HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-07-13, Page 2ht liuroU fxiioSitOr- Slnce 1860, Serving the Community first Incorporating Brussels Post founded 1872 12 Maln St. 527,•0240 Published at SEAFORTH, ONTARIO every Wednesday morning Susan White, Managing Editor Jocelyn A. Shrler, Publisher Member Canadian Community Newspaper Ontario Community Newspaper Association Bureau of Circulation A member of the Ontario Press Council , Subscription rates: Canada $17.75 a year (in advance) outside Canada $50. a year (In advance)' Single Copies - 50 cents each Association, and Audit Strawberry short takes Opflw6ow EVERYB�DY LOVES STRAWBERRIES, e$paac,ial when eaten fresh from the plant. Bottom photo shows Jeff Kirk, Zurich, teasing his taste buds with a berry. Top right, David SJaarda, RR 3, Wingham, shows how good picking was. Bottom right, Judy Ledza, Crediton, enjoys eating what she picks. (Photos by Wasslnk) SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1983 Second class mail registration number 0696 Of all the nerve! Well, of all the nerve! That's a phrase not uncommon in our community. It usually means somebody thinks someone else is getting a little uppity. Or that some group is sticking its collective nose into something someone else thinks is none of its business. It's a destructive phr a that's used to belittle initiative. If the people who settled our country 150 years ago had listened to it (and we bettcha lots of their Irish an Scottish neighbours were saying it) they would , never have left ho But it's a symp m of the health and vitality of our society that people continue to i ore the belittlers and take a stand. Consider Henson council, ch recently passed a resolution declaring the village a - nuclear see zone. /Lots of us treated it as a joke. Of all the nerve, and anyway, the chances /' of nuclear -anything inside the village limits were fairly remote. That was what most of us thought. • Individuals still have nerve too. Take 11 -year-old Samantha Smith, who wrote Soviet president Andropov because she was afraid the Kremlin wanted to conquer the world. Of all the nerve; some school kid who thinks what she writes might have some influence. She's in the USSR now, a guest of Androprov, getting to know Russian kids while they get to know her. Oh sure, the Russians are exploiting the visit for propaganda purposes. But the visit is exposing Samantha's generation in both countries to the fact that ordinary people, are not enemies or ogres, and can get to know each other. Once you know the people of a country personally, you no longer consider them nothing more than cannon fodder. The 11-year-old's letter and Hensall's resolution have two things in common. It's easier to conform, to be cynical, to decide the world is going to hell in a hand basket and "there's nothing- we can do about it anyway." But both actions say, about a subject as huge as world peace, that there is something an ordinary person can do and we've got to start somewhere. Of all the nerve. J Has anyone looked at dump alternatives? I have bee i following with interest the discussions about the proposed new waste disposal system for Seaforth. 1 was able to attend the first meeting several months ago but not the last ones in June- I have. therefore. had to depend upon reports in your paper for information on what is being proposed. Unfortunately it seems that, except for a proposal for a new so-called sanitary landfill site, the discussion has consisted of little else than plztfjtudes and generalities. During that first meeting 1 raised the question of an incinerator as an alternative to a new dump. 1 note that Mr. Norton as Minister of the Environment has categorized dumps as a hold -over from our frontier days; I think that probably we could truthfully say they go back to the days of the dinosaur! At the first meeting Burns Ross of B.M. Ross & Associates seemed to give a definite assurance that incineration would be looked into and the possibility of using it reported on. From what I have read it seems that the report consisted of merely reiterating that incinerators would be too costly. It would have been much more informative and helpful if some actual costs had been quoted. It makes one wonder if anyone was actually in touch with such companies as 'Canadian Resource Recovery Corporation' of Montreal and/or their parent company 'Resource Recovery Corporation' of Raleigh, North Carolina about their controlled air 'Consumat'. line of incinerators? 1 wonder if anyone was in contact with the sante company about their 'Plasma Torch' incinerators or with Envirowest Energy Systems of Edmon• ton, Alberta about their Controlled Air units? I wonder whether anyone actually learned from any of these manufacturers or any other where a representative installation might he -SW inspected? I wonder if anyone even made a phone call to such users as the Cowichan Valley Regional District or Duncan or Ladysmith, all in B,C., to get some first hand user reports on costs and suitability etc. It seems to me that a proper study would look at all aspects of the problem and at all possible solutions, 1 would expect also that such a study would result in a properly detailed report covering all aspects of the problem and all possible solutions rather than concentrating on one and dismissing the others offhand. Surely it should not be the responsibility of an interested ratepayer to personally seek such information as: capital cost of a suitably sized unit, the cost of operation on a ton/day or ton/year basis, unit specifications in terms of meeting waste management and environmental standards, etc. It is quite possible that the capital cost for an incinerator would be higher than that of the proposed new dump. 1 wonder, however, whether the cost disadvantage would not be counterbalanced by the other disadvantages of the proposed dump? in the early 1960s I had occasion to visit the dump operated by the City of Ottawa and wondered at such