HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-08-15, Page 66 nal NOT SO MUCH Please do not put quite so much Red Rose Tea in the tea pot as you do of other kinds. If you do the Tea will be too strong. Red Rose Tea combines strength with that rich, fruity flavor which hasmade it famous. You are sure to like it. Will you order a Package from your Grocer? ose ea Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Int eresting Paragraphs from our Exhanges. Dancers in India wear nose rings set with preoious stones. The gold mines in Western Australia have paid dividends amounting to over -$70,000,000. Many people say they are "all nerves,' easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centras and give anew nerve force to sbateered nervous systems; The Montreal Street Railway has given free rides to over 22,000 children this mummer. . In oensegnenbe of the increasing abuse of opium its sale in French Harbor cities bas been forbidden. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rhenm- atlem, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder According to recent estimates the population of Toronto has reached 800,000. The C. P. R. is adding to its rolling stook just now at the rate of 28 freight cars a day and 200 engines a year. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1,4444 For Europe generally the population Increases yearly by 41 to every 10,00 inhabitants. A few drops of any good toilet water in the last rinsing water gives a faint suggestion of perfume to the hair that is very refreshing. For Over Slxty Years. An old and Weil-Tried-Remedy—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of moth- ers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Gnaranteed under the Food and Drag Qct, ,JRpe 30th, 1906. Serial Number 1098. A man of Witten, Germany, who had been almost deaf for some years, recover- ed his hearing completely after a terrific explosion. rr41:6 XA, Dears the The Kind YOU Hatee Always Bought Bianatnre�-CGCGla!/l� of C Oysters cannot live iu the Baltic Sea, the reason being that it is not salt enough. They can oniy live in water that con- tains at least 37 parts of gait to every 1,000 parte et water, Nature's Remedy La grippe, pneumonia and influ- enza often leave a nasty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Cure it with OXYGENATOR "Nature's PerfectBlood Purifier Cures Ati Germ Diseases" FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS THE OXYGENATOR CO., 42 Harbors! Street, Toronto, Ont. The number of different species of animals known to naturalists is, roughly 156,000, of which 15,300 are vertebraes, or baokboned. C5AEtritC9M3.X Bears the The Kidd Yzu Hems DOB E1 Bignatere of If the upper edge of a sancepan is well buttered you will find that choco• late, milk, cocoa, or anything of the kind will not boil over. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect dough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrnp. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 oents. Judge Clement has resigned as junior Judge of Essex, and will return to Berlin, Ont., to becoms Vice -President of the Mutual Life. Charcoal, it is claimed, will absorb the injurious gases in the stomach and bowels, caused by undigested foods, and often act as a mild laxative. THE LADIES' FATOE1TE. Lasa -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousneea, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. The habit of biting the lips, especially the habit of biting off the detached por- pietions of the skin, is ruinous to their beauty, both in color and texture, and may even cause troublesome, and some- times incurable, eruptions. Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles (Heap - pear like magic by its use. Large nickel - capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by all dealers. According to one authority the wealth of the United States, if converted into $1 bills, would reach from the earth to the moon and back again 30 times. C, -EL SITCZ. Z33 A . Beare the Thoo Kind You Nano Always Boaghl Bignatare of d',i�I �T.t 4 . The Brazilian automobile trade con- tinues to expand as more good roade are built, but American motor manufactur- ers, continue to neglect this market. A large deer made its appearance in the etroete of Moncton, N. B., ran through a china shop without doing much damage and escaped. IL lDr. Chase's Oint wont is a certain an d guaranteed curd for each and every t o r m of itching, bleeding and protruding piles. See testimonials in tho press and ask your neighbors about it. Yon can use it and get your money back if not satisfied. 