HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-07-13, Page 11m,. >Un ,rt.,. •as Yr • rr i• va »r p �• t;.; t ` i $Y SHELLEYMCRHEH' r i and London, helped .her i nd some rather I rt 10-,0,5s lights shine, the pu;rtain r es v[eioue looking Dols like tooth extractors ' an , >I performance et the -1983 Blyth anti birthing shears Summer°Festival begins, the audience, ill "The phone and the yellow pages are my see the cnitnination of months of planni g best friends," She notes,Stefere heading , and preparation. • out to see a collection of, blue granite ware, Tho; Festival season More accessories which Will give Nobody s opened with a new Canadian`p lay "No • Child" itS,helievable authentic look a body's Child." Set in 1010, the play written the Next dour t Elaine'se iled-high office is'i by • Janice' Wiseman tells the story Of two Resident costume designer and cutter:,, poor English children. Jack and Winnie, sent from the Barnard(" Homes hi'England Kerry ;Hackett and het assistagt Karen to ' find work and a new beginning in McVey spent their days creating and': Canada. altering the impressive display of outfits; Young Jack is sent to work on a farm worn by Fast members. owned by Tom and Agnes Cunningham. For' Nobody's Child" the costuming due Mrs. Cunningham too- has an ambitious have altered and prepared 18 outfits, goal for the future. One of the first including 10 period costumes, fashioned veterinarian nurses in Canada, her dream is from Kerry's own drawings• to succeed at her work in an effort to buy Before creating the' costumes, Kerry back-her,grandfather's farm in England. meets with the director to establish what Audiences at Blyth will see the story will best suit the play. They discuss the time • unfold on the stage. However whet period, the setting, the characters' roles audience, does . not see is how plays like and personalities. Kerry ' then begins "N,obody's Child" are created and devel- researching her project by studying old. oped-• photos and catalogues and her impressions It takes the talent, imagination and hard and ideas are put to paper. After drawings' work of playwrights, directors, producers, are approved by the director, Kerry starts • lighting and sound technicians, scenic shopping for material, costumes that can be painters, costume designers, carpenters, altered, shoes, hats and all the accessories the property mistress, and of course the , needed to completeA HALLENGE meS. actors and actresses, to bring Blyth Festival Costuming for "Nobody's Child" has been a particular challenge for Kerry and Karen. The time 1910, was an indistinct fashion period. Still the Blyth Summer Festival costuming department has created an array of special outfits. Amongst the lumber, tools and sawdust are two of the Summer Festival's happiest employees, 19 -year-old Susan Klabunde of London and Ann Webster, 20, of Wingham. Summer students at the theatre, Susan and Ann have impressive sounding work titles, but both happily admit, "we're the go-fers." productions to the stage. For the past month the Festival staff have been focussing all their attention and energies towards the opening play. Taking Ms. Wiseman's script and play. concept each department has studied,' discussed and suggested ideas in an effort to re-create an authentic 1919 rural Canadian setting. in the set design department, scenic painter Jules Tonus has had•the detailed task of building the interior of a country, farmhouse. A SCRAP OF WALLPAPER Using a small scrap of long forogotten wallpaper, he has made a papered wall which closely resembles the intricate design of the original covering. Wood panelling for walls has been made with a versatile theatre product, "scenic dope." This thick liquid is made from calcium carbonate, white paint and glue. A set is not complete until all the furniture and accessories are added. Property mistress Elaine Allen gives the set itsresiIs : 1c mt f •shing touches Ann and Susan help to build sets, run errands, meet actors at the train station in Stratford and spend a great deal of time carrying materials up to the second floor carpentry workshop. "Today." Susan says, ."we moved four years worth of old sets from a barn. It was lug -around day. We're often seen trotting down the streets, lugging pails of stuff." "People get used to seeing us at it again," Ann notes. What makes Susan and Ann so special is of their jobs, but their attitudes. They After reading the script, Elaine deter- happily giggle and find fun in most chores, mines what items she will need. She's then and both agree that their summer work is off in her pick-up truck on an all-out giving them experience which will enhance campaign to borrow as much as she can their future theatrical careers. find. Blyth Festival Board members and Ann and Susan share a feeling with all the local stores help out in this, department. people who have made the Blyth Summer . Some items must he purchased but Elaine Festival one of the top theatres in the notes. "There's never enough time or nation. LOVELY money with summer theatre." Antique furniture pieces are the most Jules Tonus simply says that Blyth is a difficult to borrow. People are not willing to lovely place to work. The Festival's lend their prized antiques, Elaine admits. commitment to produce new Canadian Just last week Elaine finally searched out shows.Is the "incredible part of this place." a sideboard, suitable to the 1910 setting. 