITH MEAT SPAGHETTI SAUCE 20 oz. 1.59 REGULAR OR MINT AQUAFRESH TOOTHPASTE 11.69 FIVE VARIETIES GILLETTE WESTONS ATRA THREE VARIETIES VAN CAMP BEANS 14 0 OZ. 6 TIN ASSORTED VARIETIES CHEF BOY -AR -DEE ENTREES 015Z 99' TIN SMELTS 2 VARIERES KIDNEY BEANS 14 69 It OZ MADAMS BLANCHED PEANUTS 591.69 ZEHRS OWN "A" GRADE 1 Ib. PRINT 1.97 COTTAGE CHEESE 99` SEAL,TEST FINE DUALITY CREAMED 500 g TUB REGULAR DEODORANT BOE. OF 3 WHITE OR PINK COAST CAMAY COOKIES CARTRIDGES BAR SOAP BATH SOAP 1.49 soo ml 07 44401(0K0 UNZ199 4ef •1890DLg 42091.89 OA LANA CA NO 1 GRADE PROD. OF ONTARIO PROD. OF CALIFORNIA NEILSON s 10°% CREAM HALF & HALF DA N0. 1 GRADE ANAD Terry's General Drafting PLANS FOR: • Renovations • A New Home • 1 or 2 storey home • Basic plans for barns or garages REASONABLE RATES Phone after 5 p.m. 527-0991 NEW CROP SWEET JUICY CANADA NO. 1 GRADE SWEET JUICY NECTARINES ONTARIO CALIFORNIA a,C%P FIELD O R PLUMS POTATOES CANTALOPES CUCUMBERS 17gC 199 Z101b. BAG♦♦ MSIZE Eb. 18's VISIT ZEHRS NEW MARKET IN WASAGA BEACH OPEN TO SERVE YOU SEVEN DAYS MAGA HIGHWAY NO, t THESE SPECIALS GODERICH AVAILABLE ONLY IN: MOH.. TUES, • TO • P.M. WED., THURS.. FRI. -1 • TO • P.M. SAT. SSSS TO S P.M. PINEAPPLE PALANDA JUICE PACK TIDBITS CRUSHED OR SLICED 19 02. TIN 89` COUNTRY OVEN SPECIAL! COUNTRY OVEN FRESH 69° HAMBURGER ROLLS Bs COUNTRY OVEN FRESH SP69; HOT DOG ROLLS 6 s FR SN, TANGY, DELICIOUS 16 02. SPECIAL! CHUNKY CHEESE BREAD. f.tS PRODUCE SPECIALS PROD. OF ONT. SQUASH ZUCCHINI 1.30 'k9 59# ib PROD. OF S. AFR. GRANNY SMITH FANCY APPLES 1.74,kg mb PROD. OF ONT. CAN. N0. 1 GRADE GREEN CABBAGE EA. 59 PROD. OF ONT. GREEN BEANS 1.96,k989eib ASSORTED TROPICAL PLANTS 4.99 PROD. OF ONT. WAX BEANS 1.96,5959°I° PRODUCE SPECIALS IN EFFECT THROUGH SAT. AUG 6/B3 lawnwirsitsraioN HWY. NO. 4 AND 43 WINGNAM 975 WALLACE AVE. N. LISTOWEL EXETER MON., TUBS.. WED. • 9 TO • P.M. THURS., FRI. Y TO V P.M. SAT. 4:35 TO • P.M. 1