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The Huron Expositor, 1983-07-13, Page 6
A6 -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 13, 1983 4©MM Jal7Y CAL EVIDA Dully 9 Business swim at the pool, 12-1 pM; public swim, 1:30-4 pm and 6-8:30 pm; family swim, 5-6 pm. Industrial ball—Firemen vs. Cream- ery, 7 pm; Teachers vs. Bears, Lions Park,8:30 pm. Girls house league, 6:30 pm, Win- throp vs swingers, 9 pm, Optimist Park Teen program, arena, 7-10 pm. Doily/ 94 - Business swim, 12-1 pm; public swim, 1':30-4 pm and 6-8:30 pm; and family swilrn, 5-6 pm, pool. •Marley vs. Jr. Farmers, Lions Park, 8:30 pm. Exeter vs Midgets, 6:30 pm; Beavers vs. Eagles, 9 pm, Optimist Park. Teen program, high school , 1-4:30 pm. Flporhockey—Knights vs Beech- wood, (S pm; Seaforth Nationals vs. Knetc, els, 9 pm, Arena. DuiD}y 9 5 JJ Uy 9 D Public swim.Pool 1-4:30 and 6-8:30 pm Roller Skating, 7:30-10 pm, arena. Gow tnstown vs Peewee Girls, 6:30 pm, Optimist Park. Bears vs Firemen, 7 pm; Queens vs Turf, 8:30 pm, Lions Park. DkIIy/ 18 THE SEAFORTH BIA Business swim, 12-1 pm; public swim, 1:30-4 pm and 6-8:30 pm, family swim, 5-6 pm, pool. Tigers vs. Bluejays, 6:30 pm, Expos vs. Red Sox, 7:45 pm, Lions Park. Creamery vs. Mainstreet, 7 pm; Teachers vs. Villagers, 8:30 pm, Optimist Park. Teen program, arena, 7-10 pm. The induction of Rev. Stadelbauer as minister of the Egmondville pastoral charge will be held on Monday, July 18 at the Egmondville United Church at 8 pm. all invited. PRESENTS A Business swim, 12-1 pm; public swim, 1:30-4 pm and 6-8:30 pm; and family swim, 5-6 pm, Pool. Zurich vs. Seaforth, 8 pm, Lions Park. Exeter vs. Bantams; 6.30 pm; Brod- hagen vs. Rats, 9 pm, Optimist Park. -Teen program, Arena -Lions Park, 1-4:30 pm. Roller skating, 8-10;30 pm. Arena. Dully 96 Public swim, 1-4:30 pm and 6-8:30 pm, pool Business swim, 12-1 pm; public swim, 1:30-4 pm and 6-8:30. pm; and family swim, 5-6 pm., pool. Ladies baseball— McNichol vs. Scott Farms, '7 pm.; Commercial vs. Ken Smith,8:30 pm, Lions Park. Clinton vs. Bantams, 6:30 pm; Eagles vs Beavers, 9 pm; Optimist Park. Teen program, 1-4:30 pm, High School. Roller skating, 8-10:30 pm, arena. r 1 COMAMITY CadC RD,4R, C OOUPOO r ti - Event: If you re organizing a non-profit 69 S f th O tarso NOK IWO well in ti ti Location - Town: $ ti 1 Date and Time: ti ti ti Sponsor: ti Ticket Info: .. i 1 Your Name: Telephone: - A free Expositor reader service event of interest to other Seaforth area residents, fill out the form below (please print clearly) and mail it to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box ea or n advance of the scheduled date. Brodhagen barbeque a success Mrs. Louise Bennewies are MRS. HERMAN • success on Friday July 8. LEONHARDT Mrs. Minnie Mogk and patients in the hospital. 345-2419 JULY 14,15 & 16 TIMES: Thursday - Regular Hours Friday - - MIDNIGHT MADNESS (open till midnight) Saturday - Regular Hours OUR OTHER ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: Cf1 �; �� /0 TRUNK SALE The flowers in the chancel of St. Peters" Lutheran church. Brodhagen..on Sun- day were from the funeral of Norman Kislner. The funeral was held 011 Tuesda... "The roses on the console of the organ were placed there by the fancily of Rudolph Fischer to honor him on•his 91st birthday. July 10. A fancily gathering was held to celebrate with him. Congrat- ulations Rudolph from all Of us. The 8th annual Siemon Reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Siencon, in Brodhagen on .1uly 3 with 45 attending. Sports and reminiscing were followed by a smorgasbord supper. Mrs. Norman Wilson. Neustadt, Mrs. Robert Pul- fuss, Pamela and Jennifer of R.R.I. Mildmay were dinner guests of Minnie Leonhardt on Wednesday. 'They also visited with Marie Meyer and the R. Bauers. Scott Pulfuss visited with Bobby Bauer for the day. The annual chicken barbe- cue in Brodhagen was a TASTY NU BREAD Fill your trunk and bring it to the sale! FRIDAY. -9 -a:r . - at Hessan Haus made the old-fashioned way with the finest ingredients- for over 50 years. Guaranteed Fresh Available at Tasty Nu Bakery and Cheese House ,Seaforth Special Price J.M. Schneider Bagged Summer Sausage $3.59 LB. EXCHANGE FRIDAY (in the alcove next to Graves' Wallpaper) KIDS - bring in the toys you're tired of and trade them! (ADULT accompaniment required) 1140 SALES TAX 'TIL AUG. 8 MATTRESSES Simmons BeautyRest Serta Sleepmaster 6, BEALJTI ELJ L BABY McKillop people home from Manitoulin Vali our mattress shop and compare. We have top quality combined with low prices Free delrver' and set up FRIDAY with PRIZES OF $20, .$ Z.S & $ 10 The Seaforth winner will then compete against the Clinton contest winner! *1FREE,DRAW* On TM Main St, Du In 45.22 d Tues. • 5st. 9:30 - 6 p.m. Fri. Til 9. Closed Mondays. MRS. ED REGELE 527-1106 Mrs. Ed Regele spent July 5 with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Preszcator and Miss Brenda Glanville at Crediton. Joyce and Wayne Hartman of Bruceficld who spent a few days at the cottage at Mani- toulin Island have returned to their home. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Jerry Boyd and family of R.R.4, Walton in the loss of a wife and mother. Mr. and Mrs lfarold Mc„-- — Callum and Carl who''+peht the past week at their cottage at Manitoulin Island have returned to their home. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Mary Humphries and family of Walton in the loss of a husband. father and grand. father. Mrs. Ed Regele visited one evening with Mr and Mrs. Harry Rcgcic and Charles. Sunday visitors with Mrs. F.d Regele were Mr, and Mrs Clifford Thornton of London. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Press cater of Crediton and Miss Karen Foran and Master Robert England of Huron Park and Mrs. Harold McCal lum wd 110 vir ler ateuralk Selected PENS .20 PENCILS .20 SCRATCH PADS .10 While they last! PLUS MANY OTHER SIDEWALK SPECIALS! every '/2 hour between 6 pm & 12 pm on FRIDAY Come and see the TOWN CRIER and WANDERING MINSTRELS! For your convenience a bus will be running between Clinton and Seaforth on FRIDAY NIGHT so you can take part in both MIDNIGHT MADNESS SALES! TREMEER, COMMERCIAL PRINTERS R OFFICE SUPPI5 12 Main St. Phone 527-1640 1 —BUS STOPS at the T.D. BANK — COME TO SEAFORTH on July 14, 15 & 16 and take part In the fun! 4 A