HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-07-13, Page 10ey'.,,Pluingom Expo:moR, jUi+i, 13, 198 CQ1nClr �D' 'Sc 20 Malin Street. nstett jewellers Ltd. ., features In The Unicorn Room" Many unusual gifts Brass • G. Fraser Cards & Gifts wrap Maggi B Line, • Kosta Boda •. Villery Boch SEAFORTH 527-1720 , Week -end Specials at MacLean' s Flowers 527-0121 GLOXINIAS Special Reg. $14.95 $7.95 10% OFF on all LARGE GREEN PLANTS Fresh floral arrangements available at all times, now under new refrigeration Wilma has now passed her Phase 111 at Floral Design School! DON'T LEAVE YOUR EDUCATION UNTIL LATER! Western's Fall/Winter Programs '83/'84 are set for your area. You have time to begin your studies or to decide to continue this fall. The admission application deadline is July 22. The registration deadline is September 9. The courses for your area are. CLINTON Psychology 140 [Child Development] W Sept. 14 7:00 pm Central Huron ¢er�ndary School Economics 020 [Introduction to EconomlcsTH Sept.' 15 7:00 pm GODERICH Bashes, 020 [Introduction to Business] T Sept. 13 *6:30 pm Ontario Provincial Police Station *Note: Business will meet 3 hours weekly, Sept. 13 -Dec. 6,83; Jan. 10• Apr. 10/84. No class Feb. 21 & March 13/84. Additional time TBA for 3 term tests and a final examination. KINCARDINE Politics 137[The Politics of the Environment) English 020[General Literature & Composition] Hbtory 233[Canada:From Confederation to the Present) Kincardine District High School M Sept. 12 6:30 pm T Sept. 13 6:30 pm T Sept. 13 6:30 pm For a copy of the Fall/Winter Calendar or for more information, please contact: Faculty of Part -Time and Continuing Education Stevenson -Lawson Building The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario N6A 5B8 [5191 679.3631 JOHNSTON-DOW Shelley Dow of Stratford, daughter of Mrs. Lois Dow, Toronto and Ron Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnston, Seaforth were married May 28 in Stratford at Central United Church. Rev. Norman S. Gibson officiated. Matron of honor was Connie Vandersleen,Stratford and bridesmaids were Lee Murray of Kitchener, friend of bride and Gloria Johnston, sister of the groom. Best man was John Vandersleen, Stratford. Ushers were Andy DeVries, Fullerton; Scott Murray, Kitchener; friends of the eroom and Floyd Johnston, Egmondville, brother of the groom. Ringbearer was Jarrod Lynn, Guelph, a friend of the bride. Flowergirl was Jes ica Stratton, Stratford, a cousin of the bride. The couple on ned i capulco. They are living in Cromarty. CHEV J.L. McCUTCHEON LOLDS 1983 OLDS 98 REGENCY 1983 OLDS ROYALE BROUGHAM 'r,0140 1983 OLDS ROYALE Air & Cruise SHA!TON•WJLSON Dianne Wilson, daughter of Mt. and Mrs. Stuart Wilson, RR 1, Brucefield and Wayne Shapton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shapton of RR 1 Exeter, were married on Saturday, July 9 at Brucefield United Church. Rev. Robert McMullen and Mr. Don Moffat officiated. A reception was held in the Seaforth and District community Centres. Maid of honor was Estella Wilson, sister -.of the Bride. Bridesmaids were Janet Shapton, RR 1, Exeter; Elizabeth Gibson, Seaforth and Joan Racho, Seaforth. Flowergirl was Sabrina Murley, Hamilton. Brother of the groom, Bevan Shapton, was groomsman. Guests were ushere 1 by Randy Wilson, RR 4, Seaforth; Bob Wilson, Brucefield and Paul Pavkeje, Centralia. Ringbearer was Peter Miller Sarnia. Following a wedding trip to Manitoulin Island, the couple will reside at RR 1, Exeter.(Photo by Frank Phillips) BAKKER-STE. MARIE Betsy Ste. Marie. