HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-07-06, Page 19y
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Canada Day was cele-
brated at the United Church
on Sunday 'morning; when
Rev, Stab McDonald spoke
on the subject of Some of The
Duties of a Canadian Citizen.
Following the service a
congregational meeting was
11 celebrates Canada Day
geld when it was decided to
add windows for the whole
church and that the front
window would be repaired,
A very successful Vacation
Bible School was held at the
,United Church for the Hen -
sail community. Each morn-
ing 130 children and leaders
assembled for singing under
the leadership of Shirley
Luther with Joyce Pepper at
the piano.,'
Superintendenfor the
different departniente were
Barbara (*Wetter, Nancy
Cam) bell Evelyn Elder,
Shirley Luther ; and Stan
McDonald.Leaders were
Margaret, Colo, Betty Up -
shall, Joyce Pepper, Pauline
Ingram, Kay Elder, Cathy
Ingram, Cindy Taylor, Judy
Kyle, Karen Shirray, Deanna
Brock, Neggy Volland, Deb -
bio Plumb, Joan Corbett,
Trudy ' Roaseboom, Bonnie
Gould, Tammy Bell,Bev Bell
and Linda Alexaner_,
Mr. and Mrs. Howie
Wright and family, of Cam-
bridge coiled on Friends in
the Village on the holiday.
Mrs. Hazel Luther return-
ed home after visiting for
Brucefield pair wed 50 years
Congratulations and best
wishes were expressed to
Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Ross at
their home Sunday afternoon
by their family and friends on
the occasion of their 50th
wedding anniversary.
TOP DOO—A 10 week dog obedience class held In Seaforth ended with dogs and their
' owners participating in an obedience trial. Of the 17 dogs completing the course, seven
received qualifying marks In the trials. A mark of 170 to 200 Is required to qualify. Five of
the seven scored over 190. The winner was Ruth Desch and Lady of Bayfield. The
twosome completed an almost perfect test with a mark of 198% points. Other winners
were Brenda Pullman. Seaforth: Rick Snell, Centralia; Jack Colquhoun, Clinton; Lynn
Flowers, Clinton; Wayne Feagan, Goderich and Diane Foster, Goderich. (Wassink photo)
Londesboro resident
John Armstrong is 87
Happy Gang Seniors met
yJune 29 when Jean Scott
presided. The group has 50
, members and there were 22
Winners of cards were:
Ladies' high -Kay Konarski,
Ione hands -Jessie Jones, low -
'Jean Scott. men's high -Clare
v: Por Ione hands -Jake Mc -
Don tii-orae Smith
' Lunch was served by Stella
Adams and -Witte Hogged.
Sympathy is extended to
• the Kennedy families on loss
of their grandmother Melinda
(Lloyd) Kennedy, widow of
^Victor Kennedy. age 82 of
;Blyth July 1st.
Welcome Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Popp to village who
'purchased the home of Cathy
Mrs. Joe Shaddick return-
ed home June 30 from spend-
ing 10 days with her neice
Frances and John Balmer.
Camrose, Alberta.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald ,Neil
of London visited on Tuesday
With Mrs. Laura Lyon and
Miss Edyth Beacon.
Beth Knox accompanied
her cousin Mrs. Ken Hobbs of
Denfield to the Geritol Follies
at Hamilton place June 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville New-
by spent July I with their
daughter Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Menary at cottage at Colpoy's
W.I. consumer affairs
meeting will be held July 13
at 8 p.m. Guest speaker is
Dairy, Princess Marion Tay-
lor, Belgrave.
Florence, John, Claude
Cartwright returned home
July 1 from a bus trip to
Fernie, B.C. for two'weeks
with Rev. Bob and Shirley
Scott, Angela, Debbie, Ken-
neth. Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Carter, Simcoe, Mr. and Mrs.
Kevah Broom of Lucan spent
weekend with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter and
Congratulations to Mr.
John Armstrong of the village
celebrating his 87th birthday
July 3. His daughter Doreen
and Glen Carter held a family
gathering at their home.