1 -his first summer at Blyth, Jules notes GARAGE SALES that in' a an effort to work for the Festival, "i On Saturdays Elaine can usually be found phoned every day and left all these huge browsing and buying at the various garage messages." sales in the area. However for "Nobody's Elaine Allen is back for the second year at Child" the property mistress has had an Blyth as property mistress. She loves the extraordinary task, locating old veterinar- friendly rie dly charactertake to of p and visage and the time ian tools. Vet clinics in Wingham, Goderieh people rte COSTUMES -.Kerry Hackett, left, is the resident costume designer and ("titter at the Blyth Summer Festival. Kerry and,her asststdnt Karen McVey create and alter all the costumes forihe Festival's five productions this season. (Shelley McPhee photo) Frog :$ new ,'attraction Continued from page 5 rental and two hours , of skating. There Is fun for all ages as there is no age limit. Congratulations are exten- ded to Mr. and Mrs. Matt McCreight on the occasion of their 25th Wedding Anniver- sary which• they celebrated this past weekend. We wish to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ryan and Family, who have purchased the home previously owned by Mrs. Elizabeth Connolly. to town. The residents of Dublin and.area wisit,to extend their sympathy to the family of Peter E. Maloney Jr. who died this week after; being -injured in a car accident. - Miss Lucille Delaney. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Delaney has been selected from Seaforth District High School to attend the two week Ontario Athletic Leadership Courses for secondary school students. The course is held at the Ontario Student Lead- ership Centre, Lake Couch- iching. This programme is designed to develop leader- ship skills, athletic skills. self-confidence and co-opera- tive, responsible attitudes id the students who attend. ROY'S RADIATOR SERVICE NfLANAGAN CARPENTRY Aluminum siding, home renovations, additions, framing, roofing, resi- dential and farm build- ing. FREE ESTIMATES. . PETER FLANAGAN 527-1399 Somebody Wants What You Don't Need ! SELL Through Huron Expositor Classified Want Ada Whitney-Ribey funeral Home ti CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS. W. RIBEY DIRECTOR 87 Goderlch St., Seaford' FI -191s,1 5271 . Siniei'e grid' Courteous Service IN THE ►ANTA RR2-, MITCHELL • 348-9114 Also specializing in Front End Alignment & Wheel Balance "ONE MILE SOUTH OF DAVE'S SUNOCO SERVICE" HAPPY 92N0 BIRTHDAYi— Kllbarchan resident, Isabel Papple was surprised whet! a photographer showed up 10 take herspplcture on her 92nd birthday. She cdlebrated the occaslon",vith a visit from her grandson, Kenneth. Filter Queen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 ' Let PHELANS PLACE show you... 1 There is 1 like ; 1 no other dishwasher ' a KftcheflAicrdishwashe9 lovpist tp.,1 J� 1 c al. — a AUCTION 200 Special & Exotic Automobiles PLUS:+LARGE AUTO & ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET [-JULY 15-16-171 DON'T MISS IT! Unmatched dishsauDb e power from Diock•prool multilevel wash system CiflaSIlt% Art.±..wwrun, Iy1, i Heald du5' h horsepower • 1iJ tgpg4 Usable racks w1Jh nn and Nher system fo , double Dan Deanne motor lar II — 0F;. cods p1e mi d ri 1;7 and capacity Bush waste down the dram. long dependable semce. Plus triple protection we can show you. - other exclusive features and �r Kitcla:e•* lel. Appliance Deolei1 ou -. One of Southwestern ( HELANS PLACE) Ontario's largest Sebringville TeL 393-6181 Appliance elIa s ' leM■ .MIMMM1MPOMMIIMMOMM ,r v r,r1w,�t I. .i_ it Lir limo out S, is ro J. 11 _ ... i -++-r r-rr .j ALES COME TALK MONEY! Visit us 1N SEAFORTH, ONTARIO EVERY MONDAY. REPRESENTATIVE: BOBMCCLINC,HEY . Finahw warm ai)dMng system for gentle sale drym0 I w 50enexposedheatm0 ekment. ,�� 11 ��� TAX!! ,� 1 • Y� Bulli In soh trod disposer 1 1 1 1 The summer blood donor is a rare bird. Be one. friends far life J. OVER 200 CARS! Featuring 55 to 65 T -Birds, Chevs, Fords, Mustangs, .over 2U Corvettes, plus Hot Rods, high performance & special interest cars, antiques, exotic sports cars — including Porsches, Mercedes, Jags, Pick Ups & Show Vans, all makes and models of Convertibles from 1910 to 1981. This auction sole is a 'must' for everyone! Cars from '1,000 to '90,000. VENDORS WELCOME FLEA MARKET SHOW HOURS Frt. 5-10 Sat. 0-a Sun. •-t' Sponsored by Terry Cannon Classic and Used Cars ., MATHERS MOTORS ;. Chrysler - Plymouth - Dodge Dodge Trucks BOB LAMMIE Bus. [519] 235-1525 Res: [5t9] 229-6678 LONDON Western Fairgrounds AUCTION - Sat. & Sun. at 11 a.m. -y fIlcDliv Kl ,,'a, ' .. 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