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ste. Marie of Seaforth and Lorne Bakker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Bakker of Duncan, B.C. were married at the yesidence a Mr. and Mrs. Ste. Marie on June 25. The' maid of honour was Kathie Hulzebos of Brussels. Bridesmaids were Vicki Ste. Marie and Jenny Ste. Marie of Seaforth. The best man was Murray Sinnamon of Seaforth and ushers were John Bakker of Stratford and David Ste. Marie of Toronto. The organist was Maureen Hutchinson of Seaforth. Rev. Harry Vriend presided. The couple will reside in Egmondville after their trip to Duncan, B.C. (Fred H. Bisset Photo) Huron library buys talking books for blind The Huron County Library recently purchased a set of talking encyclopedias for its blind patrons in the county. The Talking World Book - set cost $2,000 and was - purchased with part of a $21,000 BILD grant from the Ontario government. The rest of the money was used to buy reference books and large print books. Developed by the AmericanPrinting House for the blind with a $360,000 grant from the American Department of Education, the Talking World Book set consists of an index m braille and an index in large print; four track tape cassettes running one way; and a tape cassette player which is programmed to find any article a person wants in less than a minute. Thousands of articles are included in the 1300 hours on tape and these articles are read by professional announcers for clarity. Susan Bell of Goderich, one of over 100 legally blind persons in the county, first discovered the Talking World Book set while visiting The World's Largest Book Store in Toronto. She then brought it to the attention of Huron County Chief Librarian Bill Partridge who took it from there. In order to ensure that all blind patrons in the county have a chance to use the talking set, it will be sent to each town library branch for two weeks according to the following schedule: Goderich--July 12-25; Clinton—July 26 -August 8; Exeter --August 9-22; Seaforth--August 23 - September 12; and Wingham—September 13-26. Blind patrons will be' phoned to attend an open house at each of the bran- ches on the first Thursday of the week that the talking set arrives. After the two week program, the set will be returned to the various branches on a more per- manent basis for a two month loan. Rural agencies is topic of _Homemakers workshop Loaded l�\ THIS WEEKS SPECIAL 1982 Olds Cutlass' Ciera LS Demonstrator $1 07500 1983 CUTLASS SUPREME BROUGHAM 1983 CUTLASS SUPREME 1983 CUTLASS SUPREME Loaded, 2 door 4 door Air 2 door Phone 887-6856 Brussels STEPHEN PATRICK MURRAY of London, son of Patrick and Patricia Murray, graduated from Wilfrid Laur- ier University, Waterloo on May 27 with an Honors Degree in Business Adminis- tration. He has accepted a position with Price -Water- house chartered accountants in Calgary, Alberta. Executive director of the Town and Country Home- makers. Jean Young, conduc- ted workshops at the second ronference of the Canadian ouncil on Homemaker Serv- ices in Montreal. Her topic was "Rural Agencies" and She discussed the structuring Of a rural agency, funding and the importance of different types of public relations. She displayed copies of the various press releases and editorials from Huron County Weeklies, memorial cards and gift receipts, which she said are frequently used by child- ren to buy a few hours of homemaker services for par- ents in order to show them how useful these services could be in their lives. "It was the information about Huronview that most impressed the delegates." UFFATTE, E<< w .Where The Builders BuY' Building Centre Values Hi -Rib Steel Roofing s la ,i H? 1' -. 