Present were Mrs. Rosie
Armstrong, Clinton; Mrs.
Maimie Crawford, Blyth; Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Armstrong,
Ann Marie, Leanne Thurlow,
Kevin Radford, Kevin Dra-
per, Geoge Carter, Londes-
boro; Cheryl, Wayne and
Betty Armstrong, Stratford;
Mr. and Mrs. David Arm-
strong, Matthew and Daren,
Clinton; Joey Mason, Mrs.
Alice Maddaugh,- Tom Mos-
crat, London.
Don't forget Hullett Twp.
Day July 9 at 2 p.m. Pork
Barbecue 5 to 7 p.m.
Mrs. Hob Burns and sister
Mrs. Rob Marshall and
children , of Nottawa visited
with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Dalrymple and
attended the funeral of her
uncle the late Morley Coo -
Sympathy is extended to
the families.
Miss Betty Boyce, Toronto
spent the holiday weekend
with Mrs. Alice Ham.
Mrs. Lorna Bully, Peter-
borough is visiting he sister
Mrs. Gregor McGregqr.
Mrs. Helen Weigel, Cleve-
land, Ohio is holidaying with
her parents Mr. and Mrs.
John Broadfoot.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
McBeath, Windsor visited on
Bible School on at Vanastra
BY PATRICK HIGGINS Zehrs in Goderich for donat-
The summer starts off lag the donuts, which helped
right this year with a Vaca- make the graduatingcere-
Bible School July 4-15, monies more
nt the Vanastra Christian ations and enjoyable.
Church. Boys and.girls ages go out to all 21 children who
4 and over can enjoy a full graduated from the Tucker -
morning. `Bible school starts smith Day Nursery.
off with one hour of Bible VANASTRA LIONS
stories, followed by a re- The Vanastra Lions slo-
freshment break ,of cookies pitch tournament held last
and Kool Aid, and ending weekend at Vanastra was a
with an interesting craft. The huge success. Not only did
program runs daily from 9 the fabulous weather help
a.in. to 11;30 a.m., and is but so did the high spirits of
free of charge. all the teams.
July 2, at 7 p.m. a hayride The Ingersoll Lions went
is planned for fun and to home with the A champion -
distribute invitations door to ship title under their belts.
door for the Vacation Bible Lucknow Lions won the 13
School. If you want more championship.
information about the Vaca- At Monte Carlo night
lion Bible. School contact Saturday good attendance
Mrs. Hilda Visser at 482- made the event a success.
3537. As in any, venture, Prizes such as water bed
helpers are always needed, if sheets, free swimming mem-
interested' please give Mrs �� opts s erases t the Rec.
Visser a call. H DAY gift certificates, to name a
NURSERY few, made more than 30
All the teachers and child- lucky winners happy.
ren at the Tuckersmith Day A big thank you goes out to
Nursery would like to thank all who helped make this
spent Monday in London
when Mary is returning home
to Regina from spending k
month visiting here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee
visited on Monday with his
aunts, Mrs. Mary Robinson
and Mrs. Jewel Cowan in
Hanover. Jewel is a patient in
Hanover hospital.
Mrs. Rev. Mervyn Pen -
found of FlinFlon, Manitoba
visited with his mother Mrs.
Olive Penflound and brothers.
event happen. Especially to
the merchants who donated
prizes to the Monte Carlo
Night. The Vanastra Lions
would also like to thank all
the wives who helped oper-
ate and keep everyone fed at
the food booth.
Pian tiny
tot program
The Vanastra Recreation
Centre is having a Tiny Tot
Summer Fun Program this
year. It will begin July 8 from
9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. every
Friday morning until August
The program is specifically
designed for pre-school age
children and will include
such activities as: various
crafts, games, songtime,
story telling, imagination, a
snack break, as well as some
time spent in the pool.
Attend Kippen man's funeral
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love,
Cairo, Mich. attended the
funeral of Mrs. Love's broth-
er, Morley Cooper last week.