000, at all dealers or EDMANSON, BATES &Co., Toronto. DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT. Glass bricks, a German product, are translucent, but not transparent, and possess the advantage of being acid proof And of harboring no disease germs. It het bun reported that 030,000,0001 has been raised—Iargely in Canada and the United States—for the construotion of tho Canton and Hankow railroad in China, 1 , .a A pretty dresser or fileboard cover can be made from brown linen, the ends embroidered in scallops with white em- broidery cotton, and a monogram or ini- tial worked on one end, The sides may be hemstitched. I'll step your pain free. To show you first—before yon spend a penny—what my Pink Pain Tabletacan do, I will mail you free, a Trial Package of them—Dr, Shoop's Headache Tablets. Neuralgia, Headache. Toothache, Period pains, eto., are due alone to blood congestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the nnnatural blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by all dealers. If towel racks or hooks in kitchen, pantry and bathroom are not nickeled they should be dipped in enamel paint and thoroughly dried before being sorewed in. Then there s ill be no rust spots on towels or cloths that are hung on them when damp. SPRING MEDICINE, As a spring medicince Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Before going oat anoint the complexion with a good cold Dream, forcing into the pores all they will accept. Then dust the surface with a good powder. By do- ing this and by wearing a brown or red veil sunburn can be prevented. I will mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative, • and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart or the Kidneys. Troubles of the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely symptoms of deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only Symptom treatment is treating the result of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak stomach nerves—the inside nerves —mean Stomach weakness, always. And the heart, and Kidneys as well have their controlliog or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves, and you inevitably have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Restorative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims to treat the "inside nerves". Also for bloating, bil- iousness, bad breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write me to- day for sample and free Book. Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restoiative 1s sold by all dealers. Free, for Catarrh, just to prove merit, a Trial size box of Dr Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Let me send it now. It is a snow-white, creamy, healing, antiseptic balm. Containing each healing ingred- ients as OIl Encaliptns, Thymol, Menthol etc,,, it gives instant and lasting relief to Catarrh of the nese and throat. Make the free test and see for yourself what this preparation can and will accomplish, Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by all dealers, Prof. Jermiah Jenks ie travelling through Canada an the agent of the United States Government seeking means whereby to turn the American current back to the States, The profes- sor should first atop off at Niagara Falls and solve the problem of how to cense the cataract to rash up instead of down hill. This done, his other task ought to be oomparatively easy, --.London Free Prise, A new pest has been eating tomatoes in sonthern Ontario and is destroying the crop. It is in the form of a green worm about an inch long and attacks the green fruit, boring a hole in it and eating out the centre. It is hard.to notice it and a crop may be infected before any thing is known of it. The Port Elgin Dominion day Com- mittee have voted $200 to assist in build- ing the Carnegie library, and have still over $500 in the treasury. Tho commit tee in the last 15 years, have handed over to the town for eve purpose or another, over $3000. Thh County of Welliegton has settled with Mr. D. Sullivan whose engine dropped through a defective bridge on the Owen Sound road near Arthur a few weeks ago, for $150 in cash and repair- ing the engine, which can be made as good as before for about $300. It is ex- pected $500 will cover all the claims and the Connty is very fortunate to get off so eaeily. Threatened With Bright's Disease This case well illustrates the way in which kidney diseases of the most serious form are developed from derangements of the liver. Mr. John Wilson, 918 Esplanade ave- nue, Montreal, Que., writes:—" Last Feb- ruary I was taken sick and had to have the doctor, who said that my ailment was a disordered liver. A few weeks after completing his treatment I began to notice symptoms of kidney disease. The urine took on a reddish appearance and continued to get worse, until there were brick dust deposits, and then I knew that the kidneys were seriously affected, and that I was threatened with Bright's disease. "I obtained some of Dr. Chase's Kid- ney -Liver Pills, and as a result of this treatment was completely cured. My water became a natural color, and is still so. The cure was thorough and lasting." IJr, Chaee's Kidney -Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25 (tante a box, at all dealers, or Edmannoa, Rater & Co., Toronto., WINGI!AM TIMES, AUGUST 15 Dr. I Christian, V. 5 , is giving up his practice at Cargill. He has received the appointment to a government posi- tion of Iuspector of menta, his duties to commence oa Sept. 6. Dr. Christian has qualified for the position by taking a special courea on tuberculos meats ie a Chicago College, Where a large bottle of olives is opened and only a part of them need, the re- mainder, though left in the brine, be- ooniecomparatively tasteless. To avoid this poor halt an inch of olive oil on the top and cork well. The olives will then retain their flavor indefinitely. It is not generally known that the potato possesses great cleaning proper- ties. Cold potatoes, when used instead of soap, clean the hands well and keep the akin soft. The water in which po. tatoes have been boiled is excellent for sponging out dirt from ailk. A good remedy for keeping moths out of furs and woollen pieces is to wrap the fur tightly in a piece of newspaper that has been soaked in turpentine. Pince in an old pillow case or bag. There is absolutely no danger that the moths will disturb any piece so treated. 