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The Huron Expositor, 1983-07-13, Page 15
THE HURON EXPOSITOR JULY 1,3 1983 5 S .l'O Council wants prettiest village to stay that way '.Village signs on the outskirts of Brussels prdudly call the community "Ontario's prettiest village" and council would like'to keepit that way. in June, council discussed changing the, vacant Fina station property from residential tocimrmercial>ioning. Real estate agent Ivan Campbell had approached surrounding, residents, asking if they were not opposed to an `addition to the rear of the building. A ,prospective buyer hoped to operate the station as a gas bar; general repair and body shod As you know, the people were not fully informed of what they were signing," said Reeve Cal Krauter, at the July 4 meeting of council. "1 had four people ask,me about it. I am in favour of a zone change, but only to what it was, a service st'btion.1 don't want hi see a junk yard made out of it." Asked if there was not a way the service station could be operated without a zone chane, the .reeve said "there can be d restricted commercial zoning, but you can't start hauling in old wrecks." "W oh't want another junkyard on main street, r in Brussels," said councillor Hank Te .P s. "We have three problems now. We t want another." urrounding neighbours must agree to a zoning change. in addition to council and county planning board approval, a public meeting would have to be held. A letter from Mr. Campbell, asking for a zoning change, should have been forwarded to the county level said councillor Jerry Wheeler. "it should have been sent. If there were any objections, they could have been heard at a public meeting." "We would have sent the letter if it was okay with the neighbours, but it wasn't" said councillor Betty Graber. "We were given a bum steer," the reeve said. and get them we call down county on the double." "I would like to see it open only as a service station," said Mr. Ten Pas. "There's nothing to stop him (new owner), once he buys it from doing body work. How are you going to stop him?" asked Mr. Wheeler, ' What's good for one person is good for another." We have bylaws, It we don't enforce , them, what good are they?" said the reeve. "The best thing to do is contact Mr. Campbell and tell him what we think," said councillor Gord Workman. "He shouldn't be leading eve COodyy down the garden path." Council declined a request for a donation to the Lambton County tornado relief fund. "The griddling little bit we could, give wouldn't be of any assistance," said Mrs. Graben "Where would it end up anyway?" A $500 grant was accepted from the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture. Funds will be used in Brussels for bicentennial celebrations of Ontario in 1984. "S500 )is after all S500," said the reeve. "We _don't .get many offers like that," said 'Tan Pas. Nine building permits and o demolition permit were approved. Jack Bryans is demolishing a house; Murry McArter, replacing a porch; Brian Huether, new garage; W.G. Stephenson, new steel on outside store wall; Brussels Motors, remodel front of building; Jane Badley, wood deck; McCutcheorMotors, new roof; Ken Fischer, new roof; Lyle Brothers, new kitchen, laundry room; Luella Mitchell, new porch. New stop signs will be installed on the corner of John and Thomas street, north and south and the corner of Alexander Street. There were no developments concerning repairs to the Brussels Dam. Short Shots by Evelyn Kennedy in friendly BRUSSELS and WALTON How many of us still pay' heed to that old also respect each other. These are essential adage "Waste not, Want not?" also the one for a life of happiness aapd contentment that warns us "If you do not save the pennies together. ******** you will not save the dollars." . ******** The Toronto Argonauts opened the C.F.L. Stiff opposition to. and criticism of, the season with a convincing victory in Calgary proposed Civilian Security Force continues to on Thursday last week. They scored a 45-30 come from concerned people: Ontario Attor- win against the Calgary Stampeders. If they ney General McMurtry is supported in his continue as•they started Argo fans could have right against it by the Attorney General of an exciting season of football. Ottawa , Manitoba; a former Supreme Court Justice; Roughriders squeaked by the Winnipeg Blue the Primate of the Anglican Church of Bombers Friday by a single point 26-25. Their Cao r if d m 'a natdian others. C vile'Cgeneral cape, gilt,' the final seconds of play, with a ManAssociation describes the proposed force as ******** "The most threat to civil liberties in many Pressure is something a great many people years.have to live with these days. Pressure that ******** comes from business, financial worries. The American League savored sweet unemployment, family problems and sit on. revenge when they scored a 13-3 win in this There are those who are crushed under such year's All-Star baseball game. It was the first