Sympathy is expressed to
Mrs. Morley Cooper and the
family in the death last week
of J. Morley Cooper.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Loug-
heed, Mississauga and son
visited relatives in the ¢rea
last weekend. `
the weekend with -his mother
Mrs. W. McBeath.
Mrs. Beatribe Zemenick
and daughter Maty 'Ann,
Dearborn,Michigan visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Scott. '
Sympathy is expressed to
the Elliott family due to the
death of Mrs. Lawrence
Elliott's father who was
buried in Baird's cemetery
on Monday.
several weeks with relatives
and friends in Newfound-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Porter retuned after visiting
with their son-in-law and
daughter, Sgt. Doug Wein,
Mrs. Wein and David in
Mr, and Mrs. Bob Bribe -
Der, Mio, Mich wererecent
visitors with Mr. and Mts.
Jack Corbett.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thuss
and family who have been
residents of the village for
the past several ,,YYears,(the
former operated the service
station . on Main, 'Street)
moved to a farm i4 the
Strsthroy district, The were
a„valued fancily In Hensall
and will be missed by many
Tile station will now be
known. 114 '1.1M do T'r.,; and
opened on Monday morning
far, business operated by
Marviti,`Merner, Bayfield and
Terry .Short, Kippen. We
welcome them to our village
and wish them success.
White or Whole Wheat
Country Buns
Kaiser Rolls dozen 1.49
Kaiser, Rolls 6/.99
Sub Buns , 6/:99
Mozzarella (b. 2.39
artist speaks
The final meeting of the
season of the Hensall and
Area Horticultural of Hensall
was held June 27 at the
Hensall Public School with a
good attendance. Mrs. Cathy
Mann presided. The next
meeting of the soci..ty will Ix'
held November 23 at 8 p.m.
'Mrs. Eileen ltannie intro- .
duced the streaker Bill Gor-
ng, a commercial artist, of
London. He showed and
narrated pictures on "Come
Walk With Me" speaking
about the natural signs of the
various seasons. He was,
thanked by Mrs. Dorothy
Brintnell and presented with
a gift. Mrs. Wm. ,Hearn of
Clinton played her harp.
Draws were made and prizes
went to: Mrs. Belva Fuss;
Mrs. Russell- Ferguson; and
Mrs. Evelyn McAllister. A
plant exchange followed and
refreshment served.
a dozen ■99
Cheese Curds Ib
Saturday Only) 2.79
• Cakes for every occasion
Fashioned Way with the finest ingred-
ients for over 50 years.
Freshness Guaranteed
.Tasty - Nu Bakery
and Cheese House
527-1803 Seaforth
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Sand- l\m spent a few days with
ers, Weyburn, Sask. and Mr. Sanders' sister and
and Mrs:...Martin Dodson, brother-in-law Dorothy and
Chris, Cam and Katie, Re- Tony Moffatt.
Roll up your
sleeve to 1
save a life...
If it's
it says,
Ad Do
V- Varied activities
ES.Bi lie -centered curriculum
$= Spiri -udl growth
`/t� ttllfingscijr- !'miss it!
'Vacation BibleSchool
Monday, July 18 to Friday, July 22
9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
For Boys and Girls Ages 4 & 5
or In Grades 1-8
To be held at
Bethel Bible Church
Water Street, Egmondville
To register call
Church 527-0070 or 527-1751
Vacation Bible School Is free of charge
Please Register Today
OL \ X089
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Ir •Ohl fOKtril
eco `6
C. SQ.
Summer Gleam of Gold!
Gold serpentine chains - now at the new lower price. 7”
bracelet (10kt. gold) •14.1S, 16" chain (10 kt. gold) '21.00, 18"
chain (10 kt. gold) •21.25. Other chain styles available.
Complete your fashion picture with karat gold earrings - in a
wide variety of styles - 10 karat from •17.00, 14 karat from
$ Albert Street, Clinton
26 Main Street South, Seaforth
2N Main Street, Exeter
243 Durham Streif East, Walkerton
133 Queen Street East, St. Marys
a',a 0\
eter and Clinton
y & Service Since 1938