8100 REWARD .100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there at least one dreaded disease that soience has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, by giving the patient e•rength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address; F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. Bath mats may be made of discarded bedspreads, by cutting from the firm part squares of desired size and hem- ming. These mate are nice to lay on the floor beside the bath tub when the latter is in use, but should be folded and hung in a convenient place as they are not heavy enough to take the place of a rug. The gold medal donated by J. B. Campbell, Esq., of Pinkerton, to the candidate who obtained the highest standing in the Inspectorate of West Bruce was won by Miss Gladys Spindler, of the Lucknow Public School, who ob- tained a total of 550 marks. A laborer in New Jersey, in excavat- ing for a monument in a cemetery, dug up a meteor fragment weighing 25 pounds. It seemed to be composed of fused minerals, glass, stone and steel. It also contained a mixture of various colored stones intermingled through the otherwise gray mass, Mr. Wm. McDonald, 6th line Culross, who had his fall wheat threshed on Tues- day, says that the turnout was much better than he expected. He did not consider his crop particularly good as it was partly on low land yet it threshed about 40 bus. to the acre. High level fields, he thinks, will go well on to 60 bus. per acre. The samgle is good, there being very few shrunken grains. What a Joy to Feel Well. Dc you know what it is to feel well— to feel young, hearty and vigorous—to enjoy work and to look forward with hope to the future. This is the way you will feel if yon revitalize your wasted and depleted nervous system by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, Not in any miraculous way, bat when your system has been gradually built up by this great restorative treatment. Ap Italian with a band organ recent- ly invaded the town and went from house to house dispensing the airs of Sunny Italy. He bad a device with him by means of which he revealed the future to his patrons. A number of charts were placed in a box and, on re- ceipt of the price, a guinea pig was let loose from a secluded apartment of the outfit, and rooted through the ohart■ until he found the one on which the ap- plicants future was revealed. Had he been here on some worthy mission he might not have inured funds enough to take him out of town, but as it was he 1 was patronized by everybody --inch, 'W When, oldmaids and little children— all clamored to the Oriental light who was to lift the curtain and give his clients a peep into the future. People do enjoy being faked.—Bruce Times. The juryman's responsibility is an onerous one, and his task is by no means a pleasant one, engaged all day In the close atmosphere at a more or less crowd- ed court, listening to the sparring of council, of the drift of which he has but the faintest conception, trying to arrive at the troth contained in the conflicting evioenoe elicited from witnesses often prevaricating and unwilling, and not infrequently kept Array from home and family and locked up all night. For all this, in addition to the injury sustained by detention from his own business, it perhaps may be impossible to offer him adequate compensation, but al any rate, he should meet with reasonably jest and fair treatment, and not be foroed to work for wages whioh a painter, a carpenter, a plumber, or a ship laborer would turn up his nose at.—Quoin* Qhroniola, , 1907 ROSY CHEEKS The Ambition of Every Woman. Hollow cheeks with dark lines, sallow oomplexion—how a woman hates them, But rosy cheeks, clear skin, bright eyes—give them to a woman and she is happy. In the blood is found the first sign of trouble. It gross thin and watery, its color fades, and increasing pallor and sallow - nese give the outward evidence of the change within. Soon the nerves weaken, the heart easily tires and palpitates, strength declines. The delicate mechanism of the wo- manly fanetionr is interfered with, and pleasures, activities and even duties are loaded down with the burden of declin- ing heal+h. Why is it that women neglect the first warnings? Usually she waits till she is ready to drop—often then it's too late. These conditions are easily checked, easily cured at the beginning,—but even when long established Ferrozone will remove the cause and cure the trouble. Ferrozone's aotion aids the three principal functions of the body—digest- ion, assimilation, elimination. By strengthening digestion it forme an abundance of rioh, red blood—this gives good color. By perfecting assimilation, Ferrozone supplies nutrition—this gives strength vim, stability. Elimination is assured because Ferro - zone quickens the action of the liver, kidneys and bowels—this guarantees the maintenance of vigorous health. Ferrozone puts you on the right road —the one that leads to health. Not a man, woman or child needing blood, vigor, endurance—not a person who is weak, nervous or sickly, not a person in ill -health who won't receive immediate help from Ferrozone. As a tonic and restorative, as a health bringer and body-builder, Ferro - zone is unrivalled. It cures because it feed. and nourishes, because it contains the elements that build up and strength• en. Try it yourself—sold everywhere in 50o. boxes. Gems of Thought. Chance is a word void of sense; nothing oan exist without cause. — Voltaire. It you have time to talk about being "worked to death" you have not much to do.