pressure. They do not have the strength to time in ;h, last 12 years that they had tasted survive it. Others withstand the strain and victory over the Nat ionaaLeague. Dave Stieb become stronger. They are like the diamond - of the Toronto -Blue Jays, the winning pitcher a chunk of coal that grew under pressure. who threw three hitless innings; hefty batting ""i "*x` including the first grand slam in All-Star The extended dry period worried garden - history, was the formula for the American crs and farmers. Perhaps the ancient League victory. It took them long. bleak years Siberian method of persuading Nature to ''to find a winning formula but this year they • did. ******** An actress, wife of a famous wife -husband team on the American stage for many years explained why their 55 -year marriage was so successful. "We were particularly suited to each other. I loved and admired him and he loved and admired me." Not all young couples who marry these days are a husband -wife lean in the sante activity but for any marriage to he successful the couple mist he friends as well as lovers. They must BeIgrav holds joint provide rain 'should have been tried. It has been related that they sent three men to climb a fir tree. One drummed on a stiiall cask for thunder. another knocked burning sticks for lightning while the third man, high in the tree top, sprinkled water on the ground. if Mother Nature responded with rain the grateful peoplf tsewarded the three men. What happened to the three men if it did not rain we would have to forget about. The men were taken to l special hut and clubbed to death for their failure to woo Nature's gift of rain. Continued frons page 14 at the Riverside Park, Wing - ham with 35 attending. Races were enjoyed by the children and games by both children and adults. Coming the farthest was Mr. and Mrs. ('haries Bruinsmu and family of Godcrich. youngest person was Hailey and Alexis Payne twin daughters of Mr. and •-Mrs. Cecil Payne of Cowrie. - The oldest person was Lewis ' Stonehouse. Belgrave. The new slate ofofficcrs for 1984 arc as follows: President • .Alin Mundell of Gorrie: Seer ary•trcasurer • Mrs. George 'ibson. Winghani: Sports • Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bruinsna and family ...we know you' 11 be glad you did! RYAN DRYING LTD. WALTON 527-0527 •' 887-6130 • 887-9261 Brussels STEPHENSON'S GROCERY 887-9226 of Godcrich. The 1984 reunion will be held on the second Sunday in July at the Riverside Park in (Hingham. pgop0@ we ll ©w and Mrs. Bert Mac- birthday party for Edward 'Donald - from' Georgetown Pollard. were recent visitors with Mr. Carl and Eleanor Heminp- and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe and way have been visiting in friends in Brussels. They Vancouver with son Ray and were here to attend the 100th wife Elaine. CLIP N' CURL Uni-Sex Hair Stylists Vicki McCall, Prop. 887-6343 .011Si11S 88 7-652 (fib Home Hardware McGavin Farm Equipment Ltd. 527-0245 887-6365 THOMPSON'S MEAT MARKET 887-6294 OLDFIELD �� HARDWARE 887-6851 assiftedts VERSTOEP: Hugh and Pearl Verstoep of Brussels are pleased at the birth of their son. Curtis Hugh, on June 28. 1983 weighing 8 lbs. 13 OTS. A brother for Sherri. Somebody Wants What You Don't Need! SELL Through Huron Expositor Classified Coming Events YARD SALE. July 16, 9 am•Brussels. Ont.. Main St.. North of Bridge. If rain July 23 — — 1-28-1 FIFTIETH Anniversary Open House will be held in Melville Church, Brussels on Satur- day.July 16 iron 1:30-5:00 p.m. for Harvey and Berva Lennts. No tolls Please.Just come. and let us greet you all. bringing only your good wish• es. 1-27-2 ANNIVERSARY Service St. Johns Anglican Church Bru• ssels, Sunday. July 11 at 1:30 p m. Guest preacher Rev. Bill (.ray. 1-27-2 Situations Wanted CARPENTRY, renovations. repairs. additions. decks. roofing and custom wood planing. John Vanass, 88'-6296. '•28.3 1 Articles for Sale WALTON FEED MILL SHUR GAIN 887-6023 - Special for July 13, 14, 15, 16 * 5Ib. French Fries $1,49 BRUSSELS VARIETY 887-6224 Open 7 Days a Week GUINEA pips, S2 and SS. Phone 881-6812. 11-28-1 McCUTCHEON GROCERY 887-9445 MAITLAND VALLEY FURNITURE Buy during the July'83 Sale at the Godfrey Schuett Showrooms (each side of Main Street) at Mild may. Select from about 100 different suites of furniture, Simmons & Serta mattresses. Serta and Kroehler bed -ches- terfields. Schuett's accept "Trade-ins" . PIANOS new pianos from Mason & Risch and Sherlock Manning. Also used pianos New Hammond organs.n Scheutt's Deliver. lI Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accoin• ;fished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527 0240. 887-6173 INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. MVONALD HONE/0111 BUILDMNG•CENTRE 887-6277 887-6663 KEITH BACHERT MEATS R.R. 1 Walton • 887-9328 •Custom slaughtering • Wrapping • Freezing • Cutting • Freezer orders and retail cuts available For all your day-to-day shopping needs, visit these BRUSSELS and WALTON merchants!