1.1 i, nnq Baur,,, id MASON! CANADA INC HARDBOARD SIDINt,, Textured COI.ORLOR •• CED'R TEX''' Lap Siding ,Irrlr Sunbeam Lovebugs DP'n. Ar re line Range s3595 11 on Mrs. Young says. "when I told them that the average age of people entering Hur- onview has risen from 76 to 84 years since Town and Count- ry Hometitakersand the Hur on Day Centres were organ- ized in 1978." Norma Moore of Wingham a homemaker with Town and Country since its first year, was also a delegate. Mrs. Young said she was RYAN: John and Teresa Ryan wish to proudly announce the safe arrival of a 7 Ib., 8 oz. son, John Gerard Ryan Jr. A new brother for Jennifer and Juliette. Proud grandparents are Mrs. Mary Ryan, Sea - forth and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Van Dooren, Seaforth. John was born on .luty 1. 1983 in Seaforth Community Hospi- tal. ANDREWS: Steve and Mari- anne Andrews are happy to announce the arrival of their twins Jason and Tammy in Winnipeg Hospital. A bro- ther and sister for Kevi9. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klaver, Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews., Stratford. JAMIESON: Len and Deb wish to announce the early arrival of their daughter I.anne Danielle on July 5, 1983 at St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London. A sister for Erin and Kimberley. Barbecue Blocks 1 grey S249 each Deluxe Grills ISPs of 2) 53895 11 IAA, bock. n,r.,, ,,..,,. • Dr, Wood Patio Door Sale 12 .16 Almond Ced ,.Te.. 96 sq 11 bundle 12 .16 White Ced r•Te. 96 59 11 bundle 12 .16 White Colorlok 96 sq 11 bundle 9 .16 while Cotorlok. 72 sq 11 bundle 12 .16 Woodsman Grand Canyon 96 sq 11 bundle 4 .6 While StuecalO ' '95 85 '95 85 '95 85 '94 25 '95 85 '27 95 F15 SALE SALE Economy green Turf7 sq yd. S/i r % 4 m pleased to learn that Town and Country Homemaker's hourly fee is one of the lowest in Canada. The president of the Cana, dian Council on Homemaker Services has requested a copy of Mrs. Young's workshop paper for a permanent refer- ence library, so it will be available for anyone wishing to start up a rural agency. Huron PC Youth elect officers Several members of the Huron -Middlesex Progres- sive Conservative Youth Association met Wednesday, June 22 in Exeter for a "founders" meeting. Sue Lyndon from Oxford County and a member of the Ontario P.C. Youth Association chaired the meeting. The Constitution was unanimous- ly passed. An election of officers resulted in the follow- ing: President = Elizabeth Harris; Secretary•treasurer - Gail Fuller: Vice -President Policy - John Gaiser; Vice - President Recruitment - Dave Corbett and Vice -President Social - Tom Kneale. Ms. Lyndon said that Wes- tern Region P.C. Youth are planning a meeting/picnic combination in Springbank Park, London on July 17. If any youth (ages 14-30) are interested in more infor- mation, or in joining the Huron -Middlesex Progres- sive • Conservative Youth Association. please contact either Elizabeth Harris. (Granton) 225-2789 or Jan Dirok (Clinton) 482-3370. Slides from New Guinea shown at conference Verily I say unto you. in asmuch as ye have' done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me." Matt. 25:40 was the theme of the June Confer- ence of the Stratford Presby- terial Women's Missionary Society, at Cromarty Church, June 28. 70 attended. Mrs, T.L. Scott. Cromarty led in a hymn sing which included "Women Working Together" written for 1983 Synodical. Mrs. Jean Corey. Cromarty introduced the speaker Rev. L.G. Stairs, from Brampton, Regional Director Leprosy Mission. He showed slides from Papua, New Guinea where Margaret Stewart has been working: Indonesia and India. The offering of $131.50 was presented to Mr. Stairs for the Leprosy Mission, Doing what you ot±er. 554995 S56995 Complete with insutglass locks and screen PRICES IN EFFFCT I JNTII JULY 73 1993 i PHONE 3484437 lw 6 Yards To Serve You GODERICH, EXETER, MITCHELL. LONDON, STRATHROY, WATFORDD , MITCHELL 133 picture perfect playgrounds for you to discover. Ontario Provincial Parks O 1k6,lstry 01 rlon ru.� w ego. . W1F t'tattt/a W T Row, Resources o.wpwwu. Ontario For information, call toll free: 1-800-268-3735 Hwy. 8 (Just fest of) J • 1 w