a waste of good farmland. We know now of course a great deal more about such dumps. The information given on the projected life of our proposed dump is only part of the story. We know now that once such a dump is established it will be us and our descendants for the foreseeable future; there are a number of people in the City of London, for example, who know that old dumps can not be forgotten. My primary interest is that our tax dollars should be spent to the best advantage and 1 feel that money spent for a study is largely wasted if the study is incomplete and results in an incomplete report. Yours truly Ernest M. Williams An excellent article First of all a very sincere thanks to Susan Hundertmark for her excellent article on young golfers, especially important during Junior Golf Week. Hopefully other juniors will be encouraged to participate in the fun sport of golf. I do have one correction to make. and that is about referring to me as a club pro. Thanks for the compliment. but as most area golfers are well aware, 1 am hardly in the 'pro" category. 1 do enjoy helping the juniors and ladies with all aspects of the game. but leave the rest to 1. lub I'ro Rod Doig. I participate in many amateur tournaments every summer, and prefer golf for fun. I'm about as professional with my golf as I am with my typing and you at the Expositor will know what 1 mean. Thanks again for the compliment and the fine article. Sincerely, Carolanne Doig, Assistant Manager Seaforth Golf and Country Club We meed mote don't know about you but I'm sure sick t>f having every newspaper and radio news broadcast dominated by the antics of those two fanatical groups on either side of the abortion issue. Instead of Dr. Morgentaller coming back from California, 1 wish he had taken all his supporters with him to get them out of our headlines for a while. The anti -abortion people could maybe have gone to Europe for the summer. That might keep the two groups far enough apart to let the rest of us live in peace. Discussions on abortion are usually some- thing 1 stay well clear of. That's because there are no discussions on abortion, only argu• ments. It's the fastest way to lose friends I can think of. Both sides are sure they have Right oh their side. The holy crusade for women's rights takes on the plain Holy Crusade in many cases. Views are so extreme that one side might as well be talking Greek and the other Swahili. If 1 admit, for instance, that i personally am against abortion. that makes me a male t LLt� rs� e ucation a@hoimd gc@w@o b}y 11Wtl i QONJDg40W chauvinist, secretly wishing, no platter what 1 may say out loud, to keep women barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen. I am against abortion, however, for the same reason I'm against the death penalty. Any society that downplays the value of life by condoning it's taking, is not civilized: It is opening the door to many more ugly practices in the name of practicality. Some Indian tribes. for instance, used to send their old people off to die alone because the tribe didn't want to bear the burden of looking after people no longer useful to the society. We, of course consider this barbaric. but what's the difference? On the other hand, 1 feel more than slightly uncomfortable being associated with fanatics who attack people with garden shears in their protest against Dr. Morgentaller. There is.a certain fanaticism on the part of the pro -lifers that has cost them a lot of support of less fanatical people. But fanaticism isn't all one side. There's a lot of lack of reason on the side of supporters orMorgentaller even though these are often portrayed as the good guys by the media. All the fuss isn't that abortion is against the law in this country it's that Morgentaller isn't ready to live with the law we have. Pro -abortion supporters would have you believe that thousands of women aren't served by the present law but the argument looks a little weak when you see the figures that in Toronto last year there were more abortions than live births. No matter which side you're on. those figures should be cause to stop and think. When there are more abortions than live births in a city that size, something is wrong. You can look at it from too many pregnancies being started or too many lives being ended. but it's still a sad commentary on our society. There simply should not be that many unwanted pregnancies in the first place. Why in heavens sake can't these two fanatical sides stop their fighting for a while and attack the real problem? What have either side been doing to prevent pregnancies in the first place? We desperately need more birth control education. We've got to make it easier for people to get. We must stress to everyone, whether young or old, male of female, the responsibility not to start a life they don't want to continue. And we must give them the tools to be responsible. Abortion should not be a form of birth control. 1t can leave too many emotional scars, for the individual woman and to society to let it become too prevalent in society. It must be a method of absolute last resort. This whole burning issue. however, could be a non issue if the two groups would work together in prevention instead of battling each other over who should have closed the door after the horse got out. Whydoes government shut down for summer? ,, WELL, now that Joe "Kamikaze" Clark has been replaced by "Jaws Ill" Mulroney, we can all sleep quiet in our beds again, and drift into summer senescence,along with our parliament. That's something that has always rather intrigued me - the long holidays enjoyed by pension and welfare checks, we stagger along even welcomed the "liberators, as all politicians. The only people who come near somehow. conquering troops are called these days, with members of parliament. when it comes to But what would happen if a real crisis wine and flowers. holidays. are teachers, and at least they are of occurred? Let's say Cuba decided to invade