—Truth. If anyone epee& evil of you, let your life be such that none will believe him. —Steven Allen. Have n purpose in life, and having it, throw into your lite such strength of mind and muscle as God has given you. —Carlyle. The man who has nothing to boast of but his illustrious ancestry,is like the potato the best part underground.— Overbury. If you would speak as kindly of the living as in epitaphs theydo of the dead, censorious gossip would soon be a strang- es iu the world.—Balver. Yesterday's gain cannot be reckoned as part of to -day's credit. It is little oredit to ne to do to -day as well as we did yesterday. We must do better or confess failure. Wit' and Wit'out. From Judge. Ten bluffs don't (qual one "make good." We throw flowers at the dead; mud at the living. The girl of matchless beauty is never matchless. Girls with dimples do not always make the best laughter. When a youth begins to sow his wild oats it's time for the father to start threshing, Honesty is the best policy—only when you pay promptly the premiums of bard work. Their is no Iiar on earth equal to the man who pretends that bo doesn't mind being bowlegged or red-headed. It is true that a ,good woman may lift a man from the getter, but at is aerially better to ask a policeman to do go, When a crowd of women have abso- lutely nothing to talk about, they start in saying anything about eyerybody. The millionaire tells us how to get rich— but it is a fake trail to lead us away from his own private hunting grounds. Down in our hearts we are all rather pleased to see the other fellow get it in the neck—whioh explains the popularity of the comic supplement "WHAT IS OYSPFPSI? There is no form of disease more pre- valent than dyspepsia, and none so peculiar to the high living and rapid eating of the present day mode of life. Among the many symptoms are : Variable appetite, faint, gnawing feeling at the pit of the stomach, with unsatis- fied craving for food; heartburn, feeling of weight and wind in the stomach, bad breath, bad taste in the mouth, low spirits, headache and constipation. BU RDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Will cure the worst case of dyspepsia, by regulating the bowels, and toning up the digestive organs, Mrs. Geo. H, Ailey, West Litcombe, N.S., writes i "I suffered for years from dyspepsia and could tet no relief until I started to We ButDoc= Bt.00D Brrrisns, After I had taken three bottle* 1 waa completely cured and oast gat anything nor, asikelietseammemagmesett vvvvyvvvvvvvivvrrya►v zyvy e ar Cliarance Sa _e > i r ) OF THE FOLLOWING GOODS At Cost and Less. ) ► ► ) IIVITTIrlf.VVYTYVVYTYYTVIIIIYVTIM 4 4 3 .4 MUSLINS—Beautiful Flowered Mnslins, regular.. 30c at 25c " 25c at 20e , 1 fi20ce atat 12?17c 121at 100 4, 8c at 5c I * CORSETS—D. & A., up to•date Corsets, regular $1.00 at 80e ; regular I 75c at 60�. 0. it GLOVES—Ladies' Black Kid Gloves, regular $1.25 for 800; regular 1. ► $1.00 for 60c. il 11; WHITEWEAR—Ladies' Ready-made Whitewear, odd lines. Cheap tr, White Lawn Shirt Waists, fine embroidery trimmed, regular 2 S. $1.50 for $1.00; regular $1.25 for 90e, Black Sateen Underskirts, regular $1.40 for $1.25 ; regular $1.25 for $1.00. a It a DRESS GOODS—Of every colorto be cleared out at half price, It 4 DP lit will pay you to get them. Come and see them anyway, we i L will be very pleased to show you what we are offering. 41 > FLANNELETTES—Our stock of Flannelettes is the largest in town, ii a- and we give you better value than you can obtain elsewhere. i We cannot replace them at the price we ask from you. f 101 We handle the IDEAL SKIRT SUPPORTERS—The best 1 > thing in that line ever invented. a. FLOUR—We have the "Renown Brand", Listowel Flour at $2,40 per cwt, Try it—It is good. a ► ill l' BUG DEATH—Try Bug Death for potatoes and all kinds of bushes •i and shrubs. A plant food as well as a bug exterminator. 4 lit I. A large stock of Canned Tomatoes, Peas and Corn at reduced prices. CHOP FOR SALE. s.to Fresh Groceries Always on Hand. 4 .. ► All kinds of farm produce taken. . T. A. MILLS. 011i A 4? " 11 1, 11 11 11 11 41 11 11 11 4 11 11 ••••N••••N•••••••••••••• •M•N••••vNO•••N•••••., • • • • • • • • • An Advertisement in • - • • • • • THE TIMES • • • • • • Brings Good Results. •• • S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Wingham Times reaches the homes of most of the people of Wingham and surrounding country. It keeps its subscribers posted on all the news of the day—local, political and foreign. If you have anything to sell, or want anything, advertise in The Times. Rates on application. We Think printing That's our business. We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas, and these are here awaiting your accept- ance. It's no trouble for us to give you information—to write or call—it will place you under no obligation, and perhaps we may suggest something you can profit by. Prices right. Quality ever the talisman. The W!llghan Times WINGIIAM, ONTARIO. a. • os • • A• •, •• • •• • •• • • • • to • • • •• • • • • • •'