First of all, if they attacked our major cities some use. Canada about the middle of July, just to make on a July weekend, they'd find them as empty Can you imagine a huge company shutting the Yanks even more uneasy? Wouldn't it he as Napoleon found Moscow. If they wanted to down for the summer, unless it had to, foofawraw? kill somebody they'd have to head north. because business was bad? Most of our obsolescent planes and tanks Can't you see a tank -full of Cubans sailing Yet our government, looking after, suppos- are in Europe. Most of their pilots and drivers into one of our national or provincial parks on edly, the needs and welfare of about 25 are on leave. The four ships of our navy that a Saturday night, and trying to find a place to million people/and running a deficit of over are not in drydock for more patches arc park? No Canadian is likely to die singing 0 30 billion dollars, can close up shop for cruising in the Mediterranean, or the Canada?, The first couple of bars are so slow -several months without a second thought. • Sargasso Sea, or somewhere. they'd put the firing squad to sleep. Does nothing happen in the summer? Are Our Minister of Defence would probably be But any red-blooded Canadian will fight to the poor souls in the House of Commons so in China, trying to buy some fighter planes the death, and those of his children, wife and exhausted from scrambling to get into the TV that don't crash every time they catch a mother-in-law. to hang onto that camping picture right behind the leader that they arc pigeon in their intake. spot he got up at 4 a.m. and drove 200 miles. burned out? Or are their brains so drained Our foreign affairs minister would probate• and fought off six other site -hungry campers from thinking up witty ripostes like "Hear' ly he in Cuba selling guaranteed bulls. at to squat where he had a view of the water. Hear!" for Hansard that they simply must which he is an expert. Our prime minister. And if the Cubans did manage to get up climb into a hammock and let the moss grow God bless him, could be - you name it. north and slaughter a couple of thousand back into their craniums? Actually, if it happened. the Cubans Canadians. the rest of us wouldn't even Oh, 1 know the country keeps going. would probably be so baffled, they'd just go notice. We'd think the machine-guns were Thanks to a dedicated civil service, which back home and try to think of invading some motor -boats and mutter about "all these hangs around steamy old Ottawa, slaving country that showed a little panache, formed dammed city people" coming north and away in those air-conditioned offices. break- a guerilla opposition, died with a smile on its destroying the peace and quiet. ing away from the coffee break to sign the face while singing the national anthem. or Just suppose they did get up north. DBgcaT cod opo@ by BON StrutOOQ}y Got a beef? Write a letter to the editor today knocked off a couple of thousand, and headed back to the cities on Sunday night to take over the centres of power, like the post office. the pubs. and the poolrooms. Their forces would be completely demoral- ized by the Sunday night traffic. Their tanks and armored cars would be sideswiped, rearended, and stopped so often in jams that they'd over -heat and stall. The drivers of these military meanies would be psychologi- cal basket cases. if they parachuted into Vancouver, they'd be surrounded, in some districts, by junkies begging for some of that clean Cuban stuff. If they hit Montreal in, force and started shouting orders in Spanish, they'd get nothing but shrugs. Somebody would say. "Speak white, man." The next guy along would say, "Parlez francais, sale cochon." If they hit Toronto, and demanded to see the boss. some flunky would tell them that Bill Davis was at Go -Home Bay for the weekend and couldn't be disturbed. All would not be lost, of course. By the time the Cubans had got back into their planes and flown home, bewildered, Peter Pocklington would have threatened 'to buy Cuba; Jonn Crosbie would have organized the Newfie navy: and Joe Clark would have called for a new leadership campaign. Just a summer "scenario", the latest fad word, for your consideration. Let's take to the streets and walk Having a bit of trouble fitting into last year's bathing suit? At the beach on the weekend. your reaction to the winter's flab is to wrap up the winter's flab inside your towel, instead of lying comfortably exposed on top of it? There's a way out of these bpdy•i'm-not- happy-with blues, and it isn't terribly difficult. The easy, minimally disruptive way to get in shape, according to what I've .been reading lately, is to walk. That s right, remember that much under- used skill you and your parents were so proud of when you first picked it up? Like any skill, it 2Om@t loutg .e© Day by $lg@1w VIA® withers from lack of use. it's amazing they still have feet. was our Seaforthite reaction to a weekend in a suburban community where everything is reached by car. And after milleniums of evolutionary adaptation pass, feet indeed will get smaller and smaller, then disappear entirely. Or maybe remain as useless curiosities like dewclaws on dogs. A COOL CAR You can do your banking. eat, drink, watch a movie or a concert. shop. attend a church service, all without leaving your car. Most of the cars appear to be air-conditioned. an extra reason to ride, not walk, on a hot summer day. Car air-conditioning is expensive and probably not necessary for Western Ontario summers, Besides, we don't live in our car the way our friends in the suburbs do. Right? Well, we don't spend hours in traffic jams driving from one shopping centre to the other. Here in town we take a leisurely stroll from store to store. In a small town, walking isn't only exercise. -.it's social life. But still. we don't do nearly the walking we think we do, With the exception of a few local people'who are serious walkers, many of us take the car. Please turn to page 3 n'